7 research outputs found
Charge amplification in low pressure CF4:SF6:He mixtures with a multi-mesh ThGEM for directional dark matter searches
The CYGNO collaboration is developing next generation directional Dark Matter (DM) detection experiments, using gaseous Time Projection Chambers (TPCs), as a robust method for identifying Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) below the Neutrino Fog. SF6 is potentially ideal for this since it provides a high fluorine content, enhancing sensitivity to spin-dependent interactions and, as a Negative Ion Drift (NID) gas, reduces charge diffusion leading to improved positional resolution. CF4, although not a NID gas, has also been identified as a favourable gas target as it provides a scintillation signal which can be used for a complimentary light/charge readout approach. These gases can operate at low pressures to elongate Nuclear Recoil (NR) tracks and facilitate directional measurements. In principle, He could be added to low pressure SF6/CF4 without significant detriment to the length of 16S, 12C, and 19F recoils. This would improve the target mass, sensitivity to lower WIMP masses, and offer the possibility of atmospheric operation; potentially reducing the cost of a containment vessel. In this article, we present gas gain and energy resolution measurements, taken with a Multi-Mesh Thick Gaseous Electron Multiplier (MMThGEM), in low pressure SF6 and CF4:SF6 mixtures following the addition of He. We find that the CF4:SF6:He mixtures tested were able to produce gas gains on the order of 104 up to a total pressure of 100 Torr. These results demonstrate an order of magnitude improvement [1] in charge amplification in NID gas mixtures with a He component
A 50 l CYGNO prototype overground characterization
The nature of dark matter is still unknown and an experimental program to look for dark matter particles in our Galaxy should extend its sensitivity to light particles in the GeV mass range and exploit the directional information of the DM particle motion (Vahsen et al. in CYGNUS: feasibility of a nuclear recoil observatory with directional sensitivity to dark matter and neutrinos, arXiv:2008.12587, 2020). The CYGNO project is studying a gaseous time projection chamber operated at atmospheric pressure with a Gas Electron Multiplier (Sauli in Nucl Instrum Meth A 386:531, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0168-9002(96)01172-2, 1997) amplification and with an optical readout as a promising technology for light dark matter and directional searches. In this paper we describe the operation of a 50 l prototype named LIME (Long Imaging ModulE) in an overground location at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) of INFN. This prototype employs the technology under study for the 1 cubic meter CYGNO demonstrator to be installed at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) (Amaro et al. in Instruments 2022, 6(1), https://www.mdpi.com/2410-390X/6/1/6, 2022). We report the characterization of LIME with photon sources in the energy range from few keV to several tens of keV to understand the performance of the energy reconstruction of the emitted electron. We achieved a low energy threshold of few keV and an energy resolution over the whole energy range of 10–20%, while operating the detector for several weeks continuously with very high operational efficiency. The energy spectrum of the reconstructed electrons is then reported and will be the basis to identify radio-contaminants of the LIME materials to be removed for future CYGNO detectors
Data handling of CYGNO experiment using INFN-Cloud solution
The INFN Cloud project was launched at the beginning of 2020, aiming to build a distributed Cloud infrastructure and provide advanced services for the INFN scientific communities. A Platform as a Service (PaaS) was created inside INFN Cloud that allows the experiments to develop and access resources as a Software as a Service (SaaS), and CYGNO is the betatester of this system. The aim of the CYGNO experiment is to realize a large gaseous Time Projection Chamber based on the optical readout of the photons produced in the avalanche multiplication of ionization electrons in a GEM stack. To this extent, CYGNO exploits the progress in commercial scientific Active Pixel Sensors based on Scientific CMOS for Dark Matter search and Solar Neutrino studies. CYGNO, like many other astroparticle experiments, requires a computing model to acquire, store, simulate and analyze data typically far from High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments. Indeed, astroparticle experiments are typically characterized by being less demanding of computing resources with respect to HEP ones but have to deal with unique and unrepeatable data, sometimes collected in extreme conditions, with extensive use of templates and montecarlo, and are often re-calibrated and reconstructed many times for a given data set. Moreover, the varieties and the scale of computing models and requirements are extremely large. In this scenario, the Cloud infrastructure with standardized and optimized services offered to the scientific community could be a useful solution able to match the requirements of many small/medium size experiments. In this work, we will present the CYGNO computing model based on the INFN cloud infrastructure where the experiment software, easily extendible to similar experiments to similar applications on other similar experiments, provides tools as a service to store, archive, analyze, and simulate data
