163 research outputs found

    The energy transition in Europe: a vision of progress

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    Europe needs a new vision of progress. An energy transition has this potential. It can give the "European idea" a future-oriented content. The goal for 2050 is clear: a Europe without fossil and nuclear energy! This is not a utopia. Studies, resolutions of the EU and some member states prove that this vision is feasible and has many advantages: more jobs, more security of supply, fewer premature deaths due to air pollution, reduction of resource conflicts, falling energy costs. New green lead markets for renewable energies and resource efficiency are emerging. A European energy transition requires an alliance, ideally fuelled by neighbours France and Germany. Many are hoping for Germany as a driver of nuclear and coal phase-out. But deciding on "revolutionary goals" is not enough: finally implementing them is what Germany and Europe are waiting for. This report shows which concrete steps can advance this vision of progress

    MEMS 411: Torsion Tester Design Report

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    The goal of this project is to provide the customer, Dr. James Jackson Potter, with a lightweight, inexpensive, and accurate alternative to modern, professional torsion-testing machines. The torsion tester developed by this team will be used in a classroom setting for design competitions on 3-D printed ABS plastic torsion bars; therefore the design also accommodate a range of functions which might be useful to the customer during testing competitions, potentially including automatic stopping at failure, a reset function, and the ability to create custom functions which can integrate into the existing function library

    Bedeutung von Cytochrom-P450-Polymorphismen fĂŒr Verlauf, Erfolg und Nebenwirkungen der Therapie mit Antidepressiva

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    Im Bereich der medikamentösen antidepressiven Therapie ist die Bedeutung von erblichen Polymorphismen arzneistoffmetabolisierender Enzyme bereits in vielen Studien untersucht und gezeigt worden. Die meisten Antidepressiva werden ĂŒber polymorphe Cytochrom-P450-Enzyme verstoffwechselt. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Fragestellung, ob die HĂ€ufigkeitsverteilung der CYP2D6-, CYP2C19- und CYP2C9-Allele in der an Depression erkrankten Studienpopulation sich von der in der Normalbevölkerung unterscheidet und ob VerĂ€nderungen in der Pharmakokinetik, wie sie durch Cytochrom-P450-Polymorphismen verursacht werden, unter normalen klinischen Bedingungen Auswirkungen auf die Wirksamkeit der antidepressiven Therapie, die Nebenwirkungsrate und den Verlauf der Erkrankung haben. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden 334 Patienten auf die hĂ€ufigsten CYP2D6-Allele (*3,*4,*5,*6 und Duplikation) und CYP2C19- und CYP2C9-Allele *2 und *3 mittels Genotypisierung untersucht. Die Bestimmung der seltener auftretender CYP2D6-Allele (*8,*9,*10,*17,*2 und *41) erfolgte zusĂ€tzlich bei 200 Patienten. Die entsprechenden klinischen Fragebögen mit Angaben zur Anamnese, Schwere der Erkrankung, Therapieverlauf und Nebenwirkungsprofil wurden von 233 Patienten in AbhĂ€ngigkeit des CYP2D6- und CYP2C19-Genotyps ausgewertet. FĂŒr die Beurteilung des Langzeittherapieverlaufs standen jedoch deutlich weniger Patientendaten zur VerfĂŒgung, so dass die Ergebnisse zum Teil nur fĂŒr den CYPD6-Genotyp ausgewertet werden konnten. Die genetischen Analysen ergaben, dass die HĂ€ufigkeitsverteilung der CYP2D6-, CYP2C19- und CYP2C9-Polymorphismen in der untersuchten Studienpopulation keine signifikante Änderung im Vergleich zur Normalbevölkerung aufwies. WĂ€hrend der Einfluss der CYP2D6-Genotypen auf pharmakokinetische Parameter eindeutig nachgewiesen ist, konnten die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit weitestgehend keinen Zusammenhang zwischen der Schwere der Depression, der Therapieresponse, der HĂ€ufigkeit und Schwere der Nebenwirkungen und dem CYP2D6- und CYP2C19-Genotyp herstellen.The importance of genetic polymorphisms of drug metablizing enzymes have been already investigated und proved in many studies before. Most of antidepressants are metabolized by cytochrome P450 enzymes. The aim of this study was to determine if there is a difference in the distribution of CYP2D6-, CYP2C19- and CYP2C9-allels in inpatients with major depression in comparison to the healthy population and if changes in the pharmacokinatic, created by cytochrome P450 polymorphisms, can be have effects on the efficacy of antidepressant therapy, rate of intolerable side effects and development of the depression. We examined 334 patients by genotyping for the most important CYP2D6-allels (*3,*4,*6,*5 und duplication) and the CYP2C19- and CYP2C9-allels *2 and *3. Further 200 patients were tested for the more infrequent CYP2D6-allels (*8,*9,*10,*17,*2 and *41). The corresponding clinical questionnaires containing informations about the anamnesis, severity of the desease, therapeutic outcome and intolerable side effects have been evaluated of 233 patients in dependence of the CYP2D6- and CYP2C19-genotype. There were significant less clinical datas for the evaluation of long term therapy response be available, so that the results could be partially only analysed for the CYP2D6-genotype. The genetic analysis detected that the distribution of the CYP2D6-, CYP2C19- and CYP2C9-polymorphismen in the study population didnÂŽt reached significant changes in comparison to the healthy population. While the influence of CYP2D6-genotypes on pharmacokinatic parameters is clear demonstrated, the results of this study mainly couldnÂŽt establish a relation between the severity of depression, therapeutic response, frequency and severity of side effects and the CYP2D6 and CYP2C19-genotype

