840 research outputs found

    Testing the Properties of Radon Barrier Materials and Home Ventilation to Mitigate Indoor Radon

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    Indoor radon is the second cause of lung cancer. Mitigation strategies are based on (i) building protection with radon barrier materials, (ii) increasing home ventilation or (iii) room pressurization. A scale model room created with a porous ignimbrite rich in radon precursors was used as an analogue to test the indoor radon reduction ability of various radon barrier materials in a real room. The properties of these materials were tested with and without room pressurization by introducing outdoor air at different flow rates. The best materials reduced indoor radon up to 80% and, when the highest pressurization was applied, to 93%

    Expression study of receptor tyrosine kinase targets of Imatinib mesylate in skull base chordomas

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    Chordomas are rare neoplasms arising along the axial skeleton. Up to now, the most suitable therapeutic approach is based on a combination of surgical excision and radiotherapy. Chemotherapy in not applied due to its reported low efficacy. Recently, evidence on the efficacy of Imatinib mesylate in two patients has been reported. We analyzed 14 chordoma samples for the expression of the Imatinib mesylate targets by means of RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry and found that PDGFR\u3b1 and PDGFR\u3b2 are in some cases expressed in neoplastic cells, while the stromal counterpart of the same tumor shows the above receptors. Findings on the PDGFA/PDGFB expression suggest a receptor-activated status. Our study provides new insights into the specific localization of Imatinib mesylate targets in skull base chordomas that could be taken into account for the setting up of a pharmacological treatment for this tumor


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    The assessment of timing and potential locations of rainfallinduced shallow landslides through mathematical models represents a challenge for the assessment of landslide hazard, especially in cases with limited or not available data. In fact, modeling slope hydrological response and stability requires accurate estimates of unsaturated/saturated hydraulic and geotechnical properties of materials involved in landsliding, as well as climate and topography. Such aspect is relevant for the prediction of location and timing of landslide events, which is greatly needed to reduce their catastrophic effects in terms of economic losses and casualties. To such a scope, we present the comparison of results of two physics-based models applied to the assessment of susceptibility to shallow rainfall-induced landslides in Valtellina region (northern Italy). The analyses were carried out considering effects of availability, resolution and type of data concerning spatial distribution, thickness and properties of soils coverings. For such a scope, the Transient Rainfall Infiltration and Grid-Based Regional Slope-Stability (TRIGRS) and the Climatic Rainfall Hydrogeological Modeling Experiment (CHRyME) models were considered. The study emphasizes issues in performing distributed numerical slope stability modeling depending on the availability of spatially distributed soil properties which hamper the quality of physic-based models. Further analyses aimed at the probabilistic assessment of landslide spatial distribution, related to a specific value of rainfall threshold, can be considered as potentially applicable to multi-scale landslide hazard mapping and extendable to other similar mountainous frameworks


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    In the last decades the Valtellina valley (northern Italy) has suffered from several catastrophic rainfall-induced shallow landslide events inducing debris flows. The growing of urban settlements has driven population to colonize areas at risk, where prediction and prevention actions are nowadays a challenge for geoscientists. Debris flows are widespread in mountain areas because occurring along steep slopes covered by loose regolith or soil coverings. Under such conditions, heavy rainfall events might cause slope instabilities due to the increase in pore water pressure depending on hydraulic and geotechnical properties as well as thicknesses of soil covers. Despite the initial small volumes, debris flows hazard is significant due to the sediment entrainment and volume increase of the involved material, high velocity and runout distance. In such a framework, predicting timing and position of slope instabilities as well as paths, volumes, and velocity of potential debris flows is of great significance to assess areas at risk and to settle appropriate countermeasures. In this work, back analyses of debris flows occurred in representative sites of the Valtellina valley were carried out with the aim of understanding their features and providing a methodological basis for slope to valley scale susceptibility mapping. Numerical modeling of slope stability and runout was completed allowing the identification of the detachment, transport, and deposition zones of previously occurred landslides, including other potentially unstable ones. Results from this study emphasize issues in performing distributed numerical modeling depending on the availability of spatially distributed soil properties which hamper the quality of physics-based models. In the framework of hazard mapping and risk strategy assessments, the approach presented can be used to evaluate the possible runout phase of new potential debris flows recognized by geomorphological evidence and numerical modeling. Furthermore, analyses aimed to the probabilistic assessment of landslide spatial distribution, related to a specific value of rainfall threshold, can be considered as potentially applicable to multi-scale landslide hazard mapping and extendable to other similar mountainous frameworks. © (2024), (Sapienza Universita Editrice). All rights reserved

    Indoor Radon Surveying and Mitigation in the Case-Study of Celleno Town (Central Italy) Located in a Medium Geogenic Radon Potential Area

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    Indoor radon surveying and remediation were implemented in a single-family home affected by high levels of indoor radon in the Celleno municipality (central Italy) with the aim of identifying the contribution of radon sources, evaluating the factors affecting radon entry into the building, and reducing radon risk. Average radon levels were relatively low at the ground floor (286 ± 202 Bq m−3) and first floor (167 ± 84 Bq m−3) in autumn when the temperature was still warm and the windows were open, but increased up to 2776 ± 1768 Bq m−3 and 970 ± 202 Bq m−3 in the first half of December, when the heating system was on and the windows were closed. The inner walls of the pilot room at the ground floor, semi buried on one side, were then treated with a waterproof product (a silane terminated polymer) and the average radon was halved (1475 ± 1092 Bq m−3) in the following month, which was still characterised by winter conditions. Radon entry in the room was identified and sealed with the same product, and a radon accumulation space behind a NE-SW oriented wall was naturally ventilated, reducing radon below the reference level in April with northerly winds conditions

