42 research outputs found

    Consumer decision making in restaurant selection

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    The aim of this study was to investigate consumers’ decision of selecting a restaurant for leisure. It was based on research carried out in the South East of the UK. In line with the cognitive paradigm the importance of attributes was approached from the theoretical perspective of utility theory in which consumers pursue maximisation of benefits from the service which they are evaluating. This study follows a sequential mixed methods approach. It consists of a qualitative stage followed by a quantitative stage, each one adhering to the precepts of their own paradigms. The qualitative stage was based on data collected through six focus groups of four to six respondents. An interview guide was used in semi-structured settings and data was analysed using applied thematic analysis. The second stage employed an online survey generating quantitative data from 376 respondents. The theme of ‘eating out occasion’, such as a romantic dinner, was a key element of the decision-making process. This thesis presents a framework for examining the different stages of the decision using the stylised Engels, Kollat and Blackwell (EKB) model (Tuan-Phan and Higgins, 2005). Its stages delve into the influence of emotions, motivations and the consumer’s regulatory focus in the decision. The methodological design with the possibility of selecting attributes, emerging from the qualitative stage, offers a contribution to the use of conjoint analysis for complex decisions. The study also proposes a new typology of restaurant attributes, with seven categories influencing perceived consumer value. The study’s findings further indicate that price is a factor influencing the expectations from the other attributes. The study considers a number of implications for the industry, such as, the importance of service and consumers’ willingness to pay more for a service that is friendly, welcoming and attentive. It also suggests many areas for further research

    Electronic word-of-mouth: successful communication strategies for restaurants

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    Purpose – A great deal has been discussed about the importance of using social media in marketing communications programmes because of mistrust in marketer-generated communications and more particularly for generating electronic word of mouth (e-WOM). However, it is not clear what types and styles of communication serve better the purpose using effectively social media for generating positive e-WOM. This study is aimed at exploring the types and styles of communication that work more effectively towards that purpose. Design – The study was conducted in Dublin, Ireland and is qualitative in nature. Methodology – This research involved semi-structured, in-depth interviews with restaurant marketers who currently use social media as part of the integrated marketing communications strategies; it also included a focus group and two sub-sequent personal interviews with restaurant consumers who actively use social media. Approach – A thematic analysis was conducted so as to first investigate the central topics surrounding the stimulation of positive e-WOM and styles and types of communication. Findings – Further analysis of the themes pointed to a number of practical implications which in turn led to the formulation of four (4) practical recommendations for restaurant marketers. Originality – This is the first practical paper that looks into the content, style and type of communication for effective stimulation of e-WOM in the restaurant context

    Proces odlučivanja potrošača o izboru restorana: primjena stiliziranoga EKB modela

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    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to propose a framework based on empirical work for understanding the consumer decision processes involved in the selection of a restaurant for leisure meals. Design/Methodology/Approach – An interpretive approach is taken in order to understand the intricacies of the process and the various stages in the process. Six focus group interviews with consumers of various ages and occupations in the South East of the United Kingdom were conducted. Findings and implications ¬– The stylized EKB model of the consumer decision process (Tuan-Pham & Higgins, 2005) was used as a framework for developing different stages of the process. Two distinct parts of the process were identified. Occasion was found to be critical to the stage of problem recognition. In terms of evaluation of alternatives and, in particular, sensitivity to evaluative content, the research indicates that the regulatory focus theory of Tuan-Pham and Higgins (2005) applies to the decision of selecting a restaurant. Limitations – It is acknowledged that this exploratory study is based on a small sample in a single geographical area. Originality – The paper is the first application of the stylized EKB model, which takes into account the motivational dimensions of consumer decision making, missing in other models. It concludes that it may have broader applications to other research contexts.Svrha – Cilj rada je temeljem empirijskog istraživanja predložiti okvir za razumijevanje procesa odlučivanja potrošača pri izboru restorana za obrok u slobodno vrijeme. Metodološki pristup – Korišten je interpretacijski pristup u svrhu razumijevanja složenosti procesa i različitih faza u tom procesu. Provedeno je istraživanje putem šest fokus grupa s potrošačima različitih dobi i zanimanja u jugoistočnom dijelu Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva. Rezultati i implikacije – Korišten je stilizirani EKB model procesa odlučivanja potrošača (Tuan-Pham i Higgins, 2005) kao okvir za razvoj različitih faza procesa. Identificirana su dva različita dijela procesa. Otkriveno je da je za fazu prepoznavanja problema ključna prigoda. Kod procjene alternativa, a posebno kod osjetljivosti procjenjivanog sadržaja, istraživanje pokazuje kako je teorija fokusa regulacije (regulatory focus theory) Tuan-Phama i Higginsa (2005) primjenjiva na odlučivanje pri izboru restorana. Ograničenja – Eksplorativno istraživanje ograničeno je na mali uzorak jednog zemljopisnog područja. Doprinos – Rad predstavlja prvu primjenu stiliziranoga EKB modela koja uzima u obzir motivacijske dimenzije odlučivanja potrošača koje nedostaju u drugim modelima. Zaključno, model može imati širu primjenu u drugim istraživačkim kontekstima

