1,809 research outputs found

    S5 0716+714 : GeV variability study

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    The GeV observations by Fermi-LAT give us the opportunity to characterize the high-energy emission (100 MeV - 300 GeV) variability properties of the BL Lac object S5 0716+714. In this study, we performed flux and spectral analysis of more than 3 year long (August 2008 to April 2012) Fermi-LAT data of the source. During this period, the source exhibits two different modes of flux variability with characteristic timescales of ~75 and ~140 days, respectively. We also notice that the flux variations are characterized by a weak spectral hardening. The GeV spectrum of the source shows a clear deviation from a simple power law, and is better explained by a broken power law. Similar to other bright Fermi blazars, the break energy does not vary with the source flux during the different activity states. We discuss several possible scenarios to explain the observed spectral break.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research journa

    Expression and purification of an adenylation domain from a eukaryotic nonribosomal peptide synthetase: Using structural genomics tools for a challenging target

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    Nonribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are large multimodular and multidomain enzymes that are involved in synthesising an array of molecules that are important in human and animal health. NRPSs are found in both bacteria and fungi but most of the research to date has focused on the bacterial enzymes. This is largely due to the technical challenges in producing active fungal NRPSs, which stem from their large size and multidomain nature. In order to target fungal NRPS domains for biochemical and structural characterisation, we tackled this challenge by using the cloning and expression tools of structural genomics to screen the many variables that can influence the expression and purification of proteins. Using these tools we have screened 32 constructs containing 16 different fungal NRPS domains or domain combinations for expression and solubility. Two of these yielded soluble protein with one, the third adenylation domain of the SidN NRPS (SidNA3) from the grass endophyte Neotyphodium lolii, being tractable for purification using Ni-affinity resin. The initial purified protein exhibited poor solution behaviour but optimisation of the expression construct and the buffer conditions used for purification, resulted in stable recombinant protein suitable for biochemical characterisation, crystallisation and structure determination

    Calculus and heat flow in metric measure spaces and applications to spaces with Ricci bounds from below

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    This paper is devoted to a deeper understanding of the heat flow and to the refinement of calculus tools on metric measure spaces (X,d,m). Our main results are: - A general study of the relations between the Hopf-Lax semigroup and Hamilton-Jacobi equation in metric spaces (X,d). - The equivalence of the heat flow in L^2(X,m) generated by a suitable Dirichlet energy and the Wasserstein gradient flow of the relative entropy functional in the space of probability measures P(X). - The proof of density in energy of Lipschitz functions in the Sobolev space W^{1,2}(X,d,m). - A fine and very general analysis of the differentiability properties of a large class of Kantorovich potentials, in connection with the optimal transport problem. Our results apply in particular to spaces satisfying Ricci curvature bounds in the sense of Lott & Villani [30] and Sturm [39,40], and require neither the doubling property nor the validity of the local Poincar\'e inequality.Comment: Minor typos corrected and many small improvements added. Lemma 2.4, Lemma 2.10, Prop. 5.7, Rem. 5.8, Thm. 6.3 added. Rem. 4.7, Prop. 4.8, Prop. 4.15 and Thm 4.16 augmented/reenforced. Proof of Thm. 4.16 and Lemma 9.6 simplified. Thm. 8.6 corrected. A simpler axiomatization of weak gradients, still equivalent to all other ones, has been propose

    Top Grafting Longleaf x Slash Pine F1 Hybrids on Mature Longleaf and Slash Pine Interstocks

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    Top grafting is used to accelerate the breeding cycle of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L). Scions, collected from seedlings as young as 1 year from seed, are grafted onto mature interstocks of the same or a related species. Male and female strobili production often begins 1 or 2 years after grafting, thus potentially decreasing the generation time by several years over conventional accelerated breeding methods. We are interested in applying top grafting to our breeding program involving interspecific hybrids, in particular longleaf x slash pine (Pinus palustris Mill. x Pinus elliottii Englem. var. elliottii) hybrids and their backcross generations. Towards this end, we grafted scions from 16 longleaf x slash pine F1 selections onto two longleaf and two slash pine interstock trees of different genotype. The F1 selections were 6 years old and none showed any signs of strobili development prior to, or during the experiment. A total of 100 grafts were made on to each interstock species. Scion survival after the second year was significantly higher on slash (72%) pine interstocks than on longleaf pine (18%). However there were no differences in male or female strobili production per living scion between the interstock species. Scions grew longer and produced more branches on slash pine interstocks than they did on longleaf. Given the relatively poor survival of the scions grafted onto longleaf interstocks and the reasonably good strobili production of scions grafted onto slash, we recommend using slash pine as the interstock species for top grafting longleaf x slash F1 hybrids.Papers and abstracts from the 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference held at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma on June 24-27, 2003

