10 research outputs found

    Coral climate proxy data from a marginal reef area, Kuwait, northern Arabian-Persian Gulf

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    We present the first coral climate proxy data (Sr / Ca, δ18O, δ13C) from the Persian–Arabian Gulf using a Porites lutea coral collected offshore Kuwait. Both oxygen isotope- and Sr / Ca-ratios of the coral core investigated are statistically correlated with instrumental sea surface temperatures (SST) for the area from 1980–2002. However, the temperature calibration curve for Sr / Ca differs from other published curves in that its slope is much lower. The correlation coefficient between δ18Ocoral and instrumental SST is at the lower limit as compared to other sites. These differences most likely relate to insufficient data representation of cold winters and hot summers, and indicates that much higher sampling resolution is needed in marginal reef areas such as Kuwait with extreme environmental fluctuations, i.e., intra-annual SST-variation of 16–34 °C, as compared to low latitude locations with relatively low SST variation. Variations of carbon isotopes of the coral skeleton do not exhibit climate control, however, a negative excursion in 1991 might be attributed to the massive oil field fires of the II. Gulf War


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    Resumo A homossexualidade tem sido pauta de diversos discursos religiosos nos últimos anos, sobretudo cristãos, transpondo as arenas religiosas e penetrando em espaços políticos e do direito. O presente artigo pretende, por meio da análise de vídeos de indivíduos que ocupam posições de porta-vozes das religiões católica e evangélica pentecostal e neopentecostal, analisar e problematizar as concepções de homossexualidade dos/as cristãos/ãs, utilizando para tal a Análise do Discurso Foucaultiana como referencial metodológico. Foi verificado um difuso arsenal de discursos acerca da homossexualidade, englobando saberes religiosos, "científicos", entre outros

    The Gulf: Facies Belts, Physical, Chemical, and Biological Parameters of Sedimentation on a Carbonate Ramp

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    The Holocene of The Gulf, also referred to as the Arabian or Persian Gulf, is frequently cited as a classic example of a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic ramp system for an arid climate. This notion of a ramp is supported by the recognition that The Gulf area has a dominant shallow water carbonate/evaporite basin fill from the Permian to today despite a complex tectonic history (Alsharhan and Kendall 2003). The current depositional setting is that of a proximal foreland ramp (Burchette and Wright 1992; Evans 1995; Kirkham 1998). Walkden and Williams (1998), however, argue that since The Gulf has been above sea level for over much of the past 2.5 Ma, and since it is in tectonic, eustatic and depositional disequilibrium it should not be considered a ramp. Despite this controversy, the Holocene sedimentary fill of the current Gulf has been and will continue to be used as a model for a carbonate ramp. This interest in the area is hightened by the fact that is one of the few places in which Holocene dolomite and evaporites form.https://nsuworks.nova.edu/occ_facbooks/1039/thumbnail.jp