106 research outputs found

    Investigation of the ultrastructural and histopathological changes in coronary arteries of German shepherd dogs following alloxan induced diabetes mellitus

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    Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common disease of the endocrine system in the body that is diagnosed by metabolic malfunction in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and proteins. This disease involves most  tissues of the body and the consequent deficiencies reduce their efficiency, cause infections and diseases in the body. Alloxan is a chemical which is used in inducing experimental diabetes in animals. In this research, 9 German shepherd dogs were provided, 5 of which was considered as our experimental group and the remaining 4 was considered as the control group. The necessary examinations were conducted to guarantee their health and the absence of diabetes was ascertained with intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT). 100 mg/kg of alloxan monohydrate were given to the experimental group. After the administration, animals were obsevered for clinical symptoms. If the symptoms indicate death, samples tissue of coronary arteries were taken. Microscopic and ultra structural deficiencies were checked for. The endothelial cells of the coronary arteries showed vacuolization of  cytoplasm with decreased transitional vesicles and thickened basal membrane. It was concluded that diabetes mellitus is a potent risk factor for the development of coronary atherosclerosis.Key words: Diabetes mellitus, ultra structural, coronary arteries, dog

    Efeito do exercício de obestatina e tapete rolante no perfil lipídico e níveis de malondialdeído sérmio (mda) em modelo de rato

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    Objective: The present study investigates the effect of intraperitoneally (IP)-administrated obestatin and short-term treadmill exercise on serum malondialdehyde (MDA) and lipid profile in rat model. Materials and Methods: Forty-five rats weighing 100 ± 5g were selected and divided into five experimental groups; Group-1/control was normally kept and did not receive obestatin-included solution or exercise. Group-2 (placebo) was treated with basal solution (50 ml distilled water). Group-3 was referred to as obestatin-group which was subjected to injection during the experiment with obestatin solution (10 μg obestatin/ rat). Group-4 was known as treadmill-group which was subjected to exercise protocol (15 days treadmill training), and group-5, known as obestatin and treadmill group (OT), was subjected to injection with obestatin and exercise protocol. The exercise-groups were trained for 3-weeks. Results: the treadmill-group was decreased total cholesterol (TC) concentration (67.67 mg/dl), in comparison with control and obestatin-group (79.00 and 78.33 mg/dl, respectively). Similarly with TC level, the triglyceride and HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) was decreased in treadmill-group (‌triglyceride: 70.66 mg/dl in compared with 87.67 mg/dl in control, and HDL-C: 46.10 mg/dl in compared with 57.33 mg/dl in control; P<0.05). Also, level of MDA was decreased in treadmill- and treadmill-obestatin groups. Conclusion: short-term treadmill exercise significantly reduced plasma lipid profile and MDA levels in rat model. Nevertheless, administration of obestatin had no significant effect on lipid profile and MDA. Furthermore, obestatin-administration in combination with treadmill-exercise did not have synergic effect on plasma lipids, MDA level and total protein in rats.Objetivo: O presente estudo investiga o efeito da obestatina administrada por via intraperitoneal (IP), exercício em esteira de curta duração no malondialdeído sérico (MDA) e no perfil lipídico no modelo de ratos. Materiais e Métodos: Quarenta e cinco ratos pesando 100 ± 5g foram selecionados e divididos em cinco grupos experimentais; O grupo 1 / controle foi normalmente mantido e não recebeu solução ou exercício incluído na obestatina. O grupo 2 (placebo) foi tratado com solução basal (50 ml de água destilada). O grupo 3 foi referido como grupo de obestatina, que foi submetido a injeção durante o experimento com solução de obestatina (10 μg de obestatina / rato). O grupo 4 era conhecido como grupo de esteira que foi submetido ao protocolo de exercícios (treinamento de 15 dias em esteira) e o grupo 5, conhecido como grupo de obestatina e esteira (OT), foi submetido à injeção de obestatina e protocolo de exercício. Os grupos de exercícios foram treinados por 3 semanas. Resultados: o grupo da esteira apresentou diminuição da concentração de colesterol total (CT) (67,67 mg / dl), em comparação com o grupo controle e o grupo da obestatina (79,00 e 78,33 mg / dl, respectivamente). Da mesma forma que com o nível de CT, o triglicerídeo e o HDL-colesterol (HDL-C) diminuíram no grupo da esteira (triglicerídeo: 70,66 mg / dl em comparação com 87,67 mg / dl no controle e HDL-C: 46,10 mg / dl em comparação com 57,33 mg / dl no controle; P <0,05). Além disso, o nível de MDA diminuiu nos grupos de esteira e esteira-obestatina. Conclusão: o exercício em esteira de curta duração reduziu significativamente o perfil lipídico plasmático e os níveis de MDA no modelo de ratos. No entanto, a administração de obestatina não teve efeito significativo no perfil lipídico e no MDA. Além disso, a administração de obestatina em combinação com o exercício em esteira não teve efeito sinérgico nos lipídios plasmáticos, nível de MDA e proteína total em ratos

