3,255 research outputs found

    Global symplectic coordinates on gradient Kaehler-Ricci solitons

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    A classical result of D. McDuff asserts that a simply-connected complete Kaehler manifold (M,g,ω)(M,g,\omega) with non positive sectional curvature admits global symplectic coordinates through a symplectomorphism Ψ:M→R2n\Psi: M\rightarrow R^{2n} (where nn is the complex dimension of MM), satisfying the following property (proved by E. Ciriza): the image Ψ(T)\Psi (T) of any complex totally geodesic submanifold T⊂MT\subset M through the point pp such that Ψ(p)=0\Psi(p)=0, is a complex linear subspace of Cn≃R2nC^n \simeq R^{2n}. The aim of this paper is to exhibit, for all positive integers nn, examples of nn-dimensional complete Kaehler manifolds with non-negative sectional curvature globally symplectomorphic to R2nR^{2n} through a symplectomorphism satisfying Ciriza's property.Comment: 8 page

    Finite TYCZ expansions and cscK metrics

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    Let (M,g)(M, g) be a Kaehler manifold whose associated Kaehler form ω\omega is integral and let (L,h)→(M,ω)(L, h)\rightarrow (M, \omega) be a quantization hermitian line bundle. In this paper we study those Kaehler manifolds (M,g)(M, g) admitting a finite TYCZ expansion. We show that if the TYCZ expansion is finite then TmgT_{mg} is indeed a polynomial in mm of degree nn, n=dimMn=dim M, and the log-term of the Szeg\"{o} kernel of the disc bundle D⊂L∗D\subset L^* vanishes (where L∗L^* is the dual bundle of LL). Moreover, we provide a complete classification of the Kaehler manifolds admitting finite TYCZ expansion either when MM is a complex curve or when MM is a complex surface with a cscK metric which admits a radial Kaehler potential

    Symplectic duality between complex domains

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    In this paper after extending the denition of symplectic duality (given in [3] for bounded symmetric domains ) to arbitrary complex domains of Cn centered at the origin we generalize some of the results proved in [3] and [4] to those domain

    Effect of stitching on the static and fatigue properties of fibre-dominated and matrix-dominated composite laminates

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    The paper reports the results of an experimental investigation into the effect of stitching on the static and fatigue response of fibre-dominated and matrix-dominated laminates. The tests were conducted on stitched carbon/epoxy laminates with quasi-isotropic ([0/±45/90]s) or angle-ply ([+302/− 302]s, [+452/− 452]s, [+602/− 602]s) layups. The analyses show that stitching significantly reduces both the static and the fatigue strength of fibredominated [0/±45/90]s laminates, owing to the presence of localized fibre damage introduced during the stitching process. On the other hand, stitching does not affect the fatigue response of [+602/− 602]s laminates but significantly improves the fatigue strength of [+302/− 302]s and [+452/− 452]s laminates. The effectiveness of stitching on the fatigue performance of the angle-ply layups was found to be directly related to the specific damage mechanisms preceding the ultimate failure, which are controlled by edge delaminations in [+302/− 302]s and [+452/− 452]s and transverse matrix cracking in [+602/− 602]s laminates

    Kahler–Ricci Solitons Induced by Infinite-Dimensional Complex Space Forms

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    We exhibit families of nontrivial (i.e., not Kähler–Einstein) radial Kähler– Ricci solitons (KRS), both complete and not complete, which can be Kähler immersed into infinite-dimensional complex space forms. This shows that the triviality of a KRS induced by a finite-dimensional complex space form proved by Loi and Mossa (Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 149:11 (2020), 4931–4941) does not hold when the ambient space is allowed to be infinite-dimensional. Moreover, we show that the radial potential of a radial KRS induced by a nonelliptic complex space form is necessarily defined at the origin

    A characterization of complex space forms via Laplace operators

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    Inspired by the work of Lu and Tian (Duke Math J 125(2):351–387, 2004), in this paper we address the problem of studying those Kähler manifolds satisfying the Δ -property, i.e. such that on a neighborhood of each of its points the kth power of the Kähler Laplacian is a polynomial function of the complex Euclidean Laplacian, for all positive integer k (see below for its definition). We prove two results: (1) if a Kähler manifold satisfies the Δ -property then its curvature tensor is parallel; (2) if an Hermitian symmetric space of classical type satisfies the Δ -property then it is a complex space form (namely it has constant holomorphic sectional curvature). In view of these results we believe that if a Kähler manifold satisfies the Δ -property then it is a complex space form

    Extremal Kähler Metrics Induced by Finite or Infinite-Dimensional Complex Space Forms

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    In this paper, we address the problem of studying those complex manifolds M equipped with extremal metrics g induced by finite or infinite-dimensional complex space forms. We prove that when g is assumed to be radial and the ambient space is finite-dimensional, then (M, g) is itself a complex space form. We extend this result to the infinite-dimensional setting by imposing the strongest assumption that the metric g has constant scalar curvature and is well behaved (see Definition 1 in the Introduction). Finally, we analyze the radial Kähler–Einstein metrics induced by infinite-dimensional elliptic complex space forms and we show that if such a metric is assumed to satisfy a stability condition then it is forced to have constant nonpositive holomorphic sectional curvature

    On the third coefficient of TYZ expansion for radial scalar flat metrics

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    We classify radial scalar flat metrics with constant third coefficient of its TYZ expansion. As a byproduct of our analysis we provide a characterization of Simanca's scalar flat metric

    On canonical radial Kahler metrics

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    We prove that a radial Kahler metric g is Kahler-Einstein if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied: 1. g is extremal and it is associated to a Kahler-Ricci soliton; 2. two different generalized scalar curvatures of g are constant; 3. g is extremal (not cscK) and one of its generalized scalar curvature is constant
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