281 research outputs found

    Investigation of turbulent processes in magnetospheric boundary layers

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    A self-consistent non-evolving two dimensional slab model of a viscous low-latitude boundary layer (LLBL) coupled to the ionosphere was developed by Phan, et al., (1989). Numerical results from the model and possible use of observations to determine the model parameters are discussed. The dynamical model developed by Lotko, et al., (1987) was used by Lotko and Shen (1991) to examine dynamical processes relevant to the LLBL with particular application to post-noon auroral shear layers. Initial results from a magnetohydrodynamic study of flank-side mangetopause boundary configuration are described. Effects of compressibility, scalar viscosity, and electrical resistivity are included in the MHD equations

    Double layers on auroral field lines

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    Time-stationary solutions to the Vlasov-Poisson equation for ion holes and double layers were examined along with particle simulations which pertain to recent observations of small amplitude (e phi)/t sub e approx. 1 electric field structures on auroral field lines. Both the time-stationary analysis and the simulations suggest that double layers evolve from holes in ion phase space when their amplitude reaches (e phi)/t sub e approx. 1. Multiple small amplitude double layers which are seen in long simulation systems and are seen to propagate past spacecraft may account for the acceleration of plasma sheet electrons to produce the discrete aurora

    Modeling information technology effectiveness

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    Numerous cases of systems not bringing expected results cause that investments in information technology are treated more and more carefully and are not privileged amongst others. This gives rise to the need for applying costs–effect calculations. Modeling IT effectiveness is a procedure which helps to bring system complexity under control. By using proper measures it is possible to perform an objective investment appraisal for projects under consideration. In the paper, a framework of methodology of modeling information technology used by the author to evaluate the effectiveness of information technology projects for management supporting systems is presented. The classification of main streams in IT investment appraisal is given over. The division of costs generated and benefits brought by IT investments is discussed. Then, premises, rules and clues concerning creation and implementation of IT effectiveness models are mentioned.modeling effectiveness, information systems

    Weak double layers in the auroral ionosphere

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    Previous work on the evolution of weak double layers in a hydrogen plasma was extended to include H(+) and O(+) with relative drift. The relative drift between hydrogen and oxygen ions due to a quasi-static parallel electric field gives rise to a strong linear fluid instability which dominates the ion-acoustic mode at the bottom of the auroral acceleration region. This ion-ion instability can modify ion distributions at lower altitudes and the subsequent nonlinear evolution of weak double layers at higher altitudes in the ion-acoustic regime. Ion hole formation can occur for smaller relative electron-ion drifts than seen in previous simulations, due to the hydrogen-oxygen two-stream instability. This results in local modification of the ion distributions in phase space, and a partial filling of the valley between the hydrogen and oxygen peaks, which would be expected at higher altitudes on auroral field lines. The observed velocity diffusion does not necessarily preclude ion hole and double layer formation in hydrogen in the ion-acoustic regime. These simulation results are consistent with the experimentally measured persistence of separate hydrogen and oxygen peaks, and the observation of weak double layers above an altitude of 3000 km on auroral field lines

    Comparative analysis of outreach work with street children in Latvia, Czech Republic and India

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    Method of Incurring Public Expenditure in Relation to New Public Procurement Legislation in Poland

