587 research outputs found

    Eliminating Excessive and Unfair Exclusionary Discipline in Schools Policy Recommendations for Reducing Disparities

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    All schools must be safe places for all members of the learning community. Schools have the right and indeed the responsibility to develop safe school climates to protect the safety of students and teachers, as well as the integrity of learning Yet the data indicate that it is relatively rare for students to pose a serious danger to themselves or others.In states like Texas, serious safety concerns trigger a "non-discretionary" mandatory removal, but these represent less than 5% of all disciplinary removals from school. While exclusion on grounds of safety is infrequent, students are routinely removed from school for minor offenses like tardiness, truancy, using foul language, disruption, and violation of the dress code.Of course, public school educators are also responsible for ensuring the integrity of the learning environment and attend to misbehavior that does not raise safety concerns. There is no question that there are circumstances where removing a student from a classroom is helpful to de-escalate a conflict, or to pursue an intervention outside the classroom with the support of an administrator, a counselor, parent(s) or community members. However, too many of our nation's public schools have moved away from reserving school exclusion only for the most serious offenses, and as a measure of last resort. Excessive suspensions and expulsions threaten educational opportunity, thereby undermining our national goals for closing academic achievement gaps for all children

    Dr. James L. White -- History of the Confederate General Hospital Located at Farmville, VA, 1862-1865

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    Dr. James L. White (1833-1909) was not born and raised in Farmville, Virginia, but he called the town home, nonetheless. Using White’s own accounts, with the aid of medical periodicals, newspapers, and Civil War databases, readers are able to best understand the life of one of Farmville’s former physicians. This biographical sketch, along with accompanying resources, describes not only his professional career as a surgeon and doctor, but his early life, experiences during the American Civil War, and impact on the town of Farmville in the late-nineteenth century and into the early-twentieth century

    Emotions in Work and War: Comparisons of Emotional-Cultures of New Deal CCC Enrollees and WWII U.S. Army Enlistees, 1933-1945

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    Though the Great Depression and Second World War were consecutive eras and overlapped in numerous aspects, scholarship often overlooks the commonalities between these periods. To demonstrate these eras’ shared qualities, this thesis examines the relationship in emotional-cultures—the cultural norms that dictated how individuals felt and demonstrated their emotions—among Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) enrollees and U.S. Army enlistees during WWII. The broad intent of this undertaking is to place the cultural history of the Great Depression and WWII in conversation and to show the advantage of inter- and multidisciplinary work by applying anthropological and historical theories of emotion. Though the historical study of emotions is growing, anthropologists have examined emotions for numerous decades and therefore provide a more rigorous range of approaches to examine the subject. Specifically, feelings and their manifestations give a more intimate viewpoint of social norms and expectations through the understanding of the individual and their relationship with their cultural environment in comparison to the broad understanding of such aspects found in popular culture. Utilizing camp newsletters and correspondences, this thesis argues that the emotional-culture of CCC enrollees and U.S. Army soldiers overlap—specifically in how men felt and exhibited their emotions within the socio-cultural framework of masculinity. By analyzing the similarities in emotional-cultures between the CCC and U.S. Army, this examination contributes to the historiographical conversation about the shared cultural qualities between these two formative eras

    Enhancer of the rudimentary gene homologue (ERH) expression pattern in sporadic human breast cancer and normal breast tissue

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The human gene <it>ERH </it>(Enhancer of the Rudimentary gene Homologue) has previously been identified by <it>in silico </it>analysis of four million ESTs as a gene differentially expressed in breast cancer. The biological function of ERH protein has not been fully elucidated, however functions in cell cycle progression, pyrimidine metabolism a possible interaction with p21(Cip1/Waf1) via the Ciz1 zinc finger protein have been suggested. The aim of the present study was a systematic characterization of <it>ERH </it>expression in human breast cancer in order to evaluate possible clinical applications of this molecule.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The expression pattern of <it>ERH </it>was analyzed using multiple tissue northern blots (MTN) on a panel of 16 normal human tissues and two sets of malignant/normal breast and ovarian tissue samples. <it>ERH </it>expression was further analyzed in breast cancer and normal breast tissues and in tumorigenic as well as non-tumorigenic breast cancer cell lines, using quantitative RT-PCR and non-radioisotopic <it>in situ </it>hybridization (ISH).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Among normal human tissues, <it>ERH </it>expression was most abundant in testis, heart, ovary, prostate, and liver. In the two MTN sets of malignant/normal breast and ovarian tissue,<it>ERH </it>was clearly more abundantly expressed in all tumours than in normal tissue samples. Quantitative RT-PCR analyses showed that <it>ERH </it>expression was significantly more abundant in tumorigenic than in non-tumorigenic breast cancer cell lines (4.5-fold; p = 0.05, two-tailed Mann-Whitney U-test); the same trend was noted in a set of 25 primary invasive breast cancers and 16 normal breast tissue samples (2.5-fold; p = 0.1). These findings were further confirmed by non-radioisotopic ISH in human breast cancer and normal breast tissue.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>ERH </it>expression is clearly up-regulated in malignant as compared with benign breast cells both in primary human breast cancer and in cell models of breast cancer. Since similar results were obtained for ovarian cancer, ERH overexpression may be implicated in the initiation and/or progression of certain human malignancies. Further studies on large breast cancer tissue cohorts should determine whether ERH could function as a prognostic factor or even a drug target in the treatment of human breast cancer.</p

