96 research outputs found
A Generalization of a Gaussian Semiparametric Estimator on Multivariate Long-Range Dependent Processes
In this paper we propose and study a general class of Gaussian Semiparametric
Estimators (GSE) of the fractional differencing parameter in the context of
long-range dependent multivariate time series. We establish large sample
properties of the estimator without assuming Gaussianity. The class of models
considered here satisfies simple conditions on the spectral density function,
restricted to a small neighborhood of the zero frequency and includes important
class of VARFIMA processes. We also present a simulation study to assess the
finite sample properties of the proposed estimator based on a smoothed version
of the GSE which supports its competitiveness
MCMC Bayesian Estimation in FIEGARCH Models
Bayesian inference for fractionally integrated exponential generalized
autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic (FIEGARCH) models using Markov Chain
Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods is described. A simulation study is presented to
access the performance of the procedure, under the presence of long-memory in
the volatility. Samples from FIEGARCH processes are obtained upon considering
the generalized error distribution (GED) for the innovation process. Different
values for the tail-thickness parameter \nu are considered covering both
scenarios, innovation processes with lighter (\nu2) tails
than the Gaussian distribution (\nu=2). A sensitivity analysis is performed by
considering different prior density functions and by integrating (or not) the
knowledge on the true parameter values to select the hyperparameter values
The Lista APDIS Online: a new vision for an existent service
The Lista APDIS Online (LAO) is a platform for scientific journals in Portuguese health science libraries launched in 2002, allowing efficiency in Inter-library loan services, journals searching, copy requests and their management among institutions. The evolution to a new version was essential. To develop and implement this new platform, the workflow of technical development was defined and the processes of upgrade and migration from the previous to the new database planned. Besides all functionalities of the previous version, the new version has a new database structure, a renewed layout, the ability forf libraries to update their contents and the existence of a user workstation allowing catalog search and requests. Success is predictable by over 1600 orders in only 5 months
Copulas Related to Manneville-Pomeau Processes
In this work we derive the copulas related to Manneville-Pomeau processes. We
examine both bidimensional and multidimensional cases and derive some
properties for the related copulas. Computational issues, approximations and
random variate generation problems are addressed and simple numerical
experiments to test the approximations developed are also performed. In
particular, we propose an approximation to the copulas derived which we show to
converge uniformly to the true copula. To illustrate the usefulness of the
theory, we derive a fast procedure to estimate the underlying parameter in
Manneville-Pomeau processes
Psychological violence within a partner relationship and alcohol abuse of Portuguese women: the mediating role of resilience
In this study, we explored how psychological violence within a partner relationship relates to resilience and alcohol abuse of Portuguese women, particularly, testing the mediating role of resilience. A cross-sectional sample of 464 Portuguese women with a partner relationship was screened for psychological violence, alcohol abuse, and resilience. Results showed differences in terms of age, marital status, and current employment situation. Psychological violence was negatively related to resilience and positively related to alcohol consumption. Resilience also showed a negative relationship with alcohol consumption. A partial mediation was found between psychological violence and alcohol consumption through resilience, supporting the crucial role of resilience to break the negative “chain” between psychological violence and alcohol consumption.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Statistical properties of detrended fluctuation analysis
The main goal of this work is to consider the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), proposed by Peng et al. [Mosaic organization of DNA nucleotides, Phys. Rev. E. 49(5) (1994), 1685–1689]. This is a wellknown method for analysing the long-range dependence in non-stationary time series. Here we describe the DFA method and we prove its consistency and its exact distribution, based on the usual i.i.d. assumption, as an estimator for the fractional parameter d. In the literature it is well established that the nucleotide sequences present long-range dependence property. In this work, we analyse the long dependence property in view of the autoregressive moving average fractionally integrated ARFIMA(p, d, q) processes through the analysis of four nucleotide sequences. For estimating the fractional parameter d we consider the semiparametric regression method based on the periodogram function, in both classical and robust versions; the semiparametric R/S(n) method, proposed by Hurst [Long term storage in reservoirs, Trans. Am. Soc. Civil Eng. 116 (1986), 770–779] and the maximum likelihood method (see [R. Fox and M.S. Taqqu, Large-sample properties of parameter estimates for strongly dependent stationary Gaussian time series, Ann. Statist. 14 (1986), 517–532]), by considering the approximation suggested by Whittle [Hypothesis Testing in Time Series Analysis (1953), Hafner, New York]..info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Healthcare system delay and utilization in tuberculosis patients in Portuguese high-incidence region
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