3,560 research outputs found

    Multi-q Pattern Classification of Polarization Curves

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    Several experimental measurements are expressed in the form of one-dimensional profiles, for which there is a scarcity of methodologies able to classify the pertinence of a given result to a specific group. The polarization curves that evaluate the corrosion kinetics of electrodes in corrosive media are an application where the behavior is chiefly analyzed from profiles. Polarization curves are indeed a classic method to determine the global kinetics of metallic electrodes, but the strong nonlinearity from different metals and alloys can overlap and the discrimination becomes a challenging problem. Moreover, even finding a typical curve from replicated tests requires subjective judgement. In this paper we used the so-called multi-q approach based on the Tsallis statistics in a classification engine to separate multiple polarization curve profiles of two stainless steels. We collected 48 experimental polarization curves in aqueous chloride medium of two stainless steel types, with different resistance against localized corrosion. Multi-q pattern analysis was then carried out on a wide potential range, from cathodic up to anodic regions. An excellent classification rate was obtained, at a success rate of 90%, 80%, and 83% for low (cathodic), high (anodic), and both potential ranges, respectively, using only 2% of the original profile data. These results show the potential of the proposed approach towards efficient, robust, systematic and automatic classification of highly non-linear profile curves.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    A Deep Learning-based Global and Segmentation-based Semantic Feature Fusion Approach for Indoor Scene Classification

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    This work proposes a novel approach that uses a semantic segmentation mask to obtain a 2D spatial layout of the segmentation-categories across the scene, designated by segmentation-based semantic features (SSFs). These features represent, per segmentation-category, the pixel count, as well as the 2D average position and respective standard deviation values. Moreover, a two-branch network, GS2F2App, that exploits CNN-based global features extracted from RGB images and the segmentation-based features extracted from the proposed SSFs, is also proposed. GS2F2App was evaluated in two indoor scene benchmark datasets: the SUN RGB-D and the NYU Depth V2, achieving state-of-the-art results on both datasets.Comment: Published at Pattern Recognition Letters 2024 (DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2024.01.022

    A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder manifesting as lifelong deficits in social communication and interaction, as well as restricted repetitive behaviors, interests and activities. While there are no specific pharmacological or other physical treatments for autism, in recent years repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), a technique for non-invasive neuromodulation, has attracted interest due to potential therapeutic value. Here we report the results of a systematic literature review and meta-analysis on the use of rTMS to treat ASD. Methods: We performed a systematic literature search on PubMed, Web of Science, Science Direct, Bielefeld Academic Search, and Educational Resources Information Clearinghouse. Search terms reflected diagnoses and treatment modalities of interest. Studies reporting use of rTMS to treat core ASD or cognitive symptoms in ASD were eligible. Two researchers performed article selection and data extraction independently, according to PRISMA guidelines. Changes in ASD clinical scores or in cognitive performance were the main outcomes. Random effects meta-analysis models were performed. Results: We found 23 eligible reports, comprising 4 case-reports, 7 non-controlled clinical trials, and 12 controlled clinical trials, comparing the effects of real TMS with waiting-list controls (n = 6) or sham-treatment (n = 6). Meta-analyses showed a significant, but moderate, effect on repetitive and stereotyped behaviors, social behavior, and number of errors in executive function tasks, but not other outcomes. Most studies had a moderate to high risk of bias, mostly due to lack of subject- and evaluator-blinding to treatment allocation. Only 5 studies reported stability of these gains for periods of up 6 months, with descriptions that improvements were sustained over time. Conclusions: Existing evidence supports that TMS could be useful to treat some dimensions of ASD. However, such evidence must be regarded with care, as most studies did not adequately control for placebo effects. Moreover, little is known regarding the most effective stimulation parameters, targets, and schedules. There is an urgent need for further randomized, double-blind, sham-controlled trials, with adequate follow-up periods, to test the efficacy of transcranial magnetic stimulation to treat these disorders. Available evidence must be regarded as preliminary and insufficient, at present, to support offering TMS to treat ASD.publishersversionpublishe

