11 research outputs found

    Dødsulykker med jetfly i det norske Luftforsvaret på 1950-tallet

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    Denne oppgaven tar sikte på å undersøke dødsulykkene med jetfly i det norske luftforsvaret på 1950-tallet. Oppgaven vil inkludere en innledning som presenterer forskningsmateriale og forskningsstatus, samt en historisk kontekst for de undersøkte hendelsene. Videre vil en analyse av dødsulykkene bli utført, med særlig fokus på årsakene bak ulykkene og mulige sammenhenger mellom dem. Her fant jeg ut at det var menneskelig svikt som var det største problemet til ulykkene. Jeg vil også komme med de viktigste resultatene jeg gjorde meg ut ifra analysen. Dette var for eksempel at flytypen F-84 Thunderjet var flyet pilotene benyttet seg av i de fleste av ulykkene jeg analyserer. I tillegg fikk mange av pilotene som krasjet sin grunnutdannelse i USA. Argumentet i denne bacheloroppgaven er derfor at det er flere årsaker til at disse ulykkene oppstod, og at det mest sannsynlig er en sammenheng mellom flere av disse aspektene.This thesis aims to investigate the fatal accidents involving jet aircraft in the Norwegian Air Force in the 1950s. The assignment will include an introduction that presents research material and research status, as well as a historical context for the investigated events. Furthermore, an analysis of the fatal accidents will be carried out, with particular focus on the causes behind the accidents and possible connections between them. Here I found out that it was human error that was the biggest problem with the accidents. I will also present the most important results I made from the analysis. This was, for example, that the aircraft type F-84 Thunderjet was the aircraft used by the pilots in most of the accidents I analyse. In addition, many of the pilots who crashed received their basic education in the USA. The argument in this bachelor's thesis is therefore that there are several reasons why these accidents occurred, and that there is most likely a connection between several of these aspects

    Scenario Analyses Concerning Energy Efficiency and Climate Protection in Regional and National Residential Building Stocks. Examples from Nine European Countries. - EPISCOPE Synthesis Report No. 3

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    This report documents methodological aspects and selected results of the scenario analyses to assess refurbishment as well as energy saving processes and project future energy consumption.. It covers scenario calculations conducted for regional residential building stocks in Salzburg/Austria, the Comunidat Valenciana/Spain, the Piedmont Region/Italy, the national non-profit housing stock in the Netherlands as well as the national residential building stocks in Germany, England, Greece, Norway, and Slovenia. Thereby, the objective of the scenario analysis is not a prediction of future energy demand in the respective building stock. Rather, the objective is to show the potential future impact of predefined assumptions. This may help respective key actors and policy makers to decide on strategies and policies for transforming building stocks towards carbon dioxide neutrality

    Tracking of Energy Performance Indicators in Residential Building Stocks – Different Approaches and Common Results - EPISCOPE Synthesis Report No. 4

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    A central task of IEE EPISCOPE project was to carry out energy balance calculations and scenario analysis for national, regional or local residential building stocks against the background of energy saving and climate protection targets. The EPISCOPE Synthesis Report No. 4 documents the individual approaches of collecting information for the investigated residential building stocks as a foundation for building stock models and scenario calculations. Issues related to the availability of data and data quality are discussed, and concepts for a continuous monitoring (a regular data collection) are presented as a basis for a future tracking of energy performance in the observed building stocks

    1207 Use of energy profile indicators to determine the expected range of heating energy consumption

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    A small set of query variables designed to collect information about the energy-related features of residential buildings is presented. These “energy profile indicators” include information about those visible characteristics of a building which have a notable impact on its energy performance and are simple to assess. The queries are an interesting source for a rough energy performance calculation for single buildings as well as for housing portfolios or housing stocks.A method has been developed to transform the energy profile indicators into input data for a physical calculation model. It consists of procedures to estimate the envelope area, U-values, and efficiency values of the heat supply system. To all model input variables an uncertainty is assigned. If information from a query is not available, the model input is set to a state representing the average building stock and the uncertainty of this quantity is adjusted to a value reflecting the variance in the stock. The resulting uncertainty of the calculated energy use is determined.Examples of the application of the method are given to show the influence of different unknown quantities including occupant behaviour. Experiences on the coherence with metered consumption are reported

    Monitoring der KfW-Programme "Energieeffizient Sanieren" und "Energieeffizient Bauen" 2016

