1,506 research outputs found

    Self-praise and dramatic patronage: the practice of dedications in the Restoration theatre

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    La práctica de las dedicatorias fue especialmente profusa en las publicaciones teatrales en la segunda mitad del XVII en Inglaterra. El apoyo de los poderosos era primordial, dada la precaria situación de los dramaturgos profesionales. Sus honorarios consistían únicamente en las ganancias de la tercera función y el pago por los derechos de publicación. Las dedicatorias ofrecían a los autores la ocasión de afianzar la relación de mecenazgo haciéndola pública, obtener nuevos beneficios, incrementar su prestigio, o incluso tratar de paliar la falta de éxito escénico. El presente trabajo analiza una de las estrategias más utilizadas con este fin, el recurso al autoelogio, abordando la mención de alabanzas y favores recibidos ya sea del dedicatario o de otras personas influyentes.The practice of dedications was widespread in printed playtexts during the second half of the 17th century in England. The support of the great was paramount, given the precarious situation of professional playwrights. Their earnings consisted only in the third-night benefit and the payment for publication rights. Dedications afforded authors an occasion to cement patronage relations by making them public, derive new profits, enhance their prestige, or even try to compensate for the lack of success on the stage. The present work analyses one of the strategies most often employed for this purpose in dedicatory epistles, the resort to self-praise, focusing on references to acclaim and marks of favour shown by either the dedicatee or other influential people

    Extracellular Vesicle-Mediated Communication between the Glioblastoma and Its Microenvironment

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    The glioblastoma is the most malignant form of brain cancer. Glioblastoma cells use multiple ways of communication with the tumor microenvironment in order to tune it for their own benefit. Among these, extracellular vesicles have emerged as a focus of study in the last few years. Extracellular vesicles contain soluble proteins, DNA, mRNA and non-coding RNAs with which they can modulate the phenotypes of recipient cells. In this review we summarize recent findings on the extracellular vesicles-mediated bilateral communication established between glioblastoma cells and their tumor microenvironment, and the impact of this dialogue for tumor progression and recurrence.España MINECO grant number PGC2018-094654-B-10

    VAT tax gap prediction: a 2-steps Gradient Boosting approach

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    Tax evasion is the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations, and trusts. The revenue loss from tax avoidance can undermine the effectiveness and equity of the government policies. A standard measure of tax evasion is the tax gap, that can be estimated as the difference between the total amounts of tax theoretically collectable and the total amounts of tax actually collected in a given period. This paper presents an original contribution to bottom-up approach, based on results from fiscal audits, through the use of Machine Learning. The major disadvantage of bottom-up approaches is represented by selection bias when audited taxpayers are not randomly selected, as in the case of audits performed by the Italian Revenue Agency. Our proposal, based on a 2-steps Gradient Boosting model, produces a robust tax gap estimate and, embeds a solution to correct for the selection bias which do not require any assumptions on the underlying data distribution. The 2-steps Gradient Boosting approach is used to estimate the Italian Value-added tax (VAT) gap on individual firms on the basis of fiscal and administrative data income tax returns gathered from Tax Administration Data Base, for the fiscal year 2011. The proposed method significantly boost the performance in predicting with respect to the classical parametric approaches.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 8 tables Presented at NTTS 2019 conference Under review at another peer-reviewed journa

    Interactions between neural progenitor cells and microglia in the subventricular zone: physiological implications in the neurogenic niche and after implantation in the injured brain

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    The adult subventricular zone (SVZ) of the mammalian brain contains neural progenitor cells (NPCs) that continuously produce neuroblasts throughout life. These neuroblasts migrate towards the olfactory bulb where they differentiate into local interneurons. The neurogenic niche of the SVZ includes, in addition to NPCs and neuroblasts, astrocytes, ependymal cells, blood vessels and the molecules released by these cell types. In the last few years, microglial cells have also been included as a key component of the SVZ neurogenic niche. Microglia in the SVZ display unique phenotypic features, and are more densely populated and activated than in non-neurogenic regions. In this article we will review literature reporting microglia-NPC interactions in the SVZ and the role of this bilateral communication in microglial function and in NPC biology. This interaction can take place through the release of soluble factors, extracellular vesicles or gap junctional communication. In addition, as NPCs are used for cell replacement therapies, they can establish therapeutically relevant crosstalks with host microglia which will also be summarized throughout the article.España MINECO Y FEDER BFU2012-33975 and BFU2015-64515-

