7,806 research outputs found

    On the recombination in high-order harmonic generation in molecules

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    We show that the dependence of high-order harmonic generation (HHG) on the molecular orientation can be understood within a theoretical treatment that does not involve the strong field of the laser. The results for H_2 show excellent agreement with time-dependent strong field calculations for model molecules, and this motivates a prediction for the orientation dependence of HHG from the N_2 3s_g valence orbital. For both molecules, we find that the polarization of recombination photons is influenced by the molecular orientation. The variations are particularly pronounced for the N_2 valence orbital, which can be explained by the presence of atomic p-orbitals.Comment: 6 pages 7 figure

    Electrical Transport in High Quality Graphene pnp Junctions

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    We fabricate and investigate high quality graphene devices with contactless, suspended top gates, and demonstrate formation of graphene pnp junctions with tunable polarity and doping levels. The device resistance displays distinct oscillations in the npn regime, arising from the Fabry-Perot interference of holes between the two pn interfaces. At high magnetic fields, we observe well-defined quantum Hall plateaus, which can be satisfactorily fit to theoretical calculations based on the aspect ratio of the device.Comment: to appear in a special focus issue in New Journal of Physic

    Investigation of a direction sensitive sapphire detector stack at the 5 GeV electron beam at DESY-II

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    Extremely radiation hard sensors are needed in particle physics experiments to instrument the region near the beam pipe. Examples are beam halo and beam loss monitors at the Large Hadron Collider, FLASH or XFEL. Currently artificial diamond sensors are widely used. In this paper single crystal sapphire sensors are considered as a promising alternative. Industrially grown sapphire wafers are available in large sizes, are of low cost and, like diamond sensors, can be operated without cooling. Here we present results of an irradiation study done with sapphire sensors in a high intensity low energy electron beam. Then, a multichannel direction-sensitive sapphire detector stack is described. It comprises 8 sapphire plates of 1 cm^2 size and 525 micro m thickness, metallized on both sides, and apposed to form a stack. Each second metal layer is supplied with a bias voltage, and the layers in between are connected to charge-sensitive preamplifiers. The performance of the detector was studied in a 5 GeV electron beam. The charge collection efficiency measured as a function of the bias voltage rises with the voltage, reaching about 10 % at 950 V. The signal size obtained from electrons crossing the stack at this voltage is about 22000 e, where e is the unit charge. The signal size is measured as a function of the hit position, showing variations of up to 20 % in the direction perpendicular to the beam and to the electric field. The measurement of the signal size as a function of the coordinate parallel to the electric field confirms the prediction that mainly electrons contribute to the signal. Also evidence for the presence of a polarisation field was observed.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    High-speed Civil Transport Aircraft Emissions

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    Estimates are given for the emissions from a proposed high speed civil transport (HSCT). This advanced technology supersonic aircraft would fly in the lower stratosphere at a speed of roughly Mach 1.6 to 3.2 (470 to 950 m/sec or 920 to 1850 knots). Because it would fly in the stratosphere at an altitude in the range of 15 to 23 km commensurate with its design speed, its exhaust effluents could perturb the chemical balance in the upper atmosphere. The first step in determining the nature and magnitude of any chemical changes in the atmosphere resulting from these proposed aircraft is to identify and quantify the chemically important species they emit. Relevant earlier work is summarized, dating back to the Climatic Impact Assessment Program of the early 1970s and current propulsion research efforts. Estimates are provided of the chemical composition of an HSCT's exhaust, and these emission indices are presented. Other aircraft emissions that are not due to combustion processes are also summarized; these emissions are found to be much smaller than the exhaust emissions. Future advances in propulsion technology, in experimental measurement techniques, and in understanding upper atmospheric chemistry may affect these estimates of the amounts of trace exhaust species or their relative importance

    How to do (or not to do)… Measuring health worker motivation in surveys in low- and middle-income countries.

