142 research outputs found

    An integrated web medicinal materials DNA database: MMDBD (Medicinal Materials DNA Barcode Database)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Thousands of plants and animals possess pharmacological properties and there is an increased interest in using these materials for therapy and health maintenance. Efficacies of the application is critically dependent on the use of genuine materials. For time to time, life-threatening poisoning is found because toxic adulterant or substitute is administered. DNA barcoding provides a definitive means of authentication and for conducting molecular systematics studies. Owing to the reduced cost in DNA authentication, the volume of the DNA barcodes produced for medicinal materials is on the rise and necessitates the development of an integrated DNA database.</p> <p>Description</p> <p>We have developed an integrated DNA barcode multimedia information platform- Medicinal Materials DNA Barcode Database (MMDBD) for data retrieval and similarity search. MMDBD contains over 1000 species of medicinal materials listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and American Herbal Pharmacopoeia. MMDBD also contains useful information of the medicinal material, including resources, adulterant information, medical parts, photographs, primers used for obtaining the barcodes and key references. MMDBD can be accessed at <url>http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/icm/mmdbd.htm</url>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This work provides a centralized medicinal materials DNA barcode database and bioinformatics tools for data storage, analysis and exchange for promoting the identification of medicinal materials. MMDBD has the largest collection of DNA barcodes of medicinal materials and is a useful resource for researchers in conservation, systematic study, forensic and herbal industry.</p

    Poliserosite, artrite e doença respiratória em leitões: estudo de caso

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    O complexo da poliserosite em suínos é causado por múltiplos factores, em particular pelo agente Haemophilus parasuis (HPS), que tem vindo a causar vários problemas em suínos, quer ao nível respiratório, quer nas articulações. O agente HPS é o responsável pela Doença de Glässer (DG), caracterizada por uma inflamação generalizada da pleura, pericárdio, peritoneu, membranas sinoviais e meninges, acompanhada pela elevada presença de fibrina. HPS é normalmente um agente secundário causado por algum factor predisponente, como stress, pneumonias ou por algum vírus, em particular o Vírus do Síndrome Respiratório e Reprodutor Porcino (PRRSv).No caso das pneumonias verificou-se que o agente HPS é um invasor secundário oportunista e que causa doença em associação com outros agentes víricos ou bacterianos e está associado com maior prevalência de pneumonia por agentes respiratórios víricos, como o Síndrome Respiratório e Reprodutor Porcino (PRRS). Durante este estudo de caso acompanhou-se um lote de leitões desde o desmame até ao final da recria, em que foram feitas serologias e enviados leitões inteiros para laboratório de forma a isolar e identificar o agente. Foi feita a avaliação da morbilidade bem como o cálculo do índice de tosse e taxa de mortalidade nas primeiras quatro semanas de recria. Efectuaram-se necropsias dos leitões deste lote. Pretende-se, como objectivo deste estudo, definir o agente primário causador da patologia, neste caso o PRRSv, bem como a entrada da infecção bacteriana secundária causada pelo HPS. Procedeu-se à vacinação do efectivo frente ao PRRSv. Como profilaxia, devido à falha de protecção de imunidade maternal, fez-se a administração de tulatromicina a todos os leitões até todo o efectivo estar devidamente protegido frente ao PRRSv, conferindo assim uma boa imunidade maternal.The porcine polyserositis complex is caused by multiple factors, particularly by Haemophilus parasuis (HPS), which has been causing several problems in pigs, both at the respiratory and articular levels. HPS is the causative agent of Glässer's Disease (DG), characterized by a generalized inflammation of the pleura, pericardium, peritoneum, synovial membranes and meninges, toguether with an abundant presence of fibrin. HPS is usually a secondary agent enhanced by some predisposing factor, like stress, pneumonia or some viruses, such as Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus (PRRSv). In pneumonia, it has been show that HPS is an opportunistic secondary invader causing disease in association with other viral or bacterial agents being PRRSv the most prevalent respiratory viral agent found together with HPS. During this study a batch of piglets was followed from weaning until the end of nursery season, when serologies were performed, samples were collected and whole piglets were sent to pathology in order to isolate and identify the agent. Health condition was evaluated as well as the calculation of cough index and mortality rate in the first four weeks of nursery. Necropsies of the piglets of this batch were also carried out.The objective of this study was to define the primary agent causing disease (in this case PRRSv), as well as the factors that predisposed to secondary bacterial infections caused by HPS. Following these findings all herd was vaccinated against PRRSv. Due to lack of protective maternal immunity, tulathromycin was administered in pigs, as prophylactic measure until all sows were adequately protected against PRRSv, thus conferring good maternal immunity to their offspring

    The predictive value of G8 and the Cancer and aging research group chemotherapy toxicity tool in treatment-related toxicity in older Chinese patients with cancer

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    Introduction: Older patients experience a higher risk of treatment-related toxicity (TRT). The G8 screening tool was developed to separate cancer older patients fit to receive standard treatment from those who are frail and experiencing functional decline due to reduced organ function and multiple comorbidities. The Cancer and Aging Research Group chemotherapy toxicity tool (CARG-tt) questionnaire was developed to predict chemotherapy toxicity in geriatric patients. This prospective observational study evaluated the performance of G8 and CARG-tt in predicting severe TRT in older Chinese cancer patients. Methods: Chinese patients aged ≥65 with a diagnosis of solid malignancy and scheduled to receive anti-cancer treatment (chemotherapy or targeted therapy) were enrolled from March 2016 to July 2017 at the Department of Clinical Oncology at Queen Mary Hospital in Hong Kong. All patients completed the G8 and CARG-tt screening and pre-treatment assessments before starting treatment. Patients were monitored for any severe TRT, which was defined by grades 3–5 using the National Cancer Institute's Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v4.03, treatment discontinuation, or unexpected hospitalization from starting to 30 days after treatment. Results: A total of 259 patients (male: 154, 59.5%; median age: 73.4, age range: 65–93) were enrolled in the study. Two hundred and ten (81.1%) patients received chemotherapy while the rest (n = 49, 18.9%) received targeted therapy. Overall, 146 patients (56.8%) experienced severe TRT. The mean G8 score was 12.4 (SD: 2.8). The G8 score had a significant association with unexpected admission (cutoff: 14, 41.3% vs. 26.5%, p = 0.03) but not significant in other types of TRTs. The mean CARG-tt score was 7.67 (SD: 3.7); it was not associated with severe TRTs. Conclusions: The G8 and CARG-tt demonstrated a weak prediction of severe TRT in older Chinese cancer patients. Future studies need to develop predictive tools for TRT in patients receiving novel antineoplastic therapies, with a focus on subgroup analysis for different populations

    Protective effects and potential mechanisms of Pien Tze Huang on cerebral chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stroke caused by brain ischemia is the third leading cause of adult disability. Active prevention and early treatment of stroke targeting the causes and risk factors may decrease its incidence, mortality and subsequent disability. Pien Tze Huang (PZH), a Chinese medicine formula, was found to have anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic effects that can prevent brain damage. This study aims to investigate the potential mechanisms of the preventive effects of Pien Tze Huang on brain damage caused by chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke in rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The effects of Pien Tze Huang on brain protein expression in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and stroke prone SHR (SHRsp) were studied with 2-D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric analysis with a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF)/TOF tandem mass spectrometer and on brain cell death with enzyme link immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunostaining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pien Tze Huang decreased cell death in hippocampus and cerebellum caused by chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke. Immunostaining of caspase-3 results indicated that Pien Tze Huang prevents brain cells from apoptosis caused by ischemia. Brain protein expression results suggested that Pien Tze Huang downregulated QCR<sub>2 </sub>in the electron transfer chain of mitochondria preventing reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage and possibly subsequent cell death (caspase 3 assay) as caused by chronic ischemia or hypertensive stroke to hippocampus and cerebellum.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pien Tze Huang showed preventive effects on limiting the damage or injury caused by chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke in rats. The effect of Pien Tze Huang was possibly related to prevention of cell death from apoptosis or ROS/oxidative damage in mitochondria.</p