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    The aim of this paper is to discuss new legal solutions whose implementation may contribute to spending public funds in a targeted and cost-effective manner, obtaining the best effects from the given outlay. This article tries to answer the question whether the new Public procurement law facilitates effective spending of public funds. The conducted analysis includes legal provisions, work of the doctrine as well as data published by the Polish Public Procurement Office. A legal-dogmatic method is the main research method in this paper. The analysis conducted here allows to state that the principle of efficiency under Public procurement law should guarantee spending funds in a targeted and cost-effective manner with maintaining rules arising from the Act on public finance. Therefore, the actions of the legislator connected with the implementation of the new legal legislation on awarding public procurement which promotes greater care for efficient use of public funds should be assessed [email protected] of Bialystok, PolandBorowicz A. (2021), Aspekty ekonomiczne i rynkowe nowego Prawa zamówień publicznych, “Zamówienia Publiczne. Doradca” No. 1.Cilak M. (2020), Komentarz do art. 44 ustawy o finansach publicznych [in:] Z. Ofiarski (ed.), Ustawa o finansach publicznych. Komentarz, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw.Czyżewska B. (2020), Z problematyki zasady efektywności zamówień publicznych, “Prawo Zamówień Publicznych” No. 2.Dolecki J. (2020), Kilka uwag o zasadzie efektywności, “Zamówienia Publiczne. Doradca” No. 4.Dunaj B. (ed.) (1999), Popularny słownik języka polskiego, Wydawnictwo Wilga, Warsaw.Granecki P., Granecka I. (2021a), Komentarz do art. 17 ustawy Prawo zamówień publicznych [in:] P. Granecki, I. Granecka, Prawo zamówień publicznych. Komentarz, C.H. Beck. Legalis/el, Warsaw.Granecki P., Granecka I. (2021b), Komentarz do art. 84 ustawy Prawo zamówień publicznych [in:] P. Granecki, I. Granecka, Prawo zamówień publicznych. Komentarz, C.H. Beck. Legalis/el, Warsaw.Jaworska M. (2021a), Komentarz do art. 17 ustawy Prawo zamówień publicznych [in:] M. Jaworska (ed.), D. Grześkowiak-Stojek, J. Jarnicka i A. Matusiak, Prawo zamówień publicznych. Komentarz, C.H. Beck. Legalis/el, Warsaw.Kania M. (2020), Zasada efektywności w nowym Prawie zamówień publicznych, “Prawo Zamówień Publicznych” No. 1.Matusiak A. (2021), Komentarz do art. 83 ustawy Prawo zamówień publicznych [in:] M. Jaworska (ed.), D. Grześkowiak-Stojek, J. Jarnicka i A. Matusiak, Prawo zamówień publicznych. Komentarz, C.H. Beck. Legalis/el, Warsaw.Nowak H., Winiarz M. (2021) (eds.), Prawo zamówień publicznych. Komentarz, Urząd Zamówień Publicznych, Warsaw.Nowicki P. (2013), Efektywne zamówienia publiczne jako rezultat stosowania nowego podejścia do zamówień publicznych, Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości, Warsaw.Pieróg J. (2020), Czy warto udzielać efektywnych zamówień? “Zamówienia Publiczne. Doradca” No. 1, Legalis. CH. Beck/el.Urząd Zamówień Publicznych (2021), Sprawozdanie Prezesa Urzędu Zamówień Publicznych o funkcjonowaniu systemu zamówień publicznych w 2020 r., www.uzp.gov.pl access as of 12 December 2021.Urząd Zamówień Publicznych (2020), Sprawozdanie Prezesa Urzędu Zamówień Publicznych o funkcjonowaniu systemu zamówień publicznych w 2019 r., www.uzp.gov.pl, access as of 12 February 2021.Uzasadnienie do rządowego projektu ustawy – Prawo zamówień publicznych, Sejm VIII kadencji, Druk nr 3624, www.orka.sejm.gov.pl, access as of 15 December 2021.Winiarz M. (2018), Efektywność finansów publicznych a efektywne zamówienia publiczne [in:] M. Stręciwilk, A. Dobaczewska (eds.), Potrzeby i kierunki zmian w Prawie zamówień publicznych, Urząd Zamówień Publicznych, Warsaw.Act of 27 August 2009 on public finance, the uniform text Journal of Laws of 2021, item 305, later amended.Act of 11 September 2019 on public procurement law, Journal of Laws item 2019, later amended.11312

    Wiedza, umiejętności i kompetencje pracowników służby bhp w ciągłym doskonaleniu zawodowym

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    The aim of the paper was to identify knowledge, skills and competencies of health and safety professionals (OHS). In the first part of the research the bibliographic query was conducted to identify arrangements concerning the concepts of knowledge, skills and competencies. In the empirical part (1) on the basis of the analysis of learning outcomes, the range of knowledge, competences and skills of OSH graduates was identified and (2) on the basis of the analysis of responses from OSH workers, the range of knowledge, skills and competences necessary to work in the OSH service was presented. The author’s contribution encompasses conducting a qualitative research and systematization of the obtained results

    The influence of the quality of internet banking services on customer loyalty

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    PURPOSE: This paper explores, how particular dimensions of the quality of e-services influence customer loyalty in the field of Internet banking.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Drawing from the theories available in the reference items and dimensions determining e-services quality and customer loyalty were identified. A proposed hypothetical framework was tested in the Internet banking sector in Poland, employing a quantitative research method. A survey method was applied in the research. The survey data was collected from 384 e-banking customers. Data was processed with the use of Structural Equations Modeling (SEM).FINDINGS: It turns out that among the dimensions of the quality of the Internet banking services, the Fulfillment has the greatest impact on the customer loyalty, Efficiency is of slightly lower importance, whereas Privacy is of the lowest importance in this case. However, surprisingly it turned out that System Availability is omitted. This fact may imply that this dimension belongs to the “must-be quality”.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The novelty elements include the identification, estimation and evaluation of the model of direct relation between the quality and customer loyalty, identification of the quality dimensions which are the strongest predicators of customer loyalty as well as the indication of managerial implications.peer-reviewe


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