799 research outputs found

    El estudio de las personas sin hogar en geografía: un estado de la cuestión

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    El sinhogarismo es un fenómeno emergente que ha aumentado en los países desarrollados económicamente durante los últimos veinte años. En este estado de la cuestión se presentan los ejes temáticos en los que se han centrado las investigaciones sobre sinhogarismo publicadas durante la última década (1999-2008) en varias revistas académicas de geografía y los argumentos principales de estos estudios. Asimismo, se debate en torno a la definición del sinhogarismo, se muestran sus causas principales y se presentan algunos datos sobre su cuantificación y caracterización.El sensellarisme és un fenomen emergent que ha augmentat en els països desenvolupats econòmicament durant els últims vint anys. En aquest estat de la qüestió es presenten els eixos temàtics en els que s'han centrat les investigacions sobre sensellarisme publicades durant l'última dècada (1999-2008) en vàries revistes acadèmiques de geografia i els arguments principals d'aquests estudis. Així mateix, es debat en torn a la definició del sensellarisme, es mostren les seves causes principals i es presenten algunes dades sobre la seva quantificació i caracterització

    Energy Flow in the Cryptophyte PE545 Antenna Is Directed by Bilin Pigment Conformation

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    Structure-based calculations are combined with quantitative modeling of spectra and energy transfer dynamics to detemine the energy transfer scheme of the PE545 principal light-harvesting antenna of the cryptomonad Rhodomonas CS24. We use a recently developed quantum-mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) method that allows us to account for pigment-protein interactions at atomic detail in site energies, transition dipole moments, and electronic couplings. In addition, conformational flexibility of the pigment-protein complex is accounted for through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We find that conformational disorder largely smoothes the large energetic differences predicted from the crystal structure between the pseudosymmetric pairs PEB50/61C-PEB50/61D and PEB82C-PEB82D. Moreover, we find that, in contrast to chlorophyll-based photosynthetic complexes, pigment composition and conformation play a major role in defining the energy ladder in the PE545 complex, rather than specific pigment-protein interactions. This is explained by the remarkable conformational flexibility of the eight bilin pigments in PE545, characterized by a quasi-linear arrangement of four pyrrole units. The MD-QM/MM site energies allow us to reproduce the main features of the spectra, and minor adjustments of the energies of the three red-most pigments DBV19A, DBV19B, and PEB82D allow us to model the spectra of PE545 with a similar quality compared to our original model (model E from Novoderezhkin et al. Biophys. J.2010, 99, 344), which was extracted from the spectral and kinetic fit. Moreover, the fit of the transient absorption kinetics is even better in the new structure-based model. The largest difference between our previous and present results is that the MD-QM/MM calculations predict a much smaller gap between the PEB50/61C and PEB50/61D sites, in better accord with chemical intuition. We conclude that the current adjusted MD-QM/MM energies are more reliable in order to explore the spectral properties and energy transfer dynamics in the PE545 complex

    Pertinence et implications du seuil normatif pour l’identification des enfants à haut potentiel intellectuel.

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    Les critères d’identification des enfants à haut potentiel intellectuel (HPI) font l’objet de débats et le choix du seuil de QI mesuré avec le WISC-IV varie entre 120 et 135 selon les auteurs. Cette étude rétrospective interroge les implications cliniques de ce choix. L’analyse des dossiers de 50 enfants adressés pour un questionnement HPI dans une consultation universitaire en psychologie de l’enfant montre que le nombre d’enfants HPI varie entre 18 % et 46 % selon le seuil de QI choisi

    SEOM clinical guideline on unknown primary cancer (2017)

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    Cancer of unknown primary site is a histologically confirmed cancer that manifests in advanced stage, with no identifiable primary site following standard diagnostic procedures. Patients are initially categorized based on the findings of the initial biopsy: adenocarcinoma, squamous-cell carcinoma, neuroendocrine carcinoma, and poorly differentiated carcinoma. Appropriate patient management requires understanding several clinical and pathological features that aid in identifying several subsets of patients with more responsive tumors

    Corrigendum: Synergistic exploitation of hyper- and multi-spectral precursor sentinel measurements to determine phytoplankton functional types (SynSenPFT) [Front. Mar. Sci,(203),4] DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00203

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this recordThe article to which this is the corrigendum is in ORE at http://hdl.handle.net/10871/38250In the original article, we neglected, but would like to acknowledge the North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN) for providing HPC resources that have contributed to the research results reported in this paper. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way

    Synergistic exploitation of hyper- and multi-spectral precursor sentinel measurements to determine phytoplankton functional types (SynSenPFT)

