27 research outputs found

    Development of an LC-DAD-MS-Based Method for the Analysis of Hydroxyanthracene Derivatives in Food Supplements and Plant Materials

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    Products based on plants containing hydroxyanthracene derivatives (HADs)-such as Rheum, Cassia, and Aloe species-are widely used in food supplements or nutraceuticals due to their laxative effects. A more restricted control of HAD contents in food supplements has been implemented by EU Regulation 2021/468, in order to increase the safety of these preparations. Due to their toxicity, aloin A, aloin B, aloe emodin, emodin, and the synthetic derivative danthron have been listed as prohibited substances in food supplements, being tolerated in amounts < 1 mg kg(-1) in marketed products. In this work, we report the development of a sensitive and fast LC-DAD-MS-based procedure for the determination of these five compounds in food supplements and plant materials or extracts. The entire procedure includes a simple sample preparation step, where target analytes are concentrated by means of solvent extraction and evaporative concentration (solid samples), or by lyophilisation (liquid samples). The average LOQ of 0.10 mg/L, LOD of 0.03 mg/L, accuracy, and precision with CVs below 12.72 were obtained for the studied analytes. This method is suitable for assessing the compliance of commercial products and raw materials with EU Regulation 2021/468. Furthermore, the proposed method can represent a starting point for the development of a unique and standardised analytical approach for the determination of other HADs under the attention of EU authorities

    3D human foreskin model for testing topical formulations of sildenafil citrate

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    : Sildenafil citrate is an approved drug used for the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Despite a widespread application, sildenafil citrate shows numerous adverse cardiovascular effects in high-risk patients. Local transdermal drug delivery of this drug is therefore being explored as an interesting and noninvasive alternative administration method that avoids adverse effects arised from peak plasma drug concentrations. Although human and animal skin represents the most reliable models to perform penetration studies, they involve a series of ethical issues and restrictions. For these reasons new in vitro approaches based on artificially reconstructed human skin or "human skin equivalents" are being developed as possible alternatives for transdermal testing. There is little information, however, on the efficiency of such new in vitro methods on cutaneous penetration of active ingredients. The objective of the current study was to investigate the sildenafil citrate loaded in three commercial transdermal vehicles using 3D full-thickness skin equivalent and compare the results with the permeability experiments using porcine skin. Our results demonstrated that, while the formulation plays an imperative role in an appropriate dermal uptake of sildenafil citrate, the D coefficient results obtained by using the 3D skin equivalent are comparable to those obtained by using the porcine skin when a simple drug suspension is applied (1.17 Ã— 10-10 Â± 0.92 Ã— 10-10 cm2/s vs 3.5 Ã— 102 Â± 3.3 Ã— 102 cm2/s), suggesting that in such case, this 3D skin model can be a valid alternative for ex-vivo skin absorption experiments

    Depuration Capacity of Mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) in Presence of Marteilia Spp. Parasites

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    Bivalve molluscs are filter-feeding organisms present in the water column: during their activity, they could retain micro-organisms that are potentially dangerous to human health. For this reason, EU Regulations may require that a purification treatment be performed prior to bivalve trade. The length of the purification process could be affected by stress factors, such as parasitic infections. The purpose of this study was to determine if the presence of Marteilia spp. parasite in shellfish could modify time and efficacy of their microbiological purification treatment, in order to set up specific protocols. Lysosomal membrane stability, phagocytosis capacity, granulocyte/hyalinocyte rate and neutral lipid accumulation are biomarkers used to evaluate shellfish physiological state. These biomarkers were used to exclude any differences caused by stressor factors that could affect the purification results. Mussels were sampled from two different production areas. The presence or absence of parasites was confirmed by cytological test. Both groups of parasitized and non-parasitized mussels were contaminated with E.coli: they were then sampled for microbiological analyses and tested for biomarkers for up to 70 hours of purification. Parasitized and non-parasitized molluscs did not show any differences in levels of E. coli after 12, 24, 36, 48 and 70 hours of depuration. In relation to biomarkers, mussels seem to react to Lysosomal membrane stability in presence of Marteilia. The present study shows that the presence of Marteilia spp. does not affect the purification rate of mussels

    Insights into the 3D In Vitro Permeability and In Vivo Antioxidant Protective Effects of Kiwiberry Leaf Extract: A Step Forward to Human Nutraceutical Use