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    A health system's ability to deliver quality health care depends on the availability of motivated health workers, which are insufficient in many low income settings. Increasing policy and researcher attention is directed towards understanding what drives health worker motivation and how different policy interventions affect motivation, as motivation is key to performance and quality of care outcomes. As a result, there is growing interest among researchers in measuring motivation within health worker surveys. However, there is currently limited guidance on how to conceptualize and approach measurement and how to validate or analyse motivation data collected from health worker surveys, resulting in inconsistent and sometimes poor quality measures. This paper begins by discussing how motivation can be conceptualized, then sets out the steps in developing questions to measure motivation within health worker surveys and in ensuring data quality through validity and reliability tests. The paper also discusses analysis of the resulting motivation measure/s. This paper aims to promote high quality research that will generate policy relevant and useful evidence

    A multi-decadal meridional displacement of the Subpolar Front in the Newfoundland Basin

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    Observations since the 1950s show a multi-decadal cycle of a meridional displacement of the Subpolar Front (SPF) in the Newfoundland Basin (NFB) in the North Atlantic. The SPF displacement is associated with corresponding variations in the path of the North Atlantic Current. We use the ocean general circulation model MPIOM with enhanced horizontal and vertical resolutions and forced with NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data to study the relation of the SPF displacement to atmospheric forcing, intensities of the subpolar gyre (SPG) and Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC), and Labrador Sea Water (LSW) volume. The simulations indicate that the SPF displacement is associated with a circulation anomaly between the SPG and the subtropical gyre (STG), an inter-gyre gyre with a multi-decadal time scale. A sensitivity experiment indicates that both wind stress curl (WSC) and heat fluxes (which match LSW changes) contribute to the circulation anomalies in the frontal region and to the SPF displacement. An anticyclonic inter-gyre gyre is related to negative WSC and LSW anomalies and to a SPF north of its climatological position, indicating an expanding STG. A cyclonic inter-gyre gyre is related to positive WSC and LSW anomalies and a SPF south of its climatological position, indicating an expanding SPG. Therefore, the mean latitudinal position of the SPF in the NFB (a "SPF index") could be an indicator of the amount of LSW in the inter-gyre region. Spreading of LSW anomalies intensifies the MOC, suggesting our SPF index as predictor of the MOC intensity at multi-decadal time scales. The meridional displacement of the SPF has a pronounced influence on the meridional heat transport, both on its gyre and overturning components.<br

    Surface flux drivers for the slowdown of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a high resolution global coupled climate model

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    This paper investigates the causation for the decline of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) from approximately 17 Sv to about 9 Sv, when the atmospheric resolution of the Max Planck Institute-Earth System Model is enhanced from ∼1° to ∼0.5°. The results show that the slowdown of the AMOC is caused by the cessation of deep convection. In most modeling studies, this is thought to be controlled by buoyancy fluxes in the convective regions, for example, by surface freshwater flux that is introduced locally or via enormous input from glacier or iceberg melts. While we find that freshwater is still the key to the reduction of AMOC seen in the higher-resolution run, the freshening of the North Atlantic does not need to be directly caused by local freshwater fluxes. Instead, it can be caused indirectly through winds via a reduced wind-driven gyre circulation and salinity transport associated to this circulation, as seen in the higher-resolution run. © 2019. The Authors

    Response of northern North Atlantic and Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to reduced and enhanced wind stress forcing

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    Surface wind stress strongly influences AMOC variability on interannual time scales. On longer time scales, however, its role in AMOC variations is less clear. Here, we show a non-linear AMOC response to globally reduced and enhanced wind stress forcing, based on sensitivity experiments with MPI-ESM1.2. Under reduced wind stress forcing, the AMOC strength strongly decreases. In contrast, under enhanced wind stress forcing the AMOC strength increases only in the first decades and then decreases, stabilizing at a value similar to the reference simulation. To reveal possible mechanisms underlying this response, we assess the response of the northern North Atlantic circulation and climate to the changed wind stress forcing. Initially, the response is linear: reduced wind stress forcing weakens the gyre circulation and the associated heat and salt transport, leading to larger winter sea ice extent and a shutdown of subpolar deep convection. In the Nordic Seas, the fresher and lighter subsurface state leads to a decrease in the baroclinic pressure and the overflow strength. Under enhanced wind stress forcing, initially the opposite is happening. However, eventually subpolar surface density anomalies are determined by warmer temperature rather than increased salinity, leading to a decrease in surface density and a weakening of subpolar deep convection. The resulting AMOC weakening reduces the Atlantic inflow salinity, and subsequently the Nordic Seas baroclinic pressure and overflow strength. The quasi-equilibrium response of the northern North Atlantic circulation and climate under enhanced wind stress forcing differs from the reference simulation, even though the AMOC strength converges