29 research outputs found

    Visualizing the development of prose styles in Horse Manuals from Early Modern English to Present-Day English

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    This paper offers a data-driven analysis of the development of English prose styles in a single genre (instructive writing) dealing with a single topic (the correct way of feeding a horse) in 13 texts with publication dates ranging between 1565 to 2009. The texts are subjected to three investigations that offer visualizations of the findings: (i) a correspondence analysis of POS-tag trigrams; (ii) an association plot analysis; (iii) hierarchical clustering (dendrograms). As the period selected – Early Modern English to Present-Day English – does not involve any major changes in English syntax, we expect to find developments that are predominantly stylistic

    Incipient articles in Old East Scandinavian varieties

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    Special Issue on Visualisations in Historical Linguistics:Introduction

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    The advent of ever-larger and more diverse historical corpora for different historical periods and linguistic varieties has led to the impossibility of obtaining simple, direct-and yet balancedrepresentations of the core patterns in the data. In order to draw insights from heterogeneous and complex materials of this type, historical linguists have begun to reach for a growing number of data visualisation techniques, from the statistical, to the cartographical, the network-based and beyond. An exploration of the state of this art was the objective of a workshop at the 2018 International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, from whence most of the materials of this Special Issue are drawn. This brief introductory paper outlines the background and relevance of this line of methodological research and presents a summary of the individual papers that make up the collection

    Using historical texts

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    Селекція in vitro м'якої пшениці на стійкість до Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici

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    Методом прямої клітинної селекції отримано стійкі до культурального фільтрату Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici калюсні лінії пшениці сорту Зимоярка та індуковано рослини-регенеранти. Вирощено насіннєве покоління R1, лабораторним способом оцінено його стійкість до метаболітів патогену. Виділено форми з підвищеною толерантністю.Методом прямой клеточной селекции получены резистентные к культуральному фильтрату G. graminis var. tritici каллюсные линии пшеницы сорта Зимоярка и индуцированы растениярегенеранты. Получено семенное поколение R1 и проведена его лабораторная оценка на устойчивость к метаболитам патогена. Выделены формы с повышенной толерантностью.By method of direct cellular selection resistant to culture filtrate of G. graminis var. tritici calli lines of bread wheat cultivar Zimoyarka were received, and plants-regenerants were induced. Seed generation R1 was received and its laboratory estimation for resistance to metabolites of pathogen was provided. Forms with the raised tolerance were allocated