27 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of gabapentin pharmacotherapy in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

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    Objectives: Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is a common chemotherapy side effect, but its prevention and treatment remains a challenge. Neurotoxicity may lead to dose limitation or even treatment discontinuation, and therefore potentially affect the efficacy of anticancer treatment and long term outcomes. The practice to administer gabapentin for neuropathy may be applicable, but is limited by insufficient studies. The aim of our study was to assess the presence of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in ovarian cancer patients treated with first-line paclitaxel and carboplatin chemotherapy and evaluate the effectiveness of gabapentin in treatment of this condition. Material and methods: 61 ovarian cancer patients treated with first line chemotherapy were included in the study. The first phase of the study was to assess neurological condition of each patient by: neuropathy symptoms scale, McGill’s scale, neurological deficit and quality of life, during the chemotherapy. In the second phase of the study we evaluated the response to gabapentin treatment in a group of patients who developed neuropathy. Results: 78.7% of the patients developed chemotherapy related neuropathy. During the course of chemotherapy these patients experienced significant exacerbation of neuropathy symptoms (p < 0.0001), neuropathic pain (p < 0.0001), neurologic deficit (p < 0.0012) and worsening of quality of life (p < 0.0002). Patients who were qualified to undergo the gabapentin treatment observed improvement in symptoms (p < 0.027), pain (p < 0.027) and neurologic deficit (p < 0.019). Quality of life did not change significantly after gabapentin treatment (p < 0.128). Conclusions: Chemotherapy substantially deteriorates the neurologic condition of the patients and the quality of life. Paclitaxel and carboplatin treated patients may benefit from gabapentin therapy in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

    HorTILLUS - a rich and renewable source of induced mutations for forward/reverse genetics and pre-breeding programs in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

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    TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) is a strategy used for functional analysis of genes that combines the classical mutagenesis and a rapid, high-throughput identification of mutations within a gene of interest. TILLING has been initially developed as a discovery platform for functional genomics, but soon it has become a valuable tool in development of desired alleles for crop breeding, alternative to transgenic approach. Here we present the HorTILLUS (Hordeum—TILLING—University of Silesia) population created for spring barley cultivar “Sebastian” after double-treatment of seeds with two chemical mutagens: sodium azide (NaN3) and N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU). The population comprises more than 9,600 M2 plants from which DNA was isolated, seeds harvested, vacuum-packed, and deposited in seed bank. M3 progeny of 3,481 M2 individuals was grown in the field and phenotyped. The screening for mutations was performed for 32 genes related to different aspects of plant growth and development. For each gene fragment, 3,072–6,912 M2 plants were used for mutation identification using LI-COR sequencer. In total, 382 mutations were found in 182.2Mb screened. The average mutation density in the HorTILLUS, estimated as 1 mutation per 477 kb, is among the highest mutation densities reported for barley. The majority of mutations were G/C to A/T transitions, however about 8% transversions were also detected. Sixty-one percent of mutations found in coding regions were missense, 37.5% silent and 1.1% nonsense. In each gene, the missense mutations with a potential effect on protein function were identified. The HorTILLUS platformis the largest of the TILLING populations reported for barley and best characterized. The population proved to be a useful tool, both in functional genomic studies and in forward selection of barley mutants with required phenotypic changes. We are constantly renewing the HorTILLUS population, which makes it a permanent source of new mutations.We offer the usage of this valuable resource to the interested barley researchers on cooperative basis

    Rzeszowski i Krakowski Obszar Metropolitalny

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Problematyka metropolii i obszaru metropolitalnego od początku XX wieku, (R. Blanchard, N. S. B. Gras) stała się przedmiotem badań i wywodzi się od koncepcji gospodarczej dominacji metropolii oraz teorii regionu miejskiego. „Tkwiące w tych kierunkach [badawczych - ZM] wątki funkcjonalny i morfologiczny zostały powiązane przez R. McKenzie w jego koncepcji społeczności metropolitalnej (metropolitan community), z której powstała teoria obszaru metropolitalnego". Od końca XX wieku problematyka ta okazała się filarem kształtowania się ładu przestrzennego w wielu rozwiniętych krajach. Szczególnie w strukturach przestrzennych krajów europejskich i w Stanach Zjednoczonych metropolie i obszary metropolitalne postrzegane są jako główne centra wzrostu regionalnego, w których skupione zostały wiodące ośrodki wiedzy, nauki, innowacji i kultury. Centra te są motorem rozwoju; mobilizują one pozostałe obszary w kierunku nowoczesnej europejskiej gospodarki opartej na wiedzy. Od rozpoczęcia procesu integracji polskiej gospodarki z nowoczesnymi strukturami zachodnioeuropejskimi, polskie regiony dostosowują się do standardów europejskich. Należy przyjąć, że od ostatniej dekady XX wieku rozpoczął się proces metropolizacji polskiej przestrzeni, a proces ten jest silnie powiązany z praktyką planowania przestrzennego, o czym zdecydował ustawodawca w 2003 r., wprowadzając „przepisy nakazujące sporządzanie planów dla obszarów obejmujących największe miasta Polski wraz z ich bezpośrednim otoczeniem, nazwanych obszarami metropolitalnymi". Awans cywilizacyjny regionów Polski związany jest z rozwojem metropolii i obszarów metropolitalnych. Jak podaje E. Malisiewicz - metropolie są światłami świata, głównymi centrami wiedzy, kreacji i innowacji."(...

    The Effect of Music as a Non-Pharmacological Intervention on the Physiological, Psychological, and Social Response of Patients in an Intensive Care Unit

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    Introduction: Music is an intriguing but relatively under-researched intervention with many potential benefits for mechanically ventilated patients. The review aimed to assess the impact of listening to music as a non-pharmacological intervention on the physiological, psychological, and social responses of patients in an intensive care unit. Methods: The literature review was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2022. The overview included papers found in Science Direct, EBSCO, PubMed, Ovid, Scopus, and original research papers published in English meeting the PICOS criteria. Articles published between 2010 and 2022 meeting the inclusion criteria were included for further analysis. Results: Music significantly affects vital parameters: decreases the heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing; reduces pain intensity. The analyses confirmed that music affects anxiety levels, reduces sleep disturbances and delirium occurrence, and improves cognitive function. The effectiveness of the intervention is influenced by the choice of music. Conclusions: There is evidence of the beneficial effects of music on a patient’s physiological, psychological, and social responses. Music therapy is highly effective in reducing anxiety and pain and stabilizes physiological parameters, i.e., the heart rate and respiratory rate, after music sessions in mechanically ventilated patients. Studies show that music reduces agitation in confused patients, improves mood, and facilitates communication

    Multidisciplinary management of chronic pain in elderly oncology patients

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    Chronic pain is one of the most common and most bothersome symptoms in cancer patients, which occurs especially often in the elderly population. Although methods of pain treatment are well known, it is not uncommon for individuals with chronic or terminal illnesses to remain underdiagnosed or untreated. Effective pain management has become the measure of success in oncology therapy. For this reason, effective pain management has become an indispensable success factor of multidisciplinary oncological therapy. Along with the growing interest in the holistic approach in medicine, and hence in interdisciplinary treatment, the management of cancer pain in older patients was presented

    Direct Replication of Tentori, K., Crupi, V., & Russo, S. (2013). - University of Erfurt SoSe 2017

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    This is a replication of Tentori, Crupi and Russo (2013): “On the determinants of the conjunction fallacy: probability versus inductive confirmation”. The study intends to explain the conjunction fallacy. The conjunction fallacy is a psychological phenomenon, which describes irrational behavior

    Completion Pledge

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    Final component of our replication project