Number of recombinations and genetic properties of a maize population undergoing recurrent selection
Performance of maize single-crosses developed from populations improved by a modified reciprocal recurrent selection Performance de híbridos simples de milho desenvolvidos de populações melhoradas por seleção recorrente recíproca modificada
Maize (Zea mays L.) elite inbred lines developed from pedigree programs tend to be genetically related. Therefore, it is necessary to incorporate unrelated inbreds to those programs to allow the continued release of outstanding single-crosses. The objectives of this research were to compare the usefulness of a modified reciprocal recurrent selection procedure (MRRS) to improve populations to be used as sources of elite inbreds and outstanding single-crosses to integrate pedigree programs, and to investigate the effects of selection on the relative contribution of general (GCA) and specific combining (SCA) abilities to the single-crosses variation. Eight and six S3 lines from populations IG-3-C1 and IG-4-C1, respectively, selected from the first cycle of the MRRS program were crossed in a partial-diallel mating design, and the 48 experimental and five commercial single-crosses were evaluated in six environments. Grain yield mean of the experimental single-crosses (9.57 t ha¹) did not differ from the commercial single-crosses (9.86 t ha¹), and ten of the 48 experimental single-crosses could be released as cultivars because they compared favorably to the currently used single-crosses. Thus, one cycle of the MRRS procedure improved efficiently the populations allowing the development of outstanding single-cross, but additional cycles of selection should be carried out since none of the experimental single-crosses outperformed the highest yielding commercial single-cross. The relative contribution of the GCA over SCA may have been affected by the MRRS, since the SCA was more important than GCA for some of the traits assessed.<br>Linhagens elites de milho (Zea mays L.) desenvolvidas em programas genealógicos tendem a ser geneticamente relacionadas. Portanto, é necessário incorporar linhagens não relacionadas a estes programas para permitir a liberação contínua de híbridos simples superiores. Comparou-se a utilidade de um procedimento modificado de seleção recorrente recíproca (SRRM) em melhorar populações a serem utilizadas como fontes de linhagens elites e híbridos simples superiores para integrar os programas de melhoramento, e investigar os efeitos da seleção na contribuição relativa da capacidade geral (CGC) e da capacidade específica (CEC) de combinação para a variabilidade dos híbridos simples. Oito e seis linhagens S3 obtidas das populações IG-3-C1 e IG-4-C1, respectivamente, selecionadas do primeiro ciclo de SRRM, foram cruzadas no delineamento dialelo parcial e os 48 híbridos simples experimentais (HSE) e cinco híbridos simples comerciais (HSC) foram avaliados em seis ambientes. A média geral de produção de grãos dos HSE (9.57 t ha¹) não diferiu significativamente dos HSC (9.86 t ha¹), e dez dos 48 HSE poderiam ser liberados como cultivares, pois são comparáveis aos híbridos simples comerciais. Portanto, um ciclo de SRRM foi eficiente em melhorar as populações permitindo a produção de híbridos simples superiores, mas ciclos adicionais de seleção deverão ser conduzidos, pois nenhum dos HSE superou o híbrido simples comercial mais produtivo. As contribuições relativas da CGC e da CEC podem ter sido afetadas pela SRRM, uma vez que a CEC foi mais importante que a CGC para alguns caracteres avaliados
The CYGNO experiment: a directional Dark Matter detector with optical readout
We are going to discuss the R&D and the prospects for the CYGNO project, towards the development of an innovative, high precision 3D tracking Time Projection Chamber with optical readout using He:CF4 gas at 1 bar. CYGNO uses a stack of triple thin GEMs for charge multiplication, this induces scintillation in CF4 gas, which is readout by PMTs and sCMOS cameras. High granularity and low readout noise of sCMOS along with high sampling of PMT allows CYGNO to have 3D tracking with head tail capability and particle identification down to O(keV) energy for directional Dark Matter searches and solar neutrino spectroscopy. We will present the most recent R&D results from the CYGNO project, and in particular the overground commissioning of the largest prototype developed so far, LIME with a 33×33 cm2 readout plane and 50 cm of drift length, for a total of 50 litres active volume. We will illustrate the LIME response characterisation between 3.7 keV and 44 keV by means of multiple X-ray sources, and the data Monte-Carlo comparison of simulated sCMOS images in this energy range. Furthermore, we will present current LIME installation, operation and data taking at underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), serving as demonstrator for the development of a 0.4 m3 CYGNO detector. We will conclude by mentioning the technical choices and the prospects of the 0.4 m3 detector, as laid out in the Technical Design Report (TDR) recently produced by our collaboration