395 research outputs found

    The effect of the band structure on the Voc value of ternary planar heterojunction organic solar cells based on pentacene, boron subphthalocyanine chloride and different electron acceptors

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    Using three organic materials in the cascade configuration of organic photovoltaic cells (OPVs) broadens the absorption range of visible light, resulting in an increase in the short circuit current density (Jsc). Herein, we report for the first time the use of three organic molecules, pentacene, boron subphthalocyanine chloride (SubPc) and fullerene (C⁠60). Upon comparison with the binary pentacene/C⁠60 and SubPc/C⁠60structures, the high Jsc value obtained for the ternary structure induces an increase in the OPV efficiency. This improvement is limited by the small open circuit voltage (Voc) value due to the low absolute value of the highest occupied molecular orbital of pentacene. Our experimental study confirmed that the Voc is ultimately limited by the energy levels of the outer layers in these cascade structures. Initial attempts to overcome this bottleneck were carried out using a variety of electron acceptors as an alternative to fullerene. However, increasing the Voc was detrimental to the current density, therefore the best OPVs remain those constructed using fullerene

    Ground-layer wavefront reconstruction from multiple natural guide stars

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    Observational tests of ground layer wavefront recovery have been made in open loop using a constellation of four natural guide stars at the 1.55 m Kuiper telescope in Arizona. Such tests explore the effectiveness of wide-field seeing improvement by correction of low-lying atmospheric turbulence with ground-layer adaptive optics (GLAO). The wavefronts from the four stars were measured simultaneously on a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (WFS). The WFS placed a 5 x 5 array of square subapertures across the pupil of the telescope, allowing for wavefront reconstruction up to the fifth radial Zernike order. We find that the wavefront aberration in each star can be roughly halved by subtracting the average of the wavefronts from the other three stars. Wavefront correction on this basis leads to a reduction in width of the seeing-limited stellar image by up to a factor of 3, with image sharpening effective from the visible to near infrared wavelengths over a field of at least 2 arc minutes. We conclude that GLAO correction will be a valuable tool that can increase resolution and spectrographic throughput across a broad range of seeing-limited observations.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Astrophys.

    Improved electron collection in fullerene via caesium iodide or carbonate by means of annealing in inverted organic solar cells.

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    Inverted organic photovoltaic cells (IOPVCs), based on the planar heterojunction C60/CuPc, were grown using MoO3 as anode buffer layer and CsI or Cs2CO3 as cathode buffer layer (CBL), the cathode being an ITO coated glass. Work functions, Φf, of treated cathode were estimated using the cyclic voltammetry method. It is shown that Φf of ITO covered with a Cs compounds is decreased. This decrease is amplified by the annealing. It is shown that the thermal deposition under vacuum of the CBL induces a partial decomposition of the caesium compounds. In parallel, the formation of a compound with the In of ITO is put in evidence. This reaction is amplified by annealing, which allows obtaining IOPVCs with improved efficiency. The optimum annealing conditions is 150 °C for 5 min

    Efficient hole-transporting layer MoO3:CuI deposited by co-evaporation in organic photovoltaic cells

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    In order to improve hole collection at the interface anode/electron donor in organic photovoltaic cells, it is necessary to insert a hole transporting layer. CuI was shown to be a very efficient hole transporting layer. However, its tendency to be quite rough tends to induce leakage currents and it is necessary to use a very slow deposition rate for CuI to avoid such negative effect. Herein, we show that the co-deposition of MoO3 and CuI avoids this difficulty and allows deposition of a homogeneous efficient hole-collecting layer at an acceptable deposition rate. Via an XPS study, we show that blending MoO3:CuI improves the hole collection efficiency through an increase of the gap state density. This increase is due to the formation of Mo5þ following interaction between MoO3 and CuI. Not only does the co-evaporation process allow for decreasing significantly the deposition time of the hole transporting layer, but also it increases the efficiency of the device based on the planar heterojunction, CuPc/C60

    Thiophene and Pyrrole Derivative Polymers Electro-Synthesized on Stainles Steel. Doping and Morphology Characterization

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    3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT), 3,4-propylenedioxythiophene (PRODOT), 3,4-ethylenedioxypyrrole (PEDOP) and 3,4 propylenedioxypyrrole (PRODOP), thiophene and pyrrole derivatives, were electro-polymerized by potentiodynamic and potentiostatic methods on stainless steel AISI 316 electrodes, using lithium perchlorate as support electrolyte in acetonitrile. In all cases electrodes modified with the respective polymeric deposit (PEDOT, PPRODOT, PPEDOP and PPRODOP) were obtained. One of the most relevant features of these polymers is that their voltammetric responses revealed that all presented p- and n-doping/undoping processes, being both processes reversible. Moreover, nucleation and growth mechanism (NGM) of the polymers was established by deconvolution of the experimental j/t transients recorded during it electropolymerization. PEDOT and PPRODOP showed a single contribution to the overall process, corresponding to instant nucleation with three-dimensional growth, controlled by charge transfer, whereas pyrrole derivatives (PEDOP and PPRODOP) are controlled by the same contribution, but there is also a second one corresponding to progressive nucleation with diffusion-controlled three-dimensional growth. Nuclei shape predicted from these NGM is consistent with the respective morphologies determined by SEM and AFM that, once more, validated the proposed electropolymerization model and the morphology prediction from the NGM of the respective polymers. To sum up, a correlation between the structure of the starting unit, doping, and morphology of the electro-deposited polymers was established

    Improvement of pentathiophene/fullerene planar heterojunction organic photovoltaic cells through MoO3/CuI anode buffer bilayer

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    Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVCs) are based on a heterojunction electron donor (ED)/electron acceptor (EA). In the present work, the electron donor which is also the absorber of light is pentathiophene. The typical cells were ITO/ABL/Pentathiophene/fullerene /Alq3/Al with ABL = MoO3, CuI, MoO3/CuI. After optimisation of the pentathiophene thickness, 70 nm, the highest efficiency, 0.81%, is obtained with the bilayer MoO3/CuI as ABL. In order to understand these results the pentathiophene films deposited onto the different ABLs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-rays diffraction, optical absorption and electrical characterization. It is shown that CuI improves the conductivity of the pentathiophene layer through the modification of the film structure, while MoO3 decreases the leakage current. Using the bilayer MoO3/CuI allows cumulating the advantages of each layer

    Characterizing the Adaptive Optics Off-Axis Point-Spread Function - I: A Semi-Empirical Method for Use in Natural-Guide-Star Observations

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    Even though the technology of adaptive optics (AO) is rapidly maturing, calibration of the resulting images remains a major challenge. The AO point-spread function (PSF) changes quickly both in time and position on the sky. In a typical observation the star used for guiding will be separated from the scientific target by 10" to 30". This is sufficient separation to render images of the guide star by themselves nearly useless in characterizing the PSF at the off-axis target position. A semi-empirical technique is described that improves the determination of the AO off-axis PSF. The method uses calibration images of dense star fields to determine the change in PSF with field position. It then uses this information to correct contemporaneous images of the guide star to produce a PSF that is more accurate for both the target position and the time of a scientific observation. We report on tests of the method using natural-guide-star AO systems on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and Lick Observatory Shane Telescope, augmented by simple atmospheric computer simulations. At 25" off-axis, predicting the PSF full width at half maximum using only information about the guide star results in an error of 60%. Using an image of a dense star field lowers this error to 33%, and our method, which also folds in information about the on-axis PSF, further decreases the error to 19%.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the PAS

