32 research outputs found

    Development of Reacted Channel During Flow of CO2 Rich Water Along a Cement Fracture

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    AbstractLab scale experiments were performed to characterize how coupling between reaction and flow affect time-dependent flux of CO2-rich water along leaky wells. The core flow system applies confining stress to a cement core with a single tensile fracture while CO2-rich water is injected at constant rate and elevated pore pressure. Results show no significant variation in pressure differential, despite the development of a texturally distinct calcium depleted channel along the fracture surfaces which is bounded by thin rims of precipitation. Silicon rich material remains in the channel and prevents wormhole development and large increases in aperture. Implications for time-dependent CO2 leakage are that even with high fluid flux, the leak does not get appreciably worse

    Rare earth elements and radiogenic strontium isotopes in carbonate minerals reveal diagenetic influence in shales and limestones in the Appalachian Basin

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    The final publication is available at Elsevier via https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.01.018. © 2019. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Rare earth element (REE) signatures are often applied to interpret paleoenvironmental conditions in sedimentary basins, however the complicated diagenetic histories in dynamic depositional environments can affect interpretation of measured REE signatures. Prior studies on REE content in shales and limestones indicated that REE in specific mineral phases may provide unique information concerning diagenetic reactions occurring in sedimentary rocks during burial and compaction. Application of sequential extraction techniques to target REE signatures in specific mineral fractions may provide greater insight into the complex processes that occurred during diagenesis and catagenesis. Thus, using this technique, this study provides a detailed account for REE, 87Sr/86Sr, and δ13C in the carbonate fraction of the Marcellus Shale and adjacent formations in the Appalachian Basin. A suite of 49 rock samples collected from two cores recovered from Monongalia County, West Virginia, USA was analyzed. The results showed that the carbonate concretions in calcareous shales and carbonate cements in black shales were very distinct. The REE plus yttrium (REY) were more concentrated in the carbonate concretions than in the carbonate cements. The carbonate concretions displayed REY patterns that are closely similar to modern seawater, while MREE-enrichment was observed in the carbonate cements. Likewise, the 87Sr/86Sr values in the carbonate concretions were similar to those measured for unaltered Middle Devonian carbonates, while the 87Sr/86Sr in the carbonate cements were much more radiogenic. This observation indicates that the carbonate cement could have been inherited radiogenic 87Sr expulsed from clays during illite-smectite transition. Overall, this study demonstrated two distinct processes involved with controlling the carbonate geochemistry within Appalachian Basin shales and limestones: one fraction displaying minimal diagenetic alteration relative to depositional conditions (carbonate concretions in calcareous shales and limestone carbonate in limestones), and another fraction displaying the evidence for extensive chemical alteration during illite-smectite transition and catagenesis (carbonate cements in black shales). In addition, highly variable and significant enrichments of U and Mo demonstrate that the Union Spring member and the Lower Oatka Creek member of the Marcellus Shale in the southwestern Appalachian Basin (MSEEL site) were deposited under mainly anoxic environment whereas intermitted episodes of dysoxic to perhaps oxic conditions occurred during the deposition of the Upper Oatka Creek member.This study was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Fossil Energy, as the National Energy Technology Laboratory's ongoing research. Samples for this research were provided by the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) funded by Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory (DOE-NETL) grant DE# FE0024297

    Developing a robust geochemical and reactive transport model to evaluate possible sources of arsenic at the CO2 sequestration natural analog site in Chimayo, New Mexico

