439 research outputs found

    The Origin of Life: Models and Data.

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    A general framework for conventional models of the origin of life (OOL) is the specification of a 'privileged function.' A privileged function is an extant biological function that is excised from its biological context, elevated in importance over other functions, and transported back in time to a primitive chemical or geological environment. In RNA or Clay Worlds, the privileged function is replication. In Metabolism-First Worlds, the privileged function is metabolism. In Thermal Vent Worlds, the privileged function is energy harvesting from chemical gradients. In Membrane Worlds, the privileged function is compartmentalization. In evaluating these models, we consider the contents and properties of the Universal Gene Set of life, which is the set of orthologous genes conserved throughout the tree of life and found in every living system. We also consider the components and properties of the Molecular Toolbox of Life, which contains twenty amino acids, eight nucleotides, glucose, polypeptide, polynucleotide, and several other components. OOL models based on privileged functions necessarily depend on "takeovers" to transition from previous genetic and catalytic systems to the extant DNA/RNA/protein system, requiring replacement of one Molecular Toolbox with another and of one Universal Gene Set with another. The observed robustness and contents of the Toolbox of Life and the Universal Gene Set over the last 3.7 billion years are thought to be post hoc phenomena. Once the takeover processes are acknowledged and are reasonably considered, the privileged function models are seen to be extremely complex with low predictive power. These models require indeterminacy and plasticity of biological and chemical processes

    Solution-Focused Brief Therapy and Students\u27 Behaviors

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    Around 17 million children in the U.S have or have had a behavioral health issue, but most are not treated. Eighty percent of children with anxiety are not receiving treatment, along with 40% of children with diagnosable ADHD/ADD and 60% of children with diagnosable depression. Untreated behavioral health issues have had a severe impact on the nation\u27s economy. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, untreated behavioral health issues cost about $100 billion a year in lost productivity. The United States has a high population of both children and adults with untreated behavioral health issues. Children who have untreated behavioral health issues, can potentially grow up to be adults with behavioral health issues. The start of many behavioral health conditions most often occurs in adolescence. Half of individuals living with behavioral health issues experience onset by the age of 14. This number jumps to 75% by the age of 24. Untreated or inadequately treated behavioral health conditions can affect a student\u27s ability to learn, grow and develop. Even during the best of economic times, youth living with behavioral health issues struggle to access essential behavioral health services and supports. Services are often unavailable or inaccessible for those who need them the most. There is a need for students to have better access to behavioral health services which can be offered within the school setting. Schools should not wait for a crisis to occur within a school, (e.g., a school shooting) before addressing the lack of behavioral health services for students. The research question for this study is: Will students\u27 behaviors differ significantly, as measured by the pretest and post test BRIC, based upon participation in SFBT

    A Study of School Desegregation: Self-Prediction of Behavior and Correlates of Self-Prediction

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    (From the Introduction) On January 11, 1955, the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission directed the school system at Oak Ridge, Tennessee to desegregate beginning with the school year of 1955-1956. Although in general the school system officials felt that the community as a whole would be receptive to this procedure, research oriented toward the anticipation of problems that might arise as a result of the desegregation process was inaugurated by the Philosophy and Psychology Department at the University of Tennessee. The research that developed from this request is reported herein

    The Property Tax in the 1980s and Prospects for the 1990s

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    In the late seventies, the secular decline in reliance on property taxation was expected to continue through this decade. However, the decline of the property tax has slowed, perhaps even halted. Reasons for this are examined and it is found that changes in the growth and allocation of fiscal responsibility did affect the property tax as anticipated, but that other trends did not continue. The implications of federal income tax reform for the property tax is also examined. Although property taxation has become a more expensive way to fund local expenditures, other factors, especially the relative price increase of sales taxation, are likely to soften the impact of tax reform. Finally, possible structural changes in the property tax resulting from tax reform are discussed

    Compositions and Methods for Inhibiting Gene Expressions

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    A combined packing and assembly method that efficiently packs ribonucleic acid (RNA) into virus like particles (VLPs) has been developed. The VLPs can spontaneously assemble and load RNA in vivo, efficiently packaging specifically designed RNAs at high densities and with high purity. In some embodiments the RNA is capable of interference activity, or is a precursor of a RNA capable of causing interference activity. Compositions and methods for the efficient expression, production and purification of VLP-RNAs are provided. VLP-RNAs can be used for the storage of RNA for long periods, and provide the ability to deliver RNA in stable form that is readily taken up by cells

    School Finance Reform and Impact on Property Taxes

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