21 research outputs found

    Transcriptome changes in newborn goats' skeletal muscle as a result of maternal feed restriction at different stages of gestation

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    We investigated how feed restriction at 50% of maintenance requirements during different stages of gestation affects the transcriptome of newborn goats' skeletal muscle. Fourteen pregnant dams were randomly assigned into one of the following dietary treatments: animals fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (RM, n = 6), and animals fed at 100% of maintenance requirement from 8-84 d of gestation and then fed at 50% of maintenance requirement from day 85 of gestation to parturition (MR, n = 8). At birth, samples of offspring's Longissimus muscle were collected for total RNA extraction and sequencing. Our data showed 66 differentially expressed (DE) genes (FDR < 0.05). A total of 6 genes were upregulated and 60 downregulated (FDR < 0.05) in the skeletal muscle of the newborns resulting from treatment RM compared with MR. Our results suggest that the DE genes upregulated in newborn goats' skeletal muscle from the RM group compared to MR, included genes related to satellite cells, and genes that indicates impaired insulin sensitivity and changes in the composition of intramuscular fat. The DE genes upregulated in newborn goats' skeletal muscle from the MR group compared to RM, are also related to impaired insulin sensitivity, as well as a predominantly oxidative metabolism and cellular oxidative stress. However, protective mechanisms against insulin sensitivity and oxidative stress may have been augmented in the skeletal muscle of offspring from MR treatment compared to RM, in order to maintain cellular homeostasis

    The Practice of Telehealth by Nurses: An Experience in Primary Healthcare in Brazil

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    Background: In Brazil, in order to train the Family Health Strategy teams, the Health Ministry implemented the Brazil Telehealth Program to provide health support and permanent health education. In Pernambuco, the Telehealth Center Network of Pernambuco (RedeNUTES) offers telehealth services to 80 municipalities, supporting 154 Family Health Strategy teams. The goal of this article is to present a profile of nurses' participation in the telehealth services developed by RedeNUTES. Subjects and Methods: This article is a descriptive study of the actions taken by nurses in tele-education and in the telesupport environment, covering the period from the beginning of 2009 to the end of 2010. Results: Three-hundred forty-nine Web conferences in tele-education, which included nurses both as lecturers and as members of the audience, were analyzed. The median average number of participants was 50 per course during the 2-year period. The participation in the training courses, among the higher-education professionals, was mainly composed of nurses. In telesupport, nurses participated as teleconsultants, answering questions received by electronic forms and by remote Web conference consultations. The most popular categories found in the requests for second opinion, submitted by nursing professionals, were obstetrics, gynecology, and pediatrics. Conclusions: We conclude that nurses have participated in telehealth services as members of the audience, as lecturers, and as teleconsultants. We also consider that the active participation of nurses could bring benefits to the quality of the telehealth services provided to the community. These practices could help predict how healthcare will look like in the next few years.o TEXTO COMPLETO DESTE ARTIGO, ESTARÁ DISPONÍVEL À PARTIR DE AGOSTO DE 2015.18967968

    Avaliação de políticas públicas de segurança alimentar e combate à fome no período de 1995-2002: 1 - Abordagem metodológica Evaluation of public policies for food security and hunger control in Brazil, 1995-2002: 1 - Methodological framework

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    Descrevem-se a adaptação e aplicação de uma metodologia multidimensional baseada na tríade estrutura-processo-resultado ao contexto da avaliação de programas de segurança alimentar e combate à fome. Segundo a proposta, o estudo da estrutura analisa os instrumentos físicos e discursivos dos programas; a dimensão processo, as atividades e intervenções desenvolvidas e a dimensão resultado, além da cobertura, focalização e controle social, poderia contemplar os efeitos das intervenções sobre a segurança alimentar e nutrição dos beneficiários. A metodologia foi empregada para avaliar programas implementados no Brasil no período de 1995-2002. Além disso, foi realizado um estudo de caso em 45 municípios da Bahia, envolvendo pesquisa documental, entrevistas com informantes-chave e pesquisa domiciliar em 1.750 famílias de baixa renda no interior e 760 famílias na capital. Espera-se que os resultados contribuam para a discussão sobre os fatores facilitadores e os obstáculos que são enfrentados no nível local para a implementação de programas dessa natureza, tanto quanto para o desenvolvimento metodológico no campo da avaliação de políticas de alimentação, nutrição e combate à fome.<br>The authors describe the adaptation and application of a multidimensional methodology based on structure-process-outcome for evaluating food security and hunger control programs. According to the proposal, study of the structure dimension analyzes the programs' material and discursive instruments; the process dimension focuses on the activities and interventions; and the outcome dimension includes coverage, targeting, and social control, and also potentially the effects of the interventions on the beneficiaries' food security and nutrition. The methodology was used to evaluate programs implemented in Brazil from 1995 to 2002. A case study was also done including 45 municipalities in the State of Bahia, involving documental research, interviews with key informants, and a household survey including 1,750 low-income families in the rural area and 760 in the capital city. The results are expected to contribute to the discussion on facilitating factors and obstacles at the local level for the implementation of such programs, and to methodological development in the field of food security, nutrition, and hunger control policies

