14,054 research outputs found

    Coupled KdV equations derived from atmospherical dynamics

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    Some types of coupled Korteweg de-Vries (KdV) equations are derived from an atmospheric dynamical system. In the derivation procedure, an unreasonable yy-average trick (which is usually adopted in literature) is removed. The derived models are classified via Painlev\'e test. Three types of Ď„\tau-function solutions and multiple soliton solutions of the models are explicitly given by means of the exact solutions of the usual KdV equation. It is also interesting that for a non-Painlev\'e integrable coupled KdV system there may be multiple soliton solutions.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Snow monkeys in South Texas, a thirty year study of behavioral adaptation

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    A thirty year study of a transplanted species of primate, Macaca fuscata, Japanese snow monkey, documents the environmental influences on an intact troop relocated from Arashiyama, Japan to south Texas. These influences include novel disease, toxins, and predation. The effects of the environment on the social structure, hierarchy, and population of the primates are presented. The study begins in 1972 and is completed in 2002

    Global axisymmetric stability analysis for a composite system of two gravitationally coupled scale-free discs

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    In a composite system of gravitationally coupled stellar and gaseous discs, we perform linear stability analysis for axisymmetric coplanar perturbations using the two-fluid formalism. The background stellar and gaseous discs are taken to be scale-free with all physical variables varying as powers of cylindrical radius rr with compatible exponents. The unstable modes set in as neutral modes or stationary perturbation configurations with angular frequency ω=0\omega=0.Comment: 7 pages using AAS styl

    Mrs. E. Lou Thompson to Hi Meredith (28 September 1962)

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    Redundancy relations and robust failure detection

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    All failure detection methods are based on the use of redundancy, that is on (possible dynamic) relations among the measured variables. Consequently the robustness of the failure detection process depends to a great degree on the reliability of the redundancy relations given the inevitable presence of model uncertainties. The problem of determining redundancy relations which are optimally robust in a sense which includes the major issues of importance in practical failure detection is addressed. A significant amount of intuition concerning the geometry of robust failure detection is provided

    Enhanced superconductivity at the interface of W/Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} point contact

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    Differential resistance measurements are conducted for point contacts (PCs) between tungsten tip approaching along the cc axis direction and the abab plane of Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} single crystal. Three key features are found. Firstly, within 0.2 mV there is a dome like conductance enhancement due to Andreev reflection at the normal-superconducting interface. By pushing the W tip further, the conductance enhancement increases from 3\% to more than 20\%, much larger than that was previously reported, probably due to the pressure exerted by the tip. Secondly, there are also superconducting like features at bias higher than 0.2 mV which persists up to 6.2 K, resembling the enhanced superconductivity under uniaxial pressure for bulk Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4} crystals but more pronounced here. Third, the logarithmic background can be fitted with the Altshuler-Aronov theory of tunneling into quasi two dimensional electron system, consistent with the highly anisotropic electronic system in Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}.Comment: prb style, 9 pages, 8 fig

    New variable separation approach: application to nonlinear diffusion equations

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    The concept of the derivative-dependent functional separable solution, as a generalization to the functional separable solution, is proposed. As an application, it is used to discuss the generalized nonlinear diffusion equations based on the generalized conditional symmetry approach. As a consequence, a complete list of canonical forms for such equations which admit the derivative-dependent functional separable solutions is obtained and some exact solutions to the resulting equations are described.Comment: 19 pages, 2 fig

    Statistical modelling to predict silicosis risk in deceased Southern African gold miners without medical evaluation

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    The Qhubeka Trust was established in 2016 in a legal settlement on behalf of former gold miners seeking compensation for silicosis contracted on the South African mines. Settlements resulting from lawsuits on behalf of gold miners aim to provide fair compensation. However, occupational exposure and medical records kept by South African mining companies for their employees have been very limited. Some claimants to the Qhubeka Trust died before medical evaluation was possible, thus potentially disadvantaging their dependants from receiving any compensation. With medical evaluation no longer possible, a statistical approach to this problem was developed. The records for claimants with medical evaluation were used to develop a logistic regression prediction model for the likelihood of silicosis, based on the potential predictors: cumulative exposure to respirable dust, age, years since first exposure, years of life lost prematurely, vital status at 31 December 2019, and a history of tuberculosis diagnosis. The prediction model allowed estimation of the likelihood of silicosis for each miner who had died without medical evaluation and is a novel approach in this setting. In addition, we were able to quantitatively evaluate the trade-offs of different silicosis risk classification thresholds in terms of true and false positives and negatives. Significance:• A statistical approach can be used for risk estimation in settings where the outcome of interest is unknown for some members of a class.• The likelihood of silicosis in deceased miners without medical evaluation in the Qhubeka Trust can be accurately estimated, using information from finalised claims.• Strategies for classifying the silicosis status of deceased miners without medical evaluation in theQhubeka Trust can be assessed in a rigorous, quantitative framework

    Referencing and retention in block-structured coroutines

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    technical reportThe combination of coroutines with recursive procedures is characteristic of many modern higher-level languages offering advanced control structures (e.g. SIMULA-67, SL5, Interlisp, etc.). We say a language has block-structured coroutines (BSCRs) when static nesting considerations govern the usage of this control combination. Starting with the BSCR control description work of Wang and Dahl, this paper pursues further the implications of static program structure on BSCR programs in a compilation-oriented setting. Disciplines on BSCR reference assignment and individual control actions are defined, offering enhanced implementability and program comprehensibility. Of particular interest is a scope-based discipline on "detach" operations, which avoids the formation of idle chain subheads, an implementationally undesirable condition. The retention requirements of BSCRs are analyzed under a range of possible remote accessibility conditions, and two deletion strategies are then defined, keyed to these requirements. The first uses a special form of scope-sensitive reference counting, and the second does mark-sweep garbage collection, again exploiting static program structure. Space and time estimates for both methods are given, along with avenues for continuing research
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