181 research outputs found

    PID Controller Tuning Using Bode's Integrals

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    A new method for PID controller tuning based on Bode's integrals is proposed. It is shown that the derivatives of amplitude and phase of a plant model with respect to frequency can be approximated by Bode's integrals without any model of the plant. This information can be used to design a PID controller for slope adjustment of the Nyquist diagram and improve the closed-loop performance. Besides, the derivatives can be also employed to estimate the gradient and the Hessian of a frequency criterion in an iterative PID controller tuning method. The frequency criterion is defined as the sum of squared errors between the desired and measured gain margin, phase margin and crossover frequency. The method benefits from specific feedback relay tests to determine the gain margin, the phase margin and the crossover frequency of the closed-loop system. Simulation examples and experimental results illustrate the effectiveness and the simplicity of the proposed method to design and tune the PID controllers

    Sonicated extracts from the Quorn fermentation co-product as oil-lowering emulsifiers and foaming agents

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    Replaced AM with VoR 2020-02-07This study assessed the impact of sonication on the structure and properties of a functional extract (retentate 100 or R100) from the Quorn fermentation co-product (centrate). In a previous study we reported that the R100 fraction displayed good foaming, emulsifying and rheological properties. Sonication of a R100 solution led to the breakdown of the large hyphal structures characteristic of this extract into smaller fragments. Foams prepared with sonicated R100 displayed a higher foaming ability than with untreated R100 and a high foam stability but lower than untreated R100 ones. Oil-in-water emulsions prepared with sonicated R100 displayed smaller oil droplet size distributions than with untreated R100. Confocal micrographs suggested that small fungal fragments contributed to the stabilisation of oil droplets. 50% oil-reduced R100 emulsions were prepared by mixing R100 emulsions (untreated or sonicated) with a sonicated R100 solution at a 1:1 ratio. Smaller oil droplet size distributions were reported for the oil-reduced emulsions. These results showed that the addition of small hyphal fragments or surface-active molecules and molecular aggregates released during sonication contributed to the formation and stabilisation of smaller oil droplets. This study highlighted the potential to modulate the structure, emulsifying and foaming properties of functional extracts from the Quorn fermentation co-product by sonication and the potential of these extracts as oil-lowering agents in emulsion-based products through the reduction of oil droplet size and their stabilisation.This work was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [grant number EP/J501682/1 Foaming and Fat Replacer Ingredients].https://doi.org/10.1007/s00217-020-03443-w246pubpub


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    Alguns serviços da administração pública requerem uma mudança em seu modelo de funcionamento, a fim de assegurar mobilidade, agilidade, eliminação de retrabalho e melhores maneiras de disponibilização da informação. Nesse cenário, o Batalhão de Trânsito da Polícia Militar do Estado de Mato Grosso, devido ao crescimento da malha rodoviária urbana, ao excesso de imprudência dos condutores de veículos, à quantidade reduzida de policiais para atender a grande demanda do estado, buscou evoluir em seus processos de fiscalização e autuação. Um indicador importante dessa crítica situação é o fato de um percentual elevado de infrações aplicadas aos condutores de veículos não se concretizarem em efetiva cobrança devido à demora em dar entrada aos dados nos sistemas da segurança pública e do Departamento de Trânsito, e também para processar essas informações e a posterior intimação do infrator. O período legal para todo esse processo acontecer é sempre extrapolado devido à falta de recursos que possam dar agilidade a esse processo que ainda é manual, off-line e repetitivo, considerando que os dados são digitados novamente por órgãos diferentes, porém do mesmo Estado. O acesso à informação dos condutores, dos veículos e das infrações de uma forma ágil e consolidada, provê hoje uma tomada de decisão mais rápida e assertiva pelos policiais em atividade nos pontos de fiscalização. Considerando ainda que a natureza dessa atividade da Polícia Militar não é em pontos fixos na cidade e a estratégia é sempre atuar em pontos diferentes e de trânsito confuso e conflitante. Uma forma de proporcionar esse benefício foi com a disponibilização de recursos tecnológicos para o acesso móvel à base de dados do Departamento de Trânsito, tanto para as consultas quanto para a autuação e sua consequente geração de infração. A MTI viabilizou o processo de contratação do serviço em setembro/13. Foi possível iniciar o projeto em dezembro/13 com o Batalhão de Trânsito da Polícia Militar. A solução foi implantada em março/14 com a disponibilização de 100 dispositivos móveis, porém foi liberado efetivamente em produção somente em maio/14. A expansão para 300 dispositivos ocorreu em julho/2016. Em setembro/2016 já foi expandido novamente para atender aos processos de vistoria de veículos no Detran-MT.13 p.Gestão PúblicaGovernançaTecnologia da Informação e ComunicaçãoIniciativa premiada no 21º Concurso Inovação no Setor Público sob responsabilidade de Sandro Luis Brandão Campos Assessor da Presidência – analista de TI. Iniciativas premiadas no 21º Concurso Inovação no Setor Público 2016. Área temática: Processos organizacionais, serviços ou políticas públicas no Poder Executivo estadual/ distrita

