2,334 research outputs found

    Automatic adaptation decision making in the MPEG-21 framework: mechanisms and complementary description tools

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    This paper explains an effective mechanism to make automatic multimedia adaptation decisions within the MPEG-21 framework. The paper analyzes some difficulties for the implementation of automatic decision with the current MPEG-21 description schema. Subsequently, the paper proposes some improvements to the MPEG-21 description schema to address these difficulties. To demonstrate these improvements, the current implementation of the CAIN-21 framework is explained and several experiments are reporte

    Simulacion del analisis de riesgos en la gestion de proyectos como herramienta en el proceso de formacion de ingenieros civiles

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    El programa de Ingeniería Civil en la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila es el resultado de un proceso de Acreditación y Revisión constante, el cual da respuesta a la creciente demanda social de Gestión de Proyectos, aun cuando en la práctica es severamente cuestionada por la poca aplicación de los escenarios de modelación; por lo que, la investigación que se desarrolla por parte de la Cátedra de Proyectos nos permite fomentar el estudio de las Variables de Riesgo con el fin de establecer de manera eficiente un marco de referencia que permita incrementar el conocimiento de esta herramienta como material didáctico en la materia de Gestión de Proyectos. De esta manera, en la investigación se exponen las técnicas de identificación, los modelos de análisis y las herramientas de modelación que desarrollen las habilidades y actitudes en la toma de decisión, atendiendo a los criterios establecidos por los PMC, DIP, PMP; esto, con el fin de apoyar los trabajos de Gestión de Proyectos en escenarios crítico

    Pintura y lectura: La herencia centenaria del proyecto cultural de Vasconcelos

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    ArtículoLa investigación muestra los inicios de la alfabetización en un contexto posrevolucionario, donde era notorio que en el terreno de la cultura, la educación y la lectura había desigualdades e injusticias para una sociedad con población mayoritariamente analfabeta y con poca cultura plástica visual. Se presenta también un breve panorama de la gestión de José Vasconcelos al frente de la recién creada Secretaría de Educación Pública (SEP) y su ambiciosa campaña cultural. A partir de esto se realiza un análisis de las similitudes y diferencias entre los lenguajes escrito y pictórico que promovió Vasconcelos hace un siglo y que, a pesar de los avatares, siguen vigentes y, además de mantener su función educativa primigenia, cumplen con otros usos. De esta manera se contribuye con apuntes para la configuración de la historia conjunta de la pintura y la lectura en México y su establecimiento como discurso histórico-identitario-nacionalista textual y visual. Así, estos apuntes suman elementos para los estudios históricos sobre la pintura y la lectura que hacen visibles los sucesos, las rupturas o las continuidades de un proyecto cultural nacional próximo a cumplir sus primeros cien años.Propio

    Domestic hot water production system in a hospital: Energy audit and evaluation of measures to boost the solar contribution

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    Hospitals consume large quantities of energy to produce hot water and offset the distribution and recirculation thermal losses. This paper analyses a solar thermal system combined with gas boilers for domestic hot water production in a medium-size hospital. The solar contribution to the total demand (27%) is below design expectations (75%), resulting in significant gas consumption. The energy audit conducted in the first part of the paper highlights the vast thermal loss through poorly insulated pipes as the primary cause of the poor solar fraction. This issue is endemic to hot water-intensive buildings. The second part of the paper addresses the techno-economic evaluation of energy retrofit measures to reach a solar fraction of 60%. The simulation results indicate that cost-optimised solutions generally expand the solar caption area by 43–57% and improve insulations to reduce thermal losses by 70%. Depending on carbon taxes, the cost of hot water production would be 31–41 cent-€/kWh, which represents a 15–45% reduction from the current costs. Under stringent climate policies, installing heat pumps may further enhance economic competitiveness. The indicators and charts developed in this work are helpful decision-making tools concerning the energy refurbishment of solar domestic hot water systems.The authors acknowledge the Universidad de Málaga and “Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020″ the financial support of the contract UMA18-FEDERJA-247.Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    In vitro gas production kinetics and degradability of a diet for growing lambs: effect of fibrolytic enzyme products at different dose levels

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of three fibrolytic enzyme products (cellulase (CEL), xylanase (XYL) and a 1:1 mixture of CEL and XYL (MIX)) at three dose levels (0, 1 and 3 lL/0.5 g DM) on the in vitro fermentation of a diet for growing lambs. Bottles were incubated for 96 h at 39 C. A mathematical model was used to estimate the parameters describing the gas production (GP) curve (b, c and L). Dry matter degradability (DMD) and fibre (NDFD and ADFD) degradability were determined at the end of the incubation period. Metabolisable energy (ME) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) were calculated at 24 h of incubation. The asymptotic GP (parameter b) was affected (p<0.02) by enzyme product and dose level, with a significant linear response (p<0.05). Dose level affected ME and SCFA with a significant linear (p<0.05) and quadratic (p<0.01) response. The interaction between enzyme product and dose level was significant (p<0.05) for cumulative GP up to 72 and 96 h of incubation, pH, ADFD and DMD. The results suggest that application of exogenous cellulases has the potential to alter asymptotic GP and degradability of ADF and DM of a diet for growing lambs, but most of the results depend on the interaction between enzyme product and dose level. Future studies are required to determine the ideal combination between enzyme product and dose level for optimal degradation of ruminant feeds

