110 research outputs found

    An Island Called the Press

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    The approaches to ecological and economical audit of recreation territories

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    For present-day to problem of use the lands for recreation is spared raised attention but this does not promote reduction of the natural nature of this phenomena.In our country we haven’t the cycle of Eco-audit and environmental Management system (EMS). We have no system supported administrative mechanism on all level autorities. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/1183

    Ecological audit of recreacion areas

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    Economic aspects in environmental education

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    Diagnóstico de falhas num conversor de energias das ondas

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia MecânicaAtualmente as energias renováveis são uma alternativa aos recursos petrolíferos, sendo a exploração dos recursos marítimos uma área de maior interesse científico na obtenção de energia elétrica. Deste modo, muitas são as instituições que estudam a melhor alternativa para a transformação de energia mecânica (de qualquer tipo de natureza) numa resposta elétrica favorável, que seja ilimitada e estável. De forma a entender as diferentes formas de conversão da energia das ondas, no presente estudo foi efetuada uma revisão de todas as tecnologias desenvolvidas a nível mundial, para identificar os níveis mais relevantes de manutenção, de fiabilidade e de custo para cada tecnologia existente e com isso obter uma matriz de comparação fidigna. Foi igualmente estudado, com base na literatura atual, um sistema de conversão de potência das ondas usando um sistema hidráulico para a conversão da energia existente offshore. Neste sistema foi feita a identificação de todas as falhas existentes, evidenciando algumas técnicas possíveis de projeto tolerante a falhas de forma a construir um sistema capaz de diagnosticar o estado dos componentes. As técnicas utilizadas neste trabalho foram: análise por árvore de falhas, diagrama de blocos de fiabilidade (utilizando um software Blocksim da empresa ReliaSoft®) e cálculo da criticidade dos componentes dos diversos subsistemas. A simulação do sistema estudado revelou uma probabilidade de falha elevada para a sua exequibilidade e, como tal, foi necessário desenvolver uma alternativa viável de forma a maximizar a fiabilidade do sistema.Currently, renewable energy is an alternative to petroleum resources, and the exploitation of marine resources is an area of greater scientific interest in obtaining electricity. In this way, many institutions are studying the best alternative for the transformation of mechanical energy (of any kind of nature) into a favorable electric response, which is unlimited and stable. To understand the different ways of converting wave energy, in the present study a review was made of all the technologies developed worldwide to identify the most relevant levels of maintenance, reliability and cost for each existing technology and with this gives a trustworthy comparison matrix. It was also studied, based on the current literature, a wave power conversion system using a hydraulic system for the conversion of existing offshore energy. In this system it was made the identification of all the existing faults, evidencing some possible techniques of fault tolerant design to build a system capable of diagnosing the state of the components. The techniques used in this work were: fault tree analysis, reliability block diagram (using Blocksim software from ReliaSoft®) and calculation of the criticality of the components of the various subsystems. The simulation of the studied system revealed a high probability of failure for its feasibility and, as such, it was necessary to develop a viable alternative to maximize the reliability of the system.N/

    Использование компонентной методологии реинжиниринга бизнес-процессов в образовании

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    Дана стаття присвячена аналізу впровадження технологій дистанційного навчання в освітні процеси. Розглянута компонентна технологія конфігурування навчальних процесів на основі інтегрованого простору знань, що дозволяє підвищити ефективність дистанційного навчання. Пропонується структурна модель процесу дистанційного навчання, виконана за допомогою засобу моделювання та аналізу бізнес-процесів BPwin. Пропонується підвищити ефективність освіти за рахунок використання кредитних систем оцінки освітніх програм.This article is devoted to the analysis of introduction of technologies of remote tutoring in educational processes. The component technology of a configuration of educational processes because of integrated space of knowledges is considered, that allows to increase efficiency of remote tutoring. The structuralmodel of process of remote tutoring executed with the help ofmeans of simulation and analysis of business processes BPwin is offered. It is offered to increase efficiency of education at the expense of use of credit systems of an evaluation of the educational programs.Эта статья посвящается анализу внедрения технологий дистанционного обучения в образовательные процессы. Рассмотрена компонентная технология конфигурирования учебных процессов на основе интегрированного пространства знаний, что позволяет повысить эффективность дистанционного обучения. Предлагается структурная модель процесса дистанционного обучения, выполненная с помощью средства моделирования и анализа бизнес-процессов BPwin. Предлагается повысить эффективность образования за счет использования кредитных систем оценки образовательных программ