    Identification of microbial community in the urban environment: The concordance between conventional culture and nanopore 16S rRNA sequencing

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    IntroductionMicrobes in the built environment have been implicated as a source of infectious diseases. Bacterial culture is the standard method for assessing the risk of exposure to pathogens in urban environments, but this method only accounts for &lt;1% of the diversity of bacteria. Recently, full-length 16S rRNA gene analysis using nanopore sequencing has been applied for microbial evaluations, resulting in a rise in the development of long-read taxonomic tools for species-level classification. Regarding their comparative performance, there is, however, a lack of information.MethodsHere, we aim to analyze the concordance of the microbial community in the urban environment inferred by multiple taxonomic classifiers, including ARGpore2, Emu, Kraken2/Bracken and NanoCLUST, using our 16S-nanopore dataset generated by MegaBLAST, as well as assess their abilities to identify culturable species based on the conventional culture results.ResultsAccording to our results, NanoCLUST was preferred for 16S microbial profiling because it had a high concordance of dominant species and a similar microbial profile to MegaBLAST, whereas Kraken2/Bracken, which had similar clustering results as NanoCLUST, was also desirable. Second, for culturable species identification, Emu with the highest accuracy (81.2%) and F1 score (29%) for the detection of culturable species was suggested.DiscussionIn addition to generating datasets in complex communities for future benchmarking studies, our comprehensive evaluation of the taxonomic classifiers offers recommendations for ongoing microbial community research, particularly for complex communities using nanopore 16S rRNA sequencing

    Carboxyl-terminal truncated HBx regulates a distinct microRNA transcription program in Hepatocellular carcinoma development

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    Background: The biological pathways and functional properties by which misexpressed microRNAs (miRNAs) contribute to liver carcinogenesis have been intensively investigated. However, little is known about the upstream mechanisms that deregulate miRNA expressions in this process. In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), hepatitis B virus (HBV) X protein (HBx), a transcriptional trans-activator, is frequently expressed in truncated form without carboxyl-terminus but its role in miRNA expression and HCC development is unclear. Methods: Human non-tumorigenic hepatocytes were infected with lentivirus-expressing full-length and carboxyl-terminal truncated HBx (Ct-HBx) for cell growth assay and miRNA profiling. Chromatin immunoprecipitation microarray was performed to identify the miRNA promoters directly associated with HBx. Direct transcriptional control was verified by luciferase reporter assay. The differential miRNA expressions were further validated in a cohort of HBV-associated HCC tissues using real-time PCR. Results: Hepatocytes expressing Ct-HBx grew significantly faster than the full-length HBx counterparts. Ct-HBx decreased while full-length HBx increased the expression of a set of miRNAs with growth-suppressive functions. Interestingly, Ct-HBx bound to and inhibited the transcriptional activity of some of these miRNA promoters. Notably, some of the examined repressed-miRNAs (miR-26a, -29c, -146a and -190) were also significantly down-regulated in a subset of HCC tissues with carboxyl-terminal HBx truncation compared to their matching non-tumor tissues, highlighting the clinical relevance of our data. Conclusion: Our results suggest that Ct-HBx directly regulates miRNA transcription and in turn promotes hepatocellular proliferation, thus revealing a viral contribution of miRNA deregulation during hepatocarcinogenesis. © 2011 Yip et al.published_or_final_versio

    Reactivation of Epstein–Barr virus by a dual-responsive fluorescent EBNA1-targeting agent with Zn2+-chelating function

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    EBNA1 is the only Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) latent protein responsible for viral genome maintenance and is expressed in all EBV-infected cells. Zn2+ is essential for oligomerization of the functional EBNA1. We constructed an EBNA1 binding peptide with a Zn2+ chelator to create an EBNA1-specific inhibitor (ZRL5P4). ZRL5P4 by itself is sufficient to reactivate EBV from its latent infection. ZRL5P4 is able to emit unique responsive fluorescent signals once it binds with EBNA1 and a Zn2+ ion. ZRL5P4 can selectively disrupt the EBNA1 oligomerization and cause nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) tumor shrinkage, possibly due to EBV lytic induction. Dicer1 seems essential for this lytic reactivation. As can been seen, EBNA1 is likely to maintain NPC cell survival by suppressing viral reactivation

    Incidence, mortality, risk factors, and trends for Hodgkin lymphoma: a global data analysis.