    Puesta en valor de algunas construcciones del Ing. Salamone : Técnicas empleadas y resultados alcanzados

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    En Enero del año 2002, la Legislatura bonaerense sancionó la ley n° 12.854, que declaró Patrimonio provincial a la obra pública municipal del ingeniero Francisco Salamone (1898-1959), construída durante el Gobierno de Manuel Fresco (1936-1940). De casi un centenar de construcciones y proyectos realizados dentro de lo que se denominó Plan de Obras Públicas Municipales, en más de 20 localidades pertenecientes a 16 Partidos del interior bonaerense, al menos, una treintena de ellas son significativas de la tardía introducción a la “modernidad” de la Provincia. Si bien en Europa el siglo XX comienza luego de la Primera Gran Guerra, en la Argentina, los rasgos modernos se generalizan luego de la crisis del 30. El “estado interventor”, siguiendo la teoría de Keynes y el ejemplo del “new deal” norteamericano, reactivó la economía y desarrolló industrias de sustitución, poniendo gran énfasis en la obra publica, tanto de infraestructura (diques, caminos, puentes, canales, aeródromos, etc) como de equipamiento (hospitales, escuelas, municipales, etc). Un balance sobre lo construido, nos permite apreciar en varias provincias (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza, etc), una importante cantidad de obras “modernas”, en una amplia concepción del término, que incluye a toda expresión dentro de la llamada “reacción antiacadémica”.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Puesta en valor de algunas construcciones del Ing. Salamone : Técnicas empleadas y resultados alcanzados

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    En Enero del año 2002, la Legislatura bonaerense sancionó la ley n° 12.854, que declaró Patrimonio provincial a la obra pública municipal del ingeniero Francisco Salamone (1898-1959), construída durante el Gobierno de Manuel Fresco (1936-1940). De casi un centenar de construcciones y proyectos realizados dentro de lo que se denominó Plan de Obras Públicas Municipales, en más de 20 localidades pertenecientes a 16 Partidos del interior bonaerense, al menos, una treintena de ellas son significativas de la tardía introducción a la “modernidad” de la Provincia. Si bien en Europa el siglo XX comienza luego de la Primera Gran Guerra, en la Argentina, los rasgos modernos se generalizan luego de la crisis del 30. El “estado interventor”, siguiendo la teoría de Keynes y el ejemplo del “new deal” norteamericano, reactivó la economía y desarrolló industrias de sustitución, poniendo gran énfasis en la obra publica, tanto de infraestructura (diques, caminos, puentes, canales, aeródromos, etc) como de equipamiento (hospitales, escuelas, municipales, etc). Un balance sobre lo construido, nos permite apreciar en varias provincias (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza, etc), una importante cantidad de obras “modernas”, en una amplia concepción del término, que incluye a toda expresión dentro de la llamada “reacción antiacadémica”.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Puesta en valor de algunas construcciones del Ing. Salamone : Técnicas empleadas y resultados alcanzados

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    En Enero del año 2002, la Legislatura bonaerense sancionó la ley n° 12.854, que declaró Patrimonio provincial a la obra pública municipal del ingeniero Francisco Salamone (1898-1959), construída durante el Gobierno de Manuel Fresco (1936-1940). De casi un centenar de construcciones y proyectos realizados dentro de lo que se denominó Plan de Obras Públicas Municipales, en más de 20 localidades pertenecientes a 16 Partidos del interior bonaerense, al menos, una treintena de ellas son significativas de la tardía introducción a la “modernidad” de la Provincia. Si bien en Europa el siglo XX comienza luego de la Primera Gran Guerra, en la Argentina, los rasgos modernos se generalizan luego de la crisis del 30. El “estado interventor”, siguiendo la teoría de Keynes y el ejemplo del “new deal” norteamericano, reactivó la economía y desarrolló industrias de sustitución, poniendo gran énfasis en la obra publica, tanto de infraestructura (diques, caminos, puentes, canales, aeródromos, etc) como de equipamiento (hospitales, escuelas, municipales, etc). Un balance sobre lo construido, nos permite apreciar en varias provincias (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Santa Fe, Mendoza, etc), una importante cantidad de obras “modernas”, en una amplia concepción del término, que incluye a toda expresión dentro de la llamada “reacción antiacadémica”.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Body fluids and salt metabolism - Part II

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    There is a high frequency of diarrhea and vomiting in childhood. As a consequence the focus of the present review is to recognize the different body fluid compartments, to clinically assess the degree of dehydration, to know how the equilibrium between extracellular fluid and intracellular fluid is maintained, to calculate the effective blood osmolality and discuss both parenteral fluid maintenance and replacement

    Evaluación y recomendaciones para la reparación del edificio Normandie, Playa Grande, Mar del Plata

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    En este trabajo se presentan estudios y recomendaciones para la reparación del edificio Normandie, estructura de hormigón armado de alto valor arquitectónico y urbanístico, ubicada en ambiente marino y construida a fines de la década de 1930, durante la urbanización de Playa Grande, Mar del Plata, Argentina. El proyecto corresponde a los Ings. David Briasco y Vicente Perera, ambos de la Dirección de Arquitectura del Ministerio de Obras Públicas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. La estructura ha sido reparada e intervenida en varias oportunidades. Actualmente, se encuentra en un estado de abandono total y seriamente afectada, en particular, la infraestructura de sostén, por problemas de corrosión originados en la agresividad del ambiente marino.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism