615 research outputs found

    Delegation by Object Composition

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    AbstractClass inheritance and method overriding, as provided by standard class-based languages, are often not flexible enough to represent objects with some dynamic behavior. In this respect, object composition equipped with different forms of method body lookup is often advocated as a more flexible alternative to class inheritance since it takes place at run time, thus permitting the behavior of objects to be specialized dynamically. In this paper, we illustrate Incomplete Featherweight Java (IFJ), an extension of Featherweight Java with a novel linguistic construct, the incomplete object. Incomplete objects require some missing methods which can be provided at run time by composition with another (complete) object. Furthermore, we present two mechanisms for the method body lookup on (composed) objects, one based on delegation and the other based on consultation. Thanks to the design of the language, the consultation-based lookup is a simple extension of the delegation-based one. Both mechanisms are disciplined by static typing, therefore the language enjoys type safety (which implies no “message-not-understood” run-time errors) and avoids possible accidental overrides due to method name clashes

    O'Klaim: a coordination language with mobile mixins

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    Towards Object-Oriented Klaim

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    Abstract By its own nature, mobile code requires flexibility in order to be adaptive to any execution context it may be run in. In this paper we investigate this flexibility requirement from the design point of view, and propose a solution based on the mixin technique to fulfill it. We also propose an extension of the language K laim with object-oriented features, as an application of this approach

    Lithium limits trimethyltin-induced cytotoxicity and proinflammatory response in microglia without affecting the concurrent autophagy impairment

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    Trimethyltin (TMT) is a highly toxic molecule present as an environmental contaminant causing neurodegeneration particularly of the limbic system both in humans and in rodents. We recently described the occurrence of impairment in the late stages of autophagy in TMT-intoxicated astrocytes. Here we show that similarly to astrocytes also in microglia, TMT induces the precocious block of autophagy indicated by the accumulation of the autophagosome marker, microtubule associated protein light chain 3. Consistent with autophagy impairment we observe in TMT-treated microglia the accumulation of p62/SQSTM1, a protein specifically degraded through this pathway. Lithium has been proved effective in limiting neurodegenerations and, in particular, in ameliorating symptoms of TMT intoxication in rodents. In our in vitro model, lithium displays a pro-survival and anti-inflammatory action reducing both cell death and the proinflammatory response of TMT-treated microglia. In particular, lithium exerts these activities without reducing TMT-induced accumulation of light chain 3 protein. In fact, the autophagic block imposed by TMT is unaffected by lithium administration. These results are of interest as defects in the execution of autophagy are frequently observed in neurodegenerative diseases and lithium is considered a promising therapeutic agent for these pathologies. Thus, it is relevant that this cation can still maintain its pro-survival and anti-inflammatory role in conditions of autophagy bloc

    Two unusual cases of Gitelman's syndrome with a complex inheritance: how the phenotype can help interpret the genotype: lesson for the clinical nephrologist

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    Bartter\u2019s syndrome (BS) and Gitelman\u2019s syndrome (GS) are autosomal recessive disorders with overlapping features, caused by biallelic variants in six genes encoding proteins involved in renal electrolyte homeostasis in different districts of the nephron. Here we describe two patients with a clinical diagnosis of GS with a complex inheritance whose clinical interpretation and treatment proved challenging. In one patient, compound heterozygosity for two known pathogenic variant in the SLC12A3 gene was associated with an uncommon variant in the KCNJ1 gene (one of the known BS genes). The unusual severity of GS phenotype encountered in this patient led us to hypothesize that the missense variant can act as a genetic modifier by exacerbating the severity of the disease and by inducing BS-like clinical manifestations. In the other patient, two novel likely pathogenic variants in the SLC12A3 gene were coupled with a hitherto unreported rare variant in the SLC4A1 gene; the latter\u2019s disease-causing variants have been associated with both dominant and recessive forms of distal renal tubular acidosis (dRTA). Patient\u2019s medical history (he was clinically diagnosed with incomplete hypokalemic dRTA at 10 years old) supports the hypothesis of a dual molecular diagnosis and hence of a blended phenotype

    Educación ambiental Y conciencia ecológica en los estudiantes de la I.E José María Arguedas, UGEL 04-Carabayllo, año 2019

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    La relación entre el ser humano y la naturaleza se está haciendo insostenible, esta inestabilidad objetiva se percibe en los problemas ambientales actuales. La educación ambiental ha sido considerada una alternativa, desde 1972, para conseguir una Conciencia Ecológica que se vea traducida en actitudes y comportamientos de cuidado y protección a nuestro medio ambiente. Esta realidad en macro visión, también se observa a nivel nacional, local e institucional. Así nace la presente investigación que tiene como objetivo general conocer la relación entre la educación ambiental y la conciencia ecológica en los estudiantes de educación secundaria de la I. E. José María Arguedas, UGEL 04- Carabayllo, Lima 2019. La investigación es cuantitativa, de tipo básico, diseño no experimental, transversal, descriptivo correlacional, con 2 variables. La población estuvo compuesta por 125 estudiantes del primer grado de educación secundaria de la I.E José María Arguedas, la muestra fue de 105. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta, para las variables Educación Ambiental y Conciencia Ecológica, los instrumentos fueron los cuestionarios con escala de valoración tipo Likert. La validez de contenido de los instrumentos se realizó por juicio de expertos y la confiabilidad por la prueba de Alfa de Cronbach, cuyos resultados fueron 0,878 para Educación Ambiental y 0,76 para Conciencia Ecológica mostrando una fuerte confiabilidad. De acuerdo al objetivo general se concluye que existe correlación significativa, sustentada estadísticamente, entre la Educación Ambiental y la Conciencia Ecológica en los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de la I.E José María Arguedas, UGEL 04- Carabayllo, Lima 2019; el valor de significancia p=000 muestra que es menor a 0,005 por lo que rechaza la hipótesis nula y acepta la hipótesis alterna. Asimismo, los resultados del análisis estadístico, según Rho de Spearman= 0,740 muestran una correlación positiva alta