38 research outputs found

    Žuželke, odlični prenašalci različnih bolezni

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    POVZETEK Uveljavitev Zakona o javnih uslužbencih v letu 2003, je prinesla novosti tudi na področju razvoja in upravljanja s kadri. 105. člen zakona določa, da mora nadrejeni spremljati delo, strokovno usposobljenost in kariero javnih uslužbencev in vsaj enkrat letno opraviti o tem razgovor z vsakim javnim uslužbencem. Letni pogovor je ključni element spremljanja kadrov in usmerjanja kariere javnih uslužbencev. Je oblika načrtnega dela vodij s sodelavci, usmerjenega v njihovo strokovno usposobljenost, razvojni potencial in delovno uspešnost. Cilj je zagotoviti učinkovito javno upravo na podlagi sposobnih, usposobljenih in učinkovitih javnih uslužbencev. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in raziskovalni del. V teoretičnem delu opisujemo predstavitev problema in metode dela. Sledi teoretična opredelitev letnih razgovorov, njihov namen, razlika med ocenjevalnim intervjujem in rednim letnim razgovorom, trening vodij, vsebina pogovora, priprava, potek, neposredno po razgovoru in problemi pri izvedbi rednih letnih razgovorov. Predstavljeno je Ministrstvo za javno upravo in proces informatizacije letnega razgovora. V raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge smo skušali s pomočjo ankete ugotoviti kakšno je trenutno stanje izvajanja rednih letnih razgovorov na Ministrstvu za javno upravo. Zanimali so nas odgovori na naslednja raziskovalna vprašanja: organiziranost rednih letnih razgovorov, njihova koristnost, primernost tem, usposobljenost vodij za izvajanje le-teh in pomanjkljivosti vodenja rednih letnih razgovorov. Na osnovi rezultatov ankete in njihove analize ter teoretičnih spoznanj smo podali ugotovitve in predloge izboljšav.ABSTRACT As the Civil Service Act entered into the force in year 2003, it also brought some newness on the field of development and human resources managing. According to the Article 105 of the mentioned act the public servant’s principle has to observe his work, his professional qualifications and the career of the public servant. For this purpose, the principle has to perform a discourse with each of his subordinate public servants at least once a year. The annual discourse is the key element in contemplating the public servant’s career and to direct it. It is a form of the principle’s planned work with his subordinate to achieve their higher capacity and efficiency. Nevertheless, the high quality and efficiency of the public administration as a whole derives from capable, responsible and professionally qualificated public servants. A degree project is divided into a theoretical and research part. The problem itself and the methods of work are presented In the theoretical part of the project. The project continues with the defining of the annual discourse, it’s purpose, a difference between the assessing interview and the annual discourse, the methods which are used to prepare the superior public servants to perform the annual discourse, the contents of the discourse, preparatory work and the presentation of the existing problems regarding the annual discourses. The work of the Ministry of Public Administration regarding the computer based annual discourse is also presented in the project. At the research part of the degree project we were trying to establish the temporary state of the annual discourse at the Ministry for Public Administration by using the opinion poll as a method. The research questions were about the arrangement of the annual discourses, what is the use of annual discourses, how suitable the topics of the annual discourses are and what are the defectivenesses of them. According to the results that we got using the opinion poll and the further analysis we extended the conclusions and defined where could still be a room for improvements