20,129 research outputs found

    Renormalisation scheme for vector fields on T2 with a diophantine frequency

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    We construct a rigorous renormalisation scheme for analytic vector fields on the 2-torus of Poincare type. We show that iterating this procedure there is convergence to a limit set with a ``Gauss map'' dynamics on it, related to the continued fraction expansion of the slope of the frequencies. This is valid for diophantine frequency vectors.Comment: final versio

    Violation of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality with matter waves

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    The Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) inequality -- one of the most widely used and important inequalities in mathematics -- can be formulated as an upper bound to the strength of correlations between classically fluctuating quantities. Quantum mechanical correlations can, however, exceed classical bounds.Here we realize four-wave mixing of atomic matter waves using colliding Bose-Einstein condensates, and demonstrate the violation of a multimode CS inequality for atom number correlations in opposite zones of the collision halo. The correlated atoms have large spatial separations and therefore open new opportunities for extending fundamental quantum-nonlocality tests to ensembles of massive particles.Comment: Final published version (with minor changes). 5 pages, 3 figures, plus Supplementary Materia

    Spatial Distribution of Volcanic Hotspots and Paterae on Io: Implications for Tidal Heating Models and Magmatic Pathways

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    Io, the innermost of Jupiter's Galilean satellites, is the most volcanically active body in the Solar. System. Io's global mean heat flow is approximately 2 W/square m, which is approximately 20 times larger than on Earth. High surface temperatures concentrate within "hotspots" and, to date, 172 Ionian hotspots have been identified by spacecraft and Earth-based telescopes. The Laplace resonance between Io, Europa, and Ganymede maintains these satellites in noncircular orbits and causes displacement of their tidal bulges as the overhead position of Jupiter changes for each moon. Gravitational interactions between Jupiter and Io dominate the orbital evolution of the Laplacian system and generate enormous heat within to as tidal energy is dissipated. If this energy were transferred out of Io at the same rate as it is generated, then the associated surface heat flux would be 2.24 +/- 0.45 W/square m. This estimate is in good agreement with observed global heat flow, but to better constrain tidal dissipation mechanisms and infer how thermal energy is transferred to Io's surface, it is critical to closely examine the spatial distribution of volcanic features. End-member tidal dissipation models either consider that heating occurs completely in the mantle, or completely in the asthenosphere. Mixed models typically favor one-third mantle and two-thirds asthenosphere heating. Recent models also consider the effects of mantle-asthenosphere boundary permeability and asthenospheric instabilities. Deep-mantle heating models predict maximum surface heat flux near the poles, whereas asthenosphere heating models predict maxima near the equator-particularly in the Sub-Jovian and Anti-Jovian hemispheres, with smaller maxima occurring at orbit tangent longitudes. Previous studies have examined the global distribution of Ionian hotspots and patera (i.e., irregular or complex craters with scalloped edges that are generally interpreted to be volcanic calderas), but in this study, we combine a new geospatial analysis technique with an improved hotspot and paterae database

    Non-parametric comparison of histogrammed two-dimensional data distributions using the Energy Test

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    When monitoring complex experiments, comparison is often made between regularly acquired histograms of data and reference histograms which represent the ideal state of the equipment. With the larger HEP experiments now ramping up, there is a need for automation of this task since the volume of comparisons could overwhelm human operators. However, the two-dimensional histogram comparison tools available in ROOT have been noted in the past to exhibit shortcomings. We discuss a newer comparison test for two-dimensional histograms, based on the Energy Test of Aslan and Zech, which provides more conclusive discrimination between histograms of data coming from different distributions than methods provided in a recent ROOT release.The Science and Technology Facilities Council, U

    The social determinants of polymorphous prejudice against lesbian and gay individuals: the case of Portugal

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    In the present article, we analyze polymorphous prejudice against lesbians and gays according to a sample of Portuguese heterosexual individuals. We tested the differential importance of demographic-, ideological-, and psychological-level variables to predicting this phenomenon. Our results show that male, Catholic, right-wing respondents with fewer lesbian and gay (LG) friends prove the group exhibiting the highest levels of polymorphous prejudice. Furthermore, the introduction of psychological-level variables into the regression models increased the explained variance in polymorphous prejudice, above and beyond the remaining predictors. Additionally, we report different patterns of results when deploying regression analyses at the level of the sub-scales of polymorphous prejudice. We discuss our results within the light of contemporary sexual prejudice frameworks before reviewing the utility of results to interventions targeting discriminated LG individuals.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Nonlinear stabilitty for steady vortex pairs

