180 research outputs found

    狐女形象的三種昇華 : 論唐〈任氏傳〉、宋《青瑣高議‧小蓮記》和清《聊齋志異‧蓮香》

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    本論題為「狐女形象的三種昇華」,關鍵詞為「昇華」。弗洛伊德(Sigmund Freud)在《文明及其缺憾》(Civilization and Its Discontents)第三章界定了「昇華作用」(sublimation):「本能的昇華發展是文化發展的極其引人注目的特點;由於它的存在,科學、藝術、思想意識等較高層次的心理活動才在文明生活中起着至關重要的作用。」5黃龍保等加以解釋:「人把因受阻而不能直接發洩出來的能量,轉移和昇華到有益於社會的活動中或文化性創造活動中;昇華作用既使個體心理得到正常而健康的發展,也使人類文明不斷朝着理想化方向發展,本能的昇華作用是人類文明的助進器。」6「昇華」的心理學釋義,能概括為「人類將負能量提升至正」的表現,即由變。「昇華有理想化、積極意 類將負能量提升至正」的表現,即由變。「昇華有理想化、積極意味,基本勾勒出三個狐女的 形態和性情 逐漸完善、去蕪存菁的正面階段。 本論文選取的三篇文本〈任氏傳〉、《青瑣高議‧小蓮記》和《聊齋志異‧蓮香》撰寫於不同時期,分別是唐代、宋代和清代,都是具代表性的狐文學作品。〈任氏傳〉的狐女任氏,在西市初遇並色誘鄭六,人狐相戀。任氏忠於愛情,力拒韋崟的強暴;勸鄭六買賣疵馬,讓他賺取財富;為陪伴愛人而冒險西行,最終不幸身亡。《青瑣高議‧小蓮記》的狐女小蓮,本為李郎中的女奴,能歌善舞;後來深得李郎中的寵愛,成為其妻。小蓮精通醫術,治療家人,維護家人的健康。《聊齋志異‧蓮香》的狐女蓮香,主動向桑生示愛,人狐交歡。蓮香悉心呵護被鬼女李氏所傷的桑生,為其採藥;又憐愛身世悲慘的李氏,願意與其共事一夫。蓮香為桑生誕下兒子後,放棄狐身,投胎為人,多年後與桑生、李氏重逢。 上述狐女,全心為情郎付出,不求回報,體現了多情堅貞、大度賢慧的人性美。當中狐女形象的正面刻畫,突破了傳統狐妖採補惑人、作祟嚇人的形象窠臼,可謂在狐文學中脫穎而出。更重要的是,順序對照這三個文本(唐〈任氏傳〉、宋《青瑣高議‧小蓮記》、清《聊齋志異‧蓮香》),承上啟下,可找出箇中狐女形象不斷進步的向上趨勢(並不代表唐、宋、清三代狐女形象的發展脈絡):狐女先從妖化走向人性化,後達到理想女性的巔峰。這也顯示了三個文本的價值

    Reexamining brand loyalty and brand awareness with social media marketing: A collectivist country perspective

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    Purpose: This study seeks to advance the literature by examining the mediating role of brand loyalty and the moderating impact of brand awareness in the relationships between social media marketing and collectivist Chinese behavior in the hospitality service context. This exploration is grounded in brand commitment and expectancy disconfirmation theories. Methods:Empirical testing was conducted on survey data gathered from 150 collectivist Chinese customers in Hong Kong, utilizing partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results:Brand loyalty plays a partial mediating role in the relationships between social media marketing and purchase intention as well as word-of-mouth. Additionally, brand awareness exerts a negative moderating influence on social media marketing-brand loyalty link. Implications:Recommendations are provided for front-line staff tasked with addressing communication challenges by effectively managing the hotel’s social media account. They are strongly advised to steer clear of creating face-threatening situations and to demonstrate respect for the loyalty of Chinese collectivist customers. Furthermore, a negative brand awareness effect emerges when collectivist Chinese customers compare hotel brands with online travel agents

    Cardiac phenotype in mouse models of systemic autoimmunity.

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    Patients suffering from systemic autoimmune diseases are at significant risk of cardiovascular complications. This can be due to systemically increased levels of inflammation leading to accelerated atherosclerosis, or due to direct damage to the tissues and cells of the heart. Cardiac complications include an increased risk of myocardial infarction, myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy, valve disease, endothelial dysfunction, excessive fibrosis, and bona fide autoimmune-mediated tissue damage by autoantibodies or auto-reactive cells. There is, however, still a considerable need to better understand how to diagnose and treat cardiac complications in autoimmune patients. A range of inducible and spontaneous mouse models of systemic autoimmune diseases is available for mechanistic and therapeutic studies. For this Review, we systematically collated information on the cardiac phenotype in the most common inducible, spontaneous and engineered mouse models of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis. We also highlight selected lesser-known models of interest to provide researchers with a decision framework to choose the most suitable model for their study of heart involvement in systemic autoimmunity

    Creation of Sexually Transmitted Diseases Education Program for Young Adults in Rural Cambodia