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    KfW-Programm „Energieeffizient Sanieren“: Im Rahmen des Programms wurden im Jahr 2016 mehr als 126.000 Förderzusagen für Maßnahmen an rund 276.000 Wohnungen erteilt. Durch die geförderten Modernisierungsvorhaben wird insgesamt eine Endenergieeinsparung von rund 1.700 Gigawattstunden pro Jahr (bzw. 1,7 Mrd. Kilowattstunden pro Jahr) erreicht (bezogen auf Brennstoffe, Strom und Fernwärme, ohne Solar- und Umweltwärme).Die Primärenergieeinsparung (bei Betrachtung des Bedarfs an nicht-erneuerbaren Energieträgern) beträgt rund 2.100 Gigawattstunden pro Jahr. Die Treibhausgasminderung der im Jahr 2016 geförderten Gebäudemodernisierungen beläuft sich auf einen Wert von etwa 616.000 Tonnen CO2e pro Jahr. Darin sind neben den direkten Emissionen des Treibhausgases CO2 auch indirekte vorgelagerte Emissionen bei der Gewinnung der eingesetzten Energieträger und die auf CO2-Äquivalente umgerechneten Emissionen weiterer Treibhausgase berücksichtigt. Für die Ermittlung der Beschäftigungseffekte wurden die Gesamtinvestitionskosten der energiesparenden Modernisierungsmaßnahmen aus den KfW-Antragsdaten zugrunde gelegt. Diese Investitionen in Höhe von 10,1 Mrd. € (inkl. MwSt.) bewirkten Beschäftigungseffekte im Umfang von 115.000 Personenjahren (PJ).KfW-Programm „Energieeffizient Bauen“: Im Jahr 2016 wurden in dem Programm „Energieeffizient Bauen“ rund 73.000 Neubauvorhabenmit 159.000 Wohnungen gefördert. Gemessen an der Zahl der Baugenehmigungen im Jahr 2016 (laut Bautätigkeitsstatistik rund 317.000 Wohnungen), erreicht die Förderung damit einen Anteil von etwa 50 % am deutschen Wohnungsneubau. Die jährlichen Endenergieeinsparungen der im Jahr 2016 geförderten Neubauten belaufen sich auf rund 430 Gigawattstunden pro Jahr gegenüber dem Referenzfall Energieeinsparverordnung(EnEV).Die Primärenergieeinsparung (nicht-erneuerbare Energieträger) errechnet sich zu etwa550 Gigawattstunden pro Jahr. Die Treibhausgasminderung, die durch die 2016 geförderten Neubauten erreicht wurde, beträgt rund 182.000 Tonnen CO2e pro Jahr (CO2-Äquivalente mit Vorketten) gegenüber dem Referenzfall. Für die Ermittlung der Beschäftigungseffekte wurden die Gesamtinvestitionskosten der energieeffizienten Neubaumaßnahmen aus den KfW-Antragsdaten zugrunde gelegt. Diese Investitionen in Höhe von 39,6 Mrd. € (inkl. MwSt.) bewirkten Beschäftigungseffekte im Umfang von 429.000 Personenjahren (PJ)

    Determination of the shear modulus of colloidal solids with high accuracy

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    We report high accuracy and precision measurements of the shear modulus of colloidal solids formed from monodisperse charged latex spheres contained in an aqueous electrolyte. Standard preparational techniques as well as a recently reported advanced deionization method are applied to prepare transparent, bcc-crystalline samples at precisely controlled low volume fractions Φ= 0.003 and salt concentrations Cs≤2 μC_{\rm s}\leq2~\mumol l-1. The experimental parameters are found to be extremely stable if certain precautious measures are taken. At constant experimental conditions samples of different morphologies are prepared via controlled solidification and further shear processing. Their structure, texture and morphology are analysed by various static light scattering methods. A new, non destructive, time resolved static light scattering technique is used to detect the resonant torsional vibrations excited within a cylindrical sample. Shear moduli in dependence on the concentration of excess electrolyte are calculated from the resonance spectra and compared for several sample morphologies. For the first time a sufficiently high resolution is achieved to clearly discriminate between the influence of the morphology of the sample and of the experimental parameters. We discuss the possible applications of this new approach of high accuracy shear modulus measurements in colloidal crystals to a wide range of interesting experiments