    A Reduction from Smart Contract Verification to Model Checking

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    We present a reduction from verification of smart contracts to model checking. A smart contract is a computer program written in a language with constructs that correspond to real-world contracts, such as verified sending and accepting digital cash. Model checking is an approach to verification of state-transition systems in which a state is the valuation of a set of variables. A reduction, in our context, is a polynomial-time computable function which guarantees that an input smart contract possesses a property if and only if the output instance of model checking possesses a property to which the former property is mapped. Our focus is smart contracts written to run on the Ethereum blockchain in a language compiled to Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) code. Our work is motivated by the importance of checking smart contracts for properties of interest and also by the observation in recent empirical work that establishes that existing verification tools are deficient. Our approach has some distinguishing characteristics from prior approaches, which we discuss in this thesis. We have implemented and carried out a limited empirical assessment of our reduction. We used a dataset of 69 curated smart contracts that contains 115 instances of security vulnerabilities from 10 different classes of such vulnerabilities. Our empirical work suggests that our approach can scale to real-world smart contracts

    Joint Path planning and Power Allocation of a Cellular-Connected UAV using Apprenticeship Learning via Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning

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    This paper investigates an interference-aware joint path planning and power allocation mechanism for a cellular-connected unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a sparse suburban environment. The UAV's goal is to fly from an initial point and reach a destination point by moving along the cells to guarantee the required quality of service (QoS). In particular, the UAV aims to maximize its uplink throughput and minimize the level of interference to the ground user equipment (UEs) connected to the neighbor cellular BSs, considering the shortest path and flight resource limitation. Expert knowledge is used to experience the scenario and define the desired behavior for the sake of the agent (i.e., UAV) training. To solve the problem, an apprenticeship learning method is utilized via inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) based on both Q-learning and deep reinforcement learning (DRL). The performance of this method is compared to learning from a demonstration technique called behavioral cloning (BC) using a supervised learning approach. Simulation and numerical results show that the proposed approach can achieve expert-level performance. We also demonstrate that, unlike the BC technique, the performance of our proposed approach does not degrade in unseen situations

    The relationship between the dimensions of job burnout with workplace physical environment and facilities among health workers in Golestan province

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    Background and Aims: Job burnout is the reaction of workers to chronic stress, with disastrous physical, psychological and adverse organizational consequences for employees. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the dimensions of job burnout and workplace physical environment and facilities among health workers in Golestan province.Materials and Methods: In the present cross-sectional study, 1141 respondents out of totally 1275 health workers in Golestan province participated in the survey. The sampling method was census. Data collection was done through a questionnaire dealing with physical environment and facilities of workplace as well as Maslach burnout inventory. Verbal consent was obtained from all participants and their responses werekept confidentially. Data were analyzed using SPSS and Chi-Square test at a significance level of 0.05Results: The results of the present survey indicate that the physical condition of the workplace was assessed as weak by 17.4% of participants. Similarly, 24.8% of respondents assessed health house facilities asweak. There were significant relationships between emotional exhaustion and physical condition as well as workplace facilities (p<0.005). The study, however, did not show a significant relationship between depersonalization and personal performance and workplace physical conditions and facilities (p>0.005).Conclusion: Regarding the relatively poor workplace physical conditions and facilities, it is recommended to improve these conditions in order to decrease health workers emotional exhaustion.Keywords: Job burnout, Physical environment, Facilities, Health house, Health worker, Golestan provinceFor downloading the full text please click her

    The relationship between Personality Traits, Anxiety and Depression, in Life Quality of patients under treatment by Hemodialysis [HD]

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    Please cite this article as: Bakhtiari M, Falaknazi K, Lotfi M, Noori M, Naseri Saleh Abad A. The relationship between Personality Traits, Anxiety and Depression, in Life Quality of patients under treatment by Hemodialysis [HD]. Novel Biomed 2013;1:1-7.Background: The purpose of this study is to examine personality traits in renal patients undergoing haemodialysis (HD) and its connection to depression, anxiety, and life quality. In this study we also aim to propose an intervention for treatment and prevention of these personality traits.Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 70 patients affected by chronic renal failure undergoing haemodialysis treatment. Patients were selected based on an accessible sample. Required data were gathered through questioners: Hospital Anxiety and Depression, NEO-FFL, and SF-36 Health Survey.Results: Based on the results obtained from this study 47.1% of patients undergoing HD treatment fall into the abnormal category according to the rate of depression. There is a positive meaningful correlation between conscientiousness and agreeableness and a negative correlation between extroversion, anxiety, and depression in life quality of renal patients.Conclusion: With respect to the correlation existing between the quality of life and the personality traits, anxiety and depression, in patients under HD treatment, life quality and treatment outcome can be improved if psychological problems are diagnosed early and psycho education and social interventions are presented

    Online) An Open Access

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    ABSTRACT This study aims, is description of exhausting and organizational commitment universities, by separating of full-time and tuition-fee masters of physical education, comparing these two groups, even their relation between organizational commitment and burnout in an analyzed way for each group, comparing the balance of variants in both groups. This research is a kind of description one, and done as arena. the statistical community is included all masters (full-time and tuition-fee), statistical model is equal to statistical community. For assigning burnout, the questionnaire of maslach burnout (1996), for assigning organization commitment the questionnaire of organizational commitment of meer Allen (1991) and personal questionnaires are used. The results showed that the abundance and intensity of devoid personal purities of full-time masters, had a meaning full relation to feeling commitment. There was a significant difference between Abundance and intensity of devoid personal parting of tuition fee had a meaning full relation to feeling commitment and their manner. Between feeling commitment and abundance of feeling deprecation, and feeling commitment and abundance of devoid personal purities, at both groups, there is a meaningful difference that organizational commitment in full-time masters is more than tuition-fee ones. Only the feeling commitment can be a factor for burnout

    The effect of different types of mulch and different cultivation methods on the quantitative and qualitative traits of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Ahvaz climate

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    To investigate the effect of mulch and different cultivation methods on the quantitative and qualitative yield of oil sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in Ahvaz climate, a factorial experiment in randomized complete blocks with three replications in the 2017-2018 crop year was in the research farm of Agricultural Sciences and Natural ResourcesUniversity of Khuzestan. The first factor includes different types of mulch in five levels (non-application, wheat straw, white plastic, live mulch (mung bean cultivation), and black plastic) and the second factor includes three-level cultivation method (on a flat surface, ridge cultivation, and inside the furrow cultivation). The results showed that in the flat surface and on the ridge, black plastic produced the highest amount of chlorophyll a, b, and In the inside the furrow, the highest chlorophyll a was obtained in the application of living mulch. The highest grain yield and oil yield were obtained from the interaction of wheat straw mulch × in the furrow and wheat straw mulch on the ridge. In addition, the highest harvest index was obtained in the treatment of white plastic mulch on a flat surface with an average of 51.85%. In general, it can be said that the treatment of wheat straw and straw × in the inside the furrow and wheat straw × on the ridge were superior in terms of quantitative and qualitative performance

