181 research outputs found

    Versal deformation of the analytic saddle-node

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    We derive simple forms for saddle-node singular points of analytic foliations in the real or complex plane just by gluing foliated complex manifolds. We give the versal analytic deformation of the simplest model. We also derive a unique analytic form for those saddle-node having a central manifold. By this way, we recover and generalize results earlier proved by J. Ecalle by using mould theory and partially answer to some questions asked by J. Martinet and J.-P. Ramis in the 80's

    Flat parabolic vector bundles on elliptic curves

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    We describe the moduli space of logarithmic rank 2 connections on elliptic curves with 2 poles.Comment: new version: fixed a sign in Proposition 2.

    Projective structures and projective bundles over compact Riemann surfaces

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    A projective structure on a compact Riemann surface X of genus g is given by an atlas with transition functions in PGL(2,C). Equivalently, a projective structure is given by a projective sl(2,C)-bundle over X equipped with a section s and a foliation F which is both transversal to the fibers and the section s. From this latter geometric bundle picture, we survey on classical problems and results on projective structures. We will give a complete description of projective (actually affine) structures on the torus with an explicit versal family of foliated bundle picture

    Projective structures and neighborhoods of rational curves

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    We investigate the duality between local (complex analytic) projective structures on surfaces and two dimensional (complex analytic) neighborhoods of rational curves having self-intersection +1. We study the analytic classification, existence of normal forms, pencil/fibration decomposition, infinitesimal symmetries

    Holomorphic dynamics, Painlev\'e VI equation and Character Varieties

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    We study the monodromy of Painlev\'e VI equation from a dynamical point of view. This is applied to the description of bounded orbits, and to a proof of the irreducibility of Painlev\'e VI equation in the sens of Casale and Malgrange. On our way, we compute the entropy of each element of the monodromy group, and we precise the dictionary between character varieties and Painlev\'e equations
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