    An Investigation into Restaurant Attributes: A Basis for a Typology

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    This article has the aim of presenting the basis for a new, clearer classification of restaurant attributes. The research followed an interpretive approach with a systematic review of the literature, compared and contrasted with the findings of six focus group interviews. A new model was devised with seven categories of restaurant attributes. This article presents a model that needs to be tested. Also, follow-up articles with more detail about the attributes under each category will be presented. This article organizes the disparate literature on restaurant attributes and looks into the relationship between attributes, particularly its influence on perceived consumer value


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    En las empresas hoteleras se ha podido comprobar que existen dificultades en el registro de la información administrativa sobre huéspedes y empleados que limitan la satisfacción del turista. En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un sistema informático sustentado en una base de datos relacional, para el control administrativo de huéspedes y empleados del Hotel SAXI, C.A., ubicado en el municipio Tucupita, Venezuela. Permitió disminuir el tiempo de atención al cliente, así como los defectos y errores del mismo mediante la explotación eficiente de los recursos existentes y que contribuyan a que la empresa alcance sus objetivos. Como herramientas de soporte se elaboró bajo tecnología de desarrollo libre, utilizando como lenguaje de programación Pre- Procesor Hipertex (PHP) y como gestor de Base de Datos PostgreSQL

    What drives word‐of‐mouth in restaurants?

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    Aspectos geográficos relacionados con un problema de salud pública: la malaria en el estado Sucre

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    El contexto espacial de las áreas donde se desarrollan enfermedades transmitidas por vectores puede obtenerse de la geografía, desde la delimitación de las áreas de influencia con base en elementos geográficos naturales hasta la consideración del problema de escala y de aquellas variables que tienen posibilidad de extraerse o interpretarse de los mapas. A partir de una cobertura espacial del estado Sucre, Venezuela, a escala de 1:100.000 se desarrolló un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG) que incluyó: i) una cobertura de los centros poblados con el número de casos anuales de malaria desde 1986 hasta 1999; ii) una base de datos ambientales de precipitación, temperatura y humedad relativa; iii) una base cartográfica digital derivada de la topografía con hidrografía, vialidad y curvas de nivel equidistantes cada 40 m; iv) una base de datos del hábitat del vector Anopheles aquasalis con la ubicación de criaderos, tipos de vegetación asociada, parámetros fisicoquímicos y otros parámetros ambientales; y v) las coberturas resultantes del modelo digital del terreno, elevación y pendiente. El análisis espacial permitió elaborar el modelo de distribución de probabilidades de riesgo malárico, con base en el número de casos de malaria, por año estudiado, y su relación con elementos de la ecología de paisajes como altura, pendiente, ubicación de centros poblados y vialidad. El empleo de modelos generados por la integración de información geoespacial y ecológica en un SIG contribuye a solucionar problemas sociales de salud pública.ABSTRACTSpatial context of areas with vector-born disease is might be obtained from geography, including demarcation of disease influence areas based on natural geographical elements, as much as considerations of scales and others variables suitable to extraction or interpretation from mapping. A GIS (Geographical Information System) was developed from a spatial number of layers of the Sucre State, Venezuela (1: 100,000) that included: i) a human settlenent cover with malaria annual ocurrence from 1986 to 1999; ii) an environmental database with precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity data; iii) a digital cartographic database derived from topography that included hydrography, road systems, and contour lines every 40 m; iv) a habitat database for the vector Anopheles aquasalis that included breeding sites location, associated vegetation types, physical, chemical, and environmental parameters; and v) the resulting layers of the digital terrain model, elevation, and slope map. A model of malaria probability risk distribution was generate from spatial analysis, based on annual number ocurrences and associated landscape ecology elements, such as altitude, slope, inhabited areas, and road systems. The use of generated models integrating geospatial and ecological information in GIS may contribute to solve public healthrelate social problems