21 research outputs found

    Secagem da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) sob diferentes condições

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Ricardo Jorge KlitzkeCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Márcio Pereira da RochaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa: Curitiba, 06/03/2015Inclui referências : f. 56-72; 117-126; 163-168; 215-219Área de concentração : Tecnologia e utilização de produtos florestaisResumo: A Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teca) é uma espécie originária do Sudoeste Asiático de rápido crescimento, bem adaptada e que apresenta um grande potencial no mercado nacional e internacional. As propriedades tecnológicas da madeira de teca são adequadas para a produção de produtos de maior valor agregado - PMVA, possuindo elevada estabilidade dimensional, boa durabilidade natural, e de fácil trabalhabilidade. A indústria de transformação, necessita de uma matéria prima com o teor de umidade adequado para o produto final, tornando-se a secagem de madeiras um dos processos mais importantes para a indústria madeireira. Diante disto, este estudo visou fornecer subsídios técnicos do comportamento da madeira de teca na secagem em estufa convencional, focando duas metodologias para o desenvolvimento de programas de secagem, sendo analisada a influência das variáveis (temperatura, potencial de secagem e velocidade de circulação do ar) na taxa de secagem, qualidade da madeira e no consumo de energia elétrica. Portanto, para a construção deste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos três capítulos que abordaram sobre: 1) Elaboração de programas de secagem para madeiras de teca (Tectona grandis L. f.); 2) Secagem convencional da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) e 3) Secagem drástica da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) e avaliação do consumo de energia elétrica. O capítulo 1, teve por objetivo testar duas metodologias para o desenvolvimento de programa de secagem para madeiras de teca. Foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas e químicas da madeira para posteriormente elaborar as curvas de secagem em função das metodologias testadas, as quais, foram baseadas na secagem drástica a 100ºC e na massa específica básica da madeira. Os parâmetros de comparação foram a temperatura inicial, final e o potencial de secagem. O Capítulo 2, teve por objetivo avaliar o programa de secagem elaborado para a secagem em câmara convencional da madeira de teca. Sendo utilizadas três velocidades de circulação do ar (1,5; 2,5 e 3,5 m.s-1) e potencial de secagem de 2,4. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de taxa de secagem, tempo de secagem, retração da madeira e a qualidade da madeira seca. O capítulo 3 teve por objetivo avaliar o comportamento da madeira de teca em condições de secagem severa em câmara convencional. Sendo avaliados dois potenciais de secagem (3,4 e 4,4) e temperaturas mais elevadas. Os parâmetros de taxa de secagem, tempo de secagem e a qualidade da madeira seca foram avaliados. Também foi analisado a influência da velocidade de circulação do ar abaixo do ponto de saturação das fibras (PSF), no consumo de energia elétrica pelo ventilador. O programa de secagem elaborado com base na secagem drástica a 100ºC mostrou-se satisfatório para a secagem da madeira de teca para produtos que requerem matéria prima de qualidade. As alterações das velocidades de circulação do ar abaixo do PSF das madeiras de teca, influenciaram a taxa de secagem para a remoção da água higroscópica, no entanto, não pode ser considerado como alterações significativas na taxa de secagem geral da madeira. Palavras-chave: Taxa de secagem. Potencial de secagem. Câmara de secagem convencional. Tensões de secagem. Consumo de energia.Abstract: The Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teak) is a species native from the Southeast of Asia, with fast growth, well suited and has great potential in the domestic and international market. The technological properties of teak wood are suitable for the production of higher value-added products - HVAP, having high dimensional stability, good natural durability and easy workability. The manufacturing industry, need a raw material with moisture content suitable for the end product, making the drying of woods one of the most important processes for the timber industry. Therefore, this study aimed to provide technical inputs on the behavior of teak wood in klin drying, focusing on two methodologies for the development of drying programs, being analyzed the influence of the variables (temperature, drying potential and the air circulation speed) in the drying rate, wood quality and consumption of electricity. Thus, for the construction of this work, were developed three chapters: 1) Preparation of drying programs for teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.); 2) Conventional Drying of teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.) and 3) Drastic drying of teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.) and evaluation of electric energy consumption. Chapter 1, aimed to test two methodologies for the developing of drying program for teak wood. Were evaluated the physical and chemical properties of the wood to posteriorly develop the drying curves as a function of the tested methodologies which were based on the drastic drying at 100°C and specific gravity wood. The comparison parameters were the initial and final temperature and the potential drying. Chapter 2, aimed to evaluate the drying program designed for kin drying of teak wood. Being used three speeds of air flow (1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 m.s-1) and potential drying of 2.4. Were evaluated the parameters of drying rate, drying time, shrinkage of the timber and the quality of the wood. Chapter 3 aimed to evaluate the behavior of teak wood in severe drying conditions in klin drying. Being evaluated two potential drying (3.4 and 4.4) and higher temperatures. Were evaluated the rate of drying, drying time and quality of the dried wood. It was also analyzed the influence of the velocity of the air flow below the fiber saturation point (FSP), on the electric energy consumption by the fan. The drying program developed with based on the drastic drying at 100°C was satisfactory for the drying of teak wood for products that require high quality raw material. Changes in circulating air velocities below the FSP of teak wood, influenced the rate of drying for removal of the hygroscopic water, however, can not be considered as a significant changes in the overall drying rate of the wood. Keywords: Drying rate. Potential drying. Klin drying. Drying tensions. Energy consumption

    PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF WOOD Pinus caribaea var. caribaea, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis AND Pinus oocarpa FOR PENCIL PRODUCTION

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    The behavior of the physical properties of wood is important for its use in the industrial sector. Manufacturing for pencil production requires raw material with low specific mass and high dimensional stability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the properties of the physical specific basic mass properties, anhydrous and green, as well as the retractability of the 14 years old Pinus caribaea var. caribaea, 25 years old Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and 35 years old Pinus oocarpa in the medulla sense of the bark, base and top of the trees. All species come from the Brazilian Cerrado region afforestation. As for dimensional stability, the Pinus caribaea var. caribaea and Pinus oocarpa had similar behaviors to the volumetric contraction, when evaluating the coefficient of anisotropy of wood species of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea had higher values of anisotropy coefficient, however, all tropical pine studied, qualify as a raw material for the pencil industry, being an alternative species traditionally used


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    The research aimed to evaluate the efficiency of salt solutions (sodium chloride, lithium chloride, sodium carbonate, magnesium sulfate, zinc sulfate, and cupric sulphate = copper sulphate II) impregnated in the woods of Corymbia torelliana and Eucalyptus cloeziana on biological resistance to fungy of brown rot (Postia placenta) under laboratory conditions. From each species were taken samples of 2.0 x 2.0 x 3.0 cm (tangential x radial x longitudinal), over the large planks in the heartwood region on base-top direction. The samples were impregnated with 5% concentration of solutions and submitted for 16 weeks to the Postia placenta fungy under laboratory conditions. The wood of Eucalyptus cloeziana was more resistant to decay than Corymbia torelliana, both impregnated with salt solutions as not impregnated (natural). The treatments with saline solutions were satisfactory as regards resistance of wood degradation, being classified as very resistant, serving as a parameter for the evaluation of the wood, the xylophagous tested fungy


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield of sawn wood and the operational efficiency in the sawing of Hovenia dulcis logs in a portable sawmill, as well as to evaluate the behavior of the wood in conventional kiln drying. For this purpose, five trees were selected, from which 14 logs of 1.8  meters in length were obtained to determine the volume, the yield of two diametric classes (20 to 24 and 24.1 to 28 cm) and the operational efficiency during the sawing of the logs. For the drying process, the parameters of initial temperature, final temperature and drying potential were obtained from the drastic drying method at 100ºC. The yield results showed that there were no statistical differences between the two diametric grades. For operational efficiency, the highest diameter class (1.00m³/worker/day) was higher than the lower diameter class (0.70m²/worker/day). For the drying of Hovenia dulcis wood, it is possible to consider this species as a difficult drying type according to the parameters found for the elaboration of the drying programs. In addition, the moisture loss of the wood occurred slowly due to its low permeability.The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield of sawn wood and the operational efficiency in the sawing of Hovenia dulcis logs in a portable sawmill, as well as to evaluate the behavior of the wood in conventional kiln drying. For this purpose, five trees were selected, from which 14 logs of 1.8 meters in length were obtained to determine the volume, the yield of two diametric classes (20 to 24 and 24.1 to 28 cm) and the operational efficiency during the sawing of the logs. For the drying process, the parameters of initial temperature, final temperature and drying potential were obtained from the drastic drying method at 100ºC. The yield results showed that there were no statistical differences between the two diametric grades. For operational efficiency, the highest diameter class (1.00m³/worker/day) was higher than the lower diameter class (0.70m²/worker/day). For the drying of Hovenia dulcis wood, it is possible to consider this species as a difficult drying type according to the parameters found for the elaboration of the drying programs. In addition, the moisture loss of the wood occurred slowly due to its low permeability