    Effects of exogenous enzymes and application method on nutrient intake, digestibility and growth performance of Pelibuey lambs

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    Pelibuey sheep is the main breed in the tropical and subtropical regions of Mexico, and high demand of sheep meat has favored the finishing of lambs in feedlots with diets containing high levels of grains. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of exogenous enzymes (EE) and application method on nutrient intake and digestibility and performance of growing Pelibuey lambs. Treatments were based on comparison of two different methods of adding an enzyme product (sprayed on the total mixed ration or applied orally to the lambs) versus control treatment (no added enzyme). Twenty-one Pelibuey lambs, weighing 15.7 kg (SD = 1.8 kg) initial body weight, were individually housed in shaded pens and assigned randomly to one of the three enzyme treatments. At the end of study (lasting for 45 days), three lambs from each treatment were randomly selected and adapted to a pants and harness designed for fecal collection to measure nutrient digestibilities. Total body gain and average daily gain were affected (P < 0.05) by supplemental EE. The application method of EE had significant (P < 0.05) effect on FCE and FCR, but no effects were observed on nutrient intake. Supplemental EE did improve (P < 0.05) the digestibilities of dry matter, organic matter, neutral and acid detergent fiber, but no differences were observed in crude protein digestibility. The application method of EE had significant (P < 0.05) effect on the digestibility of acid detergent fiber. Supplemental EE can improve body weight gain and nutrient digestibilities without affecting nutrient intake in Pelibuey lambs, but the results of feed conversion efficiency and acid detergent fiber digestibility depend on the application method used of the EE

    Improving scalable video adaptation in a knowledge-based framework

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    In a knowledge-based content adaptation framework, video adaptation can be performed in a series of steps, named conversions. The high-level decision phase in such a framework occasionally encounters several feasible parameter values of a specific conversion. This paper proposes to transfer further decisions to a low-level phase that decides which parameters maximise the quality of the adaptation. Particularly when more than one solution are available, an innovative quality measure is used for selecting the best values for the parameters among the set of values that fulfil the adaptation constraints in the case of scalable vide

    In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation of Novel Cross-Linked Saccharide Based Polymers as Bile Acid Sequestrants

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    Bile acid sequestrants (BAS) represent a therapeutic approach for the management of hypercholesterolemia that relies on the cationic polymeric nature of BAS to selectively bind negatively charged bile acids. We hypothesized that the cross-linking of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and saccharides such as starch or dextrin with divinyl sulfone (DVS) yields homo- and hetero-polymeric materials with the ability to trap sterols. Our hypothesis was put to test by synthesizing a library of 22 polymers that were screened to evaluate their capability to sequester both cholesterol (CHOL) and cholic and deoxycholic acids (CA and DCA). Three polymers synthesized in high yield were identified as promising. Two were neutral hetero-polymers of β-CD and starch or dextrin and the third was a weakly cationic homo-polymer of starch, highlighting the importance of the cavity effect. They were tested in hypercholesterolemic male Wistar rats and their ability to regulate hypercholesterolemia was similar to that for the reference BAS cholestyramine, but with two additional advantages: (i) they normalized the TG level and (ii) they did not increase the creatinine level. Neither hepatotoxicity nor kidney injury was detected, further supporting them as therapeutical candidates to manage hypercholesterolemia.Financial Support was provided by Universidad de Granada in the frame of the Granada Research of Excellence Initiative on BioHealth (GREIB)

    Dispositivo tecnológico para la optimización del tiempo de aprendizaje del lenguaje braille en personas invidentes

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    Objetivo El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar e implementar un prototipo electrónico, que permita mejorar los tiempos de aprendizaje inicial de la escritura Braille en personas con situación de discapacidad visual especialmente en niños.Métodos El desarrollo de este proyecto, se basa fundamentalmente en un prototipo electrónico digital, el cual después de realizar la escritura por parte del usuario, identifica y hace una traducción del Braille por medio de un sistema de síntesis de voz que genera las palabras de manera artificial con el objeto de verificar si la escritura en Braille es o no correcta. Adicional a esto se implementa un módulo GSM, el cual permite enviar mensajes de texto desde el dispositivo, presentando una innovación en el campo de los artículos para personas discapacitadas visualmente.Resultados El principal resultado obtenido en este proyecto es un prototipo electrónico de fácil acceso y comprensión el cual permite mejorar los tiempos en el aprendizaje inicial de escritura Braille. Conclusiones Se logró reducir significativamente los tiempos de aprendizaje del lenguaje Braille por parte de personas en situación de discapacidad visual e incrementar su interés y tiempo de concentración en dicho aprendizaje