5,983 research outputs found

    Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz y los empeños de una casa: la comedia de capa y espada desde una perspectiva femenina

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    En este trabajo analizamos Los empeños de una casa de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, una versión de la comedia de capa y espada en la que los valores patriarcales se critican y subvierten, mientras que los personajes femeninos adquieren complejidad y un inusitado protagonismo, pues en ellos se refleja cómo las mujeres de la época encaran los obstáculos que valores masculinos como los códigos del honor y la honra les imponen.This work analyses "Los empeños de una casa" by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz as a version of the cloak-and-dagger play, where patriarchal values are criticized and subverted. Female characters gain in complexity and leadership, as they reflect how women of this period had to face the problems caused by male values as the concept of honour

    Dido: Virgil’s character and transmission in Spanish literature

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    En este estudio realizamos un estado de la cuestión de las diferentes interpretaciones de la Dido virgiliana para luego relacionarlas con cómo el mito se fue reescribiendo en las distintas épocas de la literatura española, dando lugar a un personaje que terminó por quitarle protagonismo a Eneas y se convirtió en una figura clave de la literatura universal.At this work, we try to overview Virgil’s character Dido state of affairs regarding to different interpretations. Nextly, this will be connected with the different rewritings of the myth throughout Spanish Literature’s movements. To conclude with, we will see how the character won importance over Eneas and became one of the greatest in Universal Literature

    "Romances de juventud" de Lope de Vega. Ed. Antonio Sánchez Jiménez (Madrid, Cátedra, 2015): [reseña]

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    Dominick Finello. "Ámbitos y espacios pastoriles en obras y autores áureos": [reseña]

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    Dominick FinelloÁmbitos y espacios pastoriles en obras y autores áureos Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2014, 224 p. Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica; 91 ISBN 9788484897729Dominick FinelloÁmbitos y espacios pastoriles en obras y autores áureos Madrid / Frankfurt, Iberoamericana / Vervuert, 2014, 224 p. Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica; 91 ISBN 978848489772

    The Poetic Word of Fernando de Herrera. An Approach through Corpus and Computational Linguistics

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    Great advances in Corpus Linguistics have led to new approaches in Literary Studies. This paper applies these new tools to the analysis of Golden Age Spanish poetry written by Fernando de Herrera, the author of Anotaciones a Garcilaso de la Vega (1580) and one of the greatest poets of his time. Through a keyword method combined with lexical concordances, we will try to overview principal characteristics and differences between subgenres in Herrera's poetry, dealing with the poems he published in life (known as H) and getting results which help in the academic debate about this poet's works and style

    Fernando de Herrera y la autoría de Versos: un primer acercamiento al drama textual desde la Estilometría

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    Además de tratarse de uno de los problemas textuales y de autoría más fascinantes de la poesía del Siglo de Oro, la cuestión en torno a la autenticidad de parte de la obra lírica de Fernando de Herrera ha dividido a la crítica en dos grandes grupos, dando lugar a un impasse que continúa hasta hoy. En este artículo se pretende arrojar nueva luz aplicando metodologías provenientes de las Humanidades Digitales y la Estilometría, empleando una técnica desarrollada recientemente por Maciej Eder, Rolling Stylometry, para detectar si hay varias manos en las obras poéticas dubitadas de Herrera, además de confirmar o rechazar la existencia de la mano de Francisco de Pacheco, principal argumento de los estudiosos que niegan la autoría herreriana.Es handelt sich nicht nur um eines der faszinierendsten philologischen Probleme der Lyrik des Siglo de Oro, sondern die Frage nach der Autorschaft und Authentizität des poetischen Werks von Fernando de Herrera trennt die Fachwelt in zwei Gruppen, die bis heute unversöhnlich erscheinen. Durch die Anwendung neuer Methoden aus dem Bereich der Digital Humanities, hier der Stilometrie und genauer der Rolling Stylometry (jüngst von Maciej Eder entwickelt) soll die Frage unter neuem Licht betrachtet werden. Dazu wird die These untersucht, ob verschiedene poetische Werke von Herrera möglichweise von unterschiedlichen, mehreren Personen verfasst wurden. Der in der bisherhigen Forschung als wahrscheinlichste Kandidat für ein solches „Ghostwriting“ ist der Maler und Herausgeber Francisco de Pacheco

