8 research outputs found

    Middle Ordovician Upwelling-Related Ironstone of North Wales: Coated Grains, Ocean Chemistry, and Biological Evolution

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    Middle Ordovician phosphatic ironstone of the Welsh Basin provides new insight into the paleoenvironmental significance of ironstone and Ordovician ocean chemistry. Deposition occurred in a back-arc basin along the southern margin of Avalonia as the Rheic Ocean opened to the south. Ironstone is interpreted to have accumulated as part of an aggradational parasequence on a storm-dominated shelf with coastal upwelling. This parasequence has a laminated pyritic mudstone base that grades upward into variably bioturbated mudstone and coated grain-rich, intraclastic ironstone, which is overlain in turn by cross-stratified grainstone composed entirely of coated Fe grains. A coarser clastic parasequence composed of more proximal lithofacies rests conformably above and suggests the contact between the two parasequences is a maximum flooding surface marking the onset of highstand conditions. Lithofacies associations suggest that sustained coastal upwelling created a wedge of nutrient-rich, ferruginous seawater on the middle shelf that stimulated high surface ocean productivities. Large, coated Fe grains (granule size) composed of discontinuous and concentric carbonate fluorapatite, hematite, and chamosite cortical layers record fluctuations in pore water Eh that are interpreted to have been related to changes in upwelling intensity and intermittent storm reworking of the seafloor. Results support an emerging model for Ordovician ironstone underpinned by the development of ferruginous bottom water that was periodically tapped by coastal upwelling. Expanding, semi-restricted seaways such as the Rheic Ocean were ideal locations for the ponding of this anoxic, hydrothermally enriched seawater, especially during the early Paleozoic when the deep ocean was variably and inconsistently oxygenated. The coincidence of ironstone depositional episodes with graptolite diversification events suggests that, in addition to Fe, the sustained supply of upwelling-related P may have driven the radiation of some planktonic ecosystems during the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event. Concomitant minor extinctions of benthic trilobites occurred as these ferruginous waters impinged on the shelf

    Microborings reveal alternating agitation, resting and sleeping stages of modern marine ooids

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    ABSTRACTOoids are abundant carbonate grains throughout much of Earth's history, but their formation is not well understood. Here, an in‐depth study of microbial bioerosion features of Holocene ooids from the Schooner Cays ooid shoals (Great Bahama Bank, Eleuthera, Bahamas) and the Shalil al Ud ooid shoals in the Gulf (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) is presented. No obvious differences were found in ooid size distribution, cortex layer thickness, the composition of nuclei or euendolithic community when comparing ooids from both locations. Microendolithic borings are present in most studied ooid surfaces, but the intensity of (micro‐)bioerosion varies significantly. Applying an epoxy vacuum cast‐embedding technique allowed the identification of ichnotaxa and their inferred producers (various genera of diatoms, cyanobacteria, coccolithophores and unspecified bacteria). Euendolithic taxa have specific low‐light tolerances and light optima. This implies that information about the relative bathymetry (seafloor versus burial within an ooid shoal) and ecology for ooid cortex formation can be obtained via the presence or absence of their respective ichnotaxa. The history of a statistically significant number of ooid cortices can be translated into dune dynamics and the temporal variations thereof by allocating the inferred index producer to a defined burial or light penetration zone. In this context, ooid formation can be divided into four stages: (i) an agitation stage in the water column, characterized by the colonization of grains by photoautotrophs; (ii) a resting stage, characterized by temporary burial of the ooid, leading to immobilization and a shift towards heterotrophs; (iii) a sleeping stage, characterized by prolonged burial and colonialization by organotrophs; and (iv) a reactivation stage, characterized by a resurfacing of the ooid and a subsequent shift towards photoautotrophs. The sleeping stage is presumably a stage of ooid degradation where bioerosion, mainly by heterotrophic fungi and bacteria is particularly active.</jats:p

    Erosion‐initiated stromatolite and thrombolite formation in a present‐day coastal sabkha setting

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    Laminated microbial mats and microbialites have been documented from a variety of coastal marine environments. This study aims to provide the first detailed descriptions of intertidal pools, along with their hosted thrombolite and stromatolite structures, from Abu Dhabi, and to propose a model for their formation and evolution. It is proposed that the development of pools within the upper intertidal zone was initiated by localized erosion of the laminated microbial mats during high energy events. The removal of the protective mats permitted erosion of the underlying unconsolidated sediment to produce erosional scours that continued to develop to create the pools observed today. The margins of the newly‐created submerged environment were colonized by a cyanobacteria dominated microbial community. The precipitation of aragonite cement, associated with the cyanobacteria, stabilized the pool walls and cemented the microbial communities to form stromatolitic and thrombolitic fabrics. Syndepositional cementation was further enhanced by the precipitation of marine cements as a result of evaporation‐driven Ca2+ and Mg2+ supersaturation. Erosion behind and below the cemented pool wall eventually resulted in rim‐collapse and the formation of the observed pool margin parallel thrombolite bands. Successive generations of lithification and erosion increased the area of the pool with the earliest thrombolites eroding and becoming increasingly isolated. In summary, the resultant microbialites developed through the complex interplay of erosion, abiotic early lithification and microbially‐mediated processes, and represent a continuum between unlithified laminated microbial mats and domal microbialites. These features are most likely produced during a sea‐level scenario of stillstand or transgression and, as such, may be useful as a diagnostic tool to elucidate the onset of transgression. The newly proposed model for stromatolite formation has significant implications for the recognition and interpretation of similar structures observed in the fossil record

    Late Holocene to recent aragonite-cemented transgressive lag deposits in the Abu Dhabi lagoon and intertidal sabkha

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    Modern cemented intervals (beachrock, firmgrounds to hardgrounds and concretionary layers) form in the lagoon and intertidal sabkha of Abu Dhabi. Seafloor lithification actively occurs in open, current-swept channels in low-lying areas between ooid shoals, in the intertidal zone of the middle lagoon, some centimetres beneath the inner lagoonal seafloor (i.e. within the sediment column) and at the sediment surface the intertidal sabkha. The concept of "concretionary sub-hardgrounds", i.e. laminar cementation of sediments formed within the sediment column beneath the shallow redox boundary, is introduced and discussed. Based on calibrated radiocarbon ages, seafloor lithification commenced during the Middle to Late Holocene (ca\it {ca} 9000 cal yr BP)\tiny {BP}), and proceeds to the present-day. Lithification occurs in the context of the actualistic relative sea-level rise shifting the coastline landward across the extremely low-angle carbonate ramp. The cemented intervals are interpreted as parasequence boundaries in the sense of "marine flooding surfaces", but in most cases the sedimentary cover overlying the transgressive surface has not yet been deposited. Aragonite, (micritic) calcite and, less commonly, gypsum cements lithify the firmground/hardground intervals. Cements are described and placed into context with their depositional and marine diagenetic environments and characterized by means of scanning electron microscope petrography, cathodoluminescence microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The morphology of aragonitic cements changes from needle-shaped forms in lithified decapod burrows of the outer lagoon ooidal shoals to complex columnar, lath and platy crystals in the inner lagoon. Precipitation experiments provide first tentative evidence for the parameters that induce changes in aragonite cement morphology. Data shown here shed light on ancient, formerly aragonite-cemented seafloors, now altered to diagenetic calcites, but also document the complexity of highly dynamic near coastal depositional environments