    Yield in eucalyptus slab for use in the obtainment of battens

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    The present work aimed to evaluate the yield in eucalyptus slabs for obtaining battens to be used as raw material in the production of higher added value products. For this purpose, 15 logs of E. grandis and 15 logs of E. saligna, which were separated into three diametric classes of five logs for each species, were used: diametric class 1 (25 - 32 cm), diametric class 2 (33- 39 cm) and diametric class 3 (> 40 cm). Afterwards, they were cubed and evaluated for their taper, and were deployed on a band saw. The slabs were removed to evaluate the quality, yield and yield of slabs obtained for each species studied. The obtained results indicated that a medium classification of the specific gravity obtained, with good dimensional stability of E. grandis and E. saligna wood. The taper of the logs and the yields observed were not significant in both species. However, the yields in slabs and yields in battens had a slight decrease by the increasing of the diameters of the logs. Thus, logs with greater yield in slabs had smaller yields in battens. Therefore, it is possible to use slabs for battens production mainly in the industries that process high amounts of logs

    Wood-cement boards of Eucalyptus saligna with different chemical additives and methods of formation.

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    The aim of this work was evaluate the potential use of different chemical additives and methods of formation for wood-cement composites with Eucalyptus saligna clones. Portland cement type II-Z was used as mineral bonding and Calcium chloride (CaCl2) and Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) as accelerator of the cement hydration. The wood-cement panels were produced by the cold press method with dimensions of 50.5 x 38.5 x1.5 cm, and by vibro-compaction densification with 35 x 7 x 1.5 cm. Both methods used a nominal density of 1.0 g/cm3 and wood: cement ratio of 1:2.75. Main results: (I) Hydration tests showed that E. saligna wood is compatible with Portland cement type II; (II) Use of Calcium and magnesium chlorides at 3% in relation of the cement dry weight improve physical and mechanical properties of wood-cement composites produced by studied methods; (III) Composites produced by vibro-compaction densification presented lower density, higher dimensional stability and higher internal bond than composites produced by the traditional cold press method.Keywords: Cement-wood composites; vibro-compaction; chemical accelerators.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o potencial de uso de diferentes aditivos químicos e métodos de formação na produção de compósitos cimento-madeira com clone de Eucalyptus saligna. Utilizou-se o cimento Portland tipo CP II-Z, como aglutinante mineral, e cloreto de cálcio (CaCl2) e cloreto de magnésio (MgCl2),como aceleradores de cura do cimento. Os painéis cimento-madeira foram produzidos pelo método de prensagem na prensa de pratos de 50,5 x 38,5 x1,5 cm, e pelo método de adensamento por vibrocompactação em dimensões de 35 x 7 x1,5 cm. Os painéis foram formados com densidade nominal de 1 g/cm³ e relação cimento:madeira de 2,75:1. Com base nos resultados, pode-se concluir que: (I) os testes de hidratação mostraram que a madeira é compatível com o cimento Portland tipo II; (II) o uso de cloreto de cálcio e de magnésio na proporção de 3% em relação à massa do cimento proporcionou incremento nas propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos painéis produzidos pelos dois métodos de formação avaliados; (III) os painéis produzidos pelo método de adensamento por vibrocompactação apresentaram menor densidade média, maior estabilidade dimensional e melhor tração perpendicular do que os painéis produzidos pelo método tradicional de prensa de pratos.Palavras-chave: Compósito cimento-madeira; vibro compactação; aceleradores de cura. AbstractWood-cement boards of Eucalyptus saligna with different chemical additives and methods of formation. The aim of this work was evaluate the potential use of different chemical additives and methods of formation for wood-cement composites with Eucalyptus saligna clones. Portland cement type II-Z was used as mineral bonding and Calcium chloride (CaCl2) and Magnesium chloride (MgCl2) as accelerator of the cement hydration. The wood-cement panels were produced by the cold press method with dimensions of 50.5 x 38.5 x1.5 cm, and by vibro-compaction densification with 35 x 7 x 1.5 cm. Both methods used a nominal density of 1.0 g/cm3 and wood: cement ratio of 1:2.75. Main results: (I) Hydration tests showed that E. saligna wood is compatible with Portland cement type II; (II) Use of Calcium and magnesium chlorides at 3% in relation of the cement dry weight improve physical and mechanical properties of wood-cement composites produced by studied methods; (III) Composites produced by vibro-compaction densification presented lower density, higher dimensional stability and higher internal bond than composites produced by the traditional cold press method.Keywords: Cement-wood composites; vibro-compaction; chemical accelerators

    Technical assessment of girdling and incorporation of chainsaw in Eucalyptus grandis trees aiming to greater quality production of lumber.

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    This work aimed to evaluate two intervention techniques in a stand of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, by prolonged girdling treatments and chainsaw sword insertion to the core of tree, in two distinct periods, 70 and 100 days. These interventions aimed to minimize defects caused by the release of growth stress of Eucalyptus grandis during the sawing of logs. In order to that, we cut down 25 trees in a 20 years old plantation of Eucalyptus grandis , we used 5 trees for each assessed treatment. As parameter of comparison, we quantified the number of boards that had cracks in the end, the crack index (IRT%) of boards and the yield of lumber (R%). The evaluated techniques revealed statistical differences by Tukey test, with a reduction of up to 67.40% of boards that had end cracks. The yield was satisfactory for trees that had interventions, providing less loss of wood due to heading, mainly for chainsaw insertion technique to the core of trees, with total cutting after 100 days.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar duas técnicas de intervenções em um povoamento de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, através dos tratamentos de anelamento prolongado e a inserção do sabre de motosserra até a medula da árvore em dois períodos distintos, 70 e 100 dias. Essas intervenções, por sua vez, tiveram o objetivo de minimizar os defeitos provocados pela liberação das tensões de crescimento da madeira de Eucalyptus grandis durante o desdobro das toras. Para isto, foram derrubadas 25 árvores de um plantio de Eucalyptus grandis com 20 anos de idade, em que, foram utilizadas 5 árvores para cada tratamento avaliado. Como parâmetro de comparação, quantificou-se o número de tábuas que apresentaram rachaduras na extremidade, o índice de rachadura de extremidade (IRT%) e o rendimento em madeira serrada (R%). As técnicas avaliadas apresentaram diferença estatística entre si pelo teste de Tukey, com redução de até 67,40% de tábuas que apresentaram rachaduras de extremidade. O rendimento mostrou-se satisfatório para as árvores que tiveram intervenções, proporcionando menos perda de madeira na forma de destopo, principalmente para a técnica de inserção do sabre da motosserra até a medula das árvores com abate após a 100 dias.AbstractTechnical assessment of girdling and incorporation of chainsaw in Eucalyptus grandis trees aiming to greater quality production of lumber. This work aimed to evaluate two intervention techniques in a stand of Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden, by prolonged girdling treatments and chainsaw sword insertion to the core of tree, in two distinct periods, 70 and 100 days. These interventions aimed to minimize defects caused by the release of growth stress of Eucalyptus grandis during the sawing of logs. In order to that, we cut down 25 trees in a 20 years old plantation of Eucalyptus grandis , we used 5 trees for each assessed treatment. As parameter of comparison, we quantified the number of boards that had cracks in the end, the crack index (IRT%) of boards and the yield of lumber (R%). The evaluated techniques revealed statistical differences by Tukey test, with a reduction of up to 67.40% of boards that had end cracks. The yield was satisfactory for trees that had interventions, providing less loss of wood due to heading, mainly for chainsaw insertion technique to the core of trees, with total cutting after 100 days.Keywords: Yielding; unfolding; growth stress

    Secagem da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) sob diferentes condições

