257 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Garlic Landraces from Foggia Province (Puglia Region; Italy)

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    Interest in local landraces has unfortunately decreased over, the last decades, in which they have been continuously subjected to a high genetic erosion in favour of new modern varieties. Within the Puglia region (S-E Italy), Foggia province was found to be the richest in vegetable landraces. In the present study, six garlic landraces collected from this area have been assessed for their chemical composition (minerals, organic acids, free sugars, volatile, and phenolic compounds) along with their main morpho-biometrical traits. A commercial genotype was also considered as a reference standard. The landraces show a large variability, but in general high morphological standards, high levels of cations and phenols, and low levels of volatile-(S)-compounds in comparison with the commercial genotype and the literature values. 'Aglio di Peschici' and 'Aglio Rosso di Monteleone di Puglia' are very rich in minerals and phenols (mainly ferulic acid and iso-rhamnetin). This increase in knowledge on the chemical properties of these garlic landraces could represent a tool for encouraging the consumption of a food product. At the same time, the consumption of these landraces would stimulate their cultivation and could highly contribute to protection against the risk of erosion of agro-biodiversity by their in situ/on-farm conservation

    Is coffee powder extract a possible functional ingredient useful in food and nutraceutical industries?

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    The present study aimed to assess the phytochemical content and in vitro bioactivity of ethanolic extracts of Arabica (A) and/or Robusta (R) coffee powder having different geographical origins. For this purpose, total phenols (TPC) and flavonoids (TFC) content as well as a- and b-tocopherol were quantified. The antioxidant activity was assessed by using a multi-target approach in which the radical scavenging potential, the protection from lipid peroxidation, and the involvement of the iron-reducing mechanism were applied. The carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzymes’ (a-amylase and a-glucosidase) inhibitory activities were also assessed. Arabica coffee sample (C2-A) showed the highest TPC, TFC, and a-tocopherol content with values of 63.1 mg chlorogenic acid equivalents (CAE)/g dry powder, 16.2 mg of quercetin (QE) equivalents/g dry powder, and 5.6 mg/100 g dry powder, respectively. Relative Antioxidant Capacity Index (RACI), used to statistically integrate results from 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) diammonium salt (ABTS), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), ferric reducing ability power (FRAP), and protection of lipid peroxidation assays, evidenced that sample C4-R derived from Robusta from Guatemala showed the highest antioxidant potential with a value of –0.61. Arabica from Puerto Rico was the most active against a-amylase, whereas the blend Arabica/Robusta sample (C5-A60R40) showed the highest inhibitory activity against a-glucosidase with IC50 values of 120.2 and 134.6 mg/mL, respectively. The results show how the qualitative-quantitative composition of the extracts is strongly associated not only with the variety but also with the geographical origin of the samples

    Metabolomic Approaches for Detection and Identification of Biomarkers and Altered Pathways in Bladder Cancer

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    Metabolomic analysis has proven to be a useful tool in biomarker discovery and the molecular classification of cancers. In order to find new biomarkers, and to better understand its pathological behavior, bladder cancer also has been studied using a metabolomics approach. In this article, we review the literature on metabolomic studies of bladder cancer, focusing on the different available samples (urine, blood, tissue samples) used to perform the studies and their relative findings. Moreover, the multi-omic approach in bladder cancer research has found novel insights into its metabolic behavior, providing excellent start-points for new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. Metabolomics data analysis can lead to the discovery of a “signature pathway” associated with the progression of bladder cancer; this aspect could be potentially valuable in predictions of clinical outcomes and the introduction of new treatments. However, further studies are needed to give stronger evidence and to make these tools feasible for use in clinical practice

    Chemical Composition of and Inhibition of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme by Senecio samnitum huet

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    Abstract Extracts of Senecio samnitum Huet and derived methyl ester of chlorogenic acid have been shown to inhibit angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) by using an in vitro bioassay based on the enzymatic cleavage of the chromophore-fluorophore labeled substrate dansyltriglycine into dansylglycine, which is quantitatively measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). GC=MS and NMR identified compounds present within the studied S. samnitum extracts. The most effective fraction was obtained in ethyl acetate, which gave 52.56 AE 0.23% (SD) inhibition at 300 mg=ml. The major constituent of this fraction, the methyl ester of chlorogenic acid, showed significant ACE inhibition of 56.78 AE 0.25% at a concentration of 82.5 mg=ml

    Measurement of the angular correlation between the two gamma rays emitted in the radioactive decays of a 60^{60}Co source with two NaI(Tl) scintillator

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    We implemented a didactic experiment to study the angular correlation between the two gamma rays emitted in typical 60^{60}Co radioactive decays. We used two NaI(Tl) scintillators, already available in our laboratory, and a low-activity 60^{60}Co source. The detectors were mounted on two rails, with the source at their center. The first rail was fixed, while the second could be rotated around the source. We performed several measurements by changing the angle between the two scintillators in the range from 9090^\circ to 180180^\circ. Dedicated background runs were also performed, removing the source from the experimental setup. We found that the signal rate increases with the angular separation between the two scintillators, with small discrepancies from the theoretical expectations.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    Rhaponticum acaule (L) DC essential oil: chemical composition, in vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibition properties

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    Background: α-glucosidase is a therapeutic target for diabetes mellitus (DM) and α-glucosidase inhibitors play a vital role in the treatments for the disease. Furthermore, xanthine oxidase (XO) is a key enzyme that catalyzes hypoxanthine and xanthine to uric acid which at high levels can lead to hyperuricemia which is an important cause of gout. Pancreatic lipase (PL) secreted into the duodenum plays a key role in the digestion and absorption of fats. For its importance in lipid digestion, PL represents an attractive target for obesity prevention. Methods: The flowers essential oil of Rhaponticum acaule (L) DC (R. acaule) was characterized using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The antioxidant activities of R. acaule essential oil (RaEO) were also determined using 2,2’-azinobis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), reducing power, phosphomolybdenum, and DNA nicking assays. The inhibitory power of RaEO against α-glucosidase, xanthine oxidase and pancreatic lipase was evaluated. Enzyme kinetic studies using Michaelis-Menten and the derived Lineweaver-Burk (LB) plots were performed to understand the possible mechanism of inhibition exercised by the components of this essential oil. Results: The result revealed the presence of 26 compounds (97.4%). The main constituents include germacrene D (49.2%), methyl eugenol (8.3%), (E)-β-ionone (6.2%), β-caryophyllene (5.7%), (E,E)-α-farnesene (4.2%), bicyclogermacrene (4.1%) and (Z)-α-bisabolene (3.7%). The kinetic inhibition study showed that the essential oil demonstrated a strong α-glucosidase inhibiton and it was a mixed inhibitor. On the other hand, our results evidenced that this oil exhibited important xanthine oxidase inhibitory effect, behaving as a non-competitive inhibitor. The essential oil inhibited the turkey pancreatic lipase, with maximum inhibition of 80% achieved at 2 mg/mL. Furthermore, the inhibition of turkey pancreatic lipase by RaEO was an irreversible one. Conclusion: The results revealed that the RaEO is a new promising potential source of antioxidant compounds, endowed with good practical applications for human health. Keywords: α-glucosidase, Antioxidant activity, Chemical composition, Pancreatic lipase inhibition, Rhaponticum acaule essential oil, Xanthine oxidase

    Estimating geological CO2 storage security to deliver on climate mitigation

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    Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can help nations meet their Paris CO2 reduction commitments cost-effectively. However, lack of confidence in geologic CO2 storage security remains a barrier to CCS implementation. Here we present a numerical program that calculates CO2 storage security and leakage to the atmosphere over 10,000 years. This combines quantitative estimates of geological subsurface CO2 retention, and of surface CO2 leakage. We calculate that realistically well-regulated storage in regions with moderate well densities has a 50% probability that leakage remains below 0.0008% per year, with over 98% of the injected CO2 retained in the subsurface over 10,000 years. An unrealistic scenario, where CO2 storage is inadequately regulated, estimates that more than 78% will be retained over 10,000 years. Our modelling results suggest that geological storage of CO2 can be a secure climate change mitigation option, but we note that long-term behaviour of CO2 in the subsurface remains a key uncertainty

    Dancing With Parkinson's Disease: The SI-ROBOTICS Study Protocol

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    Introduction: Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most frequent causes of disability among older people, characterized by motor disorders, rigidity, and balance problems. Recently, dance has started to be considered an effective exercise for people with PD. In particular, Irish dancing, along with tango and different forms of modern dance, may be a valid strategy to motivate people with PD to perform physical activity. The present protocol aims to implement and evaluate a rehabilitation program based on a new system called “SI-ROBOTICS,” composed of multiple technological components, such as a social robotic platform embedded with an artificial vision setting, a dance-based game, environmental and wearable sensors, and an advanced AI reasoner module. Methods and Analysis: For this study, 20 patients with PD will be recruited. Sixteen therapy sessions of 50 min will be conducted (two training sessions per week, for 8 weeks), involving two patients at a time. Evaluation will be primarily focused on the acceptability of the SI-ROBOTICS system. Moreover, the analysis of the impact on the patients' functional status, gait, balance, fear of falling, cardio-respiratory performance, motor symptoms related to PD, and quality of life, will be considered as secondary outcomes. The trial will start in November 2021 and is expected to end by April 2022. Discussions: The study aims to propose and evaluate a new approach in PD rehabilitation, focused on the use of Irish dancing, together with a new technological system focused on helping the patient perform the dance steps and on collecting kinematic and performance parameters used both by the physiotherapist (for the evaluation and planning of the subsequent sessions) and by the system (to outline the levels of difficulty of the exercise). Ethics and Dissemination: The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the IRCCS INRCA. It was recorded in ClinicalTrials.gov on the number NCT05005208. The study findings will be used for publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presentations in scientific meetings