    A comparison of next-generation turbulence profiling instruments at Paranal

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    A six-night optical turbulence monitoring campaign has been carried at Cerro Paranal observatory in February and March, 2023 to facilitate the development and characterisation of two novel atmospheric site monitoring instruments - the ring-image next generation scintillation sensor (RINGSS) and 24-hour Shack Hartmann image motion monitor (24hSHIMM) in the context of providing optical turbulence monitoring support for upcoming 20-40m telescopes. Alongside these two instruments, the well-characterised Stereo-SCIDAR and 2016-MASS-DIMM were operated throughout the campaign to provide data for comparison. All instruments obtain estimates of optical turbulence profiles through statistical analysis of intensity and wavefront angle-of-arrival fluctuations from observations of stars. Contemporaneous measurements of the integrated turbulence parameters are compared and the ratios, bias, unbiased root mean square error and correlation of results from each instrument assessed. Strong agreement was observed in measurements of seeing, free atmosphere seeing and coherence time. Less correlation is seen for isoplanatic angle, although the median values agree well. Median turbulence parameters are further compared against long-term monitoring data from Paranal instruments. Profiles from the three small-telescope instruments are compared with the 100-layer profile from the stereo-SCIDAR. It is found that the RINGSS and SHIMM offer improved accuracy in characterisation of the vertical optical turbulence profile over the MASS-DIMM. Finally, the first results of continuous optical turbulence monitoring at Paranal are presented which show a strong diurnal variation and predictable trend in the seeing. A value of 2.65″ is found for the median daytime seeing

    Improvement of pentathiophene/fullerene planar heterojunction photovoltaic cells by improving the organic films morphology through the anode buffer bilayer

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    Organic photovoltaic cells (OPVCs) are based on a heterojunction electron donor (ED)/electron acceptor (EA). In the present work, the electron donor which is also the absorber of light is pentathiophene. The typical cells were ITO/HTL/pentathiophene/fullerene/Alq3/Al with HTL (hole transport layer) = MoO3, CuI, MoO3 /CuI. After optimisation of the pentathiophene thickness, 70 nm, the highest efficiency, 0.81%, is obtained with the bilayer MoO3/CuI as HTL. In order to understand these results the pentathiophene films deposited onto the different HTLs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, X-rays diffraction, optical absorption and electrical characterization. It is shown that CuI improves the conductivity of the pentathiophene layer through the modification of the film structure, while MoO3 decreases the leakage current. Using the bilayer MoO3/CuI allows cumulating the advantages of each layer

    Dielectric/metal/dielectric alternative transparent electrode: observations on stability/degradation

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    The use of indium-free transparent conductive electrodes is of great interest for organic optoelectronic devices. Among the possible replacements for ITO, dielectric/metal/dielectric (D/M/D) multilayer structures have already proven to be quite efficient. One issue with organic devices is their lifetime, which depends not only on the organic molecules used but also on the electrodes. Therefore we study the variation, with elapsed time, of the electrical and optical properties of different D/M/D structures, with M  =  Ag or Cu/Ag. Six years after realization, it has been shown that if some structures retained an acceptable conductivity, some others became non-conductive. For a sample which remains conductive, in the case of a PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structure, the sheet resistance changes from 5 Ω/sq–17 Ω/sq after six years. This evolution can be compared to that of a PET/ITO electrode that varies from 25 Ω/sq–900 Ω/sq after six years. It means that not only are the PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures more flexible than PET/ITO, but they can also be more stable. Nevertheless, if some PET/MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer structures are quite stable, some others are not. This possible degradation appears to be caused primarily by the physical agglomeration of Ag, which can result in Ag film disruption. This Ag diffusion seems to be caused by humidity-induced degradation in these Ag-based D/M/D structures. Initially, defects begin to grow at a \u27nucleus\u27, usually a microscopic particle (or pinhole, etc), and then they spread radially outward to form a nearly circular pattern. For a critical density of such defects, the structure becomes non-conductive. Moreover the effect of humidity promotes Ag electrochemical reactions that produce Ag+ ions and enhances surface diffusivity with AgCl formation