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Ricardo Jorge KlitzkeCoorientador : Prof. Dr. Márcio Pereira da RochaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa: Curitiba, 06/03/2015Inclui referências : f. 56-72; 117-126; 163-168; 215-219Área de concentração : Tecnologia e utilização de produtos florestaisResumo: A Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teca) é uma espécie originária do Sudoeste Asiático de rápido crescimento, bem adaptada e que apresenta um grande potencial no mercado nacional e internacional. As propriedades tecnológicas da madeira de teca são adequadas para a produção de produtos de maior valor agregado - PMVA, possuindo elevada estabilidade dimensional, boa durabilidade natural, e de fácil trabalhabilidade. A indústria de transformação, necessita de uma matéria prima com o teor de umidade adequado para o produto final, tornando-se a secagem de madeiras um dos processos mais importantes para a indústria madeireira. Diante disto, este estudo visou fornecer subsídios técnicos do comportamento da madeira de teca na secagem em estufa convencional, focando duas metodologias para o desenvolvimento de programas de secagem, sendo analisada a influência das variáveis (temperatura, potencial de secagem e velocidade de circulação do ar) na taxa de secagem, qualidade da madeira e no consumo de energia elétrica. Portanto, para a construção deste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos três capítulos que abordaram sobre: 1) Elaboração de programas de secagem para madeiras de teca (Tectona grandis L. f.); 2) Secagem convencional da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) e 3) Secagem drástica da madeira de teca (Tectona grandis L. f) e avaliação do consumo de energia elétrica. O capítulo 1, teve por objetivo testar duas metodologias para o desenvolvimento de programa de secagem para madeiras de teca. Foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas e químicas da madeira para posteriormente elaborar as curvas de secagem em função das metodologias testadas, as quais, foram baseadas na secagem drástica a 100ºC e na massa específica básica da madeira. Os parâmetros de comparação foram a temperatura inicial, final e o potencial de secagem. O Capítulo 2, teve por objetivo avaliar o programa de secagem elaborado para a secagem em câmara convencional da madeira de teca. Sendo utilizadas três velocidades de circulação do ar (1,5; 2,5 e 3,5 m.s-1) e potencial de secagem de 2,4. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de taxa de secagem, tempo de secagem, retração da madeira e a qualidade da madeira seca. O capítulo 3 teve por objetivo avaliar o comportamento da madeira de teca em condições de secagem severa em câmara convencional. Sendo avaliados dois potenciais de secagem (3,4 e 4,4) e temperaturas mais elevadas. Os parâmetros de taxa de secagem, tempo de secagem e a qualidade da madeira seca foram avaliados. Também foi analisado a influência da velocidade de circulação do ar abaixo do ponto de saturação das fibras (PSF), no consumo de energia elétrica pelo ventilador. O programa de secagem elaborado com base na secagem drástica a 100ºC mostrou-se satisfatório para a secagem da madeira de teca para produtos que requerem matéria prima de qualidade. As alterações das velocidades de circulação do ar abaixo do PSF das madeiras de teca, influenciaram a taxa de secagem para a remoção da água higroscópica, no entanto, não pode ser considerado como alterações significativas na taxa de secagem geral da madeira. Palavras-chave: Taxa de secagem. Potencial de secagem. Câmara de secagem convencional. Tensões de secagem. Consumo de energia.Abstract: The Tectona grandis Linn. f. (teak) is a species native from the Southeast of Asia, with fast growth, well suited and has great potential in the domestic and international market. The technological properties of teak wood are suitable for the production of higher value-added products - HVAP, having high dimensional stability, good natural durability and easy workability. The manufacturing industry, need a raw material with moisture content suitable for the end product, making the drying of woods one of the most important processes for the timber industry. Therefore, this study aimed to provide technical inputs on the behavior of teak wood in klin drying, focusing on two methodologies for the development of drying programs, being analyzed the influence of the variables (temperature, drying potential and the air circulation speed) in the drying rate, wood quality and consumption of electricity. Thus, for the construction of this work, were developed three chapters: 1) Preparation of drying programs for teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.); 2) Conventional Drying of teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.) and 3) Drastic drying of teak wood (Tectona grandis L. f.) and evaluation of electric energy consumption. Chapter 1, aimed to test two methodologies for the developing of drying program for teak wood. Were evaluated the physical and chemical properties of the wood to posteriorly develop the drying curves as a function of the tested methodologies which were based on the drastic drying at 100°C and specific gravity wood. The comparison parameters were the initial and final temperature and the potential drying. Chapter 2, aimed to evaluate the drying program designed for kin drying of teak wood. Being used three speeds of air flow (1.5, 2.5 and 3.5 m.s-1) and potential drying of 2.4. Were evaluated the parameters of drying rate, drying time, shrinkage of the timber and the quality of the wood. Chapter 3 aimed to evaluate the behavior of teak wood in severe drying conditions in klin drying. Being evaluated two potential drying (3.4 and 4.4) and higher temperatures. Were evaluated the rate of drying, drying time and quality of the dried wood. It was also analyzed the influence of the velocity of the air flow below the fiber saturation point (FSP), on the electric energy consumption by the fan. The drying program developed with based on the drastic drying at 100°C was satisfactory for the drying of teak wood for products that require high quality raw material. Changes in circulating air velocities below the FSP of teak wood, influenced the rate of drying for removal of the hygroscopic water, however, can not be considered as a significant changes in the overall drying rate of the wood. Keywords: Drying rate. Potential drying. Klin drying. Drying tensions. Energy consumption

