28 research outputs found

    Web systems engineering for prioritization of research area INFSKM / Anitawati Mohd Lokman

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    Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics run various forms of research and projects namely the degree level Final Year Project, theses and Dissertation for the Masters and Ph. D programs, Independent Studies, class projects, lecturers' project, research and consultancy, and Industrial Training. There are many duplications, uncoordinated works, intersections, and no lesson learnt happening. There seem no serious effort to integrate these works to form bigger projects needed by students and lecturers for case exercises and studies. These cases can become very useful. At the same time, there are plenty of rooms to improve the faculty operations. There were some projects that did dwell on creating computerised processes but they were not properly packaged nor designed. One main factor is due to limited time allocated for each project. They are normally given one semester to be completed. Secondly, all projects are treated individually. One objective of this project is to align the research and works for building automated office systems for the faculty by coming up with research frameworks as a guide for lecturers and students. It is envisioned that each project must be adequately designed, developed, tested, documented and deployed. The questions arise are how should projects be prioritised, sequenced and approached as a group

    A research on intelligent agent system for fashion clothing using Kansei Engineering / Anitawati Mohd Lokman

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    The study intends to implement Kansei Engineering in the design of an intelligent agent system for fashion clothing. The proposed system will read potential buyer's constraints, such as purpose, desire, age, and budget. The system will process the data and retrieve suitable fashion clothing from the database according to the results of Kansei evaluation and social constraints. Ultimately, the system will send clothing details to an avatar that advise the details to buyer, and display a list of possible fashion clothing including details as proposal to the potential buyer

    Design & emotion: The Kansei engineering methodology

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    Today‟s trends in product development indicated that inclusion of consumer‟s need to the technical aspect of product design will determine their success in the market. Explicit needs are clear and easy to describe. However, the implicit needs such as emotional experience are difficult to quantify. This paper introduces methods and techniques than can be used to capture consumers‟ needs in general and specifically describes the framework of Kansei Engineering to handle the implicit needs of consumers. The framework offers quick and easy understanding to the implementation of Kansei Engineering in discovering implicit consumers‟ needs and analyzes its relations to product design. The author contends that the framework is a useful guide to beginners in the industry and academia to the implementation of the technology in diversed fields including HCI, Interaction Design and the various tangible product design

    New filtering framework for web personalization search / Anitawati Mohd Lokman and Aishah Ahmad

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    This research attempts to design a filtering framework that incorporates the advantage of human based criteria, in addition to the computerized selection in order to produce more relevant and personalized search result to enhance the effectiveness of search result ranking technique. Currently, results suggested by search engine don't match user's expectations, which cause frustration to users. Previous research have shown only 20% to 45% of the common search results are relevant to the user's search. The search become harder when the keyword used is a homographic word. In search engine, page ranking can be affected by homographic keyword. For instance, the word 'Handicap' is one of the examples of homographic keyword. From initial observation with the use of Google search engine, there is two top search results for 'Handicap' keyword; i) disability, and ii) method of leveling any sports or games such as in golf. This shows that search engine will rank pages using general user's interest, and neglect the aspect of personalization involving user's interest. Thus, this research investigates common types of data to be used for personalization, designs framework based on types of data, and develops search cluster based on the data. The frame work is then validated with a demonstration of its implementation. This research will perform two phases of survey. The first survey is for data collection and the second survey is for validation of the filtering framework. This research presents new knowledge to enhance search result and contribute to the body of knowledge in Mathematics and Computing area. It enhances the search result by personalization that matches the user behavior, interest and ontology of metadata with other users. Also, by humanizing the search result it will lessen the gap between human and computer. The Filtering framework provides foundation in developing the algorithm for searching tools. This algorithm can be implemented in both website and search engine

    A Development of Kansei Words for Robotic Therapy and the Elderly

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    Age has physical and psychological effects. Mental or emotional access is more difficult. It is easily effected and can lead to suicide. Despite limited attention and solutions, robotic therapy has given the elderly new hope. The learning environment is used to stimulate positive emotion while interacting with robots. It has grown in popularity as a potential benefit for the elderly to improve their health and social consequences. The goal is to create a list of emotion keywords or Kansei Words that can be used in robotic learning therapy design. These findings lay the groundwork for future research on elderly Kansei Robotic therapy. Keywords: Ageing, Elderly, Emotion, Kansei Robotic, Robot Therapy, Human-Robot Interaction, Interaction Design, eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2021. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v6iSI5.293

    Economic warfare : are we vulnerable? / Farah Zamira Farush Khan and Anitawati Mohd Lokman

