21,817 research outputs found

    Fourier Mukai Transforms for Gorenstein Schemes

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    We extend to singular schemes with Gorenstein singularities or fibered in schemes of that kind Bondal and Orlov's criterion for an integral functor to be fully faithful. We also contemplate a criterion for equivalence. We offer a proof that is new even if we restrict to the smooth case. In addition, we prove that for locally projective Gorenstein morphisms, a relative integral functor is fully faithful if and only if its restriction to each fibre also is it. These results imply the invertibility of the usual relative Fourier-Mukai transform for an elliptic fibration as a direct corollary.Comment: Final version. To appear in Advances in Mathematic

    Detection of Anomalous Microwave Emission in the Pleiades Reflection Nebula with WMAP and the COSMOSOMAS Experiment

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    We present evidence for anomalous microwave emission (AME) in the Pleiades reflection nebula, using data from the seven-year release of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and from the COSMOSOMAS experiment. The flux integrated in a 1-degree radius around R.A.=56.24^{\circ}, Dec.=23.78^{\circ} (J2000) is 2.15 +/- 0.12 Jy at 22.8 GHz, where AME is dominant. COSMOSOMAS data show no significant emission, but allow to set upper limits of 0.94 and 1.58 Jy (99.7% C.L.) respectively at 10.9 and 14.7 GHz, which are crucial to pin down the AME spectrum at these frequencies, and to discard any other emission mechanisms which could have an important contribution to the signal detected at 22.8 GHz. We estimate the expected level of free-free emission from an extinction-corrected H-alpha template, while the thermal dust emission is characterized from infrared DIRBE data and extrapolated to microwave frequencies. When we deduct the contribution from these two components at 22.8 GHz the residual flux, associated with AME, is 2.12 +/- 0.12 Jy (17.7-sigma). The spectral energy distribution from 10 to 60 GHz can be accurately fitted with a model of electric dipole emission from small spinning dust grains distributed in two separated phases of molecular and atomic gas, respectively. The dust emissivity, calculated by correlating the 22.8 GHz data with 100-micron data, is found to be 4.36+/-0.17 muK/MJy/sr, a value that is rather low compared with typical values in dust clouds. The physical properties of the Pleiades nebula indicate that this is indeed a much less opaque object than others were AME has usually been detected. This fact, together with the broad knowledge of the stellar content of this region, provides an excellent testbed for AME characterization in physical conditions different from those generally explored up to now.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 12 pages, 8 figure

    The farmer as a landscape steward: Comparing local understandings of landscape stewardship, landscape values, and land management actions

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    We develop a landscape stewardship classification which distinguishes between farmers’ understanding of landscape stewardship, their landscape values, and land management actions. Forty semi-structured interviews were conducted with smallholder (5 acres), medium-holders (5-100 acres), and large- holders (100 acres) in South-West Devon, UK. Thematic analysis revealed four types of stewardship understandings: (1) an environmental frame which emphasized the farmers’ role in conserving or restoring wildlife; (2) a primary production frame which emphasized the farmers’ role in taking care of primary production assets; (3) a holistic frame focusing on farmers’ role as a conservationist, primary producer, and manager of a range of landscape values, and; (4) an instrumental frame focusing on the financial benefits associated with compliance with agri-environmental schemes. We compare the landscape values and land management actions that emerged across stewardship types, and discuss the global implications of the landscape stewardship classification for the engagement of farmers in landscape management

    Mid-infrared imaging- and spectro-polarimetric subarcsecond observations of NGC 1068

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    We present sub-arcsecond 7.5-13 μ\mum imaging- and spectro-polarimetric observations of NGC 1068 using CanariCam on the 10.4-m Gran Telescopio CANARIAS. At all wavelengths, we find: (1) A 90 ×\times 60 pc extended polarized feature in the northern ionization cone, with a uniform \sim44^{\circ} polarization angle. Its polarization arises from dust and gas emission in the ionization cone, heated by the active nucleus and jet, and further extinguished by aligned dust grains in the host galaxy. The polarization spectrum of the jet-molecular cloud interaction at \sim24 pc from the core is highly polarized, and does not show a silicate feature, suggesting that the dust grains are different from those in the interstellar medium. (2) A southern polarized feature at \sim9.6 pc from the core. Its polarization arises from a dust emission component extinguished by a large concentration of dust in the galaxy disc. We cannot distinguish between dust emission from magnetically aligned dust grains directly heated by the jet close to the core, and aligned dust grains in the dusty obscuring material surrounding the central engine. Silicate-like grains reproduce the polarized dust emission in this feature, suggesting different dust compositions in both ionization cones. (3) An upper limit of polarization degree of 0.3 per cent in the core. Based on our polarization model, the expected polarization of the obscuring dusty material is \lesssim0.1 per cent in the 8-13 μ\mum wavelength range. This low polarization may be arising from the passage of radiation through aligned dust grains in the shielded edges of the clumps.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication at MNRA

    XANES Study Of The Radiation Damage On Alkanethiolates-Capped Au Nanoparticles

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    The radiation damage during XANES experiments on alkanethiols capped gold nanoparticles has been investigated. Different carbon length chains and nanoparticle sizes have been studied. Changes in the spectra after 45 minutes of irradiation, using a bend magnet, were observed for chains with more than 6 carbon atoms and are associated with the cleavage of S-C bonds and formation of atomic sulphur on the nanoparticle surface.Fil: Ramallo Lopez, Jose Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Giovanetti, Lisandro Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Visentin, F. C.. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa Em Energia E Materiais; BrasilFil: Requejo, Felix Gregorio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Characterization of HIV-1 RNA forms in the plasma of patients undergoing successful HAART

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    An assay to characterize plasma human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) sequences for patients with low viral loads was developed by combining the selective binding of anti-CD44 MicroBeads with a nested RT-PCR targeting the env C2V4 region. Sequences were obtained from 10 of 20 HIV+ patients who had viral loads below 48 copies/ml. Sequences derived from plasma were compared to those from CD14+ CD16 +monocytes and CD4+ T cells. The plasma sequences were most closely related to those amplified from monocytes, suggesting that during successful antiretroviral therapy, the predominant plasma virus originates from myeloid cells. By characterizing HIV-1 RNA sequences from 8 ml of plasma while avoiding multiple steps, which can lead to contamination and deterioration, this method can help elucidate the viral forms in patients with therapeutically suppressed HIV-1. Understanding the source of residual viremia is crucial in developing approaches for viral eradication

    Automated analysis of inter-parameter dependencies in web APIs

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    Web services often impose constraintsthat restrict the way in which two or more input parameters can be combined to form valid calls to the service, i.e. inter-parameter dependencies. Current web API specification languages like the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) pro vide no support for the formal description of such dependencies, making it hardly possible to interact with the services without human intervention. We propose specifying and automatically ana lyzing inter-parameter dependencies in web APIs. To this end, we propose a domain-specific language to describe these dependencies, a constraint programming-aided tool supporting their automated analysis, and an OAS extension integrating our approach and eas ing its adoption. Together, these contributions open a new range of possibilities in areas such as source code generation and testin

    PEPPER: Patient Empowerment Through Predictive Personalised Decision Support

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    PEPPER is a newly-launched three-year research project, funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Framework. It will create a portable personalised decision support system to empower individuals on insulin therapy to self-manage their condition. PEPPER employs Case- Based Reasoning to advise about insulin bolus doses, drawing on various sources of physiological, lifestyle, environmental and social data. It also uses a Model-Based Reasoning approach to maximise users’ safety. The system will be integrated with an unobtrusive insulin patch pump and has a patient-centric development approach in order to improve patient self-efficacy and adherence to treatment