163 research outputs found

    Objective technical monitoring of the condition of the sucker rod pumping unit

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    A four-view classification of the main methods for controlling a sucker rod pumping unit (SRPU) has been proposed. The essence of each control method of a SRPU is disclosed. Made their comparative analysis and opportunities. The vibration control and monitoring of the pumping unit gearbox of the SRPU is considered in more detail. The strategy and experiment planning of the reduction gearbox of a SRPU has been developed using factor analysis. An experimental model installation of a SRPU has been developed and created, which allows implementing the developed strategy to study the effect of gearbox defects, its operating conditions and the influence of other elements of the SRPU on the vibration characteristics of a wellbore well pumping unit. It is shown that there can be no objective control when the necessary intervals between controls, their content and volume are formed on the basis of statistical data, without taking into account the specific features of a SRPU and the real conditions of its operation, but only the type is taken into account. An objective technical monitoring of a SRPU has been proposed, which will significantly increase its overhaul mileage and reduce operating costs.Запропоновано класифікацію основних методів управління насосною установкою насосної штанги з чотирма видами. Розкрито сутність кожного методу управління НУНШ. Зроблено порівняльний аналіз їх можливостей. Кон-троль вібрації і контроль редуктора насосного агрегату НУНШ розглянуто більш докладно. Стратегія і планування експерименту редуктора НУНШ були розроблені з використанням факторного аналізу. Розроблено та створено експериментальну модельну установку НУНШ, що дозволяє реалізувати розроблену стратегію з вивчення впливу дефектів коробки передач, умов її експлуатації і впливу інших елементів НУНШ на вібраційні характеристики насосного агрегату стовбура свердловини. Показано, що не може бути об'єктивного контролю, коли необхідні інтервали між контролями, їх змістом і обсягом формуються на основі статистичних даних, без урахування специфічних особливостей НУНШ і реальних умов його роботи, коли враховується тільки тип обладнання. Запропоновано об'єктивний технічний моніторинг НУНШ, який значно збільшить термін експлуатації до капітального ремонту і знизить експлуатаційні витрати.Предложена классификация основных методов управления насосной установкой насосной штанги с четырьмя видами. Раскрыта сущность каждого метода управления НУНШ. Сделан сравнительный анализ их возможностей. Контроль вибрации и контроль редуктора насосного агрегата НУНШ рассмотрен более подробно. Стратегия и планирование эксперимента редуктора НУНШ были разработаны с использованием факторного анализа. Разработана и создана экспериментальная модельная установка НУНШ, позволяющая реализовать разработанную стратегию по изучению влияния дефектов коробки передач, условий ее эксплуатации и влияния других элементов НУНШ на вибрационные характеристики насосного агрегата ствола скважины. Показано, что не может быть объективного контроля, когда необходимые интервалы между контролями, их содержанием и объемом формируются на основе статистических данных, без учета специфических особенностей НУНШ и реальных условий его работы, когда учитывается только тип оборудования. Предложен объективный технический мониторинг НУНШ, который значительно увеличит срок эксплуатации до капитального ремонта и снизит эксплуатационные расходы

    Conductance renormalization and conductivity of a multi-subband Tomonaga-Luttinger model

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    We studied the conductance renormalization and conductivity of multi-subband Tomonaga-Luttinger models with inter-subband interactions. We found that, as in single-band systems, the conductance of a multi-subband system with an arbitrary number of subbands is not renormalized due to interaction between electrons. We derived a formula for the conductivity in multi-subband models. We applied it to a simplified case and found that inter-subband interaction enhances the conductivity, which is contrary to the intra-subband repulsive interaction, and that the conductivity is further enhanced for a larger number of subbands.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. to be published in Physical Review B as a brief repor

    Anomaly in the K^0_S Sigma^+ photoproduction cross section off the proton at the K* threshold

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    The γ+pK0+Σ+\gamma + p \rightarrow K^0 + \Sigma^+ photoproduction reaction is investigated in the energy region from threshold to Eγ=2250E_\gamma = 2250\,MeV. The differential cross section exhibits increasing forward-peaking with energy, but only up to the KK^* threshold. Beyond, it suddenly returns to a flat distribution with the forward cross section dropping by a factor of four. In the total cross section a pronounced structure is observed between the KΛK^*\Lambda and KΣK^*\Sigma thresholds. It is speculated whether this signals the turnover of the reaction mechanism from t-channel exchange below the KK^* production threshold to an s-channel mechanism associated with the formation of a dynamically generated KK^*-hyperon intermediate state.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Linearly polarised photon beams at ELSA and measurement of the beam asymmetry in pi^0-photoproduction off the proton

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    At the electron accelerator ELSA a linearly polarised tagged photon beam is produced by coherent bremsstrahlung off a diamond crystal. Orientation and energy range of the linear polarisation can be deliberately chosen by accurate positioning of the crystal with a goniometer. The degree of polarisation is determined by the form of the scattered electron spectrum. Good agreement between experiment and expectations on basis of the experimental conditions is obtained. Polarisation degrees of P = 40% are typically achieved at half of the primary electron energy. The determination of P is confirmed by measuring the beam asymmetry, \Sigma, in pi^0 photoproduction and a comparison of the results to independent measurements using laser backscattering.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures, submitted to EPJ


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    Reaction of synovial membrane and cartilage on 1 ml of polymer gel «NOLTREX» injected into the cavity of jumping joint of 20 rabbits was investigated. Biological inertness and safety of noltrex injected into the joint cavity was established.   Изучена реакция синовиальной оболочки и хряща 20 кроликов на введение 1 мл полимерного геля «Нолтрекс» в полость скакательного сустава. Сделан вывод о биологической инертности и безопасности нолтрекса при его введении в полость сустава

    Research possibility of application of non-destructive testing method based on the Barkhausen effect for the control of heat exchange equipment, exposed to im-pulse pressure

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    The article deals with the issues of ensuring the reliability of operation and methods for evaluation of connections (tube attachment points in tube sheets) of heat exchangers used in various industries. It is estimated the applicability of the control method based on the Barkhausen effect to check the place of tube fastening in tube sheets. Installations are considered as heat exchangers in which the connection is derive pipe with tube sheets is obtained by using impulsed pressure sources

    On the northernmost distribution of leaf beetles of the genus Oreomela (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae): New species from mountains of southern Siberia

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    Three new species of leaf beetles are described: Oreomela dudkorum sp. n. (Terektinskii Ridge, Central Altai Mountains), O. tuvensis sp. n. (mountains of southeastern Republic of Tuva), and O. romantsovi sp. n. (Western Sayan Mountains). The representatives of this genus, and especially of the nominotypical subgenus, were found in Russia and in the territories mentioned for the first time. Thus, the distribution boundary of this genus is shifted 3-4° northwards. The representatives of Oreomela have most probably migrated from Tien Shan to the mountains of southern Siberia via the Mongolian Altai Mountains. © 2007 Pleiades Publishing, Inc