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    Hodgkin lymphoma is a lymphatic malignancy commonly found in cervical lymph nodes. This study evaluated the worldwide incidence, mortality, associated risk factors, and temporal trends of Hodgkin lymphoma by sex, age, and country. Methods: The age-standardised Hodgkin lymphoma incidence and mortality were retrieved from the GLOBOCAN, CI5 volumes I-XI, WHO mortality database, the NORDCAN and SEER Program. The age-standardised prevalence of smoking, alcohol drinking, obesity, and hypertension was also extracted for each country. Trends were tested using Average Annual Percentage Change (AAPC) from Joinpoint regression analysis. Results: The Hodgkin lymphoma incidence and mortality were 0.98 and 0.26 per 100,000 in 2020. A higher incidence was observed in high-income countries, while higher mortality was found in low-income countries. Incidence and mortality were associated with GDP per capita, prevalence of smoking, obesity, and hypertension at the population level. Despite the decreasing mortality trend, there was an increasing incidence, especially among females, younger population, and subjects from Asian countries. Conclusions: There was an increasing trend in Hodgkin lymphoma incidence, especially among subjects who were female, younger population, and from Asian countries. Further studies are needed to investigate the reasons for these epidemiologic trends

    Global incidence and mortality trends of corpus uteri cancer and associations with gross domestic product, human development index, lifestyle, and metabolic risk factors

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the worldwide distribution, risk factors, and temporal trends of corpus uteri cancer for different countries and age groups. METHOD: Data relating to corpus uteri cancer in 2020 were retrieved from the Global Cancer Observatory database. Data from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents and the WHO mortality database were used for trend analysis. Age-standardized rates (ASR, per 100 000 persons) were calculated for incidence and mortality. Joinpoint regression analysis was used to estimate the 10-year annual average percent change (AAPC). RESULTS: A total of 417 367 new cases and 97 370 new deaths of corpus uteri cancer were reported globally in 2020. The highest incidence was observed in high-income countries. Higher ASR of mortality of corpus uteri cancer was associated with a higher gross domestic product per capita, higher Human Development Index, and higher prevalence of smoking, alcohol drinking, physical inactivity, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and lipid disorders. There was a substantial increasing trend of corpus uteri cancer, with the largest AAPC in incidence found in Japan, followed by India, Chile, Korea, and Thailand. CONCLUSION: The incidence and mortality of corpus uteri cancer have been increasing substantially for the past 10 years. Intensive lifestyle modifications are needed, especially among younger women

    Worldwide Burden, Risk Factors, and Temporal Trends of Ovarian Cancer: A Global Study

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    This study aimed to investigate the most updated worldwide incidence and mortality, risk factors, and epidemiologic trend of ovarian cancer in different countries, regions, and age groups. The Global Cancer Observatory database was used for incidence and mortality rates of ovarian cancer in 2020. Data from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents and the WHO mortality database was accessed for trend analysis. Age-standardized rates (ASRs, per 100,000 persons) were calculated for incidence and mortality. The 10-year annual average percent change (AAPC) was estimated by Joinpoint regression analysis. There was an overall decreasing trend of ovarian cancer, yet its burden has been increasing in lower-income countries and among younger females in some countries. Intensive lifestyle modifications are warranted, especially for the populations at high risk for ovarian cancer, including smoking cessation, alcohol use reduction, physical activity, weight control, and treatment of metabolic diseases