    ASME 2020 Design Challenge

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    Our project was to build a machine that would fulïŹll the requirements for the ASME 2020 design challenge, which was called, ”Building to the Sky.” The rules of the challenge were to build a machine that would take ordinary 8.5” x 11” sheets of paper and stack them into a tower. To accomplish this task, we decided to make our paper tower out of accordion-shaped folds that would be placed on top of each other, alternating in 90 degree orientations. Our device is divided into various sub-components, each which manipulate the paper in various ways. We ïŹrst have a mechanism to cut the sheet of paper into two equal halves. Then, we have a conveyor mechanism which transports the paper. There is a press mechanism which folds the paper into the accordion pattern, and ïŹnally a ramp which assembles the paper into the ïŹnal tower conïŹguration. The cutting mechanism consists of a circular blade powered by an electric motor which both intakes the paper, and cuts it in half. We made our conveyor belt mechanism out of plastic wrap. This is also powered by an electric motor. The press consists of two saw-teeth presses which fold the paper through the downward motion of the upper press. One ramp comes after each of the two presses. One of the two ramps ejects the paper into a box, which holds the tower in place, and the other ramp spins the paper 90 degrees so that it can stack in alternating directions. Overall, our device was able to function successfully and we were able to meet all of the goals that we initially set for our device

    Prescribing Patterns of Antipsychotic Medication in a Long-Term Care Psychiatric Hospital

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    Introduction: In spite of recent pharmacologic advances, psychopharmacological treatment of patients with severe mental illness has remained a challenging task. Despite limited supporting evidence, the use of polypharmacy (prescription of more than one antipsychotic drug for an individual patient) has become a frequent approach. Polypharmacy has been associated with an increased incidence of adverse effects. Objective: To explore patterns of prescribing antipsychotic agents in a long-term inpatient facility. To examine the prevalence of polypharmacy and its association with age, sex, ethnicity and legal status in a sample of individuals with diverse psychiatric diagnoses. To determine the association of antipsychotic agents (single agent and polypharmacy use) and increased body mass index (BMI). Method: We examined the prescribing of antipsychotic drugs in a sample of 234 in-patients, during a 2-month period in a long term in-patient facility in Central Massachusetts during 2013. We performed a comprehensive review of patients ‘medical records and collected information on: age, sex, ethnicity, admission date, body mass index, primary and secondary diagnoses, and legal status (voluntary versus involuntary). We examined the use of the selected antipsychotic agents (haloperidol, clozapine, olanzapine, and risperidone) as well as determined median dose in milligrams for each agent. We created an additive score of antipsychotic to explore prescribing patterns in the described in-patients population and investigated the association of various demographic factors, diagnoses (affective versus psychotic disorder) with polipharmacy. We calculated the frequency of antipsychotic agents use in combination, and particularly determined the frequency of polypharmacy in patients receiving clozapine. Finally, we examined the association of high body mass index (\u3e25) with the use of particular antipsychotic agents alone, as well as with the use of polypharmacy

    Die Energiewende in Europa : eine Fortschrittsvision

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    Europa braucht eine neue Fortschrittsvision. Eine Energiewende hat dieses Potenzial. Sie kann der "EuropĂ€ischen Idee" einen zukunftsorientierten Inhalt geben. Das Ziel fĂŒr 2050 ist klar: ein Europa ohne fossile und nukleare Energie! Das ist keine Utopie. Studien, BeschlĂŒsse der EU und einiger MitgliedslĂ€nder belegen, dass diese Vision machbar und mit vielen Vorteilen verbunden ist: mehr Jobs, mehr Versorgungssicherheit, weniger vorzeitige TodesfĂ€lle durch Luftverschmutzung, Abbau von Ressourcenkonflikten, sinkende Energiekosten. Neue grĂŒne LeitmĂ€rkte fĂŒr erneuerbare Energien und Ressourceneffizienz entstehen. Eine europĂ€ische Energiewende erfordert eine Allianz, idealerweise angefeuert durch die Nachbarn Frankreich und Deutschland. Viele hoffen auf Deutschland als Treiber von Atom- und Kohleausstieg. Aber "revolutionĂ€re Ziele" zu beschließen ist nicht genug: Sie endlich umzusetzen - darauf warten Deutschland und Europa. Dieses Buch zeigt, welche konkreten Schritte diese Fortschrittsvision voranbringen werden