    Invisible trophic links?:Quantifying the importance of non-standard food sources for key intertidal avian predators in the Eastern Atlantic

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    Coastal wetlands are heterogeneous systems with multiple inputs and complex interactionswithin local food webs. Interpreting such complexity is limited by incomplete knowledgeof trophic interactions among organisms. Although widely recognized as secondary consumersand predators of intertidal macroinvertebrates, shorebirds can also consume lower-trophic-levelfood sources, and frequently forage in adjacent supratidal habitats. To ascertain potential trophiclinks between overwintering shorebirds and alternative non-standard food sources, we collectedcarbon and nitrogen stable isotope data of shorebirds and benthic organisms from 4 coastal wetlandsalong the Eastern Atlantic: Tejo Estuary, Portugal; Sidi-Moussa, Morocco; Banc d’Arguin,Mauritania; and Bijagós Archipelago, Guinea-Bissau. Using dual-isotope Bayesian mixing models,we evaluated the relative importance of intertidal benthic macroinvertebrates and 3 otherpotential food sources (biofilm and seagrass rhizomes from intertidal areas, and saltpan macroinvertebrates)in the diet of wintering shorebirds. Although intertidal macroinvertebrates form themain part of most shorebird species’ diet, our data revealed that supratidal saltpans can contributeto >30% of the biomass ingested by several shorebird species. Seagrass rhizomes represented>10% of the diet of several species in Banc d’Arguin and in Sidi Moussa. Little stint Calidris minutaappears to consume biofilm on all 3 wetlands where they were sampled, which is the first timebiofilm consumption by shorebirds has been detected along the East Atlantic Flyway. Empiricalevidence for generalized consumption of alternative food sources by intertidal avian predatorsshow the greater complexity and food web connectivity in and of intertidal habitats, and also withthe surrounding habitats

    How to prepare a power system for 12% wind energy penetration: The Portuguese Case Study 

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    The 2001/77/CE Renewable Energies European Directive together with Kyoto Protocol ratification supported by a Government vision and strong objective on the reduction of external oil dependence put Portugal in the front line to achieve one of the highest wind energy penetrations within ten years time. This paper gives a summarized overview of the Portuguese technical approaches and methodologies followed in order to plan and accomodate the ambitious wind power goals to 2010/2013, preserving the overall quality of the power system

    Dynamic testing of systems – use of TRNSYS as an approach for parameter identification

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    Dynamic testing of solar thermal systems is presently defined by ISO 9459-5:2007. The testing methodology is clearly defined in the standard. Presently, laboratories that use Dynamic System Testing methodology only have available for identification of parameters, a closed source program, which is based on a model described by Spirkl and Muschawek (1992). The present paper describes the work done following a different approach for the identification of parameters – use of TRNSYS to simulate the system and use of GENOPT for optimization. Results are presented, both for thermosyphon and forced circulation systems, and show, in most cases, good agreement (differences lower then ±5%) when compared with the results using ISS, v2.7 (from In Situ Scientific Software). Comparison of system energy yield, calculated using TRNSYS for periods higher than one month, with measured energy yield for these periods, was also done for a thermosyphon system showing very good agreement (differences lower than ±3%)

    A 802.11p prototype implementation

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    This paper presents an IEEE 802.11p full-stack prototype implementation to data exchange among vehicles and between vehicles and the roadway infrastructures. The prototype architecture is based on FPGAs for Intermediate Frequency (IF) and base band purposes, using 802.11a based transceivers for RF interfaces. Power amplifiers were also addressed, by using commercial and in-house solutions. This implementation aims to provide technical solutions for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) field, namely for tolling and traffic management related services, in order to promote safety, mobility and driving comfort through the dynamic and real-time cooperation among vehicles and/or between vehicles and infrastructures. The performance of the proposed scheme is tested under realistic urban and suburban driving conditions. Preliminary results are promising, since they comply with most of the 802.11p standard requirements