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    Migration of carbon dioxide (CO2) from deep storage formations into shallow drinking water aquifers is a possible system failure related to geologic CO2 sequestration. A CO2 leak may cause mineral precipitation/ dissolution reactions, changes in aqueous speciation, and alteration of pH and redox conditions leading to potential increases of trace metal concentrations above EPA National Primary Drinking Water Standards. In this study, the Chimayo site (NM) was examined for site-specific impacts of shallow groundwater interacting with CO2 from deep storage formations. Major ion and trace element chemistry for the site have been previously studied. This work focuses on arsenic (As), which is regulated by the EPA under the Safe Drinking Water Act and for which some wells in the Chimayo area have concentrations higher than the maximum contaminant level (MCL). Statistical analysis of the existing Chimayo groundwater data indicates that As is strongly correlated with trace metals U and Pb indicating that their source may be from the same deep subsurface water. Batch experiments and materials characterization, such as: X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and synchrotron micro X-ray fluorescence (#2;-XRF), were used to identify As association with Fe-rich phases, such as clays or oxides, in the Chimayo sediments as the major factor controlling As fate in the subsurface. Batch laboratory experiments with Chimayo sediments and groundwater show that pH decreases as CO2 is introduced into the system and buffered by calcite. The introduction of CO2 causes an immediate increase in As solution concentration, which then decreases over time. A geochemical model was developed to simulate these batch experiments and successfully predicted the pH drop once CO2 was introduced into the experiment. In the model, sorption of As to illite, kaolinite and smectite through surface complexation proved to be the key reactions in simulating the drop in As concentration as a function of time in the batch experiments. Based on modeling, kaolinite precipitation is anticipated to occur during the experiment, which allows for additional sorption sites to form with time resulting in the slow decrease in As concentration. This mechanism can be viewed as trace metal “scavenging” due to sorption caused secondary mineral precipitation. Since deep geologic transport of these trace metals to the shallow subsurface by brine or CO2 intrusion is critical to assessing environmental impacts, the effective retardation of trace metal transport is an important parameter to estimate and it is dependent on multiple coupled reactions. At the field scale, As mobility is retarded due to the influence of sorption reactions, which can affect environmental performance assessment studies of a sequestration site

    Rare-Earth Element Phase Associations in Four West Virginia Coal Samples

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    Rare-earth elements are critical components of technologies used in renewable energy, communication, transportation, and national defense. Securing supply chains by developing domestic rare-earth resources, including coal and coal byproducts, has become a national priority. With some of the largest coal reserves in the country, states within the Appalachian Basin can play a key role in supplying these elements. Understanding rare-earth element phase associations and the processes that lead to enrichment in these coals will inform resource prospecting and recovery techniques. This study used sequential leaching in addition to scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to identify rare-earth element modes of occurrence in WV coals. The results indicate that heavier elements have a stronger association with organic matter and that phosphate minerals are primary sources of both heavy and light rare-earth elements. However, these phases are shielded by a resistant aluminosilicate matrix that can impede the recovery of rare-earth elements using traditional methods

    Experimental Evidence for Self-Limiting Reactive Flow through a Fractured Cement Core: Implications for Time-Dependent Wellbore Leakage

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    We present a set of reactive transport experiments in cement fractures. The experiments simulate coupling between flow and reaction when acidic, CO<sub>2</sub>-rich fluids flow along a leaky wellbore. An analog dilute acid with a pH between 2.0 and 3.15 was injected at constant rate between 0.3 and 9.4 cm/s into a fractured cement core. Pressure differential across the core and effluent pH were measured to track flow path evolution, which was analyzed with electron microscopy after injection. In many experiments reaction was restricted within relatively narrow, tortuous channels along the fracture surface. The observations are consistent with coupling between flow and dissolution/precipitation. Injected acid reacts along the fracture surface to leach calcium from cement phases. Ahead of the reaction front, high pH pore fluid mixes with calcium-rich water and induces mineral precipitation. Increases in the pressure differential for most experiments indicate that precipitation can be sufficient to restrict flow. Experimental data from this study combined with published field evidence for mineral precipitation along cemented annuli suggests that leakage of CO<sub>2</sub>-rich fluids along a wellbore may seal the leakage pathway if the initial aperture is small and residence time allows mobilization and precipitation of minerals along the fracture