48,006 research outputs found

    Using learned action models in execution monitoring

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    Planners reason with abstracted models of the behaviours they use to construct plans. When plans are turned into the instructions that drive an executive, the real behaviours interacting with the unpredictable uncertainties of the environment can lead to failure. One of the challenges for intelligent autonomy is to recognise when the actual execution of a behaviour has diverged so far from the expected behaviour that it can be considered to be a failure. In this paper we present further developments of the work described in (Fox et al. 2006), where models of behaviours were learned as Hidden Markov Models. Execution of behaviours is monitored by tracking the most likely trajectory through such a learned model, while possible failures in execution are identified as deviations from common patterns of trajectories within the learned models. We present results for our experiments with a model learned for a robot behaviour

    The identification and exploitation of almost symmetry in planning problems

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    Previous work in symmetry detection for planning has identified symmetries between domain objects and shown how the exploitation of this information can help reduce search at plan time. However these methods are unable to detect symmetries between objects that are almost symmetrical: where the objects must start (or end) in slightly different configurations but for much of the plan their behaviour is equivalent. In the paper we outline a method for identifying such symmetries and discuss how this symmetry information can be positively exploited to help direct search during planning we have implemented this method and integrated it with the FF-v2.3 planner and in the paper we present results of experiments with this approach that demonstrate its potential

    Abstraction-based action ordering in planning

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    Many planning problems contain collections of symmetric objects, actions and structures which render them difficult to solve efficiently. It has been shown that the detection and exploitation of symmetric structure in planning problems can dramatically reduce the size of the search space and the time taken to find a solution. We present the idea of using an abstraction of the problem domain to reveal symmetric structure and guide the navigation of the search space. We show that this is effective even in domains in which there is little accessible symmetric structure available for pruning. Proactive exploitation represents a flexible and powerfulalternative to the symmetry-breaking strategies exploited in earlier work in planning and CSPs. The notion of almost symmetry is defined and results are presented showing that proactive exploitation of almost symmetry can improve the performance of a heuristic forward search planner

    Search for Lorentz Violation in a Short-Range Gravity Experiment

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    An experimental test of the Newtonian inverse square law at short range has been used to set limits on Lorentz violation in the pure gravity sector of the Standard-Model Extension. On account of the planar test mass geometry, nominally null with respect to inverse square forces, the limits derived for the SME coefficients of Lorentz violation are on the order s ~ 10000.Comment: Presented at the Fifth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, Bloomington, Indiana, June 28-July 2, 201

    Study of Permanent Magnet Focusing for Astronomical Camera Tubes

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    A design is developed of a permanent magnet assembly (PMA) useful as the magnetic focusing unit for the 35 and 70 mm (diagonal) format SEC tubes. Detailed PMA designs for both tubes are given, and all data on their magnetic configuration, size, weight, and structure of magnetic shields adequate to screen the camera tube from the earth's magnetic field are presented. A digital computer is used for the PMA design simulations, and the expected operational performance of the PMA is ascertained through the calculation of a series of photoelectron trajectories. A large volume where the magnetic field uniformity is greater than 0.5% appears obtainable, and the point spread function (PSF) and modulation transfer function(MTF) indicate nearly ideal performance. The MTF at 20 cycles per mm exceeds 90%. The weight and volume appear tractable for the large space telescope and ground based application

    Accuracy Assessment of the 2006 National Land Cover Database Percent Impervious Dataset

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    An impervious surface is any surface that prevents water from infiltrating the ground. As impervious surface area increases within watersheds, stream networks and water quality are negatively impacted. The Multi-Resolution Land Characteristic Consortium developed a percent impervious dataset using Landsat imagery as part of the 2006 National Land Cover Database. This percent impervious dataset estimates imperviousness for each 30-meter cell in the land cover database. The percent impervious dataset permits study of impervious surfaces, can be used to identify impacted or critical areas, and allows for development of impact mitigation plans; however, the accuracy of this dataset is unknown. To determine the accuracy of the 2006 percent impervious dataset, reference data were digitized from one-foot digital aerial imagery for three study areas in Arkansas, USA. Digitized reference data were compared to percent impervious dataset estimates of imperviousness at multiple 900m2 , 8,100m2 , and 22,500m2 sample grids to determine if accuracy varied by ground area. Analyses showed percent impervious estimates and digitized reference data differ modestly; however, as ground area increases, percent impervious estimates and reference data match more closely. These findings suggest that the percent impervious dataset is useful for planning purposes for ground areas of at least 2.25ha

    Single and Many Particle Correlation Functions and Uniform Phase Bases for Strongly Correlated Systems

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    The need for suitable many or infinite fermion correlation functions to describe some low dimensional strongly correlated systems is discussed. This is linked to the need for a correlated basis, in which the ground state may be postive definite, and in which single particle correlations may suffice. A particular trial basis is proposed, and applied to a certain quasi-1D model. The model is a strip of the 2D square lattice wrapped around a cylinder, and is related to the ladder geometries, but with periodic instead of open boundary conditions along the edges. Analysis involves a novel mean-field approach and exact diagonalisation. The model has a paramagnetic region and a Nagaoka ferromagnetic region. The proposed basis is well suited to the model, and single particle correlations in it have power law decay for the paramagnet, where the charge motion is qualitatively hard core bosonic. The mean field also leads to a BCS-type model with single particle long range order.Comment: 23 pages, in plain tex, 12 Postscript figures included. Accepted for publication in J.Physics : Condensed Matte

    Emergency braking for free piston energy converters

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    Free piston energy converters are a potential technology for future hybrid vehicles, as well as stationary power generation applications. A candidate 2-stroke system comprises of two opposing combustion chambers with a common piston rod, and integrated with a tubular permanent magnet electrical machine for the conversion of mechanical to electrical energy. A key issue for the ultimate adoption of such systems, however, is their robustness in the event of a fault to enable a safe shutdown, with minimal mechanical or electrical damage. The paper considers system braking issues and the importance of early fault detection. Results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of passive and active braking techniques for a range of dc-link supply voltage and operating output power
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