    Qualidade da madeira de espécies de pinus tropicais para a produção de lápis

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Jorge KlitzkeCoorientadores: Prof. Dr. Márcio Pereira da Rocha, Profª. Dra. Graziela Baptista VidaurreTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Florestal. Defesa : Curitiba, 26/11/2019Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Tecnologia e Utilização de Produtos FlorestaisResumo: Este estudo visou fornecer subsídios técnicos sobre o comportamento da secagem de três espécies de pinus tropicais, sendo utilizada duas metodologias para a secagem em estufa convencional e três para a secagem em alta temperatura, sendo avaliada a taxa de secagem e a qualidade da madeira seca. Portanto, para a construção deste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos três capítulos que abordaram sobre: 1) Propriedades físicas das madeiras de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e Pinus oocarpa; 2) Secagem convencional da madeira de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e Pinus oocarpa para produção de lápis e 3) Secagem em alta temperatura da madeira de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis e Pinus oocarpa para a produção de lápis. O Capítulo 1, teve por objetivo investigar as propriedades físicas da madeira de três espécies de Pinus para a manufatura de lápis. Para tanto, foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas (massa específica básica, anidra e verde), assim como, as características de estabilidade dimensional da madeira. O Capítulo 2, teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade da madeira seca pelo método de secagem em estufa convencional, sob seus aspectos qualitativos de ocorrência de empenamentos de três espécies de Pinus para a manufatura de lápis. Foram avaliados os parâmetros de taxa de secagem, tempo de secagem, contração da madeira e a qualidade da madeira seca. O Capítulo 3 teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade da madeira seca pelo método de secagem em altas temperaturas, sob seus aspectos qualitativos de ocorrência de empenamentos duas espécies de Pinus para a manufatura de lápis. Foram avaliadas três temperaturas máximas de secagem (90; 135 e 165 ºC), os parâmetros de taxa de secagem, tempo de secagem e a qualidade da madeira seca também foram mensurados. As espécies de pinus tropicais possuem baixas massas específicas, as quais, enquadram-se como madeiras leves. Para a secagem em estufa convencional as madeiras com 40 mm de espessura tiveram os melhores resultados para a incidência de empenamentos. Já na secagem em alta temperatura, independente da temperatura houve incidência de empenamentos na madeira.Abstract: This study aimed to provide technical subsidies for the drying behavior of three species of Pinus, focusing on two ones for drying in conventional kiln and three methodologies for drying at high temperatures. Thus, for the development of this work, three chapters were developed that focused on: 1) Physical properties of Pinus caribaea var caribaea, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus oocarpa woods; 2) Conventional drying of Pinus caribaea var caribaea, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus oocarpa for pencil production 3) Drying at high temperatures of Pinus caribaea var caribaea, Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus oocarpa for pencil production. The purpose of Chapter 1 was to investigate the physical properties of wood from three Pinus species for the manufacture of pencils. For that, the physical properties (basic specific gravity, anhydrous and green), were evaluated, as well as the dimensional stability characteristics of the wood. The objective of Chapter 2 was to evaluate the quality of dry wood by the conventional kiln drying method, under its qualitative aspects of the occurrence of warping in three species of Pinus for the manufacture of pencils. The parameters of drying rate, drying time, wood retraction and dry wood quality were evaluated. The aim of Chapter 3 was to evaluate the quality of dry wood by the drying method at high temperatures, under its qualitative aspects of occurrence of warping in three Pinus species for the manufacture of pencils. Three maximum drying temperatures (90; 135 and 165°C) were evaluated. The parameters of drying rate, drying time and dry wood quality were also measured. The species of tropical Pinus have low specific mass, being classified as light woods. For conventional kiln drying the wood with 40 mm thickness had the best quality indexes. Drying at high temperatures, regardless of temperature, presented incidences of wood entanglement