3,281 research outputs found


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    Monte-Carlo simulation of nonparametric efficiency shows that even when the number of firms is large, defining ten or more inputs results in most firms being measured as efficient. Comparison of the simulated results with any empirical results may suggest that the dimension of the problem, rather than actual efficiencies, determines computed efficiencies.Agribusiness,

    Supercritical Conversion Of The 3rd Blue Phase To The Isotropic-Phase In A Highly Chiral Liquid-Crystal

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    The results of two independent experiments in the vicinity of the “transition” from the third blue phase ( BPIII) to isotropic phase ( I) are reported for a highly chiral liquid crystal. Heat capacity measurements using a high-resolution calorimeter and dynamic light-scattering measurements using circularly polarized light have been performed. The data show a continuous evolution of BPIII into I with no critical fluctuations. This is strong evidence that the BPIII-I transition in this compound is supercritical, indicating that the BPIII and I phases possess the same macroscopic symmetry

    NF05-633 Soybean Rust: How Great is the Threat for Nebraska?

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    Soybean rust is a serious foliar disease that has caused significant crop losses in other parts of the world. It was first detected in the United States in November 2004 and has since been identified in several southeastern states. The fact that wind-borne spores principally spread soybean rust suggests it will be a seasonal problem in Nebraska. This NebFact discusses the symptoms, life cycle, host range, potential impact on soybean production, and management of soybean rust in the state of Nebraska

    Vocational Agricultural Curriculum Study In Utah County

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    A questionnaire containing 69 curriculum areas for a vocational agricultural program in Utah County, Utah, and a proposed rating scale was mailed to 720 students who had graduated in vocational agriculture from eight high schools; to 14 agricultural teachers, and to 22 secondary school administrators and supervisors from Utah County; and to 28 other agricultural teachers selected at random in the state. Each person was asked to evaluate each curriculum area according to four suggested rating values: no value, has value, recommended, or essential. The rating from each respondent was tabulated for each curriculum area by total points by numerical rating sequence. All respondents approved all curriculum areas as having value, but they differed as to degree of acceptability. Four areas received a rating of (1-12) by all respondents. Forty-three areas received total point ratings between 13-56. Eleven curriculum areas were rated low (57-69) in acceptability by three or four groups of respondents. It is recommended that graduates from vocational agricultural programs, vocational agricultural teachers, administrators, and supervisors in secondary schools be involved in curriculum planning to correlate the agricultural program with interests of students and the needs of the communities and that data, such as revealed in this study, be considered in vocational agriculture curriculum planning

    An Analysis of the Production Flow at TMI Systems Design Corporation

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    The purpose of this study was to perform a detailed analysis of the production process flow at TMI Systems Design Corporation that will help improve the overall efficiency of the manufacturing process. The study was sectioned into three phases. Phase one of this study was to collect data on the manufacturing process. Phase two of this study was to incorporate the manufacturing process data into flow process charts and flow diagrams. Phase three of this study was to create an operations process flow chart for the model W2052 wall cabinet. Phase one was accomplished by collecting data while observing the components of cabinets as they progressed through the various tasks needed to complete a finished cabinet. Data collection for the production process began once the components for the cabinets were cut on the saw and sorted into separate stacks according to individual parts. Phase two was accomplished by incorporating the manufacturing process data into flow process charts and flow diagrams. The flow process charts gave a graphical representation of the sequence of all operations, transportation, inspections, delays, and storage activities that occurred to the components as they progressed through the production process. The flow diagrams showed the layout of the plant and where the activities in the production process occurred. Phase three was accomplished by using data from the flow process charts to create an operations process flow chart. The chart assisted in visualizing the operations for each component and the times in which each operation was completed. Analyzing the data collected from the process flow charts showed that a large percentage of the time that the components were in the plant, they were waiting for an operation to be performed on them. Over 97% of the time that the components are in the plant, they were sitting on the production line having no work performed on them. Taking into consideration material handling and delay time, this percentage increased to 98%. Each of these activities are non-value adding functions and therefore can be considered waste. Only 2% of the entire production time can be considered value adding. Recommendations for further study are: 1) additional research on TMI’s current material handling practices, 2) reduce the amount of time that it takes a job to travel through the factory, 3) automate the entire production process, 4) a detailed analysis of each operation
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