    Challenges of the Implementation of Folksonomy in Library Software of Iran

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is the feasibility of applying tagging and categorizing people (Folksonomy) in library software of Iran. By using folksonomy services, libraries can take an important step in accelerating the process of provision and disseminating information and by using user-oriented participatory methods they can convert libraries and informational centers to dynamic and user-oriented organizations. Therefore this study deals with the feasibility of applying tagging and categorizing people (folksonomy) in existing library software of Iranian universities and reviews the fields of design and creation of user and folksonomy oriented libraries. Methodology: Research methodology is survey, descriptive and comparative. And the statistical population of this study consists of common library software in Iranian universities including three comprehensive software of Simorgh (product of Nosa Company), DJ LIB Pars Azarakhsh (product of Pars Azarakhsh Company), and Sana (product of Payam Mashregh Company). In descriptive section, data and preliminary data collection tools have investigated 41 items of the feasibility capabilities of implementation of folksonomy in the library software by using a checklist that includes 5 indicators (including the need for creation and implementation, application and development, support and librarian functions) and 25 checklist were distributed between managers and staff of information centers and university libraries, library software engineers and programmers and the results were reviewed. And for this purpose the survey, analysis and comparative research methods were used and after the data collection, the data analysis was conducted in accordance with the research questions. Findings: Study findings determined that Sana Library Software has got the highest score at index of: 1. measures required for folksonomy; 2. strategies and implementation of Folksonomy; 3. ability to run and develop folksonomy in the library software; 4. the tasks of librarians in providing services by utilizing folksonomy capabilities and Pars Azarakhsh Digital Library Software has acquired the highest rating at index; and 5. updated supports of Folksonomy in library software. Conclusion: On the basis of these findings, it is concluded that Sana (product of Payam Mashregh Company) has achieved significant progress in creating appropriate infrastructure for implementation of folksonomy and Pars Azarakhsh software progress is not considerable and the comprehensive software of Simorgh, at the last ranking, has not created an appropriate infrastructure for implementation and it is far from reaching such facilities and the goal. Finally, guidelines and recommendations derived from the study for infrastructure of software has been provided

    Effect of Low Level Laser Application at the End of Surgery to Reduce Pain after Tonsillectomy in Adults

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    Introduction: Tonsillectomy is among commonest otorhinolaryngologic surgeries. Many methods have been used to control post surgical pain, but despite it, pain is still one of the problems related to this operation. Recently, due to the non invasiveness of low level lasers, this modality has attracted attention. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of low level laser irradiation at the end of surgery on reduction of pain after tonsillectomy in adults.Methods: In a clinical trial, 60 adult patients, candidates for tonsillectomy were randomly assigned to two groups, A and B, and both groups were anesthetized similarly by the same technique. At the end of surgery, in the case group, the tonsils’ bed were irradiated by infrared laser with 980nm wavelength, 100Hz, 4J/cm2 from the infra mandibular angle. In the controlgroup, the tonsils’ bed had laser therapy with a turned off probe.Follow ing laser treatment, the patients were reversed and extubated and consciousness achieved, pain and odynophagia were assessed at 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24h post surgery based on visual analog scale for pain (VAS) and analgesic consumption.Results: In the laser group frequency of patients with pain sensation in each evaluated hour was lower than in the control group. The amount of pain decrease and analgesic consumption reduction was significantly higher in patients who received laser (P=0.01).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, use of low level lasers is effective in reducing tonsillectomy post surgical pain in adults