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    Previous research had shown how economic and financial warfare tools, such as sanctions and trade were used at international level in order to achieve a political goal of a certain country or a group of countries. However, there were very few in-depth studies done on the vulnerability of Malaysian economy to economic warfare and its potential impact on the decisions made by our government. It is therefore the aim of this study to determine the degree of vulnerability in Malaysian economy and various tools that could be used by other countries to launch an economic warfare against Malaysia

    A conceptual model of ubiquitous language learning environment (ULLE)

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    Ubiquitous learning is a popular option amongst students and educators.The landscape of learning environments, however, has become blurry with the fusion of technology. Recent developments in ubiquitous technologies provide new learning paradigms for learning, which goes far beyond the traditional learning paradigms.This paper proposes a conceptual model for Ubiquitous Language Learning Environment (ULLE).It begins by briefly describing the definition and comparison of characteristics in ubiquitous learning followed by proposing the conceptual model of ULLE.ULLE is an integrated learning environment that combines technical, physical, informational and social settings. ULLE ensures more effective and efficient integration amongst school, home and surrounding environment.The essential elements of this model are the integration and coordination of language school, home and other places where learning can take place anywhere and anytime.The type of interaction in ULLE consists of three main subjects such as the people, the objects in the real world and the artifacts in virtual space. With the implementation of ULLE, anyone could benefit the access to the right language learning knowledge anywhere and anytime using any device at their own convenience

    Systematic literature review: Affective state as a predictor of counterproductive work behaviour

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    Human emotions are within-person factors that function as a stimulus of an individual’s attitude and behaviour, either positively or negatively. From the organisational behaviour spectrum, concern over negative behaviour like Counterproductive Work Behaviour (CWB) is more prevalent due to tremendous negative effects on both employees and organisations. Although the impact of the affective states on CWB was empirically evident, there was an insufficient study that systematically reviewed the literature on such association. Hence, the present article adopts the PRISMA guidelines (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) by integrating multiple research designs to investigate the emotional experiences-CWB phenomenon. The relevant literature review was selected from two established databases, Scopus and Web of Science. Based on the thematic analysis, two main themes (i.e., negative and positive affect) emerged as predictors of CWB at work. Subsequently, the sub-themes of discrete emotions were discussed as part of the study findings. In addition, this study comprehensively explained the significance of affective states on CWB. As a result, the study offers valuable insight into the body of knowledge and practical implementation for future strategies. The key takeaway is that creating more positive events and eliminating negative events are expected to be beneficial in elevating employees’ emotional well-being, hence reducing CWB occurrence

    Systematic Literature Review: Affective Experiences as a Predictor of Counterproductive Work Behaviour