    Cálculo de cuenca vertiente con ArcGIS

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    Descripción del módulo hidrológico de Spatial Analysis de ArcGIS 10

    Emotional Awareness During Bug Fixes – A Pilot Study

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    This study examines the effects of a programmer\u27s emotional awareness on progress while fixing bugs. The goal of the study is to capitalize on emotional awareness to ultimately increase progress made during software development. This process could result in improved software maintenance

    La situación económica de Japón tras la crisis de principios de los años 1990

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    [ES] La caída del sistema cambiario del Bretton Woods junto con la crisis petrolífera a comienzos de los años 70 del siglo pasado puso final a la extraordinaria etapa de crecimiento de la economía japonesa. Una serie de reformas efectuadas por las autoridades junto a errores de política económica ante este nuevo panorama generaron una burbuja inmobiliaria y bursátil que propiciaron el estancamiento de la economía japonesa, agravada por la crisis bancaria de 1997 durante una o tres décadas, según el autor. Las reformas de Koizumi permitieron despertar a Japón de su letargo. No obstante, el “crack” de Lehman Brothers en 2008 volvió a tumbar a Japón, quien con la llegada de Shinzo Abe y su política del “Abenomics” parece haber relanzado robustamente al país a pesar de su elevada deuda pública

    Action éducative dans la classe des approches novatrices: une étude intensive

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    Se presenta un estudio intensivo compuesto por el desarrollo de dos estudios de casos únicos que desenvuelven su actividad didáctica a partir de procesos de aprendizaje por investigación. Específicamente, se depara en el papel que juegan las variables (materiales curriculares, participación, gestión del espacio y del tiempo…) que inciden en el aula, a la hora de definir la práctica docente. Participan dos maestras de educación infantil y primaria respectivamente, que han cooperado voluntariamente. Su representatividad viene avalada por la duración de la experiencia -un año-, el interés expresado y su relación con contextos diferentes, todo lo cual permite comparaciones relevantes. La recogida de datos ha sido a partir de instrumentos variados (entrevistas, diarios, observaciones, entre otros). Para organizar la información contamos con una tabla que agrupa las evidencias de modo accesible. En concreto se expone cómo aunque ambas se inclinan hacia el aprendizaje por investigación, las diferencias entre ellas son notables.We present an Intensive Study composed by the development of two unique case studies that develop their didactic activity from research learning processes. Specifically, it lies in the role of the variables that affect the classroom, when defining the teaching practice. There are two primary and elementary education teachers, who cooperate voluntarily. Its representativeness is supported by the duration of the experience, the expressed interest and its relation with different contexts, all of which allows relevant comparisons. The data collection has been from various instruments. To organize the information we have a table that groups the evidence in an accesible way. In particular, it is exposed how, although both are inclined towards learning by investigation, the differences, among them, are remarkable.Une étude intensive comprend l'élaboration de deux études de cas individuels qui développent leurs activités d'enseignement des processus de recherche est présenté apprentissage. Plus précisément, il tient dans le rôle des variables qui affectent la classe lors de la définition pratique éducative. Impliquer deux enseignants de la maternelle et les écoles primaires, qui ont volontairement coopératif. Représentativité est garantie pour la durée de l'expérience, exprimé leur intérêt et leur relation avec les différents contextes, qui permet des comparaisons pertinentes. La collecte des données a été de divers instruments. Pour organiser les informations que nous avons une table que les groupes de la preuve de manière accessible. Plus précisément, il explique comment bien que les deux penchent vers la recherche d'apprentissage les différences entre eux sont remarquables