    Gottfried von Einem - die Chorwerke

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    Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war die Analyse des Chorschaffens Gottfried von Einems (GvEs) in musikalischer, entstehungsgeschichtlicher und aufführungsgeschichtlicher Hinsicht. In den musikalischen Analysen der Chorwerke wurde die „Tonalität“ GvEs anhand von Harmoniefortschreitungen, Übergängen und Schlüssen beschrieben, typische Stilelemente seiner Musik wurden herausgearbeitet und die stilistische Entwicklung der Chorwerke nachgezeichnet. Die Entstehungsgeschichten der einzelnen Chorwerke wurden detailliert nachvollzogen. Am Anfang stand bei GvE immer eine Kompositionsidee, manchmal bereits zu Papier gebracht, als er anfing, einen Veranstalter, einen Auftraggeber und einen Verleger zu suchen. Es wurden 146 Aufführungen von Chorwerken GvEs nachgewiesen. Für die Rezeptionsgeschichten der Chorwerke wurden die vorhandenen Kritiken ausgewertet. Bei op. 26 Das Stundenlied und op. 42 An die Nachgeborenen konnten statistisch-quantitative Rezeptionsanalysen durchgeführt werden. Die Aufnahme in der Presse war - entgegen Darstellungen in der Literatur – kontroversiell. Auf der Suche nach Quellenmaterial zu den Chorwerken wurden große Korrespondenzbestände, Medienberichte und Programmhefte durchgearbeitet. Dabei ergaben sich über die Chorwerke hinausgehende biografische Erkenntnisse, die in vier größeren Exkursen zusammengefasst wurden. Es waren dies: ein Exkurs über die Arbeitsweise GvEs, ein Exkurs über den sein Schaffen beeinflussenden Bezug zu Religion, Tod und Tierwelt, ein Exkurse über das Projekt eines Requiems, sowie ein Exkurs über die Entstehung der bisher wichtigsten Biografie des Komponisten, der Einem-Chronik Friedrich Saathens. Im Anhang wurde neben den Incipits der einzelnen Sätze der neun Chorwerke eine Reihe von Zusammenstellungen, Statistiken und Aufstellungen zum Arbeitsthema zusammengetragen.The main objective of this study was the preparation of detailled analysis of Gottfried von Einems' (GvE‘s) nine choral works with regard to musical features, histories of origins and histories of performances. The features of GvE’s „tonality“ were analyzed by studying the harmonic progressions, transitions and cadences, the typical stylistic elements in his compositions for choirs and his stylistic development. The histories of origin of each composition could be described in detail. The study provides evidence for 146 performances of GvE‘s choral compositions. Existing press reviews of performances made it possible to evaluate the success. For op. 26 Das Stundenlied and op. 42 An die Nachgeborenen quantitative statistical reception analysis could be worked out. It became evident that the reception in the media was quite controversial. Additional biographic contributions on GvE were provided and were summed up in 4 special studies: Firstly, a study was prepared on GvE‘s working methods. Secondly, GvE‘s relations to religion, death and to animals were described. Furthermore, a special study was made concerning a project for a Latin Requiem for his deceased friends. The last special study was done about the writing and publishing of his most important biography, the Einem-Chronik by Friedrich Saathen. As appendix the incipits of all movements of the nine choirworks are given as well as several tables, statistics and compilations in order to facilitate future research on GvE‘s works and life

    Kedudukan dan peranan wanita pedesaan daerah Bali

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    Gerak dan dinarnika masyarakat membawa kecenderungan untuk mengemukakan banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi, termasuk di dalarnnya masalah wanita. Masalah wanita merupakan suatu masalah yang integral dari masyarakat dan masalah ini telah banyak mendapat sorotan serta penanganan dari pemerintah. Hal ini berarti telah adanya kesadaran akan peran dan andil wanita pada pembangunan karena kemajuan wanita pada hakikatnya berarti pula kemajuan suatu negara. Hal ini terbukti, sejak zarnan penajajahan, kebangkitan wanita telah ada, dan adanya pahlawan-pahlawan wanita sekitar tahun 1817. (Suyatni Koentowijono; 1977, 5). Di daerah Bali, telah banyak pahlawan-pahlawan wanita yang ikut berjuang bersarna Resimen Ngurah Rai. (S. Pendit; 1979, 368-390). Hal tersebut membuktikan, bahwa wanita sejak revolusi fisik telah ikut berjuang untuk mempertahankan tanah airnya