114 research outputs found

    Myopia and defocus: the current understanding

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    The current theories relating to the development and progression of myopia are related to exposure of the eye to hyperopic defocus. This paper discusses these theories and the large body of recent research investigating the evidence behind them. As both human and animal studies demonstrate, when considering the potential influence of defocus on eye growth, the duration of exposure as well as the type and magnitude of the blur are important. In addition, we must understand the defocus threshold over which an eye growth signal can be made. Investigations with respect to central defocus alone have been unable to find a unified theory due to (1) insufficient evidence showing refractive group differences in the amount of central defocus actually present and (2) unsuccessful attempts to wholely reduce myopia progression using corrective lenses. Recent research measuring peripheral blur is summarised in this paper and modelled together with previous measurements of peripheral defocus thresholds, providing an up-to-date perspective on myopia.</jats:p

    Process over product: It\u27s more than an equation

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    Developing number and algebra together provide opportunities for searching for patterns, conjecturing, justifying, and generalising mathematical relationships. It allows the focus to be on the process of mathematics and noticing the structure of arithmetic, rather than the product of arriving at a correct answer. Two of the big ideas in mathematics are multiplicative thinking and algebraic reasoning. By noticing the structure of multiplicative situations, students will be in a position to reason algebraically, and the process of reasoning algebraically will allow students to appreciate the value of thinking multiplicatively rather than additively

    Purposeful statistical investigations

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    Lorraine Day provides us with a great range of statistical investigations using various resources such as maths300 and TinkerPlots. Each of the investigations link mathematics to students\u27 lives and provide engaging and meaningful contexts for mathematical inquiry

    Using statistics to explore cross-curricular and social issues opportunities

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    The area of statistics is one in which teachers may be encouraged to make important links to other curriculum areas and social issues. Statistical literacy is a key component of being numerate and living as an informed citizen. The teaching of statistics provides an opportunity to inform and educate students about social issues and moral behaviour, as well as reinforcing the links between mathematics and other areas of study. The Australian Curriculum: Mathematics (ACM) (ACARA, 2013b) states “Mathematics is composed of multiple but interrelated and interdependent concepts and systems which students apply beyond the mathematics classroom” (p. 1). In no other area is this so pronounced as in the Statistics and Probability Strand

    Australian curriculum linked lessons: Reasoning in number and algebra

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    In the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics Number and Algebra are developed together as each enriches the study of the other . The content strands indicate what students should be learning and the proficiency strands indicate the types of learning experiences students should be exposed to in order to learn the content. Most of the content descriptors in Years F-6 algebra refer to a progression of patterning and finding unknowns in number sentences. We could see from this that there are two major themes running through the curriculum; that of patterns and relationships, and that of equations and expressions. These two aspects of algebra are closely linked and, as such, should be developed together (Ministry of Education, 2014)

    How to conduct research in an independent hospice: practical tips and advice

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    Independent hospices can – and should aim to – participate in palliative care research, say Paul Perkins, Rebecca Day, Julie Hapeshi, Lorraine Dixon and Rudo Nyakuhwa, who give tips and advice based on their experience at Sue Ryder

    How to conduct research in an independent hospice: practical tips and advice

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    Independent hospices can – and should aim to – participate in palliative care research, say Paul Perkins, Rebecca Day, Julie Hapeshi, Lorraine Dixon and Rudo Nyakuhwa, who give tips and advice based on their experience at Sue Ryder

    An explanation for the use of arrays to promote the understanding of mental strategies for multiplication

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    This article provides a convincing argument for using arrays to promote students’ understandings of mental computation strategies for multiplication. Also a range of different examples that illustrate the benefits of arrays in the primary classroom are provided

    The reasoning proficiency

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    If students are to reason mathematically, they need to be engaged in mathematically rich, investigative tasks that allow them to explain their thinking, justify the strategies they use and the conclusions they reach, and adapt the known to the unknown. 1he importance of contextualised Learning should be highlighted so students may be encouraged to transfer their learning from one context to another, explain their choices within a context, and compare and contrast related ideas. 1he reasoning proficiency naturally interrelates with the understanding, problem solving and fluency proficiencies.

    A Study on the Toxicity of Sesbania Drummondii in Chickens and Rats.

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    A comparative study of two susceptible species, the chicken and the rat, to crude and partially purified extracts of the plant Sesbania drummondii was undertaken. Partial physical and chemical characterization of crude sesbania extracts has been accomplished including temperature and pH stability, molecular weight fractionation and high pressure liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography retention times. The toxicity of these different fractions could be differentiated with respect to weight loss, mortality, morbidity, serum protein changes and effect on PChE (Pseudocholinesterase) activities. The results indicated that more than one toxin exists in crude extracts of this plant. The pathophysiological findings could not be attributed to the presence of sesbanimide as the only major toxin of sesbania. The effects of sesbania extracts on serum protein concentration and PChE activity were similar but not identical to the effects of the protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide. Additional qualitative and quantitative differences between the effects of sesbania extracts and cycloheximide were noted following histological and electron microscopic examination. The results suggested that inhibition of protein synthesis is not the only mechanism of sesbania intoxication. Some evidence was obtained to indicate that inhibition of export protein release from the liver occurred during sesbania intoxication. Further investigation suggested that the liver is a major target organ, though not the sole target organ, in an experimentally induced episode of sesbania intoxication. Phenobarbital gave partial protection against sesbania-induced weight loss and morbidity in the adult chicken but failed to protect the immature birds. No protective influence was noted for phenobarbital pretreatment in the sesbania treated rat. Evidence was obtained for the presence of several new microsomal glutathione-S-transferase isozymes which could be modified by sesbania treatment. Glutathione peroxidase activities were depressed by sesbania treatment. The induction of the cytochrome P-450 monooxygenase system by sesbania treatment in the chicken but not the rat suggested further species differences. The induction of the microsomal monooxygenase system and glutathione-S-transferases suggested the possibility of the release of free radicals or strong electrophiles by crude extracts of sesbania
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