375 research outputs found

    Innovation and development of biofuel technologies

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    The need for viable alternatives to gasoline has lead researchers to explore various options for renewable energy resources. This research study focuses on two major options for renewable energy. The first is biodiesel, which is a fuel that can be made from vegetable oils or animal fats. In this study, biodiesel was made from tall oil, a paper byproduct. A novel reaction method was used, employing high temperature methanol rather than acid or base catalysis. The second option that was investigated is butanol, which is an alcohol with advantages over ethanol. First, a two-step fermentation was examined to improve the productivity of butanol fermentation. After this, the electrically-driven separation method of electrodeionization (EDI) was explored in order to further increase the final butanol product yield after the two-step fermentation

    Environmental factors influencing incubation constancy and recess frequency in Gadwall (Anas strepera) in the prairie pothole region of North Dakota

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    I examined nest attendance patterns for 132 Gadwall (Anas strepera) females breeding in the prairie pothole region located in Towner County, North Dakota from May to July 2000 - 2001. Overall, Gadwall had a daily incubation constancy of 76.5 ± 10.8%, and daily recess frequency of 2.2 ± 1.1 with each recess lasting 179.8 ± 133.8 minutes. Unlike other waterfowl species, Gadwall increased incubation constancy and decreased recess frequency as daily high temperature increased and showed no change in constancy with precipitation. Gadwall incubation constancy did not fit the body-size hypothesis, as Gadwall have a lower incubation constancy compared to species smaller in size. This may be because Gadwall have the latest peak clutch initiation of all dabbling ducks, providing the advantage of dense nesting cover and warmer ambient temperature compared to earlier nesting species. Of the 132 females, 19 (14%) delayed nocturnal incubation resulting in a significant difference in incubation constancy (P= 0.001) and recess frequency (P = 0.001) from those that did not delay nocturnal incubation. However, components of the incubation rhythms, after the onset of nocturnal incubation were similar for both groups

    Umsorgt werden und umsorgen - Leben mit mehreren Langzeiterkrankungen (Leila) : eine qualitative Studie zum Beitrag von APN in integrierter Versorgung

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    Hintergrund: Das Leben mit mehreren chronischen Krankheiten ist komplex und führt zu einer erhöhten Pflege- und Betreuungsbedürftigkeit. Zur Förderung der integrierten Versorgung wurde ein dreijähriges Projekt namens «Leben mit Langzeiterkrankung» (Leila) initiiert. Ziel: Das Projekt hatte zum Ziel, Leistungen von Pflegeexpertinnen in Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) für chronisch erkrankte Menschen in Zusammenarbeit mit Hausarztpraxen zu entwickeln. Folgende Fragestellungen wurden untersucht: 1. Wie erleben Patient(inn)en, Zuweisende und Pflegeexpertinnen APN das Leila-Dienstleistungsangebot? 2. Wie gestalten sich Zuweisungsprozesse? 3. Wie erleben die Beteiligten die Zusammenarbeit und die APN-Rollenausübung? Methode: Es wurde ein qualitativer Ansatz gemäß Grounded Theory nach Corbin und Strauss gewählt, um Erfahrungen mit Leila und Interaktionen der an Leila beteiligten Personen zu untersuchen. Dabei wurden 38 Interviews mit Patient(inn)en, die mit multiplen chronischen Krankheiten leben, deren betreuende Pflegeexpertinnen APN und zuweisenden Ärzt(inn)en durchgeführt und evaluiert. Ergebnisse: «Umsorgt werden und umsorgen» zeigte sich als zentrale Kategorie. Diese beschreibt wie auf die Patient(inn)en eingegangen wurde, sie einbezogen und ernst genommen wurden. Die Hauptkategorie «Den Alltag gestalten» zeigt, dass die Patient(inn)en lernten, mit den Folgen chronischer Erkrankungen im Alltag umzugehen. «Alle Ressourcen nutzen» legt dar, wie Potenziale und Stärken eingesetzt wurden. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Ergebnisse zu Zuweisungs- und Kooperationsprozessen ergaben, dass die APN-Rollenanerkennung und -ausübung noch ausgehandelt werden muss. Zukünftige APN-Angebote für diese Patient(inn)engruppe sollten nebst Ärztenetzwerken in weitere Dienstleistungen und die Spitex integriert werden. Background: Living with multiple chronic diseases is complex and leads to enhanced care needs. To foster integrated care a project called “Living with chronic disease” (Leila) was initiated. Aim: The aim was to develop an Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) service in collaboration with medical centers for persons who are living with multiple chronic diseases. The following research questions were addressed: 1. What are patients' experiences, referring physicians and APNs with the Leila-Service? 2. How are referral processes performed? 3. How do the involved groups experience collaboration and APN role development? Methods: A qualitative approach according grounded theory of Corbin and Strauss was used to explore the experiences with the Leila project and the interaction of the persons involved. 38 interviews were conducted with patients who are living with multiple chronic diseases, their APN's and the referring physicians. Results: The findings revealed “Being cared for and caring” as main category. The data demonstrated how patients responded to their involvement into care and that they were taken as serious partners in the care process. The category “organizing everyday life” describes how patients learned to cope with the consequences of living with multiple chronic diseases. “Using all resources” as another category demonstrates how capabilities and strengths were adopted. Conclusions: The results of the cooperation- and allocation processes showed that the APN recognition and APN role performance have to be negotiated. Prospective APN-services for this patient population should be integrated along with physician networks and other service providers including community health nursing

    An In Vitro Study on the Synergistic Effect of the Musa Acuminata and Citrofortunella Microcarpa Peel Extract Against Escherichia coli