    Upper bounds on the first eigenvalue for a diffusion operator via Bakry-\'{E}mery Ricci curvature II

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    Let L=Δ−∇φ⋅∇L=\Delta-\nabla\varphi\cdot\nabla be a symmetric diffusion operator with an invariant measure dÎŒ=e−φdxd\mu=e^{-\varphi}dx on a complete Riemannian manifold. In this paper we prove Li-Yau gradient estimates for weighted elliptic equations on the complete manifold with âˆŁâˆ‡Ï†âˆŁâ‰€Îž|\nabla \varphi|\leq\theta and ∞\infty-dimensional Bakry-\'{E}mery Ricci curvature bounded below by some negative constant. Based on this, we give an upper bound on the first eigenvalue of the diffusion operator LL on this kind manifold, and thereby generalize a Cheng's result on the Laplacian case (Math. Z., 143 (1975) 289-297).Comment: Final version. The original proof of Theorem 2.1 using Li-Yau gradient estimate method has been moved to the appendix. The new proof is simple and direc

    Folding and unfolding phylogenetic trees and networks

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    Phylogenetic networks are rooted, labelled directed acyclic graphs which are commonly used to represent reticulate evolution. There is a close relationship between phylogenetic networks and multi-labelled trees (MUL-trees). Indeed, any phylogenetic network NN can be "unfolded" to obtain a MUL-tree U(N)U(N) and, conversely, a MUL-tree TT can in certain circumstances be "folded" to obtain a phylogenetic network F(T)F(T) that exhibits TT. In this paper, we study properties of the operations UU and FF in more detail. In particular, we introduce the class of stable networks, phylogenetic networks NN for which F(U(N))F(U(N)) is isomorphic to NN, characterise such networks, and show that they are related to the well-known class of tree-sibling networks.We also explore how the concept of displaying a tree in a network NN can be related to displaying the tree in the MUL-tree U(N)U(N). To do this, we develop a phylogenetic analogue of graph fibrations. This allows us to view U(N)U(N) as the analogue of the universal cover of a digraph, and to establish a close connection between displaying trees in U(N)U(N) and reconcilingphylogenetic trees with networks

    A network-based ranking system for American college football

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    American college football faces a conflict created by the desire to stage national championship games between the best teams of a season when there is no conventional playoff system to decide which those teams are. Instead, ranking of teams is based on their record of wins and losses during the season, but each team plays only a small fraction of eligible opponents, making the system underdetermined or contradictory or both. It is an interesting challenge to create a ranking system that at once is mathematically well-founded, gives results in general accord with received wisdom concerning the relative strengths of the teams, and is based upon intuitive principles, allowing it to be accepted readily by fans and experts alike. Here we introduce a one-parameter ranking method that satisfies all of these requirements and is based on a network representation of college football schedules.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Computer memories: the history of computer form

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    This paper looks at the computer as a truly global form. The similar beige boxes found in offices across the world are analysed from the perspective of design history rather than that of the history of science and technology. Through the exploration of an archive of computer manufacturer's catalogues and concurrent design texts, this paper examines the changes that have occurred in the production and consumption of the computer in the context of the workplace, from its inception as a room-sized mainframe operated through a console of flashing lights, to the personal computer as a 'universal' form, reproduced by many manufacturers. It shows how the computer in the past has been as diverse as any other product, and asks how and why it now appears as a standardised, sanitised object. In doing so our relationship with the office computer, past and present is explored, revealing a complex history of vicissitude.</p
