49,414 research outputs found

    Damping-Antidamping Effect on Comets Motion

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    We make an observation about Galilean transformation on a 1-D mass variable systems which leads us to the right way to deal with mass variable systems. Then using this observation, we study two-bodies gravitational problem where the mass of one of the bodies varies and suffers a damping-antidamping effect due to star wind during its motion. For this system, a constant of motion, a Lagrangian and a Hamiltonian are given for the radial motion, and the period of the body is studied using the constant of motion of the system. Our theoretical results are applied to Halley's comet.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0910.468


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    Cosmological black holes and the direction of time

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    Macroscopic irreversible processes emerge from fundamental physical laws of reversible character. The source of the local irreversibility seems to be not in the laws themselves but in the initial and boundary conditions of the equations that represent the laws. In this work we propose that the screening of currents by black hole event horizons determines, locally, a preferred direction for the flux of electromagnetic energy. We study the growth of black hole event horizons due to the cosmological expansion and accretion of cosmic microwave background radiation, for different cosmological models. We propose generalized McVittie co-moving metrics and integrate the rate of accretion of cosmic microwave background radiation onto a supermassive black hole over cosmic time. We find that for flat, open, and closed Friedmann cosmological models, the ratio of the total area of the black hole event horizons with respect to the area of a radial co-moving space-like hypersurface always increases. Since accretion of cosmic radiation sets an absolute lower limit to the total matter accreted by black holes, this implies that the causal past and future are not mirror symmetric for any spacetime event. The asymmetry causes a net Poynting flux in the global future direction; the latter is in turn related to the ever increasing thermodynamic entropy. Thus, we expose a connection between four different "time arrows": cosmological, electromagnetic, gravitational, and thermodynamic.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures in Foundations of Science (2017

    New Precision Electroweak Tests in Supergravity Models

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    We update the analysis of the precision electroweak tests in terms of 4 epsilon parameters, ϵ1,2,3,b\epsilon_{1,2,3,b}, to obtain more accurate experimental values of them by taking into account the new LEP data released at the 28th ICHEP (1996, Poland). We also compute ϵ1\epsilon_1 and ϵb\epsilon_b in the context of the no-scale SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity model to obtain the updated constraints by imposing the correlated constraints in terms of the experimental ellipses in the ϵ1ϵb\epsilon_1-\epsilon_b plane and also by imposing the new bound on the lightest chargino mass, mχ1±79m_{\chi^\pm_1}\gtrsim 79 GeV GeV. Upon imposing these new experimental results, we find that the situations in the no-scale model are much more favorable than those in the standard model, and if mt170m_t\gtrsim 170 GeV GeV, then the allowed regions at the 95% C.~L. in the no-scale model are tanβ4\tan\beta\gtrsim 4 and mχ1±120(82)m_{\chi^\pm_1}\lesssim 120 (82) GeV GeV for μ>0(μ<0)\mu>0 (\mu<0), which are in fact much more stringent than in our previous analysis. Therefore, assuming that mt170m_t\gtrsim 170 GeV GeV, if the lightest chargino mass bound were to be pushed up only by a few GeV, the sign on the Higgs mixing term μ\mu in the no-scale model could well be determined from the ϵ1ϵb\epsilon_1-\epsilon_b constraint to be positive at the 95% C.~L. At any rate, better accuracy in the measured mtm_t from the Tevatron in the near future combined with the LEP data is most likely to provide a decisive test of the no-scale SU(5)×U(1)SU(5)\times U(1) supergravity model.Comment: 15 pages, REVTEX, 1 figure (not included but available as a ps file from [email protected]

    Spin filtering in nanowire directional coupler

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    The spin transport characteristics of a nanowire directional electronic coupler have been evaluated theoretically via a transfer matrix approach. The application of a gate field in the region of mixing allows for control of spin current through the different leads of the coupler via the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. The combination of spin-orbit interaction and applied gate voltages on different legs of the coupler give rise to a controllable modulation of the spin polarization. Both structural factors and field strength tuning lead to a rich phenomenology that could be exploited in spintronic devices.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    HD 85567: A Herbig B[e] star or an interacting B[e] binary

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    Context. HD 85567 is an enigmatic object exhibiting the B[e] phenomenon, i.e. an infrared excess and forbidden emission lines in the optical. The object's evolutionary status is uncertain and there are conflicting claims that it is either a young stellar object or an evolved, interacting binary. Aims. To elucidate the reason for the B[e] behaviour of HD 85567, we have observed it with the VLTI and AMBER. Methods. Our observations were conducted in the K-band with moderate spectral resolution (R~1500, i.e. 200 km/s). The spectrum of HD 85567 exhibits Br gamma and CO overtone bandhead emission. The interferometric data obtained consist of spectrally dispersed visibilities, closure phases and differential phases across these spectral features and the K-band continuum. Results. The closure phase observations do not reveal evidence of asymmetry. The apparent size of HD 85567 in the K-band was determined by fitting the visibilities with a ring model. The best fitting radius, 0.8 +/- 0.3 AU, is relatively small making HD 85567 undersized in comparison to the size-luminosity relationship based on YSOs of low and intermediate luminosity. This has previously been found to be the case for luminous YSOs, and it has been proposed that this is due to the presence of an optically thick gaseous disc. We demonstrate that the differential phase observations over the CO bandhead emission are indeed consistent with the presence of a compact (~1 AU) gaseous disc interior to the dust sublimation radius. Conclusions. The observations reveal no sign of binarity. However, the data do indicate the presence of a gaseous disc interior to the dust sublimation radius. We conclude that the data are consistent with the hypothesis that HD 85567 is a YSO with an optically thick gaseous disc within a larger dust disc that is being photo-evaporated from the outer edge.Comment: Accepted for publication in A &