20 research outputs found

    Računarske mreže i umrežavanje raspberry PI uređaja

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    Računarske mreže osnova su modernog poslovanja i života. Od najjednostavnijih mreža za kućnu upotrebu do Interneta, mreže svih mreža, svijet se bazira na računarskim mrežama. Računarske mreže postoje u raznim izvedbama i sastoje se od hardverskog dijela koji radi po nekim unaprijed donesenim protokolima. Streloviti razvoj novih trendova u ICT industriji dovodi nas u joÅ” veću ovisnost o računarskim mrežama. Jedan od tih brzorastućih trendova je i računarstvo u oblaku. Za spajanje u taj oblak koriste se između ostalog i jeftina računala poznatija kao tanki klijenti. Raspberry Pi uređaj, kao računalo malih dimenzija i cijene, uspjeÅ”no se može iskoristiti u tu svrhu

    Računarske mreže i umrežavanje raspberry PI uređaja

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    Računarske mreže osnova su modernog poslovanja i života. Od najjednostavnijih mreža za kućnu upotrebu do Interneta, mreže svih mreža, svijet se bazira na računarskim mrežama. Računarske mreže postoje u raznim izvedbama i sastoje se od hardverskog dijela koji radi po nekim unaprijed donesenim protokolima. Streloviti razvoj novih trendova u ICT industriji dovodi nas u joÅ” veću ovisnost o računarskim mrežama. Jedan od tih brzorastućih trendova je i računarstvo u oblaku. Za spajanje u taj oblak koriste se između ostalog i jeftina računala poznatija kao tanki klijenti. Raspberry Pi uređaj, kao računalo malih dimenzija i cijene, uspjeÅ”no se može iskoristiti u tu svrhu

    Non-invasive screening: The probability of events

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    Congenital anomalies are the cause of 20.0-25.0% of cases of perinatal death, while 3.0% of children are born with malformations of varying size. We examined the predictive values and defined the credibility ratio of the combined test results. Sensitivity of the test is 94.0%, and specificity is 99.0%. The positive likelihood ratio [likelihood ratio test (LR+)] is 94.00; a negative likelihood ratio [likelihood ratio test (LR-)] is 0.06. The pretest probability that pregnant women carry a fetus with chromosomal abnormality is 1:250. Posttest odds after the combined test to discover this abnormality are 0.3760, and probability of the same case is 0.2732 if it happens that the test result is positive. The result of our study confirms the justification of combined test usage in routine clinical practice, since the posttest odds rate in the case of a positive screening increases several times over (almost 90 times); the probability of detecting a chromosomal abnormality was about 70 times

    Application of the Abbey Pain Scale for Assessment of Acute Perioperative Pain in Elderly Patients with Impaired Communication Following a Femur Fracture

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    Pain resulting from physical trauma and surgical procedures is very strong. In elderly patients, especially those with impaired communication or cognitive damage, it is assessed rarely or not at all. The importance of pain assessment is reflected in quality supervision and adequate treatment which decrease complications and speed up recovery. The aim of the study was to determine the metric characteristics (reliability and validity) of the Abbey Pain Scale on a population of elderly patients with impaired communication in Croatia and to demonstrate the correlation between the assessed acute pain level and analgesia efficacy. The sample consisted of 31 patients above the age of 65 hospitalized after a femur fracture at the Department of Traumatology, Sestre Milosrdnice University hospital, Zagreb, Croatia. The Abbey Pain Scale and Visual Analogue Scale were used for pain assessment. The patientsā€™ mental status was evaluated using Mini-Mental State Examination. The data was processed using Chi-squared and Cronbachā€™s alpha tests, and small dependent samples were tested using T-test. The value of Cronbachā€™s alpha coefficient of 0.561 for the Abbey Pain Scale was considered acceptable. The score on the Abbey Pain Scale correlates significantly with the result of a standardized self-assessment of pain intensity (r = 0.739, p= 0.001). We conclude that the Abbey Pain Scale serves as a convenient tool for assessing pain intensity in patients with impaired communication, and its use is indirectly related to satisfactory analgesia, due to good metric characteristics of validity and reliability

