234 research outputs found

    «Solo e senza altrui rispetto» (Orlando Furioso XXIII, 122, 2). Nota sobre la follia d'Orlando

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    L'article reprèn la qüestió dels dantismes a l’Orlando Furioso, ja estudiats per Segre i per Blasucci, per tal d'evidenciar la relació lingüística i hermenèutica que uneix l’episodi de la follia d'Orlando, a OF XXIII, amb el subtext de l’episodi de Paolo i Francesca a Inferno V. El que es vol destacar és la dimensió metalingüística subjacent a tots dos episodis i que fa de preludi a la represa cervantina del model de follia cavalleresca, ja present en Ariosto

    Poesia, giustizia e carcere : dall'Inferno di Dante alla Città dolente

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    Il saggio esamina le implicazioni ermeneutiche che emergono dallo spettacolo teatrale Dalla città dolente: colpa, pena e liberazione nelle visioni dell'Inferno di Dante, scritto e diretto da Fabio Cavalli, con la compagnia del Teatro Libero di Rebibbbia, mettendo in evidenza come l'incontro tra la poesia dell'Inferno e l'universo degli attori-detenuti inviti a riflettere sul concetto di colpa, giustizia retributiva e giustizia riparativa, in Dante e nella società contemporanea.The essay examines the hermeneutical implications which arise from the theatrical piece Dalla città dolente: colpa, pena e liberazione nelle visioni dell'Inferno di Dante, written and directed by Fabio Cavalli, with the thetre company Teatro Libero di Rebibbia, to argue that the crossing of the poetry of Inferno with the realm of the actors-detained suggest a reflection on the concepts of guilt, retributive justice and restorative justice, in Dante and in contemporary society

    realizzazione di un modulo NS2 per il calcolo di percorsi punto-multipunto in reti MPLS

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    realizzazione di un modulo NS2 per il calcolo di percorsi punto-multipunto in reti MPL

    "Solo e senza altrui rispetto" ("Orlando Furioso" XXIII, 122, 2) : nota sulla follia di Orlando

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    Il saggio riesamina la questione dei dantismi nell'Orlando Furioso, studiati da Segre e Blasucci, per evidenziare il rapporto linguistico ed ermeneutico che lega l'episodio della follia di Orlando, in OF XXIII, e il sottotesto dell'episodio di Paolo e Francesca in Inferno V, mettendo in primo piano la dimensione metalinguistica che sottende a entrambi gli episodi e che prelude alla ripresa cervantina del modello di follia cavalleresca, già dell'Ariosto.L'article reprèn la qüestió dels dantismes a l'Orlando Furioso, ja estudiats per Segre i per Blasucci, per tal d'evidenciar la relació lingüística i hermenèutica que uneix l'episodi de la follia d'Orlando, a OF XXIII, amb el subtext de l'episodi de Paolo i Francesca a Inferno V. El que es vol destacar és la dimensió metalingüística subjacent a tots dos episodis i que fa de preludi a la represa cervantina del model de follia cavalleresca, ja present en Ariosto.The essay examines the linguistic borrowings in the Orlando Furioso from Dante's Divine Comedy, studied by Segre and Blasucci, to emphasize the relationship which links, linguistically and hermeneutically, the episode of Orlando's madness in OF XXIII and the subtext of Paolo and Francesca's episode in Inferno V, insisting on the metalinguistic aspect which lies beneath both episodes and which preludes to Cervantes' reuse of the chivalric theme of madness, through Ariosto's model.El artículo retoma la cuestión de los dantismos en el Orlando Furioso, ya estudiados por Segre y por Blasucci, para evidenciar la relación lingüística y hermenéutica que une el episodio de la follia de Orlando, en OF XXIII, al subtexto del episodio de Paolo y Francesca en Inferno V. Lo que se quiere destacar es la dimensión metalingüística que subyace a ambos episodios y que hace de preludio a la recuperación llevada a cabo por Cervantes del modelo de follia cavalleresca, ya presente en Ariosto

    Glutathione and ascorbic acid protect Arabidopsis plants against detrimental effects of iron deficiency

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    Iron is an essential micronutrient required for a wide variety of cellular functions in plant growth and development. Chlorosis is the first visible symptom in iron-deficient plants. Glutathione (GSH) and ascorbic acid (ASC) are multifunctional metabolites playing important roles in redox balancing. In this work, it was shown that GSH and ASC treatment prevented chlorosis and the accumulation of reactive oxygen species induced by iron deficiency in Arabidopsis leaves. In iron deficiency, GSH and ASC increased the activity of the heme protein ascorbate peroxidase at a similar level to that found in iron-sufficient seedlings. GSH was also able to preserve the levels of the iron-sulfur protein ferredoxin 2. GSH content decreased 25% in iron-deficient Arabidopsis seedlings, whereas the ASC levels were not affected. Taken together, these results showed that GSH and ASC supplementation protects Arabidopsis seedlings from iron deficiency, preserving cell redox homeostasis and improving internal iron availability.Instituto de Fisiología Vegeta

    Wind tunnel modelling of porous elements

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    Your Paper has been Accepted, Rejected, or Whatever: Automatic Generation of Scientific Paper Reviews

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    4noPeer review is widely viewed as an essential step for ensuring scientific quality of a work and is a cornerstone of scholarly publishing. On the other hand, the actors involved in the publishing process are often driven by incentives which may, and increasingly do, undermine the quality of published work, especially in the presence of unethical conduits. In this work we investigate the feasibility of a tool capable of generating fake reviews for a given scientific paper automatically. While a tool of this kind cannot possibly deceive any rigorous editorial procedure, it could nevertheless find a role in several questionable scenarios and magnify the scale of scholarly frauds. A key feature of our tool is that it is built upon a small knowledge base, which is very important in our context due to the difficulty of finding large amounts of scientific reviews. We experimentally assessed our method 16 human subjects. We presented to these subjects a mix of genuine and machine generated reviews and we measured the ability of our proposal to actually deceive subjects judgment. The results highlight the ability of our method to produce reviews that often look credible and may subvert the decision.partially_openembargoed_20160915Bartoli, Alberto; De Lorenzo, Andrea; Medvet, Eric; Tarlao, FabianoBartoli, Alberto; DE LORENZO, Andrea; Medvet, Eric; Tarlao, Fabian

    Can a Machine Replace Humans in Building Regular Expressions? A Case Study

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    Regular expressions are routinely used in a variety of different application domains. But building a regular expression involves a considerable amount of skill, expertise, and creativity. In this work, the authors investigate whether a machine can surrogate these qualities and automatically construct regular expressions for tasks of realistic complexity. They discuss a large-scale experiment involving more than 1,700 users on 10 challenging tasks. The authors compare the solutions constructed by these users to those constructed by a tool based on genetic programming that they recently developed and made publicly available. The quality of automatically constructed solutions turned out to be similar to the quality of those constructed by the most skilled user group; the time for automatic construction was likewise similar to the time required by human users

    On the Automatic Construction of Regular Expressions from Examples (GP vs. Humans 1-0)

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    Regular expressions are systematically used in a number of different application domains. Writing a regular expression for solving a specific task is usually quite difficult, requiring significant technical skills and creativity. We have developed a tool based on Genetic Programming capable of constructing regular expressions for text extraction automatically, based on examples of the text to be extracted. We have recently demonstrated that our tool is human-competitive in terms of both accuracy of the regular expressions and time required for their construction. We base this claim on a large-scale experiment involving more than 1700 users on 10 text extraction tasks of realistic complexity. The F-measure of the expressions constructed by our tool was almost always higher than the average F-measure of the expressions constructed by each of the three categories of users involved in our experiment (Novice, Intermediate, Experienced). The time required by our tool was almost always smaller than the average time required by each of the three categories of users. The experiment is described in full detail in "Can a machine replace humans? A case study. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2016
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