    On-line arithmetic for real-time control of microsystems

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    Venous thromboembolism in critically Ill patients with COVID-19: Results of a screening study for deep vein thrombosis.

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    The rapid spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has caused more than 3.9 million cases worldwide. Currently, there is great interest to assess venous thrombosis prevalence, diagnosis, prevention, and management in patients with COVID-19. To determine the prevalence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in critically ill patients with COVID-19, using lower limbs venous ultrasonography screening. Beginning March 8, we enrolled 25 patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections. The presence of lower extremity deep vein thrombosis (DVT) was systematically assessed by ultrasonography between day 5 and 10 after admission. The data reported here are those available up to May 9, 2020. The mean (± standard deviation) age of the patients was 68 ± 11 years, and 64% were men. No patients had a history of VTE. During the ICU stay, 8 patients (32%) had a VTE; 6 (24%) a proximal DVT, and 5 (20%) a pulmonary embolism. The rate of symptomatic VTE was 24%, while 8% of patients had screen-detected DVT. Only those patients with a documented VTE received a therapeutic anticoagulant regimen. As of May 9, 2020, 5 patients had died (20%), 2 remained in the ICU (8%), and 18 were discharged (72%). In critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 infections, DVT screening at days 5-10 of admission yielded a 32% prevalence of VTE. Seventy-five percent of events occurred before screening. Earlier screening might be effective in optimizing care in ICU patients with COVID-19

    Improvement in perioperative care in pediatric cardiac surgery by shifting the primary focus of treatment from cardiac output to perfusion pressure: Are beta stimulants still needed?

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    An important aspect of perioperative care in pediatric cardiac surgery is maintenance of optimal hemodynamic status using vasoactive/inotropic agents. Conventionally, this has focused on maintenance of cardiac output rather than perfusion pressure. However, this approach has been abandoned in our center in favor of one focusing primarily on perfusion pressure, which is presented here and compared to the conventional approach. A retrospective study. Regional center for congenital heart disease. University Hospital of Lausanne, Switzerland. All patients with Aristotle risk score ≥8 that underwent surgery from 1996 to 2012 were included. Patients operated between 1996 and 2005 (Group 1: 206 patients) were treated according to the conventional approach. Patients operated between 2006 and 2012 (Group 2: 217 patients) were treated according to our new approach. All patients had undergone surgery for correction or palliation of congenital cardiac defects. Mortality, duration of ventilation and inotropic treatment, use of ECMO, and complications of poor peripheral perfusion (need for hemofiltration, laparotomy for enterocolitis, amputation). The two groups were similar in age and complexity. Mortality was lower in group 2 (7.3% in group 1 vs 1.4% in group 2, P < .005). Ventilation times (hours) and number of days on inotropic/vasoactive treatment (all agents), expressed as median and interquartile range [Q1-Q3] were shorter in group 2: 69 [24-163] hours in group 1 vs 35 [22-120] hours in group 2 (P < .01) for ventilation, and 9 [3-5] days in group 1 vs 7 [2-5] days in group 2 (P < .05) for inotropic/vasoactive agents. There were no differences in ECMO usage or complications of peripheral perfusion. Results in pediatric cardiac surgery may be improved by shifting the primary focus of perioperative care from cardiac output to perfusion pressure

    Anesthetic Management for Concomitant Correction of Congenital Cardiac Defects and Long "O" Ring Tracheal Stenosis: A Role for Heliox?: Report of 2 Cases.

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    We present 2 infants with the rare association of long congenital tracheal stenosis, ventricular septal defect, and pulmonary hypertension. We describe a step-by-step assessment of the patients and the necessary procedures for a successful concomitant repair of both cardiac and tracheal malformations. The use of a helium-oxygen mixture (heliox) for the induction of anesthesia and pre-cardiopulmonary bypass is discussed