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    Musa acuminata, locally known as Saba Bananas, and Citrofortunella microcarpa, locally known as Calamansi, are cheap native fruits in the Philippines. Both peels are commonly thrown out after consumption, but some studies suggest that fruit peels may still be useful for their antibacterial properties. With the rise of the demand for an alternative antibacterial agent, this study aims to test the efficacy of banana and calamansi peels and their synergistic effect as an antibacterial agent. The study utilized a true experimental research design to investigate the Synergistic Effect of the Musa acuminata and Citrofortunella microcarpa peel extract against Escherichia coli. 100g of each dried peel were soaked in 95% ethanol for 48 hours. It was then filtered and evaporated through the rotary evaporator. Phytochemical analysis to identify the secondary metabolites of the combination of fruit extracts. Disk diffusion assay was used to identify the efficacy rate of combining the fruit extracts against Escherichia coli by measuring the zone of inhibition. The data were then analyzed using descriptive statistics using mean, one-way ANOVA, and Post Hoc tests. The study identified secondary metabolites of the combination of both fruit extracts that were positive for Saponins, Flavonoids, Alkaloids, and Triterpenes. The disc diffusion assay identified that the calamansi peels, banana peels, and the combination of calamansi and banana peels fall under the very reactive reactivity rating (>19mm). When the three samples were compared using ANOVA and Post Hoc tests, it revealed that the average zone of inhibition of the three samples was significantly different, with the combined banana and calamansi sample as the highest. The researchers have concluded that the synergistic effect of the banana and calamansi peel extracts proved to be capable of acting as an antibacterial agent against E. coli. The researchers recommend exploring the efficacy rate of extracts with different concentrations and using different bacteria for future studies.Keywords: synergistic effect, antibacterial assay, phytochemical analysi

    Treatment of sentence production in German agrammatism: a multiple single case study

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    This multiple single case intervention study focusses on the production of non-canonical sentences with seven agrammatic participants. Cross-over training involved the production of object relative clauses, i.e. syntactically complex sentences and relying on higher nodes in the syntactic tree and object derived who-questions, i.e. less complex sentences and relying on lower nodes. The investigation evaluates individual structure specific effects, generalized effects for sentence structures of the same movement type and different movement type. Individual results, unambiguously attributable to the intervention are reported and discussed within two accounts of treatment of agrammatic sentence production, the Tree-Pruning-Hypotheses (TPH) and the Complexity-Account-Treatment-Efficacy (CATE)

    Recognizing the need for nursing support through energy data : a pilot project

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    Bei Personen im hohen Alter passieren 90 Prozent der Unfälle – wie zum Beispiel Stürze – zu Hause. Ein großer Anteil der Unfälle in Häusern betrifft Personen die älter sind als 65 Jahre. Das Erkennen von Aktivitäten kann dazu beitragen, dass Notfallsituationen frühzeitig erkannt werden. Bislang haben nur wenige Technologien zur Aktivitäts- und Notfallerkennung, welche in eine bestehende häusliche Infrastruktur integriert werden können, das Potenzial, die Sicherheit älterer, zu Hause lebender Personen zu erhöhen, indem Veränderungen im Alltag automatisch erkannt werden. Das Institut für Pflege (IFP) und das Institut für Energiesysteme und Fluid Engineering der ZHAW (IEFE) der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) will mit einer Pilotstudie aufzeigen, dass Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens durch Energieverbrauchsdaten identifiziert werden können. Dazu wird untersucht, ob Daten aus einem Aktivitätsmonitoring-System dazu verwendet werden können, um einen pflegerischen Unterstützungsbedarf zu erkennen. Vor allem gebrechliche Personen über 70 Jahre, die sowohl kognitiv als auch sinnesbeeinträchtigt sind, könnten von intelligenten Technologien profitieren, was dazu beitragen kann, dass Personen im Alter länger zu Hause leben können. In older adults, 90 percent of accidents – such as falls – occur at home. A large proportion of accidents in homes affect people who are older than 65 years. Recognition of a pattern of activities can help ensure that emergency situations are detected early. Not many technologies for activity and emergency detection have the potential to improve the safety of older adults living alone. These technologies, which can be integrated into an existing domestic infrastructure, may automatically recognize changes in everyday life. The Institute of Nursing (IFP) and the Institute for Energy Systems and Fluid Engineering (IEFE) of Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) wants to show with a pilot study whether activities of daily living can be identified by energy consumption data and whether data from an activity monitoring system can be used to detect needs that would benefit from nursing support. Especially elderly persons over 80 years who have cognitive or sensory impairments could benefit from intelligent technologies, which can help older adults to continue to live at home

    Examining Coaches’ Instructional Behavior in Response to Challenge and Threat Feedback

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    Coaches’ experiences of stress are influenced by their perceptions of personal resources to meet situational demands. This study examined the impact of challenge and threat feedback on coaches’ instructional behaviors using an experimental manipulation and behavior analysis. We used a single-case experimental design consistent with the principles of applied behavior analysis and conducted follow-up interviews. The Arizona State University Observation Instrument (ASUOI; Lacy & Darst, 1989) was employed to systematically observe coaches’ instructional behaviors pre- and post- manipulation, which was delivered by random assignment of challenge or threat feedback to 10 novice coaches. A total of 1,084 instructional behaviors were recorded across both conditions. In the challenge condition, two coaches exhibited relatively large increases in instructional behavior, while three coaches showed small decreases. Coaches in the threat condition demonstrated greater within condition variance as two coaches showed relatively large increases in instructional behavior, two coaches showed large decreases, and one coach showed minimal change. Interview data highlighted the mediating roles of coaches’ emotional responses, resource perceptions, and goal orientation in the challenge and threat appraisal process. Implications for practice include the use of reflection to promote coaches’ resource perceptions and facilitate adaptive responses to stress
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