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    Actinidia arguta (Siebold & Zucc.) Planch. ex Miq. (kiwiberry) leaves are a source of phenolic compounds with pro-health biological effects, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Despite the huge number of studies reporting the composition of A. arguta leaves, no in vitro or in vivo studies explore its potential use as nutraceutical ingredient based on these activities. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the safety profile of kiwiberry leaf extracts using in vitro and in vivo approaches through the assessment of intestinal cell viability (Caco-2 and HT29-MTX), 3D intestinal permeation, and, most important, the redox markers, biochemical profile and liver and kidney function effects after the animal assays. Briefly, wistar rats were orally treated for 7 days with kiwiberry leaf extracts (50 and 75 mg/kg bw), water (negative control), or vitamin C (positive control). The cell viability was above 90% at 1000 μg/mL for both cells. Coumaroyl quinic acid and rutin achieved a permeation higher than 25% in the 3D intestinal model. The animal studies confirmed the extracts’ ability to increase superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, and catalase content in animals’ livers and kidneys while simultaneously decreasing the triglycerides content. This study highlighted the antioxidant capacity of kiwiberry leaf extracts, ensuring their efficacy and safety as a nutraceutical ingredientThis research was funded by project EXPL/BAA-GR/0663/2021—Kiwi4Health—Exploring the Eco-Innovative Re-Use of Kiwiberry, supported by national funds by FCT/MCTES and by the projects UIDB/50006/2020 and UIDP/50006/2020 through national funds. This work was also financed by national funds from FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences—UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy—i4HB. The authors are thankful to Minikiwi Land for the samples and all availability during this work. Ana Margarida Silva is thankful for the Ph.D. grant (SFRH/BD/144994/2019) financed by POPH-QREN and subsidized by the European Science Foundation and Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior. Francisca Rodrigues (CEECIND/01886/2020) is thankful for her contract financed by FCT/MCTES—CEEC Individual Program Contract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Localization and subcellular association of Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus in grapevine leaf tissues

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    Despite the increasing impact of Grapevine Pinot gris disease (GPG-disease) worldwide, etiology about this disorder is still uncertain. The presence of the putative causal agent, the Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus (GPGV), has been reported in symptomatic grapevines (presenting stunting, chlorotic mottling, and leaf deformation) as well as in symptom-free plants. Moreover, information on virus localization in grapevine tissues and virus-plant interactions at the cytological level is missing at all. Ultrastructural and cytochemical investigations were undertaken to detect virus particles and the associated cytopathic effects in field-grown grapevine showing different symptom severity. Asymptomatic greenhouse-grown grapevines, which tested negative for GPGV by real time RT-PCR, were sampled as controls. Multiplex real-time RT-PCR and ELISA tests excluded the presence of viruses included in the Italian certification program both in field-grown and greenhouse-grown grapevines. Conversely, evidence was found for ubiquitous presence of Grapevine Rupestris Stem Pitting-associated Virus (GRSPaV), Hop Stunt Viroid (HSVd), and Grapevine Yellow Speckle Viroid 1 (GYSVd-1) in both plant groups. Moreover, in every field-grown grapevine, GPGV was detected by real-time RT-PCR. Ultrastructural observations and immunogold labelling assays showed filamentous flexuous viruses in the bundle sheath cells, often located inside membrane-bound organelles. No cytological differences were observed among field-grown grapevine samples showing different symptom severity. GPGV localization and associated ultrastructural modifications are reported and discussed, in the perspective of assisting management and control of the disease. \ua9 2017 The Author(s

    Filamentous sieve element proteins are able to limit phloem mass flow, but not phytoplasma spread

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    In Fabaceae, dispersion of forisomes\u2014highly ordered aggregates of sieve element proteins\u2014in response to phytoplasma infection was proposed to limit phloem mass flow and, hence, prevent pathogen spread. In this study, the involvement of filamentous sieve element proteins in the containment of phytoplasmas was investigated in non-Fabaceae plants. Healthy and infected Arabidopsis plants lacking one or two genes related to sieve element filament formation\u2014AtSEOR1 (At3g01680), AtSEOR2 (At3g01670), and AtPP2-A1 (At4g19840)\u2014were analysed. TEM images revealed that phytoplasma infection induces phloem protein filament formation in both the wild-type and mutant lines. This result suggests that, in contrast to previous hypotheses, sieve element filaments can be produced independently of AtSEOR1 and AtSEOR2 genes. Filament presence was accompanied by a compensatory overexpression of sieve element protein genes in infected mutant lines in comparison with wild-type lines. No correlation was found between phloem mass flow limitation and phytoplasma titre, which suggests that sieve element proteins are involved in defence mechanisms other than mechanical limitation of the pathogen

    Phytoplasma infection in tomato is associated with re-organization of plasma membrane, ER stacks, and actin filaments in sieve elements

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    Phytoplasmas, biotrophic wall-less prokaryotes, only reside in sieve elements of their host plants. The essentials of the intimate interaction between phytoplasmas and their hosts are poorly understood, which calls for research on potential ultrastructural modifications. We investigated modifications of the sieve-element ultrastructure induced in tomato plants by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’, the pathogen associated with the stolbur disease. Phytoplasma infection induces a drastic re-organization of sieve-element substructures including changes in plasma membrane surface and distortion of the sieve-element reticulum. Observations of healthy and stolbur-diseased plants provided evidence for the emergence of structural links between sieve-element plasma membrane and phytoplasmas. One-sided actin aggregates on the phytoplasma surface also inferred a connection between phytoplasma and sieve-element cytoskeleton. Actin filaments displaced from the sieve-element mictoplasm to the surface of the phytoplasmas in infected sieve elements. Expression analysis revealed a decrease of actin and an increase of ER-resident chaperone luminal binding protein (BiP) in midribs of phytoplasma-infected plants. Collectively, the studies provided novel insights into ultrastructural responses of host sieve elements to phloem-restricted prokaryotes

    Sphenoid asymmetry associated to other skeletal anomalies in a clear cut case of PTCH1 mutated Gorlin-Goltz syndrome: a novel finding?

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    Gorlin-Goltz syndrome is an autosomal dominantly inherited disorder linked to PTCH1 mutation, recognized by a collection of clinical and radiologic signs (macrocephaly, frontal bossing, multiple intracranial calcifications including falx cerebri and atlanto-occipital ligament). We describe here a the case of a family with clear cut criteria for Gorlin-Goltz syndrome presenting the association of cranio-facial and skeletal anomalies together with a peculiar sphenoid variant. Two patients, father and son, were examined because of multiple basal cell carcinomas and keratocystic odontogenic tumours. Other suggestive findings were multiple positive family history, typical skeletal anomalies and a novel PTCH1 germline mutation (c.1041delAA). Craniofacial and other skeletal anomalies displayed at 3D and helical CT scan were: macrocephaly, skull base asymmetry (positional plagiocephaly), mandibular prognathism, mandibular condylar deformation with hyperplasia of the coronoid process, bifidity of multiple ribs and giant multilocular odontogenic jaw cysts. Extensive multilamellar calcifications were found in falx cerebri, tentorium, falx cerebelli and in the apical segment of the atlanto-occipital ligament. Thoracic anomalies included bifid left 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th rib, dismorphic body of the 3rd thoracic vertebra, dorsolumbar scoliosis, sacrum acutum. Interestingly, 3D-CT scan showed asymmetry of both sphenoid wings with thickening of the left wing sphenoid wing together with irregularity of the architecture of trabecular bone with alternating osteolytic and sclerotic areas. Abnormalities of the sphenoid bone are not very common, and consist of differently aggressive entities: some of them are typical of the pediatric age in few hereditary and congenital disorders. The application of new criteria (i.e. peculiar calcifications of ligaments and sphenoid asymmetry) to a wider case series can lead to the early diagnosis of Gorlin syndrome, especially in pediatric patients, when the full phenotype is not yet expressed. The inclusion of bifid ribs as a novel major criteria and the recognition of peculiar cranial anomalies such as sphenoid asymmetry, well detected at volume CT reconstruction, might be useful for the recognition and characterization of misdiagnosed cases

    Phytoplasma infection in tomato is associated with re-organization of plasma membrane, ER stacks, and actin filaments in sieve elements

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    Phytoplasmas, biotrophic wall-less prokaryotes, only reside in sieve elements of their host plants. The essentials of the intimate interaction between phytoplasmas and their hosts are poorly understood, which calls for research on potential ultrastructural modifications. We investigated modifications of the sieve-element ultrastructure induced in tomato plants by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani,’ the pathogen associated with the stolbur disease. Phytoplasma infection induces a drastic re-organization of sieve-element substructures including changes in plasma membrane surface and distortion of the sieve-element reticulum. Observations of healthy and stolbur-diseased plants provided evidence for the emergence of structural links between sieve-element plasma membrane and phytoplasmas. One-sided actin aggregates on the phytoplasma surface also inferred a connection between phytoplasma and sieve-element cytoskeleton. Actin filaments displaced from the sieve-element mictoplasm to the surface of the phytoplasmas in infected sieve elements. Western blot analysis revealed a decrease of actin and an increase of ER-resident chaperone luminal binding protein (BiP) in midribs of phytoplasma-infected plants. Collectively, the studies provided novel insights into ultrastructural responses of host sieve elements to phloem-restricted prokaryotes