    Colesterolemia, trigliceridemia e excesso de peso em escolares de Santa Maria, RS, Brasil Blood lipids abnormalities and overweight prevalence in students of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O nível de colesterol na infância é um preditor do nível de colesterol na vida adulta. As consequências do colesterol elevado, somadas a outros fatores de risco constituem problema mundial de saúde pública. OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência de hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia e excesso de peso em estudantes do município de Santa Maria-RS. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 374 crianças de 10 a 12 anos de idade, de escolas das redes pública e privada, realizado no segundo semestre de 2005 na cidade de Santa Maria-RS. Foram determinados os níveis de colesterol total, triglicerídeos e estado nutricional. RESULTADOS: As prevalências de hipercolesterolemia, hipertrigliceridemia e excesso de peso encontradas foram de 4,7%, 8,9% e 20,7%, respectivamente. Não houve diferença significante entre sexo e rede pública e privada. As crianças com excesso de peso apresentaram maior prevalência de alterações lipídicas. CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência de alterações lipídicas pode ser considerada baixa, mas a prevalência de excesso de peso dos estudantes de Santa Maria mostrou-se relativamente alta, alertando à importância de políticas públicas e à necessidade de assistência pediátrica nessa faixa etária, visando o seu diagnóstico precoce e, principalmente, o aconselhamento nutricional e incentivo à prática esportiva, uma vez que as dislipidemias e o excesso de peso têm sido apontados como fatores de risco para as doenças cardiovasculares.<br>INTRODUCTION: Cholesterol level in childhood is a predictor of cholesterol level in adult life. The consequences of high cholesterol levels summed to other risk factors constitute a worldwide public health problem. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence of blood lipid abnormalities and overweight among school students of the city of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil. Methods: A cross-sectional study with 374 children, aged between 10 and 12 years, from public and private schools of the city of Santa Maria, RS, conducted on the second semester of 2005. Total cholesterol levels (TC), fractions of cholesterol (HDL- C and LDL- C), triglycerides (TG) and nutritional status were determined. RESULTS: The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglicemia and overweight found were 4.7%, 8.9% and 20.7%, respectively. There was no significant difference between sexes or public and private schools. The overweight children presented higher prevalence of lipid alterations. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of lipid alterations may be considered low, but the prevalence of overweight among the students of Santa Maria was high, demonstrating hence the importance of public policies and the need for pediatric assistance at this age group. The aims here would be early diagnosis, especially for nutritional advising and stimulus for physical activities, since overweight and blood lipid abnormalities have been pointed out as risk factors for cardiovascular diseases

    Diagnóstico e tratamento das anemias carenciais na gestação: consensos e controvérsias Diagnosis and treatment of nutritional anemia in pregnancy: consensus and controversies

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    A anemia por carência de ferro representa a deficiência nutricional de maior prevalência em todo o mundo. A mulher e a criança são os grupos biológicos mais vulneráveis. Embora seja um dos procedimentos terapêuticos mais antigos da prática médica, o tratamento das anemias carenciais não está devidamente consolidado na rotina dos serviços de saúde. Em conseqüência, a eficácia do tratamento, os esquemas de tratamento, as recomendações posológicas, a adesão das pacientes e os critérios de acompanhamento são pontos cruciais na avaliação das propostas de intervenção a serem implementadas.<br>The iron-deficiency anemia represents the nutritional disorder of higher prevalence in the whole world. The woman and child are the groups more vulnerable. Although the treatment of the anemia is one of the oldest therapeutic, this procedure is not entirely established in the routine of the health services. Therefore, the effectiveness of the treatments, the different schemes, the posology recommendations, the adhesion of the patients to the treatment and the follow-up criteria are essential points in the evaluation of proposed interventions