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    This is the final version. Available from Frontiers Media via the DOI in this record.The corrigendum to this article is in ORE at http://hdl.handle.net/10871/38256We derive the chlorophyll a concentration (Chla) for three main phytoplankton functional types (PFTs) - diatoms, coccolithophores and cyanobacteria - by combining satellite multispectral-based information, being of a high spatial and temporal resolution, with retrievals based on high resolution of PFT absorption properties derived from hyperspectral satellite measurements. The multispectral-based PFT Chla retrievals are based on a revised version of the empirical OC-PFT algorithm applied to the Ocean Color Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) total Chla product. The PhytoDOAS analytical algorithm is used with some modifications to derive PFT Chla from SCIAMACHY hyperspectral measurements. To combine synergistically these two PFT products (OC-PFT and PhytoDOAS), an optimal interpolation is performed for each PFT in every OC-PFT sub-pixel within a PhytoDOAS pixel, given its Chla and its a priori error statistics. The synergistic product (SynSenPFT) is presented for the period of August 2002 March 2012 and evaluated against PFT Chla data obtained from in situ marker pigment data and the NASA Ocean Biogeochemical Model simulations and satellite information on phytoplankton size. The most challenging aspects of the SynSenPFT algorithm implementation are discussed. Perspectives on SynSenPFT product improvements and prolongation of the time series over the next decades by adaptation to Sentinel multi- and hyperspectral instruments are highlighted.ESA SEOM SY-4Sci Synergy projectSFB/TR 172 (AC)3 “Arctic Amplification” subproject C03DFG-Priority Program SPP 1158 “Antarktis” PhySyn BU2913/3-1Helmholtz Climate Initiative REKLIMHelmholtz Association of German Research Centres (HGF

    Increased voltage-dependent K+ channel Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression correlates with leiomyosarcoma aggressiveness

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    Voltage-dependent K+ channels (Kv) are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of mammalian cells, since Kv antagonists impair cell cycle progression. Although myofibers are terminally differentiated, some myoblasts may re-enter the cell cycle and proliferate. Since Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression is remodeled during tumorigenesis and is involved in smooth muscle proliferation, the purpose of this study was to analyze the expression of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in smooth muscle neoplasms. In the present study, we examined human samples of smooth muscle tumors together with healthy speci­mens. Thus, leiomyoma (LM) and leiomyosarcoma (LMS) tumors were analyzed. Results showed that Kv1.3 was poorly expressed in the healthy muscle and indolent LM specimens, whereas aggressive LMS showed high levels of Kv1.3 expression. Kv1.5 staining was correlated with malignancy. The findings show a remodeling of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 in human smooth muscle sarcoma. A correlation of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 expression with tumor aggressiveness was observed. Thus, our results indicate Kv1.5 and Kv1.3 as potential tumorigenic targets for aggressive human LMS

    "Mallorca Romana" : una ruta pel patrimoni arqueològic i documental

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    La conquesta romana de les illes Balears es caracteritza per ser un dels fets més transcendents en la història de l'arxipèlag. L'any 123 aC, motivat per un seguit d'al·licients polítics, econòmics, socials i militars, tots ells amagats darrera del pretext de la de pirateria, Quint Cecili Metel desembarcà a les costes balears amb l'objectiu d'integrar-les als dominis de Roma. A partir d'aquest moment, s'inicià un fort procés de romanització que trencà definitivament amb les estructures de les comunitats indígenes, el qual s'ha pogut estudiar gràcies a la pervivència de les fonts clàssiques i de les restes arqueològiques. A partir d'aquest material, i després d'una cerca exhaustiva i una planificació prèvia, s'ha dissenyat una ruta turística de caràcter cultural destinada a donar a conèixer la història de la Mallorca romana. L'itinerari inclou tot un seguit de recursos arqueològics, museístics i documentals que permeten al visitant submergir-se en un dels períodes que més ha marcat el desenvolupament històric de Mallorca i que, malauradament, s'ha vist desplaçat a conseqüència de l'enaltiment d'altres èpoques.La conquista romana de las islas Baleares se caracteriza por ser uno de los hechos más trascendentes de la historia del archipiélago. El año 123 aC, motivado por un conjunto de alicientes políticos, económicos, sociales y militares, todos ellos camuflados bajo el pretexto de la piratería, Quinto Cecilio Metelo desembarcó en las costas baleares con el objetivo de integrarlas a los dominios de Roma. A partir de entonces, se inició un fuerte proceso de romanización que rompió definitivamente con las estructuras de las comunidades indígenas, un proceso que se ha podido estudiar gracias a la pervivencia de las fuentes clásicas y de los restos arqueológicos. Con todo este material, y después de una investigación exhaustiva, así como de una planificación previa, se ha diseñado una ruta turística de carácter cultural destinada a dar a conocer la historia de la Mallorca romana. El itinerario incluye un conjunto de recursos arqueológicos, museísticos y documentales que permiten al visitante sumergirse en uno de los períodos que más ha marcado el desarrollo histórico de Mallorca y que, desafortunadamente, se ha visto desplazado como consecuencia del enaltecimiento de otras épocas.The Roman conquest of the Balearic Islands was one of the most important events in the history of the archipelago. In 123 BC, motivated by a series of political, economic, social and military incentives, all hidden behind the pretext of piracy, Quintus Caecilius Metellus landed on the Balearic shores with the aim of integrating them into the Roman dominion. From that moment on, a strong process of Romanization began and broke definitively with the structures established by the indigenous communities. This phenomenon has been studied thanks to the survival of classical sources and archaeological remains. Based on this material, and after an exhaustive search and previous planning, a cultural tourist route has been designed with the aim of making a part of the history of Mallorca known. The route includes a set of archaeological, museum and documentary resources that allow visitors to immerse themselves in one of the periods that has most marked Mallorca's historical development and which, unfortunately, has been displaced as a result of the glorification of other periods