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    Purpose:  This study aims to systematically review the literature on counterproductive work behaviour (CWB) to understand better the role of affective experiences in predicting such behaviour.   Theoretical framework:  Since CWB can have devastating effects on both individuals and organisations, there has been rising concern about the issue. Meanwhile, recent studies have demonstrated the substantial influence of affective experiences on CWB. Therefore, it’s common to view such experiences as immediate causes of CWB in the workplace. However, a lack of research has systematically examined this relationship.   Design/methodology/approach: This study follows PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines by integrating multiple research designs from 2017 to 2022 to investigate the phenomenon of affective experiences-CWB. The relevant literature review was selected from two (2) established databases, Scopus and Web of Science.   Findings: Thematic analysis yielded three (3) overarching themes as predictors of affective states at work: unpleasant treatment/attitudes of others, job stressors, and dispositional distribution. Affective states that predict CWB were also identified, with two (2) primary themes (broad negative and positive affect) and seven (7) sub-themes (discrete negative and positive emotions). Furthermore, two (2) major themes, internal and external mechanisms, appear to be underlying mechanisms in the relationship between affective experiences and CWB.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This study offers valuable insight into the state of knowledge and practical implementation for future strategies.   Originality/value: This work may be the first study to systematically review the literature on the topic of CWB from an affective experience perspective. The work contributes to the existing literature on affective experience-CWB in two (2) major ways. First, the study provides a more in-depth explanation of the predictors, implications, and underlying mechanisms, of the relationship between affective experiences and CWB by thoroughly reviewing the relevant empirical studies. Second, it identifies important research gaps and recommends a path forward for future studies in this field.Propósito: Utilizando una revisión sistemática de la literatura, este estudio busca comprender cómo las experiencias afectivas pueden afectar los comportamientos laborales negativos, un fenómeno conocido como comportamiento laboral contraproducente (CWB).   Metodología: Este estudio sigue las pautas PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) al integrar múltiples diseños de investigación de 2017 a 2022 para investigar el fenómeno de las experiencias afectivas-CWB. La revisión de la literatura relevante se seleccionó de dos (2) bases de datos establecidas, Scopus y Web of Science.   Conclusiones: El análisis temático arrojó tres (3) temas generales como predictores de estados afectivos en el trabajo: trato/actitudes desagradables de los demás, factores estresantes en el trabajo y distribución disposicional. También se identificaron estados afectivos que predicen CWB, con dos (2) temas primarios (afecto negativo y positivo amplio) y siete (7) subtemas (emociones negativas y positivas discretas). Además, dos (2) temas principales, mecanismos internos y externos, parecen ser mecanismos subyacentes en la relación entre experiencias afectivas y CWB.   Implicaciones de la Investigación: Este estudio ofrece información valiosa sobre el estado del conocimiento y la implementación práctica para futuras estrategias.   Palabras clave: Revisión sistemática de la literatura, Comportamiento laboral contraproducente, Experiencia afectiva, Estados afectivos, Emociones discretas.Objetivo: Utilizando uma revisão sistemática da literatura, este estudo busca compreender como as experiências afetivas podem impactar comportamentos negativos no trabalho, fenômeno conhecido como comportamento contraproducente no trabalho (CWB).   Referencial teórico: Como a CWB pode ter efeitos devastadores em indivíduos e organizações, tem vivido uma preocupação crescente com o assunto. Enquanto isso, os estudos recentes registraram a influência substancial da af.   Desenho/metodologia/abordagem: Este estudo segue as diretrizes do PRISMA (Itens de relatório preferidos para revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises), integrando vários projetos de pesquisa de 2017 a 2022 para investigar o fenômeno das experiências afetivas-CWB. A revisão da literatura relevante foi selecionada de dois (2) bancos de dados estabelecidos, Scopus e Web of Science.   Resultados: A análise temática rendeu três (3) temas abrangentes como preditores de estados afetivos no trabalho: tratamento/atitudes desagradáveis ​​dos outros, estressores no trabalho e distribuição disposicional. Os estados afetivos que predizem o CWB também foram identificados, com dois (2) temas primários (afeto negativo e positivo amplo) e sete (7) subtemas (emoções negativas e positivas discretas). Além disso, dois (2) temas principais, mecanismos internos e externos, parecem ser mecanismos subjacentes na relação entre experiências afetivas e CWB.   Pesquisa, implicações práticas e sociais: Este estudo oferece informações valiosas sobre o estado de conhecimento e implementação prática para estratégias futuras.   Originalidade/valor: Este trabalho pode ser o primeiro estudo a revisar sistematicamente a literatura sobre o tema CWB a partir de uma perspectiva de experiência afetiva. O trabalho contribui para a literatura existente sobre experiência afetiva-CWB de duas maneiras principais. Primeiro, o estudo fornece uma explicação mais aprofundada dos preditores, implicações, mecanismos subjacentes, etc., da relação entre a experiência afetiva e o CWB, revisando minuciosamente a literatura empírica relevante. Em segundo lugar, identifica importantes lacunas de pesquisa e recomenda um caminho a seguir para estudos futuros neste campo.   Palavras-chave: Revisão sistemática da literatura, Comportamento laboral contraproducente, Experiência afetiva, Estados afetivos, Emoções discretas

    Social media visual framing towards political participation : an analysis on BERSIH 2.0

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    The political atmosphere in Malaysia had witnessed a growing trend of social movement organisations and protests. The recent attention is on the phenomenal record usage of social media platforms as tools to spread political ideology. The multimodal nature of social media has made it an efficient tool where users can post textual information as well as visual materials to reach out to its audience. This article sets out to examine the visual strategy of one of the largest political social movements in Malaysia, the BERSIH movement, within a social media setting. Building on the existing work on visual framing, it asks: How were issues visually portrayed on the BERSIH social media account during the peak of the movement in Malaysia? In this context, Facebook was chosen as the social media platform analysed as it is the main social media used by the movement. Adapting on the level of visual framing, a content analysis was done to a sample of 59 (N=59) top liked photos posted on the Bersih 2.0 Official Facebook account which received more than 0.5% engagement rate (ER= >0.5%). The findings showed that at the denotative level, the main forms of visuals used were photos of protesters, followed by posters and photos of important individuals. The findings also showed that at the connotative level, the main frame highlighted was ‘solidarity’ followed by ‘call for action’ in the form of direct and symbolic visuals