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    Introduction: Globally, adolescents and young adults aged from 15 to 24 years accounted for 25% of the sexually active population. They also took up almost 50% of all newly acquired sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) worldwide. In developing countries/ regions, there have been more unreported cases due to the limited resources and availability of data. This project aimed to enhance sexual health knowledge and encourage behavioral change in sexual practice in rural Cambodia by educational interventions.Methods: A multi-prong project used the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) as framework to guide the implementation, which involved carrying out educational talks, group discussion sessions. The educational health talks described the signs and symptoms of STDs and preventive measures including the Abstinence-Be faithful- Condom (ABC) strategy. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were conducted on 111 villagers aged between 18 and 30 years who lived in Peaksneng Thyme Village, Cambodia. Special materials were prepared that highlighted such information were also given to all participants. This was followed by discussion sessions that aimed to strengthen an appropriate attitude toward STDs. A pilot trial was done to prepare and build a constructive, realistic atmosphere and facilitated in-depth spread of main messages. A 20-item assessment of STD knowledge was used as pre- and post-intervention evaluation tool. Individual participant scores were compared to determine the effectiveness of interventions.Conclusion: This comprehensive program was effective in enhancing sexual knowledge in high-risk groups of both sexes as well as general public in rural Cambodia. With experiences gained, this could be replicated in nearby communities, possibly motivating community behavioral change in future. Alternatively, this approach could be further developed, or using other behavioral theories, and applied to other health issues in this country

    Real-Time Power Prediction for Bifacial PV Systems in Varied Shading Conditions: A Circuit-LSTM Approach Within a Digital Twin Framework

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    The prediction of bifacial photovoltaic (bPV) system performance under variable conditions has persistently challenged researchers and practitioners alike, largely due to the unstable and imprecise irradiance measurements and the extensive training processes required for machine learning-based methods. Addressing these issues, this study introduces an innovative digital twin system that integrates a novel circuit-long short-term memory (LSTM) model with the newly proposed triangle-shading pattern estimation method, eliminating dependencies on direct irradiance measurements and historical data. Our approach uniquely combines the adaptability of LSTM networks with circuit models, facilitating real-time power prediction with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. Comprehensive evaluations across various shading scenarios demonstrate the proposed model's superior performance, consistently reducing mean absolute error, mean squared error, and root mean squared error by over 50% compared with existing methods. This breakthrough offers a scalable, cost-effective solution for optimizing the deployment and management of bPV systems, marking a significant advancement in the field of photovoltaic research

    Semi-Unsupervised Lifelong Learning for Sentiment Classification: Less Manual Data Annotation and More Self-Studying

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    Lifelong machine learning is a novel machine learning paradigm which can continually accumulate knowledge during learning. The knowledge extracting and reusing abilities enable the lifelong machine learning to solve the related problems. The traditional approaches like Na\"ive Bayes and some neural network based approaches only aim to achieve the best performance upon a single task. Unlike them, the lifelong machine learning in this paper focuses on how to accumulate knowledge during learning and leverage them for further tasks. Meanwhile, the demand for labelled data for training also is significantly decreased with the knowledge reusing. This paper suggests that the aim of the lifelong learning is to use less labelled data and computational cost to achieve the performance as well as or even better than the supervised learning

    Distribution, Risk Factors, and Temporal Trends for Lung Cancer Incidence and Mortality: A Global Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Lung cancer ranks second for cancer incidence and first for cancer mortality. Investigation into its risk factors and epidemiologic trends could help describe geographical distribution and identify high-risk population groups. RESEARCH QUESTION: What is the global incidence, mortality, associated risk factors, and temporal trends of lung cancer by sex, age, and country? STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Data on incidence and mortality were retrieved from the Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN), Cancer Incidence in Five Continents series I-X, World Health Organization (WHO) mortality database, the Nordic Cancer Registries (NORDCAN), and the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program (SEER). We searched the WHO Global Health Observatory data repository for age-adjusted prevalence of current smoking. The Average Annual Percentage Change (AAPC) of the trends were obtained by Joinpoint Regression. RESULTS: The age-standardized rate of incidence and mortality were 22.4 and 18.0 per 100,000 globally. The lung cancer incidence and mortality were associated with Human Development Index (HDI), Gross Domestic Products (GDP), and prevalence of smoking. For incidence, more countries had increasing trends in females but decreasing trends in males (AAPC, 1.06 to 6.43 for female; -3.53 to -0.64 for male). A similar pattern was found in those 50 years or older, whereas those aged younger than 50 years had declining incidence trends in both sexes in most countries. For mortality, similar to incidence, 17 of 48 countries showed decreasing trends in males and increasing trends in females (AAPC, -3.28 to -1.32 for male, 0.63 to 3.96 for female). INTERPRETATION: Most countries had increasing trends in females but decreasing trends in males and in lung cancer incidence and mortality. Tobacco related measures and early cancer detection should be implemented to control the increasing trends of lung cancer in females, and in regions identified as having these trends. Future studies may explore the reasons behind these epidemiological transitions

    Towards a global partnership model in interprofessional education for cross-sector problem-solving

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    Objectives A partnership model in interprofessional education (IPE) is important in promoting a sense of global citizenship while preparing students for cross-sector problem-solving. However, the literature remains scant in providing useful guidance for the development of an IPE programme co-implemented by external partners. In this pioneering study, we describe the processes of forging global partnerships in co-implementing IPE and evaluate the programme in light of the preliminary data available. Methods This study is generally quantitative. We collected data from a total of 747 health and social care students from four higher education institutions. We utilized a descriptive narrative format and a quantitative design to present our experiences of running IPE with external partners and performed independent t-tests and analysis of variance to examine pretest and posttest mean differences in students’ data. Results We identified factors in establishing a cross-institutional IPE programme. These factors include complementarity of expertise, mutual benefits, internet connectivity, interactivity of design, and time difference. We found significant pretest–posttest differences in students’ readiness for interprofessional learning (teamwork and collaboration, positive professional identity, roles, and responsibilities). We also found a significant decrease in students’ social interaction anxiety after the IPE simulation. Conclusions The narrative of our experiences described in this manuscript could be considered by higher education institutions seeking to forge meaningful external partnerships in their effort to establish interprofessional global health education