207 research outputs found

    Aleksander Loit 75

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    Juubilar Aleksander Loit on sündinud 1. veebruaril 1932. aastal Rakveres. Pärast sealse keskkooli lõpetamist sai temast 1950. aastal Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna üliõpilane. Ta lõpetas õpingud Leningradis aastail 1955–1957, saades 1. Meditsiiniinstituudist mereväearsti diplomi, seejärel teenis kaks aastat Põhjamerel allveelaeva arstina

    Eesti- ja Liivimaa talurahva olukorrast Rootsi aja lõpus

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    The status of peasantry in Estland and Livland at the end of the Swedish reign Enn Küng: In May 2013, a seminar on the topic “Serfdom or freedom: changes in the status of peasantry in the end of the Swedish reign” was held at the University of Tartu. It was instigated by a debate in the Estonian historical discourse during the last two decades on the status of the post-reduction crown peasantry in Estland and Livland. The debate started in 1996 when Aleksander Loit gave a paper titled “On the abolishment of serfdom in Estonia during the Swedish reign”. There he presented a novel idea that King Charles XI of Sweden not only wanted to improve the situation of peasants in the Baltic provinces, but actually abolished serfdom in the manors nationalized during the reduction – in Livland in 1681 and in Estland in 1687. Several – but not all – historians agreed with Loit. In order to discuss this important issue more thoroughly a new debate was organized, the results of which are presented here. Aleksander Loit: By the beginning of the seventeenth century, the former crown property in Estland and Livland was almost entirely enfeoffed to the nobility. The situation was reversed with the reduction when all the enfeoffments by Swedish authorities were renationalized and the majority of the arable land was taken back by the crown. Apart from the fact that the state revenues from Estland and Livland multiplied, the reduction brought along changes in the existing social order, such as the liquidation of the feudal system and the abolishment of serfdom. Peasants of the crown manors became the subjects of the king and had to be treated similarly to other peasants in the Swedish realm. Political power and the position of the nobility weakened both in relation to the monarchical power and the subordinated peasants. In crown manors, the feudal system was replaced by the lease holding system, whereby the leaseholders were not permitted to join the local knighthoods. Kalle Kroon: Nationalization of the crown manors in Estland and Livland at the end of the seventeenth century was accompanied by the abolishment of serfdom of the crown peasantry. Although the owners of farmsteads had to stay put, their sons were given the freedom to choose a profession, either by joining the army or by acquiring education for the position of a schoolmaster. The end to the attachment to land for the new generation and the freedom to decide over their own labor testify to the absence of serfdom, which is characteristic of the process of the abolishment of serfdom in Early Modern Europe at the end of the seventeenth and the beginning of the eighteenth century. Aivar Põldvee: A more definite answer to the question of the abolishment of serfdom probably would be available if the Great Northern War had ended with Sweden’s victory. Now one can only talk about the preliminary goals and the processes which were not accomplished. I focus on two issues, which can be taken as a model. First, the treatment of complaints by the peasants of Swedish origin who lived in Estonia by both the relevant commission and the council of the realm in 1684–85. The Swedish state viewed the legal status of the Swedish peasants in Estonia as some sort of an example to be applied to other peasants in Estland and Livland. However, the top officials in Sweden did not have a clear understanding what their status actually was. Only after a lengthy dispute, the council reached a conclusion in 1685, according to which these peasants were as free as the nobility’s peasants (frälsebönder) in Sweden. In reality, the resolution did not protect the Swedish peasants in Estonia from the encroachment of their rights by manor leaseholders. Secondly, there is a resolution from 1687 which demanded that the sons of peasants not be hindered in pursuing education (bokliga konster) or joining the army. In connection with the establishment of the peasant schools, both pupils and peasant schoolmasters achieved freedom of movement. There were schoolmasters who started to work far from their homes, even in another province. There were cases, however, when the leaseholders of crown estates demanded the return of schoolmasters as their former serfs. On the whole, the freedom of movement of schoolmasters testifies to the mitigation of serfdom. Marten Seppel: What changed in the status of the peasantry in Estland and Livland at the end of the seventeenth century? The source material allows us to conclude that King Charles XI’s demands to improve the status of the crown peasantry in Livland and Estland brought about three major changes in their condition: the judicial authority of the leaseholders of the crown estates was considerably restricted, the peasants’ right to complain to the authorities was guaranteed, and the crown peasants were not to be sold. In other aspects, the status of the crown peasants changed little, although they could hope for protection from the provincial authorities against their leaseholders. The peasants’ property and trading rights remained in principle the same as in the private estates; they had no right to leave their manor by their own will; they could not own guns or other weapons; their obligations of customary dues and statute labor was fixed and not substantially changed. The authorities’ attitude toward the crown peasants can be characterized by the fact that similarly to serfs in private estates, they could be ‘transported’ from one crown manor to another whenever this was considered economically worthwhile

    Tiibeti budistliku tankamaali loomisprotsess ja kaanon

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    Käesolev magistriprojekt avas nii praktilise isikliku kogemuse kui ka seda toetava teooria kaudu tiibeti budistliku tankamaali loomisprotsessi ja kaanonit. Tankamaali paremaks mõistmiseks toetab praktikas kogetut teoreetiline materjal, mis seab omandatud maalitehnika laiemasse ajaloolisse konteksti. Teadmised tankamaali kujunemisest ning peamistest kasutusaladest aitavad mõista sakraalse objekti sügavamaid väärtusi. Töö teoreetiline osa on üldistavaks sissejuhatuseks tiibeti budistlikku kunsti ning alles esimene samm sellealase põhjalikuma eestikeelse info kättesaadavaks tegemisel

    Weathering the Storm: Effects of the National Recession and Statewide Property Tax Caps in Northwest Indiana

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    This paper outlines the economic health of Northwest Indiana communities following the latest national recession and the passage of statewide property tax reforms in 2008. This paper identifies the communities with the highest concentrations of economically distressed residents as measured by poverty, unemployment, and participation in the free- and reduced-lunch program during the time period from 2008 to 2012. These communities historically have had the highest property tax rates in the region. In the past, these high tax rates may have served as a disincentive for residential and business investment, but now, with the passage of statewide tax restructuring, the high rates have resulted in a new type of disparity in the form of significant funding losses for local government. For purposes of this paper, Northwest Indiana is defined as consisting of Lake, Porter, and LaPorte counties

    Narratiiv kui ravi: riituse-etendus ja narratiivi aktualiseerumine kogemusena

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    This paper addresses theoretical issues of narrative in an attempt to approach the semantics of understanding underlying the performance of certain healing rites. The first section of the paper introduces the term narrative power to refer to the cultural load developed by narratives and narrative strategies and develops a framework forapproaching healing rite performance as the application of strategies which actualize narrative as experience. The Finno-Karelian tietäjä tradition is discussed in relation to shamanic rite performance and memorized traditions of incantations, particularly those which incorporate historiolae. The European incantation tradition exhibits a fixed text approach which may bear continuities in strategies of application but continuities between performance and the healing event are ambiguous, open to interpretation, and the tradition does not require ‘understanding’ at all. Shamanic traditions are incredibly diverse, but they present an opposite extreme of subjective, internalized understandings of the mythic world and strategies for manipulating narrative power as an effective means of negotiating the recovery of a patient in interaction with the unseen world. The rites of the tietäjä have evolved between these two sets of strategies. The poetic meter inclines individual lines of verse to crystallize and somewhat flexible constellations of lines emerge as familiar compositional units in incantations and other genres. The degree to which rite performance was a variable emergent narrative nearer shamanic rites or a consistently reproduced – if verbally flexible – narrative more akin to the strategies of the European incantation would be dependent on the individual tietäjä, even if in the cultural milieu emphasis was placed on understanding the unseen world and the significance ofelements manipulated in the incantations. These traditions have been addressed here in generalizations in order to offer an overview of strategies applied and also how those strategies both interact with and affect other phenomena in the tradition ecology which for centuries may have been shaping a remarkable range of traditions and aspects of the worldview more generally.However, it must be remembered that these traditions have always been dynamic rather than uniform, and it is through the flexibility and openness to reinterpretation that the narrative power of these traditions could persist as viable instruments for crisis resolution through centuries of cultural change

    University High Highlights 5/20/1964

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    This is the student newspaper from University High School, the high school that was on the campus of Western Michigan University, then called University High Highlights, in 1964

    When one is not enough. Professional Perception of Traditional Ethical Mechanisms for New Times in Journalism

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    The aim of this article is to analyse the perception of Spanish journalists in relation to the greater or lesser effectiveness of traditional self regulation mechanisms in comparison to new mechanisms that have recently emerged with the arrival of digital technologies. Results from surveys (n=420), in-depth interviews (n=30) and focus groups (n=6) confirm the acceptance of these mechanisms whose greatest impact requires the operation of all of them as a “system”, because considered individually, none are as effective in securing more ethical behavior in the company which decides to use them. The instrument that receives the highest score (7.5) is the public pressure through social networks. The concept of a seal of ethical quality has been valued in line with the existing mechanisms. In any case, it seems that neither the seal nor the rest of the analyzed instruments may ever replace the personal ethics of the journalist that appears as the bedrock of the strata that determines ethics in journalistic outlets.En los últimos sesenta años se ha producido un gran progreso teórico en la investigación de la comunicación, en particular de los efectos de los medios en la gente (Neuman & Guggenheim, 2011). Sin embargo, se ha prestado poca atención a la evolución de la influencia percibida de los medios sobre las personas, excepto en el caso del efecto de tercera persona (Davison, 1983). Este estudio muestra cómo la gente es capaz de reflexionar sobre los efectos mediáticos y sugerir teorizaciones que pueden estar vinculadas a casi todas las teorías de los efectos de los medios (Neuman y Guggenheim, 2011). Observamos cómo persisten las perspectivas críticas sobre la manipulación de los medios de comunicación entre generaciones. También se demuestra que las personas son conscientes de algunas de las variables que pueden moderar la influencia de los medios de comunicación sobre las personas. Sin embargo, el estudio también muestra que, a pesar de ser capaces de teorizar, las personas no son conscientes de sus propios sesgos, y el efecto de tercera persona surge de manera espontánea

    EFL Teachers' Attitudes Towards Teaching Cross-Curricular Topics

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    Juhendaja: Berk VaherCross-curricular topics have been in the Estonian National curriculum for many years now; including them in lessons has evoked controversial opinions among teachers. Teaching cross-curricular topics in EFL classrooms is a good way to include them in lessons because languages can be means for learning different subjects. Cross-curricular topics help to make learning the language more relevant and offer a chance to include topics that prepare students for real life experiences. There are various different ways how to teach cross-curricular topics and everything does not have to be done in a classroom, a lot can be done outside lessons and through extracurricular activities. The present thesis looks into teaching cross-curricular topics in English classes. It gives an overview of the cross-curricular topics in the Estonian National Curriculum, the methods and materials used for teaching cross-curricular topics and the attitudes teachers’ have towards teaching cross-curricular topics. A survey was conducted among EFL teachers of Estonia to see what ate the teachers’ attitudes towards teaching cross-curricular topics and how they teach the topics. Chapter one is based on secondary sources and gives an overview of crosscurricular topics, their development throughout history and their presentation in different educational documents. Various methods for teaching cross-curricular topics and for including them in schools’ environment are discussed. Chapter two introduces the procedure and the results of a research conducted among Estonian EFL teachers. Sample of 90 EFL teachers from different schools in Estonia were questioned. The main aim of the research was to see what the EFL teachers’ attitudes towards teaching cross-curricular topics are and to compare the results with other researches done on this topic