    Certain dietary minerals and udder health in dairy cows

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    Mastitis, upala mliječne žlijezde jedna je od tri glavne bolesti koje utječu na profitabilnost proizvođača mlijeka i najskuplja bolest intenzivnog mliječnog govedarstva. Ekonomski gubici nastaju zbog odbacivanja mlijeka, povećanog izlučenja krava, troÅ”kova lijekova, rada veterinara i rada samih stočara. Međutim, sve je viÅ”e dokaza da hranidba može imati značajan učinak na imunosni sustav, čime utječe na incidenciju infekcije i tijek mastitisa. Glavni utjecaj hranidbe na zdravlje vimena je putem supresije imunosnog sustava. LoÅ” sastav obroka ne uzrokuje mastitis, ali može olakÅ”ati bakterijama da se udomaće u mliječnoj žlijezdi, Å”to rezultira povećanom stopom mastitisa. Mliječna žlijezda krava često je izložena potencijalnim patogenima, ali većina krava ne dobije mastitis jer je njihov imunosni sustav adekvatan da spriječi infekciju. Cilj ovog rada je rasvijetliti povezanost između određenih minerala iz hrane i mastisa u mliječnih krava. Minerali dokazano imaju učinak na proizvodnju i reprodukciju, a njihov nedostatak može rezultirati imunosupresijom. Minerali koji utječu na zdravlje vimena su: selen, bakar, cink, kalcij, fosfor, magnezij, sumpor, mangan i molibden.Mastitis, an inflammation of the mammary gland, is one of the three main diseases that affect the profitability of milk producers and the most expensive disease of intensive dairy cattle farming. Economic losses occur due to the rejection of milk, increased excretion of cows, the cost of medicines, the work of veterinarians, and the work of the herdsmen themselves. However, there is increasing evidence that nutrition can have a significant effect on the immune system, thereby influencing the incidence of infections and the course of mastitis. The main influence of feeding on udder health is through the suppression of the immune system. A poor diet does not cause mastitis, but it can make it easier for bacteria to colonize the mammary gland, resulting in an increased rate of mastitis. The mammary gland of cows is often exposed to potential pathogens, but most cows do not develop mastitis because their immune systems are adequate to prevent infection. This work aims to describe the relationship between certain minerals from food and mastitis in dairy cows. Minerals have been proven to affect production and reproduction, and their deficiency can result in immunosuppression. Minerals that affect the health of the udder are selenium, copper, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur, manganese, and molybdenum

    Influence of micronized zeolite clinoptilolite supplementation on udder health, milk production and composition of Holstein cows in different lactations under robotic milking conditions

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    Prirodni zeolit klinoptilolit je mikroporozni alumosilikatni mineral čvrste anionske reÅ”etke, otvorene trodimenzionalne strukture u čijim porama su izmjenjivi kationi. Dodatak zeolita u obroku sve se viÅ”e primjenjuje u hranidbi životinja. Cilj pokusa bio je ustanoviti utjecaj dodatka mikroniziranog zeolita klinoptilolita na zdravlje vimena i sastav mlijeka krava različitih laktacija u uvjetima robotizirane mužnje. Krave su hranjene parcijalnim obrokom za krave u mužnji (PMR) s dodatkom 200 g po kravi mikroniziranog zeolita klinoptilolita (ZeotexĀ®, Mevex, Hrvatska) i koncentratom na robotskoj jedinici za hranjenje, tijekom 42 dana pokusa. Značajno (P0,05) smanjenje broja somatskih stanica nakon 42 dana primjene zeolita u obroku mliječnih krava potvrđuje sposobnost zeolita da pozitivno utječe na zdravlje vimena. Smanjenje broja somatskih stanica samo kod krava u 1. i 2. laktaciji daje naslutiti ograničenu sposobnost zeolita prema kroničnim infekcijama vimena kod krava viÅ”ih laktacija. Značajno (P 0.05) reduction in the number of somatic cells after 42 days of zeolite application in the diet of dairy cows confirms the ability of zeolite to positively affect udder health. The decrease in the number of somatic cells in cows of only 1st and 2nd lactation suggests a limited ability of zeolites to chronic udder infections in higher lactating cows. Significant (P <0.05), but transient increase in urea in milk on day 21 of the experiment, is probably a reflection of the adaptation of the rumen micropopulation to the new feeding conditions with the addition of zeolite. The increase in the content of milk fat in cows in the first lactation speaks in favor of the positive effect of zeolite and the improvement of milk quality

    Self-Assessment of Well-Being as an Indicator of Quality of Life of Former War Prisoners ā€“ A Croatian Study

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    The impact of war on the population is vast, especially when it comes to those who were directly affected by war, among other things as concentration camp detainees. Because of the specific war experience of this population it is important to better understand the possible contribution of key socio-demographic variables, war traumatization and acute disturbances in mental health to their subjective assessment of their own well-being, which represents a psychological category and is based on a subjective assessment. The starting point is a theoretical precept according to which individual characteristics, together with war experience, can have repercussions on mental health, and eventually on the general well-being of an individual and their quality of life. The study comprised 184 participants who had given their informed consent for participation and filled out complete questionnaires. The participants were a convenience sample of male persons who had survived war captivity in the Homeland War in the period from 1991 to 1995. The study was conducted as part of the physical examinations at the University Hospital Ā»Fran Mihaljevi}Ā« in Zagreb. The data was collected using several self-evaluation measuring instruments one of which served to collect socio-demographic data, two to collect data on the participantsā€™ mental health, one for the data on the participantsā€™ combat and war experiences and one to assess the participantsā€™ well-being. The data obtained suggest that only avoidance and arousal symptoms and psychosomatic difficulties are predictors of the well-being of persons who have experienced war captivit