    Efectivitat de l'aprenentatge basat en problemes (ABP) en l'assignatura de Teràpia Gènica i Molecular d'Odontologia

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524L’aprenentatge basat en problemes (ABP) és una estratègia didàctica innovadora centrada en l’estudiant, que facilita l’adquisició d’unes habilitats i competències indispensables en l’entorn professional i que proporciona el context adequat per afavorir el treball en grup i l’aprenentatge significatiu. L’experiència que aquí descrivim neix de la necessitat de motivar i implicar els estudiants d’Odontologia (2n-4t curs) en l’aprenentatge i assoliment de les competències transversals i les específiques definides en el pla docent de l’assignatura optativa de 3 ECTS Teràpia gènica i molecular durant el curs 2013-2014. Han participat un total de 32 estudiants distribuïts en 4 grups La dinàmica de l’ABP consisteix en la resolució d’un cas entre 6 dissenyats prèviament per l'equip de profesors, que cada grup d'estudiants ha de solucionar aplicant conceptes de Teràpia Gènica per a dissenyar una estratègia terapèutica innovadora aplicada a un desordre de la salut. En aquesta comunicació es descriu l’experiència realitzada, tenint en compte aspectes metodològics, descripció de les dinàmiques de grup, avaluació de l’experiència per part dels estudiants i dels tutors, així com la seva incidència en els resultats globals de l’assignatura. Tambè se ha fet una anàlisi comparativa dels resultats d'aquest curs amb els dels cursos previs. Aquest projecte ha constituït la primera experiència amb l

    Gene expression profiles of beta-adrenergic receptors in canine vascular tumors : a preliminary study

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    Beta adrenergic receptors (β-AR) play a key role in regulating several hallmark pathways of both benign and malignant human and canine tumors. There is scarce information on the expression of β-AR in canine vascular tumors. Therefore, the purpose of the present research work was to study the mRNA expression levels of the three subtypes of the β-AR genes (ADRB1, ADRB2, ADRB3) in hemangiosarcoma (HSA) and hemangioma (HA), as well as in vascular hamartomas (VH) from dogs.Fifty samples (n = 50) were obtained from 38 dogs. Twenty-three animals had HSA, eight animals HA and seven animals VH. HSA were auricular (n = 8), splenic (n = 5), cutaneous (n = 6), auricular and splenic (n = 2), cutaneous-muscular (n = 1) and disseminated (n = 1). There were seven cases of HSA that were divided into primary tumor and secondary (metastatic) tumor. Skin and muscle samples with a normal histological study were used as control group. ADRB gene expression was determinate in all samples by real-time quantitative PCR. Results showed that ADRB1, ADRB2 and ADRB3 were overexpressed in HSA when compared to the control group. ADRB2 was overexpressed in HA when compared to the control group. HSA express higher values of ADBR1 (p = 0.0178) compared to VH. There was a high inter-individual variability in the expression of the three subtypes of ADBR. No statistically significant difference in the expression of ADBR genes were observed between HSA primary when compared to metastatic or in different anatomical locations. In conclusion, canine HSA overexpress the three β-AR subtypes and canine HA β2-AR. High variability was observed in β-AR mRNA levels amongst HSA cases