    Plasma physics and fusion energy

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    A review on the equilibrium problem in magnetic confinement fusion plasmas is presented here. We first introduce the motivations to keep researching in fusion plasma physics, and the current state of actual fusion experiments. Afterwards, we briefly discuss the magnetohydrodinamics (MHD) equilibrium model and the resulting Grad-Shafranov equation. The equilibrium problem is solved by means of a MATLAB code that constructs approximated analytical solutions for a variety of geometries and conditions consistent with actual fusion experiments. The solution provides some physical quantities of interest that we analyze. Then, the equilibrium is also found for Taylor states with another MATLAB code, and a not so deep analysis is done.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Físic

    Dark Left-Right Gauge Model: SU(2)_R Phenomenology

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    In the recently proposed dark left-right gauge model of particle interactions, the left-handed fermion doublet (ν,e)L(\nu,e)_L is connected to its right-handed counterpart (n,e)R(n,e)_R through a scalar bidoublet, but νL\nu_L couples to nRn_R only through ϕ10\phi_1^0 which has no vacuum expectation value. The usual R parity, i.e. R=()3B+L+2jR = (-)^{3B+L+2j}, can be defined for this nonsupersymmetric model so that both nn and Φ1\Phi_1 are odd together with WR±W_R^\pm. The lightest nn is thus a viable dark-matter candidate (scotino). Here we explore the phenomenology associated with the SU(2)RSU(2)_R gauge group of this model, which allows it to appear at the TeV energy scale. The exciting possibility of Z8Z' \to 8 charged leptons is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Animation in the Core of Dystopia: Ari Folman's The Congress

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    [EN] Ari Folman's The Congress (2013) borrows freely from Stanisaw Lem's dystopian view in his Sci-fi novel The Futurological Congress (1971) to propose the gradual dissolution of the human into an artificial form, which is animation. By moving the action of the novel from a hypothetical future to contemporary Hollywood, Ari Folman gives CGI animation the role of catalyst for changes not only in the production system, but for human thought and, therefore, for society. This way, the film ponders the changing role of performers at the time of their digitalization, as well as on the progressive dematerialization of the film industry, considering a dystopian future where simulation fatally displaces reality, which invites relating The Congress with Jean Baudrillard's and Alan Cholodenko's theses on how animating technologies have resulted in the culture of erasing. Moreover, this article highlights how Lem's metaphor of the manipulation of information in the Soviet era is transformed in the second part of The Congress into a vision of cinema as a collective addiction, relating it to Alexander Dovzhenko's and Edgar Morin's speculative theories of total film - which come close to the potentialities of today's Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. In addition, although The Congress is a disturbing view of film industry and animating technologies, its vision of film is nostalgically retro as it vindicates an entire tradition of Golden Age animation that transformed the star system into cartoons, suggesting the fictionalization of their lives and establishing a postmodern continuum between animation and film.Lorenzo Hernández, MC. (2019). Animation in the Core of Dystopia: Ari Folman's The Congress. Animation. 14(3):222-234. https://doi.org/10.1177/1746847719875072S222234143Eisenstein S (2011[1940–1948]) Disney. In: Bulgakowa O, Hochmuth D (eds) Sergei Eisenstein | Disney, trans. Condren D. Berlin: Potemkin Press, 9–123.Feyersinger, E. (2010). Diegetic Short Circuits: Metalepsis in Animation. Animation, 5(3), 279-294. doi:10.1177/1746847710386432Hachero Hernández, B. (2015). Deformar a la Gorgona: la imagen animada como estrategia para documentar el horror. Con A de animación, (5), 114. doi:10.4995/caa.2015.3542Kriger, J. (2012). Animated Realism. doi:10.4324/9780240814407Silvio, T. (2010). Animation: The New Performance? Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 20(2), 422-438. doi:10.1111/j.1548-1395.2010.01078.xDelgado Sánchez C (2016) ¡A ver quién se anima! Actores animados, dibujos de carne y hueso. Madrid: Diábolo