504 research outputs found

    ”Mitäs tänään soitetaan” : Bileohjelmiston osaamisen merkitys

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    Opinnäytetyössäni pohdin, mitä on bilemusiikki, missä bilemusiikkia soitetaan, miten nykyään bilemusiikkia esittävä muusikko toimii saadessaan työtehtävän. Miten hän hankkii tarvittavan materiaalin sekä miten digitalisoituminen on vaikuttanut materiaalin hankintaan. Pohdin myös miten ohjelmiston harjoitteluprosessi toimii yleisesti sekä erilaisissa tilanteissa, jotka ovat mahdollisia työelämässä. Miten erilaiset ajalliset haasteet muokkaavat tilannetta? Mitkä asiat on tärkeää huomioida ja mitä täytyy muistaa kun työtilanne tarjotaan? Lisäksi olen tutkinut kyselytutkimuksena, onko olemassa niin sanottuja bilemusiikin standardeja, jotka jokaisen muusikon olisi hyvä osata, mikäli hän työskentelee bilemusiikin parissa. Suoritin gallupin 26 henkilölle, jotka olivat joko ammattimuusikoita tai musiikin ammattiopiskelijoita. Lopputulokseksi kertyi 105 kappaleen listasta 52 kappaleen lista, joita erittäin suuri osa vastanneista osasi esittää välittömästi. Lopputulosta voivat hyödyntää niin musiikin opiskelijat kuin musiikin ammattilaiset oman bileohjelmistonsa laajentamisessa tai ohjelmiston valinnassa.My thesis investigates what party music is, where bands play this kind of music and what musicians have to do when they get a job offering. Other research questions include: How do musicians get all the necessary material and how has the digitalization affected the availability of the material. I also evaluate the efficacy of practicing methods when musicians learn new repertoire in real life situations and consider how different schedules change the methods and focusing points. I also determine what things must be taken into consideration and what aspects must be noticed when a job offer comes. I also studied if there are so called party music standards that every musician should know, if he or she works as a professional musician. I created a questionnaire that included 105 songs that I collected from my own repertoire and added some songs from old set lists from past gigs. 26 people filled in the questionnaire. The respondents were all professional musicians or students pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in music. As result, I found that 52 pieces of the total of 105 were such that most of the respondents could play instantly. This list of pieces could be used as a starting point for music students and as a source for musicians who work or will work as a freelance musician

    Forecasting realized volatility in Nord Pool electricity market

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    Electricity markets, like other commodity markets, offer many opportunities for their participants, but their high volatility and the unstorable nature of electricity makes them quite different. Due to the high volatility, volatility forecasting would be even more useful in the electricity markets, but as they produce high frequency data, the traditional models for forecasting volatility often perform poorly. Realized volatility has emerged as one possible solution for this problem. This study tests the possibility to use the realized volatility of daily spot prices in the Nord Pool electricity market to form forecasts about the next day’s realized volatility and the behavior of the daily and hourly spot prices during the next day. The Nord Pool electricity market is chosen due to its uniqueness among the European electricity markets, and due to the lack of existing studies about this area. The Nord Pool markets also strongly experience the effects of seasonality and the weather, which could affect the effectiveness of volatility forecasting. The hourly electricity spot price data used in this study is collected directly from Nord Pool. Realized volatility and the heterogeneous autoregressive model of realized volatility, the HAR-RV model, have proven to be successful forecasting tools, even when using high frequency data. The HAR-RV model has been shown to be far more effective and accurate in high-frequency markets than the previously traditional volatility forecasting models. Realized volatility by itself makes it easier to view intraday prices, and it can be used to view the historical data inside the high-frequency data. To test the forecasting power of realized volatility in the Nord Pool electricity markets, the effectiveness of the HAR-RV model is tested with OLS regression. The results of this model are then compared to the actual data, which is inspected more closely to find out possible patterns in the behavior of realized volatility and the hourly electricity prices. The results show that the HAR-RV model is able to accurately forecast the next day’s realized volatility, and these results can then be used to form predictions about the behavior of the next day’s electricity prices. As the model can be used to forecast over longer time periods as well, this gives ground for further study to be made from this area

    Are epistemological beliefs and motivational strategies related to study engagement in higher education?

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    3rd International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology (ICEEPSY), Istanbul, TURKEY, OCT 10-13, 2012Peer reviewe

    Do situational academic emotions predict academic outcomes in a lecture course?

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    This study explored the relationships between situational academic emotions, self-study time, and learning outcomes in a lecture course. The participants were 107 Finnish first-year teacher students in a student-activating educational psychology lecture course. Interest and exhaustion were positively related, whereas anxiety was negatively related to the grade awarded for the course. These three situational academic emotions explained overall 29% of the course grade and they still predicted significant variance in grades even with the influences of self-reported self-study time controlled. Finally, a mediation analysis revealed that interest mediated the relationship between self-study time and learning outcomes.This study explored the relationships between situational academic emotions, self-study time, and learning outcomes in a lecture course. The participants were 107 Finnish first-year teacher students in a student-activating educational psychology lecture course. Interest and exhaustion were positively related, whereas anxiety was negatively related to the grade awarded for the course. These three situational academic emotions explained overall 29% of the course grade and they still predicted significant variance in grades even with the influences of self-reported self-study time controlled. Finally, a mediation analysis revealed that interest mediated the relationship between self-study time and learning outcomes.Peer reviewe

    How does continuing training on social interaction skills benefit teachers?

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    5th ICEEPSY International Conference on Education & Educational Psychology in Kyrenia Cyprus (Oct 22-25, 2014)/ guest editors: Zafer Bekirogullari, Melis Minas.Peer reviewe

    Focusing on doctoral students’ experiences of engagement in the thesis work

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    While doctoral students’ reasons for attrition and negative experiences have been explored for a long time, little is known about their engagement in their doctoral process. This study aimed at filling the gap in the doctoral education literature by exploring the nature of students’ engagement in doctoral work. Altogether, 21 behavioural sciences doctoral students from one top-level research community were interviewed. The interview data were qualitatively content analysed. The students described their engagement in terms of experiences of dedication, efficiency and sometimes absorption. The sources of their engagement were typically increased sense of competence and relatedness. They less often reported strengthened sense of autonomy and contribution as the sources. In addition, three qualitatively different experiences of engagement in doctoral work, adaptive engagement, agentic engagement and work-life inspired engagement were identified from the students’ descriptions. Further, there was a variation among the students in terms of what experiences of engagement they emphasized in different phases of their doctoral studies. Our results suggest that rather than being a singular entity doctoral student engagement in the doctoral work varies
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