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    In this article, we prove nonlinear orbital stability for steadily translating vortex pairs, a family of nonlinear waves that are exact solutions of the incompressible, two-dimensional Euler equations. We use an adaptation of Kelvin's variational principle, maximizing kinetic energy penalised by a multiple of momentum among mirror-symmetric isovortical rearrangements. This formulation has the advantage that the functional to be maximized and the constraint set are both invariant under the flow of the time-dependent Euler equations, and this observation is used strongly in the analysis. Previous work on existence yields a wide class of examples to which our result applies.Comment: 25 page

    Efeito do nível de carunchamento do milho sobre a digestibilidade de sua proteína e energia para suínos em crescimento.

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    Um lote de milho, variedade BR-300, foi preparado no Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo (CNPMS) da EMBRAPA em Sete Lagoas, MG, para se obter os tratamentos desejados, ou seja, 5,0%; 20,0%; 30,0% e 50,0% de carunchamento, obtidos atraves de mistura entre um lote carunchado artificialmente pelo Sitophilus zeamais (Motschulsky, 1855) e outro nao carunchado. O teste de digestibilidade foi conduzido na Granja EPAMIG 1 em Ponte Nova, MG. Utilizando-se 12 suinos landrace, machos inteiros, alojados em gaiolas de metabolismo em um delineamento experimental em blocos casualizados com quatro tratamentos (T1 = 5,0%; T2 = 20,0%; T3 = 30,0% E T4 = 50,0% de carunchamento) e tres repeticoes, com peso inicial medio de 36,0 kg. Os resultados do experimento sobre a digestibilidade do milho, com suinos, em varios niveis de carunchamento (5%; 20%; 30% e 50%) nao mostraram diferencas estatistica (P > 0,05) quanto a materia seca digestivel, nitrogenio absorvido e nitrogenio retido em relacao ao ingerido, enquanto a energia digestivel e a energia metabolizavel reduziram-se linearmente devido aos tratamentos com suinos na fase de crescimento

    Efecto de dosis de acido polimaleico en la estabilidad estructural de suelos salinos.

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    Se estudió el efecto de distintas dosis de ácido polimaleico sobre la estabilidad estructural de tres tipos de suelos salinos. Se separaron los agregados naturales que pasaron por el tamiz de 4,00 mm y quedaron retenidos en el tamiz de 2,00 mm, se aplicaron dosis de ácido polimaleico de 0,5, 10 y 15 L/ha sobre los agregados. Cada 30 dias se determinó la distribución de agregados estables y el porcentage de arcilla dispersa en agua. Para los tres tipos de suelos las dosis más elevadas presentaron un mayor aumento del diámetro medio ponderado de los agregados y mayor reducción del porcentaje de arcilla dispersa en agua

    Efeito do nível de carunchamento do milho sobre o desempenho de suínos em crescimento/terminação.

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    Um experimento, envolvendo 40 leitoes da raca landrace, sendo 20 machos e 20 femeas, foi realizado na Granja EPAMIG-1 da Fazenda Experimental de Ponte Nova, MG, para avaliar os efeitos do nivel de carunchamento do milho sobre o desempenho dos suinos nas fases de crescimento e terminacao. Os suinos foram alimentados com racoes a base de milho e farelo de soja, cujo milho continha 5%; 20%; 30%; 40% e 50% de carunchamento, por Sitophilus zeamais, os quais constituiram os tratamentos (T1, T2, T3, T4 e T5), Os resultados do experimento nao apresentaram diferencas significativas (P > 0,05) para ganho medio de peso (0,83; 0,87; 0,85; 0,84 e 0,82 kg/dia), consumo medio de racao (2,59; 2,59; 2,54; 2,52 e 2,54 kg/dia) e conversao alimentar (3,12; 2,97; 2,98; 3,00 e 3,09 kg de racao/kg de ganho), respectivamente para os tratamentos T1, T2, T3, T4 e T5. Os dados do experimento sobre o desempenho de suinos em crescimento/terminacao com o milho carunchado artificialmente, nas condicoes que foi realizado o trabalho, nos permitem concluir que a utilizacao do milho carunchado na racao de suinos nao afetou o ganho de peso, consumo de racao e conversao alimentar dos animais