49,183 research outputs found

    Non-destructive method for applying and removing instrumentation on helicopter rotor blades

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    A nondestructive method of applying and removing instrumentation on airfoils

    Direct frequency comb laser cooling and trapping

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    Continuous wave (CW) lasers are the enabling technology for producing ultracold atoms and molecules through laser cooling and trapping. The resulting pristine samples of slow moving particles are the de facto starting point for both fundamental and applied science when a highly-controlled quantum system is required. Laser cooled atoms have recently led to major advances in quantum information, the search to understand dark energy, quantum chemistry, and quantum sensors. However, CW laser technology currently limits laser cooling and trapping to special types of elements that do not include highly abundant and chemically relevant atoms such as hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen. Here, we demonstrate that Doppler cooling and trapping by optical frequency combs may provide a route to trapped, ultracold atoms whose spectra are not amenable to CW lasers. We laser cool a gas of atoms by driving a two-photon transition with an optical frequency comb, an efficient process to which every comb tooth coherently contributes. We extend this technique to create a magneto-optical trap (MOT), an electromagnetic beaker for accumulating the laser-cooled atoms for further study. Our results suggest that the efficient frequency conversion offered by optical frequency combs could provide a key ingredient for producing trapped, ultracold samples of nature's most abundant building blocks, as well as antihydrogen. As such, the techniques demonstrated here may enable advances in fields as disparate as molecular biology and the search for physics beyond the standard model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Single and Many Particle Correlation Functions and Uniform Phase Bases for Strongly Correlated Systems

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    The need for suitable many or infinite fermion correlation functions to describe some low dimensional strongly correlated systems is discussed. This is linked to the need for a correlated basis, in which the ground state may be postive definite, and in which single particle correlations may suffice. A particular trial basis is proposed, and applied to a certain quasi-1D model. The model is a strip of the 2D square lattice wrapped around a cylinder, and is related to the ladder geometries, but with periodic instead of open boundary conditions along the edges. Analysis involves a novel mean-field approach and exact diagonalisation. The model has a paramagnetic region and a Nagaoka ferromagnetic region. The proposed basis is well suited to the model, and single particle correlations in it have power law decay for the paramagnet, where the charge motion is qualitatively hard core bosonic. The mean field also leads to a BCS-type model with single particle long range order.Comment: 23 pages, in plain tex, 12 Postscript figures included. Accepted for publication in J.Physics : Condensed Matte

    Pragmatic View of Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillations

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    We present the results of global analyses of short-baseline neutrino oscillation data in 3+1, 3+2 and 3+1+1 neutrino mixing schemes. We show that the data do not allow us to abandon the simplest 3+1 scheme in favor of the more complex 3+2 and 3+1+1 schemes. We present the allowed region in the 3+1 parameter space, which is located at Δm412\Delta{m}^2_{41} between 0.82 and 2.19 eV2\text{eV}^2 at 3σ3\sigma. The case of no oscillations is disfavored by about 6σ6\sigma, which decreases dramatically to about 2σ2\sigma if the LSND data are not considered. Hence, new high-precision experiments are needed to check the LSND signal.Comment: 6 pages. Final version published in Phys. Rev. D 88, 073008 (2013

    Short-Baseline Electron Neutrino Oscillation Length After Troitsk

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    We discuss the implications for short-baseline electron neutrino disappearance in the 3+1 mixing scheme of the recent Troitsk bounds on the mixing of a neutrino with mass between 2 and 100 eV. Considering the Troitsk data in combination with the results of short-baseline nu_e and antinu_e disappearance experiments, which include the reactor and Gallium anomalies, we derive a 2 sigma allowed range for the effective neutrino squared-mass difference between 0.85 and 43 eV^2. The upper bound implies that it is likely that oscillations in distance and/or energy can be observed in radioactive source experiments. It is also favorable for the ICARUS@CERN experiment, in which it is likely that oscillations are not washed-out in the near detector. We discuss also the implications for neutrinoless double-beta decay.Comment: 5 pages. Final version published in Phys.Rev. D87 (2013) 01300

    Comparing Experiments to the Fault-Tolerance Threshold

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    Achieving error rates that meet or exceed the fault-tolerance threshold is a central goal for quantum computing experiments, and measuring these error rates using randomized benchmarking is now routine. However, direct comparison between measured error rates and thresholds is complicated by the fact that benchmarking estimates average error rates while thresholds reflect worst-case behavior when a gate is used as part of a large computation. These two measures of error can differ by orders of magnitude in the regime of interest. Here we facilitate comparison between the experimentally accessible average error rates and the worst-case quantities that arise in current threshold theorems by deriving relations between the two for a variety of physical noise sources. Our results indicate that it is coherent errors that lead to an enormous mismatch between average and worst case, and we quantify how well these errors must be controlled to ensure fair comparison between average error probabilities and fault-tolerance thresholds.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 13 page appendi

    The Two-Nucleon 1S0 Amplitude Zero in Chiral Effective Field Theory

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    We present a new rearrangement of short-range interactions in the 1S0^1S_0 nucleon-nucleon channel within Chiral Effective Field Theory. This is intended to reproduce the amplitude zero (scattering momentum \simeq 340 MeV) at leading order, and it includes subleading corrections perturbatively in a way that is consistent with renormalization-group invariance. Systematic improvement is shown at next-to-leading order, and we obtain results that fit empirical phase shifts remarkably well all the way up to the pion-production threshold. An approach in which pions have been integrated out is included, which allows us to derive analytic results that also fit phenomenology surprisingly well.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure